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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Book online «Hidden by Anaya Phoenix (ebook reader wifi .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Anaya Phoenix

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I get off the elevator I smell her, that heavenly mixture of earth and rain, I follow it to room 303. There she is lying on the bed with a white hospital dress on and wet curly hair. Her eyes are brown so I assume they have her medicated,
“Hey sweetie pops” yep definitely medicated. I walk to her and kiss her forehead
“I missed you” she says softly with her eyes closed “I was so scared, and you weren’t there, I thought they did something terrible to you” her voice cracks. I caress her now clean face,
“I’m here now, and I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon”
“That’s good I don’t think I could handle it if you- ow, ow, OW!!” she screams and squeezes her eyes closed. She holds my hand and squeezes superman strength, it hurts but any type of touch from her is good.
“Why the HELL does it hurt so bad after the medication, god it’s like she’s ripping my stomach open!” She yells at me. I have no idea what I’m supposed to say ‘good job’ or ‘keep up the work’ I’m pretty sure she would kill me for that one. So instead I form a tight lip smile and leave it at that, after just reuniting with her I have no intention of dying.
“There the mama to be is” Cora says from the door way, Alex’s face lights up
“Cora this baby is trying to kill me” she complains half heartedly.
“If she’s got any of our blood she would have succeeded” Alex goes still and her eyes widen. I don’t know why she’s so scared now, and then I remember the vision. The girls green eye’s she is a wolf and god knows how she’s going to come out.

Oh god, oh god, oh god. She might come out a werewolf, she might kill me, and oh god this is going to be painful. Not that it isn’t painful now but it’s going to be uber painful. I start to hyperventilate and the mute Michael finally decides to speak
“Cora can I talk to you outside for a moment” he’s leaving. Oh god no, why is he leaving, when I need him most he’s going to leave?! What the hell is that about, I grab his hand before he can leave and my super powers come back, I look at Cora and growl showing my now lengthened teeth? She whines and scuttles out the hospital room while Michael looks down at me as if I’m crazy. I calm down and my powers go away leaving me in pain and tired.
“Don’t leave please” I ask him in a small voice, his brow is furrowed but he nods. He sits down and still stares at me, I lay on my side because my back is starting to be pained, I rub his arm and it musters the smell of him that I have missed so dearly. The smell of dog and earth and man and earth. This is the smell that again lulls me to sleep.
It was her! It was her all this time, I knew I wasn’t crazy, there were withdrawals and it came from her. However she did it she conjured my power and used it for herself, her eyes even turned green. She starts to snore and I take it as my cue, I gingerly take her hand off my arm and tip-toe out of the room. I close the door gently and find Cora in the waiting room. She looks at me with confusion
“What the HELL was that Michael?! What did you do to her?!” she practically shrieks.
“I didn’t do anything, it was the withdrawals, they came from her, I told you” I pointed to her, john comes in and sighs
“What happened now” before I could get out one word Cora fills him in
“You weren’t just being paranoid, you actually felt withdrawals” john says blankly, I nod once and remember she’s alone in her room. I walk back without giving them an explanation o find her sitting up with tears coming from her eyes
“Aww baby what happened” I jog to her and rub her back
“You, you left me again”

He almost gave me a damn heart attack! I thought he left me, again, and that I would be all alone and, well alone.
“No, I had to go apologize to Cora for you snapping at her” he says to me calmly, I sniffle and look up into his green eyes,
“You mean it”
“Cross your heart and hope to die” I say half heartedly
“Cross my heart and hope to die”. I move over gingerly so as not to disturb the baby and the medication working to keep me from feeling anything. I pat the space next to me and he only looks into my eyes once, he takes off that stupid blue apron thingy and gets into the bed next to me. He holds my shoulders and I lean into him, as soon as my head hit’s his shoulders another ripping sensation hits me, this time closer to my womanly parts. There’s an annoying beeping sound and the doctor comes in, he looks at the zig zag lines and looks back to me with a sad smile.
“It’s time”.
It can’t be time, I’m not ready isn’t she supposed to wait until I’m ready?! I think it’s a little selfish of her just to come out whenever she wants, and I have to deal with it!

It’s time! They never told me what to do when it was actually time, I actually don’t know who they are so I have to find someone to blame... john I’ll blame john. She looks at me expecting something, I blacked out, and I’m not supposed to do that
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I asked, do you think this will be painful?” she said obviously annoyed. I frowned I want to say ‘how the hell would I know?!’ but I don’t think that would go over well with her.
“It won’t hurt, we’re giving you a c-section” the doctor says while fixing her bed so it moves “you won’t feel a thing” he assures her. I see her exhale a big breath I didn’t know she was holding in. The doctor looks at me
“Your gown, sir?”
“Oh that’s right,” I tied it back around my neck “I’m kind of outta sorts”
“Your out of sorts,” she snorted “try being chained up for 3 frickin’ days”
“I tried to find you” my anger has been lit. I did I nearly went crazy trying to find her!
“Obviously not hard enough” she humphs and smiles at the doctor, who looks pretty damn scared. She nods her head toward the door
“Baby, out, c-section, drugs any of those ring a bell?” she says lightly, the doctor scurries trying to push her out into the hallway. She leans back on the bed and looks up at the lights, only once does her eyes look to mine, she smiles
“Don’t leave ‘kay?” she asks lightly
“Never” I promise her. I don’t plan on going anywhere, anytime soon.

A c-section, ooh I’ve heard those are easy and pain-free. The medicine, which doesn’t seem to be working, should add to that pain-freeliness. I’m wheeled past two big doors that lead to a big silver colored wall room. The doctor stops me in the middle of the floor and leans my bed back,
“I want you to just relax okay, you might feel a little pinch, but that’ll be all, okay?”
I smile brilliantly at him
“That’s better than ok, that’s brilliant!” I say to him. He smiles and then a curtain is up, I can’t see my stomach anymore but I see Michael standing awkwardly in his blue paper dress, he never let go of my hand. Before they put a plastic mask over my mouth I say to him
“It’s gonna be fine, and easy, and pain-free” I say giddily. He smiles and kisses my forehead, how much I missed his kisses I will never be able to explain. I peck his lips really quick and they put the mask on. Whatever wonderful medicine this is I don’t feel a thing, I do feel a slight pinch and look up to see Michael look a little blanched. I want to laugh at him for his un-manliness but I see a quick glimpse of it in one of the mirrors. Instantly I want to throw up, but I just turn my eyes and look at other things. It feels funny what they’re doing down there like when you bite your nail down to the meat than your rub it over a piece of clothing. It kind of tickles. I hear a faint ‘oh my god’ come from Michael and looks up to see him with tears in his eyes. What, what is it? Is something wrong down there, did they disconnect my liver?! Michael disappears from my view but still holds onto my hand, when he comes back he carries a little pink bundle. He leans it ever so slightly and instantly her green eyes lock with mine, I feel the tears welling in my eyes as she coo’s. What I see next though is enough to stop my heart, her green eyes turn pink. The sign of happiness and all I can think is ‘oh crap’.


Publication Date: 12-01-2011

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