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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The awakening of the half-breed by Brandi B. (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «The awakening of the half-breed by Brandi B. (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Brandi B.

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The ehem (cough cough) sleepover

As Lauren shut the door behind me, I saw it was Lennie that was holding me.I looked away my face a bright cherry red. He gentely set me down in a chair and sat on the other side of the table. The girls sat down next to me. I waved my hand at the door, and a blue like wall shot up around all the sides of the house. "Ummmmm....what's that?" Mel asked. "Something that makes sure no one can hear us or get in....." "Oh!" "So let me go make dinner...." An hour later I came out with stakes,mashed potatoes,mixed veggies, and gravy. I waited till everyone had filled their plates till I sat down. "Your not hungry?" Lauren asked. "No not really...." "Even after all the running you did today...?" "Ya...I'm rarley ever hungry...." "Well we got blood in the fridge if you want to try that..." "No thanks....Im good!" After everyone had finnished eating I said "I'm tired..." and gave Lennie a small wink that thankfuly neither of the girls saw. "Me too.." All of them answered at the same time. "Well we only have one extra bedroom, so I guess you two will have to share..." I read her thoughts and she was thinking "MMM she is going to have fun tonight..." I think she knew I was reading her thoughts, because she gave me a wink. I glared at her, and if looks could kill she would be burt to ahshes and then some.

I had just gotten all my cloths off and reached for Laurens extra nightgown, when a warm,soft,gentel hand stopped me. I looked over my shoulder to see Lennie, butt naked. I looked him up and down, from his sandy blond hair to his muscular abbs,etc. He turned me around to face him and kissed me passionatly,softly, then harder. Then with no effort at all he lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his back. He grabbed my ass and pushed me into him. I sofly moaned with pleasure, but he cutt it off quickly with a kiss. We fell onto the bed and he was ontop off me, my legs still wrapped around him. "" I maneged between gasps of air. "Oh I am alot more than cute" He growled. I pulled myself up into him, and he was the one that groaned. "Is that how you want to play?" He asked as he pushed down and I pulled him down."ooooooooo" I maoaned. Then I was ontop, and he pushed into me. "Is that how yo want to play?" I repeated his words, as I pushed down. He moaned really loud...thankfully I had put up a sound barrier. Now he was ontop of me growling as he kissed up my neck, and then on my mouth, toungs dancing inside each others mouths. We fell apart on the bed, gasping for air. "You.....were...... awesome...!" I said. "You....were....tooo....!" Good thing I had found out you could only get pregnant in wolf form. I fell asleep back facing him and his arm around me.

I woke up the next morning to hear the bath running.I crept in and didn't see anyone there, but the bath was turned off. I felt someone grab me by the waist, and I started to squirm and kick. But with a big "SPLASH" I was in the tub. "Hey no fair, cheater!" I said as I saw him standing over the tub with a grin. He started to walk away when I grabbed his arm and pulled him in. "Now who's the cheater?" He mocked me. "Still you!" He started to chuckled, but I cut him off with a kiss. "haha!" I teased as I ran out of the bathroom and hid in the closet. "Oh no you dont!" I heard as he raced out of the bathroom. I held my breath staying very quiet, when he oped the door and said "Boo!" I gigled and tried to run, but this time he grabbed me and twirled me around. "Weeeee..." I said sarcastically. He chuckled. "Their coming!" We quickly dressed and he looked like he fell asleep on the floor, and I was under the covers in the bed, my breath evening. "Wake....UUUUUUPPPPPPP!" I heard Lauren say. "Leave me alone to sleep!" I heard them say toghether "1.....2......3!!!!!!!!!!!" as the covers were yanked off of me. In an extra effort to make it look good I pulled the pillow over my head. They pulled that off too. "Huff!" I blew out of my mouth. "Lets go wake up sleepy head...." She said. "Okay..." I yawned. I actually think he fell asleep.... "WAKE YOUR DAMM ASS UP!" Lauren yelled. He just snored. Then she pulled the waist band of the boxers back and let then go snapping them on his lower back. "OW THAT @###@%@#$%@%@#$ HURT!" We started to burst out laughing, as he grumbled and walked down stairs. "Stupid damm boxers....grumble... grumble.... why elastic....grumble....grumble..."

The nightmare at the beach (Didn't start out that way)

We had gotton dressed, eaten breakfast, and I said "So what do you wanna do today?" "Well you guys are the Alphas....Soooooo" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ALPHAS, PLURAL?!" "Don't denie it we smell you two alllll over each other...." I sighed deeply, and loudly. "Well why don't we go to the beach?" I asked. "Ok" they all said. They tossed me a badingsuit and started laughing. I looked at it, and it had holes anywhere it could, and I mean anywhere..... "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" They were cracking up really bad now. *Sigh* I toss it in Laurens face, go through the box and find a sutible, black bikini (with no holes...). I went into the bathroom to change and we were off. When we had stepped outside there were Dude and George in wolf form *of course*. George tried to jump on me from behind *not attacking.....* when Lennie *not in wolf form* pounced on him, grabbed him by the throat, and slammed him into the ground saying, no stating "Back...Of...She's mine!" His tail was now between his legs, and they both ran off. I gentley wrapped my arm around his so he couldn't run off after them *To cool him down you may say*. We contniued down to the beach and I ran into the water *}:) *. He ran in after me and then was gone. I looked around and found him behind me. "Take a deep breath...." "WAIT WHAT?!" He was gone again and I felt someone grabb my foot, then leg and pull me under. "HEY!..." was all I got out before I was under. He poped back up before me and was laughing really hard. I jumped out of the water and onto his back pushing him back in. Lauren laughed saying as we countinued our playing "Their just like little kids. "I'm gunna get you!" He said as we ran around the beach at inhuman speed, laughing the whole time. Then Lily came, hearing about the fun on the beach.Then they came, not in wolf form though..... They surrounded Lily *I could smell the achoal on them* "Lily watch out!" I screamed as they surrounded her, saying "Hey beautiful, wanna have some fun?" Someone grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back. "LET.....ME....GO....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I growled. I struggled even after I felt the pinprick in my neck. I started to feel sleepy, but I wouldn't give up. I felt somehow attached to I wasn't remembering something important. "Lilly........." was all I said before I saw black. I woke up in the spare bedroom, and was sure everyone was asleep. I still felt groggy, but I new she was still there and needed my help. I was out the door and on my way there when I heard behind me "Lennie!" I heard running. I didn't care, I had to get her, had to. Someone tried to pick me up, but I jumped down, and used vampire speed. They caught up and this time were able to, and I squirmed trying to get out of their arms, but they held tighter, to the point I almost,almost couldn't breath. I was gently placed down on the bed and I stared, stared at the spot on the wall. Never moving,never eating. Someone came in with a I-V drip. That was the one time I got up, *angered* and ripped it, burnt it to dust, got back on the bed, and continued to stare at the stupid spot on the wall. I should die. I do not deserve to live. I abandoned her, my little lily. What was I talking about?! I had never seen her in my life! Yet, somehow I was attached, as if I knew her, but I couldn't put a finger on it. It was night now, again...and this time I was sure they were all asleep. I sniffed the air to make sure. Yep I was right, I had checked their minds too. I was at the beach in seconds flat. I saw them, kissing her, while she was still trying to resit. I was disgusted and infuriated. I grabbed them both by their throats, and threw them, a cupple, OK more than a cupple hundred feet maybe a thousand, feet into the oceans unforgiving waves. I snarled a dark evil laugh. Then I gently went towards her, and picked her up and we were in the spare room in seconds. "Hey.." I said gently. "you came for me...." she managed to rasp out. "Ya I did...why wouldn't I, your a pack member, and I don't know why, but I feel attached to you somehow." The others had thought I had gone mad and was talking to myself, but then they saw Lily on the bed. I snarled and a blue wall shot up. They had all started running and smashed into this. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" They all screeched as a glowing light emanated from me into Lily. "YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF FROM HOW WEAK YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!!!!!" Lennie yelled as he pounded against the wall,.....crying? " her....I don't care if I long as she's OK...." The light stopped, and Lily was fully healed I could sense it. The wall shot down as I fell, falling into black. At least I had saved her. Then I remembered everything as I heard Lennie yelling "GET ME BLOOD OR SOMETHING PLEASE!...don't die....please! I love you!"

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