Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Hidden by Anaya Phoenix (ebook reader wifi .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Hidden by Anaya Phoenix (ebook reader wifi .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Anaya Phoenix

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in a week. ā€œTell Cora and john that Iā€™ll be at the cottage and print out directions and inn housesā€ without a yes or any other word I left. I stepped outside and breathed the warm air into my lungs, god it smelled like her, that earthy dew smell that attracted me to her hung there. I sat down on the porch step and wept, I cried and cried until Cora came out and wrapped her arms around me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. And for one minute I let myself believe that it was Alexis, funny how fast time goes when your pretending.

Ugh! My head is killing me, my back is aching and Iā€™m covered in grime from my head to my toe. I slowly get up as not to aggravate my head, one hand goes to my head and the other to my showing baby bump. Christ how much time do I have left?! I found outā€¦ then thereā€™s thisā€¦ Jesus I only have 2 weeks left! I have to go back to Michael I have to get the hell out of here! Where am I anyway? I look around and see nothing but 4 dirty grimy walls and a steel door that had a paper plate with food and a letter in front of it. A letter?! Who the hell gives a letter to their prisoner?! Crazy people thatā€™s who, I should stop talking to myself and get something to eat, Iā€™m starved. I donā€™t want to test my legs out so I crawl to the tray oooh a tuna sandwich and chips! My favorite, I look to the letter and almost choke the piece of sandwich. In the familiar script it says: Alexis, I swallow the piece of bread and pick up the letter with shaky hands, I pull myself together and rip open the letter:
Hello sweetheart, I really do wish you wouldnā€™t have had such a fit you wouldnā€™t be here now if you would have stopped saying those hurtful lies and calmed down. Ah well I guess itā€™s all going to go fine, I made you a tuna sandwich I remember you like those, but I donā€™t know how you tolerate the after taste. Any matter if you are wondering how long we will keep you here that would be until that forbidden abomination is out of your stomach. Then maybe we can patch things together, but for now youā€™ll just have to live with the fact that weā€™re keeping you here against your will.
Love always,
That evil wench is going to keep me here! Captive until my unborn child is out of me and then god knows what sheā€™ll do to her then. Itā€™s strange because I feel my blood boiling, I feel the anger in my veins but my heart isnā€™t reacting to it. Itā€™s staying at the same lazy heart rate; I look down to my arms and sure enough on my left upper arm the giant beige spot tells all. Theyā€™ve given me a drug to keep my heartbeat normal, sneaky BASTARDS!!!

The whole ride just to get to Canada was nerve breaking, silence, thatā€™s all there was. My mind and my wolf couldnā€™t focus on two things at once, I couldnā€™t focus on holding a stress free conversation and focusing on Alexis, she was just way too important. My thoughts were broken by Cora clearing her throat, I looked to her and watched as she opened and closed her mouth trying to make words come out that would soothe me, but we knew that nothing could soothe me. I leaned my head back and relaxed, we had gotten a phone call saying the weather was the same as it had been since we left. Granted it was probably 8:00 in Alaska it was still warm and vibrant. That worried me, shouldnā€™t it has calmed down, and shouldnā€™t she be calmed, why the hell is it taking so damn long to get to Minnesota?! My wolf kept snapping at me, questions I couldnā€™t and didnā€™t want to answer, but the only question that was frequently asked was ā€˜why the HELL is it taking so damn long to get to Minnesota?!ā€™. Now you would think I would have told him that he needed to calm down and think rationally, I did the damn dog wouldnā€™t listen! He would rather run there, but how exactly could you tell a wolf whoā€™s mate is missing to calm down and think rationally? I sure as hell canā€™t!

I have no idea how I managed to fall asleep, but I did in the fetal position. I guess thatā€™s why my fatherā€™s shell decided it was a good a time as any to approach me, wrong move. I remained still and kept my breathing slow and easy, I peeked under my lashes to see him coming closer to me with the hunger I saw 12 years ago. Though it repulsed me I had to keep my mind blank, my breathing slow and even and my body completely and utterly still. He knelt down next to me and laid his hand on my shoulder. He sent with it a calm and love, pff yeah right calm and understanding my butt, he bent down and tried to claim my mouth in his. Before he could even get in within a couple inches of me I used my strength and grabbed his throat, with extra strength I drew from somewhere, where I have absolutely no idea but it felt right, I tackled him to the ground where he stated pinned down by my hand. He looked at me with clear blue eyes and I smirked, my teeth felt sharper and they poked out from under my lips, I leaned down to his ear ā€œyou should be scared, daddyā€ I told him then punched him in the gut. He ā€˜oomphā€™ and hunched over, I let him up and walked to the door, I didnā€™t feel like leaving, somewhere deep down inside told me to stay where I was, ā€œyou can leave nowā€ I told him when he just stared at me. I growled at him and he shot up and practically raced outside. I slammed the door and sunk behind it, where the HELL did that growl come from, and the strength and the teeth for that matter?! I ran my teeth along my canines and felt nothing but my regular tooth, maybe I was just imagining things, and maybe I was going crazy.

ā€œIā€™M NOT CRAZY, I FELT A WITHDRAWL!!ā€ why wouldnā€™t they understand, we had just stepped inside the doors of the ā€˜snugly ducklingā€™ inn when I felt a withdrawal, my energy was taken. I felt it and I know Iā€™m not crazy, but yet here we are with them looking at me like Iā€™m a maniac. John walks up to the receptionist who was staring at us with fear and confusion, I would be scared to if a crazy man started yelling things like that- wait, I said Iā€™m not crazy! Cora walked over to me and leans her head on my shoulder
ā€œYou think Iā€™m losing it donā€™t youā€ I say looking around at the atmosphere. Itā€™s very yellow, thus the duckling part, but I mean itā€™s like way too much yellow. Yellow furniture, yellow curtains, yellow walls itā€™s like a banana peel in here.
ā€œYeah I think your losing itā€ she said with subdued amusement, she rubs my arm and john walks back to us to hand me my key. I look at the small rectangular piece of wood that has room 7 carved on it. How much longer can I hold my sanity?

How can these people do this to me!! There is absolutely nothing in this room, no bed no sheet nothing! I thought they were supposed to love me! Oh god I actually am going crazy to think that. I had to sleep in a flipping ball last night to keep myself warm, now I have a crick in my neck, my back is sore and my stomach is basically doing back flips! My mental calendar is saying I have 5 days left until she comes out. Normally I would be ecstatic that in 5 days me and my baby could go free, but Iā€™m pretty sure they have no intention of actually freeing me or letting my baby live for that matter. My super powers arenā€™t with me anymore, I canā€™t growl and I have no extra strength. Was I imagining things? Iā€™ll see when he comes down, if he decides to come down. The door unbolts and I see a wisp of blue hair, I grit my teeth together, I donā€™t want to see him. The bastard claimed to have loved me but yet he just sits by while they keep me imprisoned down here!
ā€œIt isnā€™t that simpleā€ he muttered and put down a tray of what looks to be steak and potatoes. Iā€™m hungry but Iā€™m pissed at him so I wonā€™t scurry to it. I look at him with hatred and disgust
ā€œPlease donā€™t do this lexy, just accept it and then-ā€œ
ā€œACCEPT IT!ā€ my super powers are coming back and I stand up. My legs arenā€™t cramped anymore, they feel strong and powerful.
ā€œYOU WANT ME TO ACCEPT THE FACT THAT MY OWN PARENTS WANT TO KEEP ME DOWN HERE BECAUSE OF MY UNBORN CHILD!?ā€ I step closer until Iā€™m right in front of him and smell his watery musk
ā€œI WIL NOT ACCEPT THAT, YOU CANNOT MAKE ME!ā€ I scream in his face. I donā€™t feel bad about screaming at him, he deserves this,
ā€œI want you to accept the fact that the abomination you call your child will be disposed of and then you will take your proper mateā€ his face twists into something Iā€™ve never seen before. Anger and pain. I can practically smell the water outside the walls wanting to come in. I look at him curiously,
ā€œWho told you to say thatā€ I ask slowly,
ā€œWe can smell each otherā€™s liesā€
ā€œThe only thing I c can smell on you is that dog!ā€ he yells in my face. I donā€™t know what the hell has gotten into him but quite frankly I donā€™t like it. Once again my anger boils in my blood but my heart remains at its lazy pace. I clench my fists together at my sides and feel my strength return to me.
ā€œthat DOG is my TRUE MATE, and for you lying to me I should rip your nose off and stick it up your ungrateful, stupid, lying piece of crap ASS!ā€ I kick his shin and he falls down, I use that advantage and knee him in the face. He falls down with a thud holding his nose and his shin; I run to the door and yank it open. I have to be extremely quiet or they will hear me, I tiptoe up the stairs and check to my left and my right. I donā€™t hear any voice so I speed walk/ tiptoe through the living room. The coast is still clear I slowly open the door and I just hear voices coming down the stairs when I close the door behind me and make it safely to the woods behind the house.

There it is again, that DAMN withdrawal!! I sit up in the bed and look around the sun lit, I swore for a minute I thought I smelt her, that wonderful earthy smell that would easily lull me back to sleep if she were here. But sheā€™s not; I rub my face and let out a shaky breath. The tears are
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