Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Crimson Tear by Kimberlyn Boster (book recommendations based on other books .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Crimson Tear by Kimberlyn Boster (book recommendations based on other books .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Kimberlyn Boster

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he forgetsā€¦like meā€ Matt said the last part glumly. I looked at him confused but he only shoke his head and waved me off. A few minutes later Goderic And everyone piled into Matts room.
ā€œEcho, Iā€™m guessing you want to go home now right???ā€ Goderic asked, I nodded hesitantly only because I felt like I belonged there oddly enough. I got up and hugged everyone goodnight and reassured him that I would see them tomorrow. Goderic lead me to the door and opened a car door for me it was a old chevy super sport didnā€™t know what year it was but I didnā€™t really care because I was growing tired.
We drove till we got to the school and Goderic let me give directions to my house. We pulled in and there were no lights on in the house. I looked at the time and it was way past for when my foster parents should have been home. Goderic got out of the car and cam around to my side and opened the door. I got out slowly as he waited patiently. I smiled and Hugged him when I was all the way out and he hugged me back as if we were long time buddies. ā€œIā€™ll see you tomorrow morning bright and earlyā€ I said and he chuckled ā€œyea and Iā€™ll have breakfast waiting when you get there, meet us at the court yard where we were all at before lunch kā€ I nodded and laughed ā€œok see yaā€ and with that I ran up to my front door as he closed the passenger door and went to the driverā€™s side. I turned to wave to see that he was in his car watching me and waved back. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and shoved it in the key hole and twists. ā€˜here we go itā€™s going to be a long nightā€™ it was dark like always when heā€™s home and not Jen. I looked back and Goderic was pulling out of the drive way and I closed the door behind me. Pulling of my shoes I put them by the door and tried to sneak off to my roomā€¦sanctuaryā€¦ ā€œwhere have you been its late and there isnā€™t any dinner out on the table or a you that was home.ā€ A gruff voice said from the living room. I looked in the living room to find my adopted father laying sprawled out on the couch with the t.v on mute and flashes of different colors alluminated the living room. I also saw Henryetta in a huge kennel, trying to claw and bite her way out of it. ā€œi.i.i..i. wa-wa-was wi-wi-with so-so-some o-o-o-of my new fr-fr-friendsā€ I stuttered backing away as I watched him get up and walk towards me.

I think it started its period

The next morning I woke up in the basement ā€˜guess Jen never came homeā€™ I creeped up the stares that led to the kitchen and found a letter
Donā€™t tell anyone about last night or you and that person will die.
I limped to the bathroom and started the bath water on hot. I sat on the toilet that sat next to the shower and took my damp close off slowly, wincing at every little movement I made. I ease my self in the bath tub and sat at the bottom to let the water clean off the surface. I scrubed my scalp gently to get the stickiness out. Then the torturous part the body washing, I stay in the shower for 30 more seconds longer then normal to get my bearings. I got dressed in a long sleeve layered shirt plain black on top and stripped on the hem and at the bottom of the sleeves and blue jeans along with my knee high converse that I tucked under my jeans so no one will give me attention. I went to the kitchen after doing something with my hair, on the fridge was another sticky in the some writing:
Go to a friends house I donā€™t want to see you for a few weeks
With that I made breakfast and headed out the door were I stumbled on to a backpack. Relizing it was mine and that I forgot it at ā€˜theirā€™ place I picked it up as a thin slip of paper fell
ā€˜you forgot this I thought you may need it today. Donā€™t worry I did all your homework for you but I wont do it again and sorry about last night I donā€™t know what got into me.
Yours forever,

I starred at it as I hobbled to school and into the court yard. I put the note into my back pocket and plastered on a smile. Everyone circled around me giving me hugs and good mornings and a hyper blonde guy came up and kissed my cheek and introduced him self as Mika but I didnā€™t really register anything and that is just how it is after the experiments and the torture. I tried not to limp or favor my right leg or my left in front of them I didnā€™t want them to take pity on me as I walked to a vacated bench but my right leg (the worse one out of the two) gave out and I went donā€™t with a painful yelp but I didnā€™t hit the ground I had at least eight pairs of hands caught me before I hit the ground but all those hands where in the wrong spots of my body and I nearly killed them all. I stood up thanking them though they all saved me, they nodded and then they just starred. I looked down and noticed blood and then I looked back up. They all starred at me in silence waiting for me to say something but Mika piped up in stead.
ā€œDude I think your thigh started its periodā€ then he gasped that wasnā€™t the only homemade stitch that busted and my clthes were soaked. Roxial looked at Goderic and had a sibling-bond and nodded to eachother everyone else caught the vibe but I didnā€™t understand it. Goderic scooped me up in his arms and looked at everyone and told everyone to ron de vu at their house. I tried to protest to them about how they shouldnā€™t skip school because of me but they scuffed and said that they would have done it anyway. We got to a clearing where cars were lined up and I recognized Godericā€™s Super sport that I now realized that it was 67 camero it was white that had light blue flames that blended in with the white. I looked at Goderic ā€œI donā€™t want to mess your car up Godericā€ she shrugged and poked his bottom lip out as if to say it wasnā€™t a problem. Roxial opened the passenger door for him and he set me into it and rushed to the driverā€™s side.
ā€œyou need a hospitalā€ Goderic said. I shook my head ā€œno no doctorā€™s thatā€™s what put me in the damn messā€ I gasped as pain racked my body. We were almost to his house when he asked if I wanted to talk about it and I only shook my head. We pulled up to the drive way and I was rushed into a room that was a light blue with stars on the ceiling. I was layed in a white fluffy bed and I gasped ā€œIā€™m going to ruin your bed now I can mange on my own.ā€ Goderic chuckled ā€œalways the worry stuborn wartā€ I look at him confused and he motioned me to lay back down when I didnā€™t notice that I had sat up. Every one had filed in the room and was sitting in a semi circle of the bed every one except for two, Mika and Vincent were missing.
ā€œcan you trust me to take your shirt and your pants off so that I can clean and oind your wounds?ā€ Goderic said in a weird sort of accent. I only nodded slowly and looked aroud the room and Goderic whispered that they could leave and I shook my head. ā€œthey feel like family and this is going to sound crazy but I feel like Iā€™ve known you guys forever.ā€ Goderic and the others chuckled as he started to gently undrees me with Roxialā€™s help only leaving me in my undies and my bra. I squirmed under their gaze and a guy that looked like Demetri handed him a large bowl of hot clear liquid and a white wash cloth. They all came around the bed and grabbed a wash cloth and dunked it in the large steaming bowl and started gently cleaning my wounds and dressing them. I closed my eyes and sighed debating or not to tell them what happened and that I needed a place to stay for a few weeks. ā€œmy adoptive father did this to meā€ I muttered and they all seemed to hear me but kept working. ā€œHe said that I was a deformity from God and that it was his job to make my life hell and to make me better againā€ I said softly. ā€œso every night when my adoptive mother isnā€™t home I have to fight with otherā€™s like me..deformitiesā€¦to the death and if I donā€™t kill them Iā€™m beaten till I canā€™t move or until I stop breathing.ā€ I squeaked remembering the little girl that I
didnā€™t kill last night and how I suffered for it, but it was worth it. ā€œso what happened to your hip Echo?ā€one of the guys asked. I sighed, ā€œhe put me in vise grip and spun it till it fractured my hipā€. Everyone stopped what this were doing and I opened my eyes and Roxial pipes up and asks ā€œwhy???ā€ I told them how I was suppose to kill an 8 year old girl and that I refused and that this was my consiquence to not obeying any orders and that I need a place to stay for awhile and that I didnā€™t want to go back home or back to school. And they all agreed.


Tell Her

Vincentā€™s point of view
I softly press the now pinkish rag on a cut that could make me loose it and drain her, and dabbed at it to clean it. Why is it I couldnā€™t save her, why couldnā€™t I feel that she was in trouble better yet how did I not feel that she was still alive??? I had her blood in me from earlier I couldā€™ve felt it and I could have saved her, but then she would know that I was a monster again. I hated seeing her face when I unleashed the beast that I had locked up in my pale colds shell, I remember when she did remember all of us she tried to hide it and she would always reassured me that she wasnā€™t scared or frightened but I could always tell. She would spend me time with me then anyother then the guys and I knew she loved us all in different ways. But that was wrong for have letting myself go in the bedroom when she woke up and the only reason Goderic made her go home was because he thought I was endangering her. And he thought she shouldnā€™t know yet.
ā€œWe should tell her soon Goderic.ā€ I muttered trying to get my mind off of her blood. ā€œI knowā€ was all he can say and I knew not to push him. Him and I went way back and so did demetri and I; I was on demetriā€™s side but I converted to both side cuz I saw and believe both sides because they were both saying the same thing the angels wanted to do the same thing to her that the demons did

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