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Read books online » Fiction » Prometheus by Tyler Feist (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖

Book online «Prometheus by Tyler Feist (uplifting books for women .TXT) 📖». Author Tyler Feist

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there’s one thing he knows it’s how to take down a group,”
“Why is that?” Angel asked.
“When we train, he’s the only one who the others powers don’t weaken,” Tim replied “Like he weakens me, but I don’t weaken him, Electricity can start a fire giving me more power, but against ice its helpless”
Tim landed on top of the city hall, the clock struck 12, “good morning,” he joked.
“Good morning to you to,” Angel laughed “I hope you slept well,”
Bobby rose up to them on a pillar of ice, fixed a piece of his armor that had broken off, by recreating it.
“I’m gonna hit the hay,” Bobby yawned.
“K, make sure the others don’t blow up the house,” Tim shouted to Bobby as he took off.
Through out the rest of the morning, Tim and Angel went around town stopping petty criminals, they stopped a burglary of a pet store, they stopped a car thief, and they stopped a shop lifter. When they were done with the shop lifter, they started to head in the direction of the school, they said good bye, and then Angel jumped off the roof of a store onto the ground, landing with ease. When he was sure she couldn’t see him, he followed her, he flew up high and used his special vision that showed him were spots of heat were, he followed her to a house near a lake, he watched her go in, then he flew to the window and she took off her hood. Tim almost fell out of the sky he was so shocked, this girl was from his school, she was on the cheer team, she had taken gymnastics for years, which explained the acrobatics throughout the night. He took off and flew back to the ware house, and then he went to sleep. Before anyone was awake, Bobby snuck into Tim’s room, snatched the keys off his dresser, and drove off. When Nolan woke up he started practicing on the dummy, when he picked up his staff he shot a bolt of lightning from it, it bounced off the wall and came back at Nolan, when it hit him, he used the force of the shock to take off, he flew straight at the doors. Without trying he screamed and created a shock wave of thunder, ripping the doors clean off. He kept flying, he kept pushing himself to go faster, and he flew until he made a sonic boom. Once he was going supersonic, he tried to create lightning, it created a tunnel, when it ended he looked down, he was above water. He halted immediately, a roar of thunder blasted past him, he turned around and started back. On his way back he was passed by a fighter jet, he flew faster trying to lose it. Then two more flew up to him, he went supersonic and the jets did to, they pushed right up to him, pushing him closer to the ground with each second. Finally he hit the ground.
Back at the warehouse, Tyler woke up; he quickly flew to the outside of town, realizing he had forgotten his wallet he headed back to the warehouse. As he approached he saw two men in black suits enter the house. Tim quickly switched to heat sensor mode. The forest was swarming with men, around the corner was a truck full of men, and next to that car were three men with dogs. Above the car was a helicopter with a familiar heat signature in it. The heat signature belonged to Cornel Green, the man who had created the team of scientist that created Tim and the boys. But it didn’t make sense; Cornel Green couldn’t be over 100 years old, unless this was his father, or some relative. Tim was ready to burst into the house, when Bobby drove up in the mustang, the men in the forest ran out and started shouting at Bobby. He held his hands high, then he froze them in a wall of ice, he ran towards the house when the time machine/mustang blew up. He stopped turned toward it and collapsed; a group of armed men ran out of the forest, grabbed Bobby and put him in a van. Tim then realized that they weren’t firing bullets, but some sort of sedative. The armed men carried the rest of the group out, when they pulled Nick out on a stretcher Tim lost it. He flew into the open and shot mini explosions towards the men. They fired back, which was their mistake, Tim stopped the explosion that caused the bullet to fire and forced it back into the barrel of the gun. He flew in and shot flames from his hands at every person with a gun. While he was creating a wall of flames an arrow whizzed past, a man with a sniper fell out of a tree. Tim turned and saw Angel right next to him, they continued towards Nick, they fired arrows, shot fire; Tim even created a mini explosion in each of the men’s grenades. They kept fighting, but men kept coming, they were tiring.
“Pull back, I’ll cover you,” Angel shouted.
“Ladies first,” Tim said
“Sorry ladies are usually late,” Angel shouted back.
“Just go Nicole,” Tim screamed.
Angel took off towards the town, When she had gotten a good distance Tim stopped his fire wall, he turned and flew towards Angel, he picked her up and flew towards town hall.
“HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?” Angel screamed
“I saw you take off your hood,” Tim replied
“YOU FOLLOWED ME?” Angel continued to scream.
“I had to know who you were,” Tim said calmly.
“I AM SO MAD AT YOU,” she screamed “I wear the hood so that no one would find out who I was, but I kind of followed you to, that’s when I saw the armed men,”
“We have more important things to worry about,” Tim said sternly, “for instance, THEY HAVE MY TEAM!”
“Don’t worry we’ll get them back, but you need to trust me,” Angel said.
“You had my back out there, I trust you completely,” Tim replied.
“Good, then you’re going to donate your blood to a blood bank,” Angel said.
“How will that help?” Tim asked.
“Well, they won’t be able to figure out what class it is, that will make the government come back to our town, then you’ll stop a crime without your suit,” Angel continued.
“Wow, slow down, I’m not using my power with those nuts on the loose,” Tim said.
“Well if you want me to be able to track you, and follow you to your friends then you’ll have to get caught,” Angel finished.
“Fine,” Tim responded “we do it tonight,”
As they walked into the town, a shot was fired. Tim and Angel ran towards it, while everyone else ran form it. They ran straight into a trap, the men who had taken the others were waiting for them. They fired darts, Tyler incinerated the first wave, then without warning Angel collapsed. Tim created another wall of flames; he scooped her up and took off flying. As he flew away a dart hit him. He struggled towards the other end of town; he made it to the lake when he started descending. He urged himself forward, and then a bullet hit him square in the chest. He fell out of the sky like a meteor. He was about to hit the ground when he remembered Nicole in his arms, he turned onto his back, and then everything went dark. As an attack chopper closed in on the sight, an arrow broke through the windshields; Diablo flew in with the metal wings Nico had created, how she got them he had no idea. She shot down the first chopper with ease, a well placed arrow to the control panel, and the second took three arrows to the engine, after three choppers Diablo ran out of arrows. Quickly he bolted towards the forest in an opposite direction as Angel. The last remaining chopper followed.

That night when the stars lit up the sky, an old man was going for a walk through the forest when he came upon Nicole and Tim, he noticed the bullet wound in Tim’s chest, he gently picked up Nicole and turned to walk away. As he continued towards his house he noticed a small light coming from behind him, he turned around and saw Tim slowly being incased in green flames, slowly they were spread throughout his whole body, and Tim was set upright. When the flames had died down Tim stood there, the wound was gone, and he walked toward the old man.
“Do you mind if I carry her?” he asked.
‘Not at all,” Tim replied “just be careful, she’s been through a lot”
“Son I just watched a phoenix rise from the ashes of the dead,” the man responded “I think we all have”
“Thank you,” Tim said “You don’t know how much this means to us,”
“I never walk past a person in need,”
“But why us?” Tim asked,
“Because I used to be an outcast to, the world against you, nowhere to hide,” the man whispered, “I know how dark this world can get,”
They continued walking until they came to a small house. The old man walked into the house and showed Tim a room he could sleep in. That night Tim slept like a rock. While they slept, the old man treated the cuts that Nicole and Tim had received. The two teens slept until 2 in the next afternoon. When Tim woke up he walked into the kitchen. The old man walked in the door with a news paper in his hand.
“WERE AM I?” Tim screamed
“You’re in a small town,” the old man replied softly.
“WHO ARE YOU?” Tim continued to scream “WHO AM I?”
“I don’t know, you were laying in a grove of trees when I found you,” the old man replied again “but my names Jasper,”
“Do you know anything about me,” Tim asked.
“Not a clue,” Jasper said, “I don’t even know your name,”
“Well I do remember that,” Tim started to reply “My name is”
“Well what is it?” Jasper asked
“My name’s Tyler,” Tim replied. If no one knew who he was, they would all be safer.
“You wouldn’t happen to know who the girl is would you?” Jasper questioned “last night you seemed like you were old friends,”
“Her name’s Angel,” Tyler responded “We’ve only known each other for a little while actually,”
Jasper walked toward the fridge, and on his way over, he turned on the radio.
‘It has been reported that The Legion has been captured, and at 10 o clock they were given the death sentence because they took the law into their own hands and when they were told to stand down they killed 32 armed S.W.A.T units’
This caught Tyler’s attention.
‘The Legion members were put to death by the firing squad at 1 this afternoon, although the government claims it was the right punishment, the town will miss them because even though it was illegal, they saved almost every member of this town, including many police officers’
“That’s a shame,” Jasper sighed “they saved my son once; he was on a school bus when escaped convicts went on a rampage through the streets, and the Legion saved him, Prometheus even talked to my son and his girlfriend”
‘That must have been an amazing experience,” Tyler replied, “the meeting Prometheus, not the being close to being attacked by convicts,”
“It was amazing,” Jasper confirmed “It’s too bad; they were cleaning up that town,”
“What do you mean?” Tyler asked.
“Well everyone knows that town used to be a big crime bosses safe haven, but when the Legion showed up and saved
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