Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Expect the Unexpected by Becca A (the best ebook reader for android .TXT) 📖

Book online «Expect the Unexpected by Becca A (the best ebook reader for android .TXT) 📖». Author Becca A

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touched my skin, it felt unnaturally cold. I shivered and shrank back as far as I could. More tears rolled down my face. His lips touched my neck. I had no clue what was going on. Then I felt it, sharp teeth went into my neck. I screamed, despite
myself. I could feel the blood leaving me, and he pushed me harder to the wall with one hand, the other holding my neck. It felt like my neck was going to break from his grip. My vision blurred, and I couldn't hold myself up. I felt disoriented and frightened. So confused... I finally lost consciousness, only thinking, Are vampires real, and this is the way I was going to die.


When I woke up, everything seemed so bright. I couldn't remember everything, or maybe it was true and I didn't believe it. I was in the ally, laying like someone had just dropped me. That was proudly the truth, if any of this was real. It couldn't be real, vampires didn't exist. I stood up quickly, and I noticed my arm didn't hurt anymore. What happened? If it was a vampire.... maybe he thought I was dead? But wouldn't I be dead already? Or maybe not, maybe I was a vampire now. But that couldn't be. That’s what I kept telling myself, but I didn't believe it.
Everything was clearer, brighter. I touched my neck, I couldn't feel anything. I started moving out of the ally. I was running, and running fast. Too fast for human. I looked at my reflection in a window. My eyes were the same, but the color intense. My neck had two small pink scars on it. I couldn't be a....vampire, could I? The burning in my throat clarified that. I was hungry, not hungry, but thirsty. Blood. No,no,no. I was panicking, so I ran. I ran as far as I could, which was proudly 30 miles at the rate I was going. What the hell happened to me?
I was breathless and still confused when I collapsed in the woods. Tears rolling down my face. I was on my knees now. I couldn’t go home, I might kill someone. How had this happened to me? Had anyone noticed I was gone? I curled up in a ball and cried while I tried to make sense of things. I had ran all day with out stopping, confused and disoriented and thirsty. I was lost. I did the only thing I could be capable of doing. Sleep.
It felt like seconds before I was awoken by rain and the smell of human blood. I stood up without thinking, my thirst increasing. It was poring rain, and my hair and clothes stuck to me. I wasn't thinking when I took off running, fallowing the smell. I couldn't find the source, so I stopped and focused on it. It was proudly people camping, by the smell of a fire that was burned out from the rain. People that had families, and friends. I couldn't kill them, but the vampire in me could. I couldn't stop myself from running off towards them, my thirst getting unbearable.
Two hands caught each of my arms and threw me back. I hit a tree, but jumped back to my feet quickly. Two other vampires, but not like the one who had tried to kill me, no evil glint. Still, they were a threat, and stronger than me. I ran away from them, and away from the humans, but I could hear them chasing me. They were both guys, one looking to be 16, the other 20. I was flying though the woods, and the other two close behind and catching up. I glanced behind me, and panicked. They were getting closer. I whimpered and ran as fast as I could. I didn't want to die again, and I was just as scared as then.
The trees looked like blurs, and the rain making the ground muddy. I jumped over a fallen tree and kept running. I looked behind me again, they were closer still. When I looked forward again, I didn't see the tree root sticking out of the ground, and I tripped over it, and flying through the air. I landed with a thud, but couldn't feel anything. I could tell that I couldn't keep running, thirst and exhaustion kept me from going further. I was still panicking, and tried to pull myself to my feet, but the other vampires caught up to me, and I shrank back. They both stood in front of me for a moment, studying me.
I had mud on my pants, and on my thin hoodie, the knees of my pants torn, and my hair soaked. They were covered in mud too. My heart was pounding hard, and I knew they could hear it. The older one kneeled down in front of me, and touched my neck. I backed up further, whimpering quietly. Who were they? "Stop" the older one commanded. I froze in my spot, frightened. I had to blink constantly from the rain. He looked at the marks on my neck closer, then back to his companion. "Yesterday" he confirmed. Yesterday? yesterday I was turned...
While he was looking at the other one, I bolted up and tried to run. I was just as quickly thrown back to the ground. The younger one rolled his eyes at the older one and knelt beside me, and grabbed my wrist. I tried to yank it back, but he held it with an iron grip. "Do you know what happened to you?" he asked. I gave a small nod. "Do you know how?" he asked. I shook my head no. I was shaking, frightened. "Do you know what you are?" he asked. I flinched at the question, but nodded slowly. He looked at the older one, they exchanged a knowing glance, then both back to me. "What’s your name?" the older one asked. I opened my mouth, about to speak, but couldn't. I was so scared I couldn’t speak.
I snapped my mouth shut and tried to get out of the hold on my wrist. He let go. "Well, I’m Aaron, and he’s Fredrick" he said, nodding over to the older one. I looked between the two, still frightened. Then I smelt it, human, blood. My attention snapped over to the direction of where the humans were. Just as quickly, a hand hit my shoulder, hard, and brought me back to the two. I felt the sharpness of my teeth now. So thirsty...
"We have to get her out of here" the older one said quickly, looking at my eyes. I stood up, ready to run. Aaron stood up and took a step towards me. "Its okay" he said, soothingly, acting like I was some frightened animal. Then again, maybe I was. I back up. He stepped forward. I quickly glanced over my shoulder. Nothing keeping me from running. He saw my plan before I took a step. He lunged towards me, and I bolted.
I wasn't as fast as last time, but I was getting away. I heard a growl of frustration from behind me, fallowed by the sounds of footsteps. That smell came to me again, and I took an impediment turn towards it. Everything blurred, and I felt less human, more vampire. I kept trying to tell myself to stop, just stop trying to kill innocent people. I stopped, and hid behind a tree, I knew it wouldn't do anything, but it gave me a place to have a break down for a moment.
I felt sick, and exhausted. I threw up, and pulled my knees to my chest, and buried my face in them. I heard the shift in the wind and knew the two had found me. I was still shaking, and still felt sick. But I still knew they were a threat, but couldn't do anything. I looked up to the one in front of me, Aaron. His eyes shone with sympathy. I knew my eyes were wide, and intense green, and streaked with tears. I looked at the other one, who was now kneeled next to me. I jumped when I saw how close he was. But I was cornered, and couldn't run anymore. Fredrick stood up slowly. "You’re going to be okay, everything’s okay" he said gently, then touched my arm lightly. I felt even more exhausted, and I couldn't stand anymore. I stumbled, and Fredrick caught me, just as I fell asleep.


When I woke up again, I was still in the woods, but there was no more rain, and it was dark out. But this wasn't familiar part of the woods. I sat up, alert. Aaron and Fredrick were talking a little ways away, in hushed voices. They must of heard me sit up, and the both instantly looked over at me. I was still confused, but remembered everything. They both walk over to me. I stood up quickly, still frightened of them. "You have to come with us. We can explain what happened" Fredrick said calmly. I shook my head quickly. "Do you want to kill innocent people, possibly your own mother, how about Rachael?" Fredrick questioned. I stood there shocked, how did he know? Then it changed to rage. He didn't know anything about me, I would never hurt them.
My hands clenched into fists as I looked up at Fredrick. Being short wasn't fair. He was probably 6'4. Aaron nudged Fredrick, glancing at my clenched fists. My nails bit into my skin, and blood formed. It wasn't the right kind of blood though, it was cold and too dark red. Fredrick ignored him. "You want to be a murder? You may think you can control it, but you can't. You don't even know what can kill you" he said, eyes narrowing. "Even if you could, Rachael would figure it out, and when she did, she would run away from you, because she would think your a monster" he continues. I wasn't shaking with fear now, I was shaking with rage. "Fred, stop" Aaron warned. Fredrick glanced at Aaron, then at me. Seeing I was tense, and close to trying to kill him, he stopped.
"Your coming with us, you can't run anywhere we cant

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