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Read books online » Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Three by Heather Ray (motivational books for men .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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the universe. In the meantime, he would serve as a defender. He would continue his studies, learning the field of psychology as thoroughly as possible. He would continue his athletic pursuits, helping fund his education as well as hone his body for the challenges that lay ahead. While these responsibilities were weighty, they didn't have to be overwhelming. And they weren't mutually exclusive, either.

Both his studies and his athletics groomed him to be a more capable Blue Enforcer. And his service as the Blue Enforcer gave him the dedication and maturity that made pursuing his studies and athletics easier.

He would persist in all three directions... and whenever his burden became difficult to bear, he would reach for that center of absolute clarity, and breathe in the Light.

"Craig? You awake?"

"I usually sleep on the bed, Keith."

Keith shrugged, leaning against the wall beside the area rug on which Craig sat. "Well, you've been acting pretty weird lately."

Craig grinned at that, opening his eyes and turning to his roommate. "Hey, you can't really blame me. We've all

had some weird experiences lately."

The Red Enforcer looked at Craig again, observing his expression. It seemed as if he'd been... ironed. Earlier, lines of tension creased his brow and chin almost constantly, as if he were so tightly wound he would soon snap. But now, he seemed relaxed.

"How're you doing?"

Craig exhaled. "Much


"What was bothering you? Is it the Coach?"

"Yeah... among other things," Craig admitted. "Though it's definitely not Coach's fault. I just needed a new perspective, and this last mission helped me find it."

Craig then stood up, stretching his legs to get the blood flowing properly. "Speaking of Coach, I'd better drop by and see him."

Keith winced. "You want backup?"

"Nah, I got it. Either I face him now, or let him chew me out in front of everyone at practice."

Part Two

After a few knocks, a brisk voice shouted, "It's open!"

Taking a breath to steel himself, Craig stepped into the imposing office of Theodore Mackenzie.

"Well, well, well," Teddy growled, looking up from his paperwork. He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms behind his head. "So you are

still alive, eh Gillis?"

It took effort not to lower his eyes from the coach's hard glare. "Yessir. And I'm sorry I left practice the other day."

Teddy propped his feet onto his desk. "And why did

you leave practice the other day? And not show up for yesterday's practice, either?"

Craig blinked. In truth, he had completely forgotten about yesterday's practice. It was quite a chore even figuring out what day it was once they returned to Earth through the Hyperspace Portal.

We were gone almost a day and half...

"I had a personal emergency to take care of," Craig admitted. "It... it had been bothering me for a few days before that, but I think I've got a handle on it."

Teddy carefully watched the athlete, noting his attentive posture and focused eyes. He didn't look agitated, like he had the last time they met. Nor did he look nervous, as if he were trying to hide something.

"Are you in trouble, Craig?"

"No, sir. I... I was in a tough place, though. I was feeling overwhelmed, and it just made everything I had to do seem impossible. I got over that now."

Teddy stared at him a few moments longer. Finally, he grinned. "It's a good thing you did, 'cause tomorrow's the Lexford game. I want my star player at his best."

Craig smiled broadly. "You got it, Coach."

Part Three

"So, what happened?"

Keith frowned, staring into the dark recesses of his Coke. "When he opened the door, he was... meditating."

He glanced up, noting the four stares of utter astonishment.

"Meditating," Tamara repeated, "The whole eyes closed, legs folded, 'Hummm' thing?"

"He wasn't 'Hummm'ing, but otherwise... yeah."

"What the hell

happened to Craig?" Matt grumbled through a mouthful of ham and bread, "Before we went to Edenia, you couldn't get Craig to sit quiet for ten minutes. Now he's meditating?"

"He's different," Jocelyn observed. Her voice was quiet as she leaned her elbows on the cafeteria table. "Whatever happened to him on Edenia... when he found the Diadem... it changed him."

"Maybe it's for the best," Rachel posed.

Keith stared at her. "How d'you figure? He's... not Craig


"Of course he is. Just now, he's experienced something so monumental we can only guess what it means. If I understood Spectra, even seeing the Diadem is a great honor, and Craig actually touched

it." Her reverent smile faded. "Poor Spectra... I wonder how she's dealing with all this."

Tamara observed her friends' expressive faces. She keenly registered Keith's discomfort, Matthew's anger, Rachel's gloom, and Jocelyn's distraction.

It's not just Craig,

she realized, her eyes lingering on the Orange Enforcer, We've all been shaken by what happened on Edenia... each in our own way.

She smiled as she waved away her concerns. "Let's not think about it now," she suggested. "The best we can do is keep our eye on Spectra, Craig, and everyone else. We're a team now, and we need to look out for each other... now more than ever."

The bright-eyed Yellow Enforcer then turned her attention to her spinach salad, taking a bite of the leafy greens. "And speaking of looking out," she continued, a mischievous gleam in her eyes, "Ray, what are you doing at three o'clock today?"


"In the Parson Building?"

Rachel looked up from her soup, eyebrow rising. "Yes."

Tamara beamed. "Great! Then you can walk over to Chris' apartment with me at two-thirty. He lives two blocks away."

The Purple Enforcer blinked as her mind began to puzzle through her friend's suggestion. She noticed the surprised stares of Matt and Keith, as well as Jocelyn's very obvious blush.

"Why?" Rachel demanded with a soft frown.

Tamara was unphased by the lack of enthusiasm. "I need to stop by and pick up his notes from the Shakespeare class I missed yesterday."

"Why do I need to come with you?" Rachel clarified, her patience evaporating. To either side, she heard the poorly contained chuckles from her other friends. She shot both boys piercing glares that did little to quench their humor.

Tamara's smile was utterly guileless, though Rachel knew better. "To keep me company," was her excuse. "Plus, I think Chris has a three o'clock class in the same building."

Jocelyn smothered a gasp with her hand.

Matthew stared openly at Tamara, marveling that she maintained her perfectly innocent smile.

Keith lost the battle for composure, and openly laughed as his arm wrapped his girlfriend's shoulders. "That was subtle like a brick, Tam!"

Her thick lashes fluttered. "I don't know what you're talking about, Keith." She then turned back to Rachel, watching in abject fascination as Rachel's lips pursed into a thin line. To her glee, a faint rosy hue collected on her best friend's cheek.


she cheered inwardly, She's blushing! Maybe Chris has a chance after all!

Warm satisfaction flooded her heart as all the tension at the table simply evaporated. Keith was laughing riotously, Matt was slowly recovering from his shock, and even Jocelyn had begun to giggle. Rachel was thoroughly embarrassed, which was in itself a rarity.

And all disturbing thoughts about Craig's behavior, the Denebian Empire, Spectra's ailing father, and the elusive Diadem had faded... for the time being, at least

Mission accomplished!

Tamara privately congratulated herself, grinning smugly.

Part Four

Her hand pressed against the thick, clear glass that served as a window into the most chilling chamber in all of Lumina City. Dozens of medical personnel moved through the room with swift precision, making adjustments to revolutionary devices and testing a variety of potions... all to help ease his suffering. Telepathic dampeners were secured in all four corners, trapping his fevered thoughts within the room and away from the millions of citizens who otherwise would have been assaulted by his nightmares.

Reddened eyes narrowed as the doctors proceeded to connect Gaius to several contraptions. Needles pricked into his forehead, causing screens to display quite clearly his brain and the affected areas. Fluids were fed intravenously, no doubt numbing his pain by numbing his senses.

And all the doctors wore small steel headbands, which effectively blocked their patient's frenzied thoughts and feelings, preventing either distraction or empathy.

Her hand tightened into a fist.

"I thought you had left, Spectra."

Her eyes never turned from the treatment room. "I couldn't," she admitted, "Not until you had emerged from your study."

She then turned, and fixed Luminus with a pleading stare. "Please, High Father... tell me you have found the cure!"

The brilliant sage slowly shook his head.

Spectra released soft gulp of despair, her forehead touching the cold glass.

A warm arm wrapped her shoulders. "You were wise to keep Phaedra's scroll," he told her, his voice soft. "I know we will decipher how the 'blood of the condemner' can restore Gaius. I am confident that the scroll contains the truth, and with time this matter will be resolved."

Spectra struggled to open her eyes, further subjecting herself to her father's plight. Somehow, she felt she needed

to see it... as if sharing his pain would somehow ease it. "How much

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