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Read books online » Fiction » Prometheus by Tyler Feist (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «Prometheus by Tyler Feist (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Tyler Feist

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quickly went to the locker room and changed, he ran back into the gym and waited to try out. When it came his turn to try out Tim did his best to look like he knew what he was doing, when it was his turn to spike he ran up and slammed the ball straight down, when the other side tried to get it back up he quickly jumped and slammed it back down, scoring the point. At the end of practice the coach announced that there would be a list of who made the team on the announcement board outside the gym on Tuesday. As he headed out of the gym Tim noticed Sean watching Bobby try out for basketball. Tim took a step back out of sight from Sean. After tryouts Bobby headed toward the city, he took a bus, what he didn’t know is that Sean and a few others were following him, what Sean didn’t know is that Tim was following him. When Bobby stopped inside a store to use the bathroom, Sean and the others stayed behind next to an alley. Tim took the time to call Nico. Nico arrived right as Bobby was leaving the store.
“So what’s happened so far?” Nico asked.
“I’ll explain later, RUN they’ve just tackled him and taken him into an alley,” Tim yelled. They both bolted across the street into the alley on the other side. They got into the alley right as the group of bully’s started surrounding Bobby.
“You shouldn’t have hurt me,” Sean said “Now I’m gonna hurt you so bad that you never try to stand up to me ever again,”
Tim and Nico ran into the alley and jumped the small wall of bully’s; they landed right next to Bobby and in front of Sean.
“What did we say Sean?” Tim asked “don’t hurt people,”
Sean ran up to punch him but Tim was more than ready, he ran at Sean to, but at the last minute he slid under Sean’s feet. To Sean’s surprise Bobby was running to, but he had a trash can lid held up, it nailed Sean in the face knocking him down. The other bully’s started to punch and kick the boys, Tim jumped and kicked two in the stomach, Nico ran behind a few and knocked them out with his telepathy, Bobby made a coat of ice to thin to be noticed on the ground, he ran and used the ice to slid into the last to bully’s.
“Let’s get out of here,” Bobby said “these filthy people are stinking up the place,”
They all walked out together, they walked across the street to the mustang, they all got in and no one spoke the whole car ride home.
The next few weeks flew by, Bobby made the Basketball Team, Tim made the Volleyball Team, Nolan got a job at the pet shop, and the Nick’s started working on building gadgets for the Legion. They made mini freezers, if it touched a person it would freeze their torso, they made Nolan a staff of copper so that his lightning would fire stronger and more accurate, and they built Naoki a pair of robotic wings.
“Guys I’m not sure this is my style” Naoki said.
‘Hey the night is young,” Tim started “why don’t you take them for a spin,”
“Fine,” Naoki said “but if they short circuit I’m taking them to the junk yard,”
“Very funny Naoki,” Nico said “you are joking right?”
Naoki took off into the sky. “NAOKI,” Nico yelled.
“We better follow him to make sure,” Nick said.
They both took off leaving Tim and Bobby alone. Tim started practicing hand to hand combat on the dummy, which was now a small robot thanks to the Nicks. Bobby headed for the door.
“Hey were you going?” Tim asked.
“I’m just going to hang with some friends,” Bobby replied
“At 11o'clock at night?” Tim asked
“Fine I have a date,” Bobby said “Satisfied?”
“And if you tell the guys you’ll have frozen showers for the next three months,” he threatened
“Wrong person to threaten,” Tim commented “I’d turn it to warm water before it hit me, I’m fire remember?”
“Dang it,” Bobby said “Fine just don’t tell the guys,”
“Fine, but you better leave now before they get back,” Tim replied.
An hour later Naoki returned, the wings made him look like a metal angel. He walked through the doors flew to his room, took them off shut the door and went to sleep. Tim started to fall asleep as Nick and Nick walked in, Nick sped upstairs and went to bed, Nico spent the next hour practicing using his telekinesis, till he was finally to tired, that he went to bed. Tim stayed awake till 2 in the morning when he felt the air get colder, Bobby banged open the front doors, slammed them shut and went to bed. Tim slowly fell asleep on the couch wondering why Bobby was so angry. The next morning when everyone was ready for school the boys hopped in the car and left. When they arrived at school they did their usual schedule. While at Math Naoki made noticed his teacher was more tired than usual. When his teacher finally fell asleep the class went wild. Music was blaring, kids were screaming, and text books were flying. This went on for thirty minutes until the principal walked in. All the students were suspended for three days. Bobby and Naoki happened to be in the same class. They couldn’t be happier to be out of school. A week later school ended for the summer. The guys decided to get jobs, Tim and Nico were hired as body guards, Bobby got a job as an Ice Cream man, and Naoki got hired as a pizza delivery man, Nolan was still working at the pet shop, and Nick were too young to be hired. As body guards Tim and Nico got to perfect their hand to hand combat, As an Ice Cream man Bobby got to practice his power of ice and kept the electric bill low for the company which made them both very happy, as a pizza delivery man Naoki practiced teleportation throughout the entire city, and got a lot of tips for being there within minutes of the call. Then one night they all had a break, they decided to hang out around town. While they were walking by an alley they saw a group of men beating up a police, the men were armed and all seemed to be wearing a blue bandana. The boys quickly ran into the alley to help the cop, but before they got there an arrow landed in the center spraying gas everywhere. The men immediately fell to the ground unconscious. The boys looked up and saw two hooded figures on the roof, they both wore leather jackets, one was red and one was white. They ran off into the darkness, the boys quickly suited up, grabbed the officer and flew him to the top of the roof. From there they split up, Naoki and Nolan took off teleporting everywhere around the area, Tim and Nick went left, and Bobby and Nico went right.
‘Alright guys I have us all connected through my telepathy so we can talk from a distance’ Nick said through his thoughts.
‘If you find the archers don’t fight them, they could be on our side, we need to know what they’re up to’ Tim announced.
Tim and Nick continued down their path; as he was flying Tim saw a speck of white in an alley down below.
‘I might have something, everyone stay alert in case I need you’ Tim called out.
‘We’re ready when you are, go we’re on our way’ Bobby replied.
“Better hurry we don’t know who we’re dealing with,” Tim thought back.
With that Tim landed in the alley, Nick zoomed into the alley and accidentally crashed into a garbage bin. He was immediately knocked unconscious. Tim lit up the alley with flames, and then when he had found the speck of white, he quickly recalled the flames. He walked up to a small black garbage can, pushed it aside with ease. Behind the bin was a hooded figure, crouched in a ball.
“Who are you?” Tim asked the figure.
“I’m Angel,” the figure replied.
“There were two of you,” Tim said “where’s the other one?”
“Right behind you,” a deep voice whispered “and unless you want to have an arrow through your shoulder you’ll put your hands in the air and slowly turn around,”
Tim did as he was told, then with barely even an ounce of his strength; he blasted the arrow tip with flames from his eyes. The tip melted instantly.
“Now what should I call you?” Tim asked.
“I’m Diablo,” The man replied “why were you following us?”
“I’m Prometheus,” Tim told them “my team, The Legion and I have been trying to keep this city safe, but when we were beat to it by an arrow, well we tend to wonder how that happened”
“We’re archers, we do what you do,” Angel said “but from afar,”
“Ah vigil ante style,” Tim said “so if you’re willing we’d like to work with you,”
‘WHAT?’ all the guys screamed through their mind link.
“Fine I’d like to work with you,” Tim said “So what do you know about the officer that was jumped,”
“Well,” Diablo started to reply
“Nothing,” Angel cut in.
“All we know is that this gang is going after cops,” Angel said.
“So we follow cops and make sure any dark alleys are empty?” Tim suggested.
“Sure, but first lets meet the rest of this team of yours,” Diablo replied.
One by one the boys arrived, Bobby slowly slipped in on a beam of ice, Naoki appeared in a puff of smoke behind Tim, Nick woke up and stood up, Nico floated down, a burst of lightning hit the ground and Nolan was there.
“Ok this is Warlock, Zeus, Chronis, Guardian, Ares, and again I’m Prometheus” Tim said casually.
“Well then I’ll take Prometheus,” Angel said
“I’ll take Chronis, and Ares,” Diablo said.
“That leaves Zeus and I,” Bobby whined, “let’s go battery boy,”
They took off one group at a time, they each went a different way, Tim grabbed Angel under the arms and took off, Nico levitated Diablo and Nick their way, and Bobby and Nolan flew/surfed in another direction.
‘Ok Angel, Diablo, I have telepathy so I can hear your thoughts if you direct them at me, and you can hear ours if we direct them at you’ Nick thought
‘Cool’ Angel practically thought screamed.
‘Creep stay out of my head I’m right next to you’ Diablo said.
‘Guys let’s just do our job and get done’ Tim cut in.
Through out the night they watched officers, and if they walked into an alley, the Legion took care of any unnecessary hit men. They saved a total of 18 police officers, Nico broke his arm, Bobby got a black eye, and Tim got oil in his hair turning it black temporarily. They fought, they used their power as little as possible, by the end of the night 56 gang members had been beaten, kicked, and knocked unconscious.
‘Ok guys I’m gonna hit the sack,” Diablo thought
‘Got it, we probably should to,” Nico replied.
‘You guys go ahead I’ll stay up for a while longer,’ Tim thought.
‘I’m gonna stay for a while longer to,’ Angel thought
‘I’m gonna practice back at HQ’ Nick said.
With that one by one they took off, until it was just Bobby, Tim, and Angel. As they scanned the city, they saw another gang.
“Don’t worry guys I got this,” Bobby said “piece of cake there’s only 5 of them,”
“Think we should help him?” Angel asked Prometheus.
“Na,” Tim responded “if
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