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Read books online » Fiction » Expect the Unexpected by Becca A (the best ebook reader for android .TXT) 📖

Book online «Expect the Unexpected by Becca A (the best ebook reader for android .TXT) 📖». Author Becca A

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find you" he said, turning away. After Fred stalked off, Aaron looked at me. I had unclenched my fists, and was looking at my palms. You could see the marks where my nails dug in, and then they were gone, healed. I whipped the blood on my pants. The thought of blood brought the familiar burning to my throat. "What’s your name?" Aaron finally asked. I hesitated before speaking. "Clare" He looked a little surprised, by what? I don’t know. "Well Clare, Fred was just a little frustrated. He can see parts of peoples lives when he looks at them, but sometime it doesn’t work. So it just happened to work while you were asleep. He was just a little mad about, how you were Turned." he said awkwardly.
"There’s this one place, kind of a school where our kind can be taught control, and self defense. You were changed by a Bagrovi. They are the ones who kill for food, and kill for fun. You choose to be a Bagrovi or a Vampire. Vampires have more control, and don't kill freely. And by the way, sun doesn’t affect Bagrovi or Vampires" he explained. I processed this. Yes, I under stood it all. Doesn’t mean I was ready to accept it. The burning in my throat distracted me again, and I felt sick again. Aaron saw my change in expression. "Have you had blood at all?" he asked, sounding slightly worried. I shook my head no.
He quickly walked over to bag I hadn’t noticed earlier, and pulled out a water bottle. Only, water wasn't in it, it was blood. "Drink" he said, handing it to me. I looked at it uncertainly for a second, then drank. I closed my eyes as it soothed the burning in my throat. I only drank until the burn was gone, and I noticed that I didn't drink very much. "Keep it” Aaron said before I said anything. The blood had a good affect on me, I'll tell you that.
I felt more alert and everything looked clearer. "How old are you?" he asked suddenly. "13" I replied, looking at him. He had dark brown hair that was a little shaggy, but straight, an angular face, dark intense brown eyes, and a lean body. He didn't seem very surprised, which surprised me a little. "How old are you?" I asked, seeming it was fair he told me how old he was. "15" he said. Neither of us could say anything else, because Fred was coming, we both heard him. He looked calmer now. "We have to get going" he informed us. They both looked at me, expectantly. I thought a second, he was right before, I doubt I could run away from them, and I still had no clue what to tell Rachael, or my mom, or what I would do to them. "Ill go" I mumbled sadly.

"And so she speaks" Fred said, smiling. I glared back at him, I was starting to hate him. He tossed my gym bag over to me. "Thought you might want that" he said. I looked at it surprised, I didn't even remember where I put it. It was dry, I had probably stuffed it under a bush or something. I looked in it quickly. My soccer clothes, and my book. I put the water bottle in it and zipped it up. "Now we run" Aaron said happily. I was still wary of both of the, and was reluctant to go anywhere. Aaron nudged me forward, I jumped when he touched me. "Lead on" I said grumpily. Aaron shrugged and started running, Fred gesturing for me to go. Probably worried I wouldn't fallow. I put my bag's strap securely over my shoulder and fallowed Aaron. How on earth did all of this happed? I was turned into a vampire, never to see my family or best friend again, and now I was being taken by other vampires to apparently not kill people? I was confused as hell. Aaron was going slower than he wanted, I could tell. I couldn't run as fast as yesterday, I was still tired and confused by how everything looked different. Fred was by my side soon, Aaron a little ways ahead, though I could see him and hear him clearly. "Ya know, you weight like nothing" Fred said teasingly.
I didn't like being teased because of how small or how much I weigh. I ignored him and stared straight ahead. Wait, I was carried? Oh right...he caught me, I guess he carried me too. That was embarrassing. "Cut it out Fred" Aaron called back. "I’m just teasing" Fred said. We ran in silence for probably 2 hours. "Where are we going exactly?" I asked finally. "Well, there’s a portal and it is only accessible fro Vampires, and all the rest of the creatures. Its a world hidden in your world" Aaron explained. That confused me. I pushed it aside. "How much longer?" I asked, sounding annoyed. "We're here" Aaron said, slowing down. We stopped. I could see it, it looked like water, just floating around. It was clear, and if you didn’t have sharp eyes, you would never see it. "It makes you kind of dizzy" Aaron warned. "Lets just go already" Fred grumbled. Before I could protest, Aaron grabbed my wrist and pulled me thought with him. We rolled on the ground, that felt like concrete now. It was.
Fred came through after. I stood up, Aaron let go of me. He was right, I was dizzy. I stumbled a little, Aaron catching me. I shook my head to clear it. Aaron let go. Fred cussed. I looked around, it was dark and smoky. It looked like a war was going on. "War of the bloods" Aaron explained. I looked at him, more confused. "Between Vampires and Bagrovi. We have to go, now" Aaron said quickly, and ran off. Fred pushed me roughly and I stumbled, then took off after Aaron. "The portals are unpredictable, and it happened to land us in the middle of a battle field. Right now, the Bagrovi are after one thing. New vampires, they want to train them to be bagrovi, not vampires" Fred said as he caught up. I was appreciating them keeping me informed. New vampire...I’m new..Oh crap.
Aaron turned into a building that looked like a bomb had hit it, which is probably what happened. He ducked into the building then crouched down, and pulled me down next to him. Fred fallowed. "They're close, so keep quite" Aaron said in a shaky voice. I’m starting to guess Bagrovi are stronger than Vampires. I couldn't hear anything, but I smelt it. It was blood. Strong and over powering and rotten. Fred turned to Aaron. "They know she’s here, and they're coming" he said. The smell was getting stronger. My heart beat faster. "Run?" Aaron asked. Fred shook his head, "Too close". Aaron nodded, seeming to know what to do. The Bagrovi were right in front of us. We all stood up, Fred and Aaron standing protectively in front of me. "Give her up" There were 5 Bagrovi, and one of them said that. "Drop dead" Fred hissed. 3 Bagrovi lunged at them. You could tell they were stronger and faster. Fangs came out and fists went flying. I was backing up. Aaron was fighting a woman, she had striking black long hair. Fred had just killed one. I shivered at the sight of it.
What I didn't notice was the other two coming on either side of me. A woman and a man. I frantically looked for an escape route, which there was none, I was cornered. They both lunged at me, grabbing each of my arms and pinning me to a wall. I fought frantically, kicking and anything else I could do. Another Bagrovi, one I didn't know was there, was suddenly in front of me. "So small...." he said, training a finger down my cheek. He grabbed my chin so he could look in my eyes. He smiled. "But there is fierceness in your eyes" he let go of me. "Take her" he said, and disappeared. I fought harder, I wasn't going anywhere. "Stop moving" The woman growled, kicking me in the stomach.
I would have fallen over if they hadn't been holding me up. They were strong. I coughed up blood, and spit it on them. "You can take care of it" the woman said, turning to the other fight. He had both my arms now, and spun me around, so he was holding them behind my back. He picked me up and ran. Everything was a big blur. I couldn't see anything. I was getting dizzy. I felt lightheaded. I passed out.
When I woke up, I was still being carried, but it was slower now. I struggle, but its a loss. "Put me down" I hiss trying to hit him. The guy lets me go and throws me on the ground. "I can not believe I got stuck as your mentor. Will you shut up for a minute?" he said angry. He muttered something in a different and put a hand on his head, thinking. "Have you ever had human blood?" he asked finally. Did I ever have human blood? The blood in the bottle didn't smell like human, more animal. I shake my head no. "What’s your name?" he asks, calming down just a little. "Clare" I say, standing up. "When were you turned?" he keeps asking me questions... "Two, or three days ago" I say, trying to remember. "What, or who changed you? he asks. "I don’t know...a guy, a Bagrovi.." I stammer. He nods. "By choice?" he asks. "No" I say instantly, if I had a choice, I would stay out of this all. "Do you want to be a Bagrovi?" he asks, almost smiling. "No" I say fiercely. He took a step words me. "You'll learn to love it. More blood, faster, stronger" he says, making it sound like a dream. Not for me, I don't want any of that. "Well, you can start right now" he said, grabbing my arm harshly. He starts running, dragging me behind him. I smell them before I see them. Human, blood. I dig my heals in, not wanting to go any closer. It doesn’t do much, but he stops. "They're food, that’s all" he says. "Not food, people" I say, not moving. "They don't feel it" he says coaxingly. "That’s a lie, I sure as hell felt it" I snorted. "Then that one was inexperienced" he hisses, and pulls me easily, and I start to stumble after him against my will. The smell was getting stronger, and I couldn't take it much longer. So sweet, fresh. I repeat over and over again. I can't do it, I won't. But it smells so good....

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