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Read books online » Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Fifty-Eight

The officer manning the sensors blinked his ruby eyes, but the bizarre phenomenon continued its rapid approach.

"Empress!" he shouted urgently, "Captain! There's someth-!"

Before he could finish his warning, the entire warship rocked as the unidentified energy force tore through its very center.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

Instinct alone drove the Spectrum Force to retreat to a safe distance. They watched in astonishment as the shower of sparks, fire, and smoke lit the sky. In eerie silence, explosion after explosion burst from the gargantuan vessel, now cleaved in half.

Moments later, the six Dia-Staffs reformed in each Enforcer's hand.

*My God…* was the only thought Jocelyn could process.

Tamara's free hand pressed against her heart. *All those people!*

Keith watched the spray of metal clinically. *They were willing to blow up an entire planet. It serves them right.*

He winced as his girlfriend punched his shoulder. Hard. *How could

you think such a thing!* she shrieked into his mind. *Murder is never


Keith turned to Rachel, clearly seeking support. The Purple Enforcer folded her arms, pinching her chin in thought. *You're right, Tammy,* she decided, *murder is never justified. But blowing up that ship isn't really murder. It was defense… of ourselves, of the Midjinari, and of the Diadem. If Phaedra destroyed us, Earth would be an open target, and billions of innocent lives would be lost. And if she succeeded in destroying the Diadem, then all its power would've been erased, and the forces of Light would be at an enormous disadvantage.*

She watched Tamara, waiting for an argument. None came… though it was evident the Yellow Enforcer had not been appeased.

A sudden excitement swelled Matt's heart. *Then… it's over! We defeated Phaedra for good!*

Craig stared at the larger chunks of debris through narrowed eyes. He wasn't quite so optimistic.

Chapter Sixty

*The battle has been won,* Nishal reported. He turned back to wall, where the three other Midjinari congregated around the dislodged Diadem.

*Now we can depart,* Pashal, the second-oldest, announced.

The youngest nodded, though her cherubic face was solemn. *May I please alert the Blue Enforcer? He must know we have retreated, lest he conclude that he failed to protect the Diadem.*

Nishal smiled. *I have already informed the daughter of Gaius of our plans, Mashal. Yet if you so choose, you may speak to him.*

*Be brief,* Quashal instructed, his tone urgent. *We must focus all our power to Phase to safety.*

Mashal nodded, a smile spreading over her face as she reached out for her newest friend.

Chapter Sixty-One

The Spectrum Force landed upon the trodden grass of the clearing. The flattened verdure and pot-marked earth were evidence of the fateful battle that had occurred on that very spot only minutes ago, yet all the Shadows had disappeared.

Yet they were far from safe. The rich blue sky burned with angry debris, some of which crashed into the forest like wrathful meteorites.

"Let's get the Diadem, and get out of here," Rachel decided. "Craig, where is it?"

The Blue Enforcer shook his head. "We've gotta find the Midjinari first. Then we can get the Diadem, and high-tail it."

"Where are these 'Midjinari' anyway?" Matt wondered.

Craig frowned, turning back to the dense forest before him, already smoking with fire. "I… don't know," he confessed. "I wasn't really paying attention to landmarks or anything when we came here."

The team lifted off the ground, preparing to explore the dense jungle, when a sudden flicker of light manifested directly in front of them.

Keith dodged backward, gripping his Dia-Staff tightly. "Sure; why not?" he grumbled, "Let's just add 'ghosts' to the list of weird things I've seen today!"

Craig hovered closer, a grin lighting up his face. "Mashal! Is that you?"

*Listen well, Warriors of Light,* the projection urged, her soft voice echoing in everyone's mind. *We cannot thank you enough for your diligence. Your efforts have saved the Diadem from evil hands… but not for long.*

Matt sneered. "So Phaedra did


*The Empire is vast and powerful… for now, the Diadem must be hidden until the One who can manifest its true power arrives. Until then, we shall travel the universe, keeping the Diadem safe from darkness.*

"Wait!" Craig shouted, leaning forward, "Mashal, we can use the Diadem! The power it gave us sank Phaedra's ship!"

*That is but one ship… and there are many more in the fleet. The Diadem must be preserved, or all is lost.*

She bowed deeply. *Your strength is forged by many influences. By your resolve. By your unity. By your confidence. May you continue to grow in the Light, and may the Light shine on you… and within

you… always.*

With those parting words, she vanished.

Matt stared at the point where she had disappeared, utterly mystified. "So… what does all this mean? Did we come all

the way out here just to lose the Diadem?"

Before anyone could answer, a shrill whistling sound burst from behind. The six whirled around, just in time to see a bolt of bright light pierce the cliff that housed Gaius' sanctuary. It paused for less than a second, and then launched into the deep reaches of space.

Goodbye, Mashal…

Craig mused, waving to the speck of light that quickly faded from sight. Thanks for… everything.

Silence reigned for a full minute, as each Enforcer digested the jarring events of the day individually. Finally, the solemn quiet was broken… Keith's rumbling stomach.

The Red Enforcer felt the startled gazes of his friends, and shrugged. "Hey… I said I was hungry hours

ago! At least I haven't been complaining."

Tamara smiled with laughter. The sheer comic absurdity of it all managed to shake her from her deeper thoughts... for the moment, at least.

She wound her arm through Keith's. "Let's go home," she suggested, "before

he tries to eat the local plant-life again."



Part One

It all made sense now. Everything fit into place.

Before, he had so many doubts; so many worries. How could he balance his education, his basketball team, and his duties as the Blue Enforcer? The worry gnawed at him, making it difficult to sleep, and impossible to concentrate.

But then... he touched the Diadem.

"If you still doubt, the Diadem will light your path..."

Mashal had been right. His quest to find the Diadem challenged him, forcing him to rely on his instincts. He finally recognized just how crippling discouragement could be; if he couldn't muster the faith to believe

in himself, he simply couldn't succeed.

The Diadem called him... and accepted him.

He rubbed his palms together, remembering the warmth that flowed through him when he touched the mystical orb. He took lingering breaths, exhaling the worries of the day and inhaling the world around him.

He reached for that rapport... that luminous afterglow that lingered in his soul. That center of absolute clarity; of purpose and direction. No longer adrift, he had a rudder to help steer him through his life. Steer him toward his destiny.

He didn't know what

his destiny was. The Diadem hadn't revealed that level of detail. But he did have a clearer of view of just how important his role was to the grand scheme. The Spectrum Force was able to draw from the Diadem's power, with startling results. They were worthy


Some day, he would be called upon to take a more direct role in the liberation of

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