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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Mortal Experience by Jordan Leigh (win 10 ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «Mortal Experience by Jordan Leigh (win 10 ebook reader txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Jordan Leigh

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a moment and then we both said “Four.” Coach Cluck got frustrated and turned a slight shade of red before saying “out in the hall, both of you!” we shrugged and walked out into the hall. When the door was closed we both whispered “puede dejar” He smiled and opened his arms. I relaxed into them, and he spoke soft, soothing words while we waited. Val let go of me as soon as Coach Cluck opened the door and stepped out into the hall. He looked at us and said “how old are yall?” I glanced at Val who barely whispered “mantener la calma, todo estĂĄ bien” so low that to the untrained mortal ear, it could not be heard. I quickly replied, “sĂ­ lo sĂ©, estĂĄ escuela es realmente estresante. Estar cerca de todos los mortales es muy difĂ­cil.” Then I said to Coach Cluck “I’m fourteen and Val is fifteen. Why?” “Well I want to know why yall know al of this math.” Val answered for me this time. “At our old school we have already taken this math, but it didn’t count for high school credits, so we must do it again.” Coach Cluck looked skeptical, and said “Penn Academy for the Naturally Gifted.” Coach Cluck nodded once. “Ah, yes. I have heard of that school, but why have yall come here?” he raised an eyebrow. “We are here as a type of field trip foreign exchange program, to see the pace that normal students learn and to see how normal kids act.” He nodded and said, “Fine. Yall come get yall’s stuff and sit out in the hall for the rest of the hour. When the bell ring you may leave.” We nodded and did as he said. When we were alone out in the hall, I started talking to Val about wedding plans. It is going to be on December 24. Its colors are silver, white, and blue like winter. Winter is such a beautiful season. As we discussed our plans, the bell rang and we walked to our last class of the day, English. Val and I sat in the back row, watching the teacher write something all over the white board.
‘Gosh the day is almost over, thank gosh!’ I glanced around, but found no one that was talking to me. I looked at Val, who was talking to some kid I didn’t know. When I looked at him, Val smiled and said, “Calvary, this is Danny Blake, he is also new here and wanted to meet us because we are the other new kids.” I turned to Danny and said, “Are you in our biology class Danny?” he smiled. “Yea I am. So listen I'm going to Jamba Juice after school, do yall wanna come?” I looked at Val, then back to Danny and said, “actually Danny, we have to check in with our host families after school
” he looked disappointed so I quickly added, “but how about tomorrow?” He looked at me and smiled, and then he quickly nodded and went back to his seat before the bell rang. I looked back to Val to say something when I heard ‘this class in going to be so stupid. I should have taken Pre-Ap.’ I looked around but like before, no one was talking to me. I then turned to Val and said quickly “did you hear that?” he looked at me weird and said “hear what?” I just shook my head and said, “I need to talk to alyona. Now!” He nodded and we grabbed our things and walked out to the parking lot.

We held hands and said “A la Academia Preparatoria Velasera. Vaya!” the next thing we know, we are standing in the main hall of Vel Prep. We ran down the hall until we found the door to the stairs that led to the prophetess’ room. We reached the top of the stairs and knocked on the door. “Enter my pupils” we opened the door to her room/ apartment and went into her prophecy room. She was sitting at her table with the crystal ball. She looked young. Her red hair fell around her face and her blue eyes looked at us. “What can I do for you children?” Val and I sat in the chairs in front of her table and I said, “Well, we were at the mortal school, and there was this girl, and as soon as I looked into her eyes I could hear her every thought, feel her emotions, and I saw her entire past. What do you know about this Alyona?” She sighed. “I believe you have found your twin flame, which proves my theory right.” I looked at her funny “twin flame? Theory?” she nodded slowly “da moĭ rebenok. I have known for a while that you had greatness in you. Every four years the Consejo Real comes to me and asks for the next princesa, or queen in training, but for the past two times I have not found one. However, as you came here last year I felt a great power from you, and I believe that you are the next princesa, and this girl is your twin flame, you exact equal. The Consejo Real created the twin flames to keep the queen in check and make sure she does nothing wrong. You finding yours confirms my theory. Tell me Calvary, what is her name?” I sat in shock for a minute then I finally said “Jumelle. Jumelle L’amour.” She got out her book of students and flipped to the L’s and then she scanned the page and looked up. “She is mortal. This isn’t good.” “ Why? Why isn’t it good?” she looked down at her book and whispered, “If she doesn’t become immortal, then you will become mortal, and she will die.” Val’s arm went around me and I began to cry. What was I going to do? Nobody had every changed a mortal into a mortal. Alyona suddenly said, “There is a way.” Val and I both looked up, and when she had our attention, she continued. “You will have to do it on the full moon, so tomorrow night at midnight. You will have to, and I hate to say this, but you’re going to have to drain half of her blood by drinking it and then perform a spell that usually takes three wizards to complete and that would kill you if you were the only one attempting it.” Before I could say anything Val yelled “no. Absolutely not!! She will be killed!” Alyona remained calm and said “not necessarily, you under estimate the power of human blood. It should turn the girl into a vampire and Calvary will stay a witch.” She turned back to me then, and said, “Now the most productive spell will be the Death by Three spell, do you know it?” I shook my head. I leaned it last week when I watched a documentary of the great wizard Merlin. “Good. Perform the spell at exactly midnight or else it won’t work. Oh and one more thing, you must have two witnesses. You must cast a circle of fire around them to make sure the spell doesn’t affect them, but they must be there so that the spell will think there is three wizards casting it. Do you understand?” “yes Alyona.” “will you do it?” Val yelled “NO!” but she was looking at me, and I repeated, “Yes alyona.” Val got up and left the room. Alyona smiled and simply said “he will come around. Good luck princesa.” I nodded and followed Val out of the room. I hurried to catch up with him and I caught him at the foot of the stair and said “Val What is your problem?!” he looked at me; he cheeks were stained pink from tears. He was crying. Why would he be crying? I’m going to live. He said “Horizon...” he used my name that my parents gave me, the name I hadn’t used in years. “ I don’t want you to die.” “then you have to let me do this. And you are going to be a witness so you can save me if something goes wrong.” He nodded and grabbed his hand. “everything is going to be ok. I love you. te amo.” He smiled and said “te amo hasta la Calvary, te quiero más allá de este mundo, es por eso que estoy tan preocupado por.” I smiled an stretched on my tippy toes to kiss him. “lets go to the archery range.” I nodded excitedly. We walked to the school’s archery range and shot until the dinner bell rang. We ate our dragon fillet and parted to our dorms, where I fell asleep right after my shower.

D-Day... the point of no return

“CALVARY GET UP! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!!” “ung” I mumbled and got out of bed. I got dressed and packed my ceremonial casting gown, the dress us witches wear when we have a big event, in my bag. Amber eyed me questioningly and said “what are you doing? I just shook my head and headed for the door, where I ran into Alyona, who was carrying a box. I looked at her for a minute “Alyona? Can I help you?” “Oh yes child, you must not forget this tonight.” She shoved the box into my hands and I just nodded and said “OK thanks” as I inched past her into the hallway. “good luck princesa” I sighed as Amber gasped. Alyona smiled and disappeared. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE THE QUEEN IN TRAINING????” I started walking down the hallway, and when I heard her following me I said “because I just found out yesterday and I have to perform this ritual first and if it fails then I will die. That’s why I didn’t tell you.” She said nothing as we walked out the front doors and got into the car that took us to school. Val and Matt were already in it. Val took one look at Amber and said “I'm guessing that you told her?” I nodded. “And im guessing you told him?” “yea kinda.” “Ugh. Ok so now that everybody knows, I need Amber and Val to both summon both of their ceremonial dress, yall are my witnesses.” They did as I said and packed them in their bags before we got out of the

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