Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The awakening of the half-breed by Brandi B. (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «The awakening of the half-breed by Brandi B. (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Brandi B.

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he pushed the knife closer it snaped. I was cracking up now as everyones head was titled to the side staring in confusion. Two of his men chained me and the others back to the wall, and I laughed, harder still. I then twithched my wrist and the chains and wall shattered into pieces. I stopped laughing and had a serious look on my face. "Now lets continue our chat....." I started. "What did you mean, you taught me, for I have never met you, and will probably kill you myself." "Would you kill your father." I let out a snarl. "YOU.....ARE......NOT......MY.........FATHER!!!" I roared, putting empasis on each word. I then lunged at him pinning him to the ground, as he laughed. " I have nor father, nor mother." I was on my own from the start, myself and Lily. I took care of her till they found us." I nodded twoards Lennie and the others. "And then 'Uncle Tom' erased every single memory I had, I'v just got them back, and I'm not about to lose them again you bastard!" I snarled. I lunged for his throat, but something stopped me. "Your little mind tricks wont work on me." I said, as my fangs grazed his neck. "I should make you suffer for what you and 'Uncle Tom' did to me." I slowly started to pell away the skin of his neck as he screamed. "B..l..u..e" I heard over the screaming and stopped. My head wipped around to Lily who was still passed out to Lennie, who was slowly coming twoards me. I could tell I looked like a moster. My vision tinted red from rage. "If you drink his blood you die...." I had let him bleed quite a lot, just waching it flow from his neck, across the floor, and out the door. and he was on the verge of death. " Cummon Blue, just commer...." I looked at this man who had caused me so much pain. I put my hand into his chest, ripped out his heart and drove a chair leg through it. Then I went next to Lennie and cried into his chest, as I wached the man, that had hurt me so much, just turn to dust and float out the window. I undid everyones chains, and told Lennie to make sure veryones hands were joined. He asked why. "Because I'm trying something new." Soon we colapsed in the spare room, everyone healed but me, as once again I fell asleep. If for good, I didn't know, all I knew was it was sleep. Peace, darkness and calm.

Betrayal's a Bithch

Again I woke up. Why the hell can't I just die?! It would be a lot easier! I woke up with a blood I-V drip hooked up to me. Smart move. But I heard someone kissing. I sat up and took the needle out. I turned my head towards the noise and found Lennie kissing Lily. Betray's a bitch. They noticed I was awake. "'s not what you think" they both said. I snorted. "Yea. Whatever, all people ever wanted me for was power, not love, and you two are the same as the rest." I said, and was out the door, and half-way across the country in seconds. I made sure I covered my scent trail. I was thirsty now, and saw the perfect prey. A huge mountain-lion. But for some odd reason I didn't want to eat it and my thirst dimmed by a considerable amount. "What are you?" I asked coming towards the animal. "The question is what are you?" The mountain lion asked as it turned into a girl. This girl had long flowing blond hair, down to the hips at least, pure emerald green eyes, a fair complexion, was about my height, and was just beautiful. Now what the hell is going on?! "Who are you?" I asked the girl. "And please don't go all fortune cookie on me I hate that." The girl laughed. "Name is Melina." She said handing out her hand. "Your not gunna like flip me over and chop off my head or somefin right?" I asked. She laughed again. "No" and held out her hand once more. I put my hand in hers and said "Blue" She gasped when I said my name. "What am I like a fugitive or something?! Cause I have no clue why you just did that..." She laughed again. "No..." Her face turned serious. "But you need to come with me...." I groaned. "But i'm thirsty!" I wined. "You can get food there......" "Fine!" I huffed as she started to drag me...where? I have no clue.

I don't think were in Kansas anymore dumb-ass, i think were in deep shit!

After a cupple of miles, she turned towards me and said "Touch my arm then change." "Uh....Why?" I asked. "Just do it!" She sighed. So I touched her arm and a red light emanated from my eyes. I gasped and fell to the ground changing, and when I was finished I was a '8"00 tall mountain lion. "Holy shit!" I thought. Melina laughed. ""Whats so funny?! First wolf, then vampire, then witch powers, and now fuckin shape-shifter?! What am I the whole world?!" She laughed harder. The I thought about being a oversized tiger.And what'da know I was a fuckin '8"00 tall tiger. She gasped. I soon went back to my normal self. This is weird.

Soon enough we got to a big tree with a door in it. A leopard jumped out of a tree and I hissed, crouching. He turned into a really handsome guy. No! I won't let myself fall in love again. All people want me for is my powers. He was handsome though. Jet black hair, emerald green eyes, a little taller than me, a lot (emphasis on the a lot)of muscles, and really nice lips. I was still crouched hissing. NOT taking chances. "Hey sis!" He yelled at Melina. I slowly straightened out of my crouch. I looked at my arm. I was invisible, god damn that's cool! "I thought you said you had someone with you" the boy said. "Ya I do Leo! This is...Hey were'd she go?!" "Uh right here...I'm invisible and I don't know how to turn back....." I said. "Ahhhhh..." Melina said. "Really?! She can turn invisible?! No Way!!!!" Leo yelled. I slowly saw a deer pass by. My thirst was burning and closing my lungs by now. I pounced on the deer draining it, my invisibility fading. "That's better..." I said as I sat down in the grass beginning to meditate, slowly rising off the floor. I heard footsteps behind me. "I know your there so don't bother trying to surprise me!" I said opening my eyes, and spinning around to face them. Then I had a premonition. They were torturing me trying to get me to use my powers. I ran, and ran, and ran till I was at the ocean. I dove in changing into a dolphin, swimming and swimming, never looking back. No one loved me, no one cared, I was just a waste of space. I was like a power outlet. Nobody wanted me for anything other than power.

I hadn't realized were I was going till I was drawn to this coast, and found a deserted Island. Not even animals here. I could die from starvation if I wanted to because there was no source of food either. I turned back into A vampire and went onto the shore, found a cave, crawled in it and cried myself to sleep. No one loved me I was all alone. "I hate the world" I thought as I fell asleep. I woke up to find a starving puppy next to me, curled up for warmth. I easily manifested some food (real food, not just an illusion). "Hey little guy..." I said as I nudged him. He slowly woke up and saw the food in my hand. I slowly put it in front of him. It was at least a pound of meat. He shied away. "Comon, you can eat it..." I said. He slowly came forward and ate. I put out my hand slowly and pat his head, and rubbed it. When he finished I said "Whats your name?". I peeked in his mind and he somehow knew this and said "I have none..." "Oh....How about..." I tried to think of a manly name. "Oh! How about Max?!" I asked. I saw him tilt his head to the side. I formed a mental bond with the animal and he said "I like it!" "Cool! So what are you doing out here?" I asked. " I don't know...." "Ah." "You?" "I ran away, because nobody loves me...they only want me because of my powers...." Ah. Well I love you!" Max said as he licked my face. "Thanks....I love you to!" I just realized, that someone on this planet loved me finally....even if it was a dog...he still loved me, and that's all that matters.

But then the unthinkable happened. I heard someone come on shore....Awww Crap!

The new tribe..." groan" what do they want from me?!

The first thing I noticed was that Max started to growl. And then I heard them. Crap! I pulled max onto my lap and turned invisible. "Quiet! They can't see us!" "o..." I slowly walked deeper into the cave bringing back un-wanted memories. I finally got to a dead end and just sat there hoping they wouldn't find us. Island life was peaceful. I actually found some sheep and cattle and had

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