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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Mortal Experience by Jordan Leigh (win 10 ebook reader txt) 📖

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car. I saw Jumelle and quickly said to them, “hey I have to go. Amber and Val we are leaving at lunch. Matt, sorry hun but you have to stay here. ‘Kay bye.” In addition, I hurried over to Jumelle. She smiled as I came up and said “Hi.’ “hi. Im Calvary.” She smiled “yea I know. Im Jumelle, but you can call me elle.” I smiled. “well hello elle. So me and a couple of my friends are going off campus for lunch, do you wanna come?” she hesitated. “I’ve already cleared it with the school.” She nodded and said “yea sure ok.” “I added enthusiasm to my voice and said “Great! Meet us at our table as soon as you get into the cafeteria!” she nodded and the bell rang, telling us to get to class. We both waved at each other and parted.
The first half of the day went by fast, there was a sudden power outage in the middle of first hour, causing us to all stay in that class until the power came back on, so Amber and I got to go over the details for tonight. Then at about 11:30 the lights came back on and they released everyone to lunch. We found Val, Matt, and Elle at our table. I looked at elle and said “ready?” she replied with a nervous yea. I looked at Amber and Val and they both nodded, and we walked out of the cafeteria and to the awaiting car that Alyona arranged for us. When we were in the car I nodded to everyone and we popped our ceremonial attire on, then I looked at Jumelle. Her face had gone white and her eyes big, but she said nothing, so I did. “there is another world that you don’t know about, but have recently been drawn into. I am the next princesa, or queen in training, for my world and you are my twin flame. Since you are mortal I have to turn you immortal or you will die and I will turn mortal, and if that happens my world will die. So will you help us? And do you value your life enough to save it?” she had regained her color but her eyes were still big, but she managed “yes I will help.” I smiled and pulled out a blue dress and told her to put it on, and she did. The car stopped and we got out. We were at the football field at Vel Prep. I motioned for them to follow me onto the field. I positioned Val and Amber in the pre-drawn chalk circle, thanks to Alyona, that was in the in zone. Then I remembered the box and got it out of my bag. I opened it to find a beautiful tiara and a note from Alyona that said wear it. It will give you power and strength. I put the crown on and sat down, waiting for the sun to set.
It was 11:45 p.m. when I finally stood up from my spot of meditation. I looked to Jumelle and said “in ten minutes im going to bite your neck and drink half of your blood, do not scream or fight me. You will be fine. Do you understand?” she nodded. “Good.” I positioned her where I needed and motioned to Amber and Val, who moved from the edges of the circle. I lit the circle with blue fire, it keeps spells from entering the area, and turned to Jumelle and asked “Are you ready?” she nodded and I looked to the sky and yelled “En esta noche de luna llena, bebo de mi llama gemela mortal Jumelle L'amour con el fin de salvar a ella, la mía, y la vida de esta nación. bendito sea!” and then I walked to her and I bit into her neck, and drank. At first into was disgusting, but as I continued it became sweeter, and I had to force myself to stop when she was half empty. Then I counted in my head till midnight. 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. I lifted my arms over my head and yelled to the moon “por el poder de las tres que tome su vida a su fin. que fueron, son y nunca va a usar para mí o para el mundo. i usted afirma que el alma que ha visto su último día. La muerte de tres es la peor de las muertes, así que me despido de ustedes y las buenas noches a tu alma. ¡Adiós! vaya!” the magic swirled around me and Jumelle, until it finally filled her. When it did that the ring of fire surrounding the witnesses went out, and I collapsed in a hot, sticky pool of blood. The last thing I saw was my friends rushing to me, before my vision was complete darkness. Sweet, blissful, serene darkness.


When I awoke I was lying in the infirmary, and Elle was laying in a bed beside me reading a book. When I stirred Val, who was holding my hand, looked up from his book and said, “Calvary?” I tried to sit up but Val restrained me, saying “you need to rest.” Then he called to the nurse, who hurried over. She was a kind, chubby, white haired witch who smiled at me and said, “Calvary dear, how are you feeling?” I thought for a minute and then said “im ok, my head and stomach hurts a little though.” She nodded and just said well you took a very big spill, and it’s a miracle that you survived, but you aren’t quite the same that you were.” I looked from err to Val, and then back at her before saying, “ What do you mean?” she looked down for a minute and then said, “well it seems that you are now half vampire child, and your friend here is now a vampire.” ”How could this happen?!” I looked around frantically but everyone was looking down, even Val. “Well hun, when you drank from her and performed the spell, your power reacted with the blood of your twin flame ad yall connected, so it turned part of you as well.” “When can I leave the infirmary?” she looked a little uneasy but said, “well, if you’re feeling ok to walk and operate then I guess, well, now if you want.” “Great!” I threw the covers back off of me and I jumped up and got really dizzy and almost fell, but Val caught me. The nurse’s eyes got really big and she said “maybe you should stay here one more day...” I shook my head and said “no, no im fine. How long was I out?” “three days.” I shook my head, hugged the nurse and, while still holding onto Val, walked out of the infirmary.
When we were out of the infirmary, I looked around to see who was there. Val was standing next to me, Amber, Matt and Elle was behind me
and thats all i have for now.. i will add on as i go.


AMMT- At Morning Mortal Time
“¿Cuál es mi pronto para ser esposa?”-What’s up my soon to be wife?
“La escuela es muy aburrida, como de costumbre. ¿y tu?- School is very boring, as usual. And you?
“Paciente! Calmo!”- Patience! Calm!
“puede dejar”- you may leave
A.S.D.- After School Detention
terminar al mismo tiempo- finish at the same time
el y yo- me as well
mantener la calma, todo está bien- be calm, all is well
alyona- pronounced Elena
da moĭ rebenok- Si my child
Consejo Real- Royal Council
princesa- princess
te amo- I love you
te amo hasta la Calvary, te quiero más allá de este mundo, es por eso que estoy tan preocupado por- I love you Calvary, more than this world. That is why im so worried about you.
En esta noche de luna llena, bebo de mi llama gemela mortal Jumelle L'amour con el fin de salvar a ella, la mía, y la vida de esta nación. bendito sea!- On this moonlit night, I drink my twin flame Jumelle L'amour mortal in order to save her, mine, and the life of this nation. blessed be!
“por el poder de las tres que tome su vida a su fin. que fueron, son y nunca va a usar para mí o para el mundo. i usted afirma que el alma que ha visto su último día. La muerte de tres es la peor de las muertes, así que me despido de ustedes y las buenas noches a tu alma. ¡Adiós! vaya!- By the power of the three to take his life over. who were, are and will never use for myself or the world. i you say that the soul that has seen its last day. The death of three is the worst of deaths, so I bid you farewell and good night to your soul.Goodbye! go!


Publication Date: 01-04-2012

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