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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Four by Heather Ray (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Four by Heather Ray (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Those go in the basket by the desk."

Chris nodded slowly while Rachel booted the computer program. "Okay, how about you start scanning the forms, and I'll order dinner. Then I'll start putting the forms you've scanned into piles, male and female, and then by number. We can cover the names and collect the ID tags as we go."

"Sounds good," Rachel commented, pointing to the desk opposite her. "There's a phone book in the top drawer."

Chris grinned as he picked up the nearest telephone, and dialed the number by heart. "Memorizing delivery phone numbers is another tenet of college life. So, may I take your order?"
Chapter Five

Two hours and a carton of chicken and snow peas later, Rachel walked into her apartment. As she peeled off her jacket, she noticed Tamara sitting at the kitchen counter, a peeved frown on her face as she stared at a thick textbook.

"Hey Tammy," she greeted.

Tamara glanced at her roommate. "So where've you

been? I was starting to think you'd been abducted by aliens. Again."

Rachel smiled at the wry comment. "I was entering the new submissions."

"All this time?"

Rachel shrugged as she approached the refrigerator. "There were a lot of submissions. If Chris hadn't stuck around to help me, I'd still be there."

She selected the carton of orange juice, and turned toward the cupboard. Upon noticing Tamara's wolfish grin, she cocked an eyebrow. "I don't even want to know what's running through your mind right now."

Tamara slammed her textbook shut and leaned closer to her friend. "He really is a nice guy, Ray," she insisted, "and frankly, I doubt he stuck around on a Friday night to shuffle papers for no reason."

"Yeah, I know."

Tamara's smile faded at the resignation in her friend's voice. "And why isn't

this a good thing?"

Rachel took a long sip of juice. "Because I don't want a guy in my life."

"Why are you so adamant about that?" Tamara demanded, clearly perplexed.

Rachel turned, meeting Tamara's stunned gaze. "I've always had a lot on my plate; school, work, extracurriculars... and two weeks ago, another huge burden was placed on my shoulders. The last thing I need right now is something else

to worry about."

Silence gathered between them as Tamara considered Rachel's argument. There was something else behind Rachel's decision than practicality... but Tamara decided to let it slide. For the moment, at least.

"So, how's the studying coming?" Rachel queried, in an effort to change the topic.

Tamara groaned audibly. "Suffice it to say that Calculus will be the death of me. This entire textbook is Greek to me!"

"I thought Matt was going to help you."

Tamara glared at the clock. "Yeah, and he's two hours late!"

"That's not like him," Rachel noted, a faint worry starting to form. "Did you call him?"

"I don't want to be pushy..."

Without further ado, Rachel picked up the telephone.

Chapter Six

Green eyes narrowed into slivers as the pink racer fired a tortoise shell. Snarling furiously, Matt jerked the controller as if his gyrations could help his driver regain control sooner. However, by the time Yoshi stopped spinning, the other racer had already crossed the finish line.

His opponent's mocking giggles made defeat even harder to swallow. "You may think you're hot stuff with Princess Peach, but can you handle Tony Hawk?" he challenged.

Jocelyn yawned theatrically. "Whatever it takes to prove to you that I've got your number!"

Moments after Matthew had climbed behind the television to connect the Playstation, the telephone rang. Jocelyn was quick to pick up.


After a brief pause, the caller spoke. ^Jocelyn?^

"Hey Ray! How are you?"

^Hanging in there. Listen, is Matt around?^

"Yep. The bone-head absolutely refuses

to acknowledge that I'm the Game Master!"

Rachel paused again. ^Matt's playing video games?^

Jocelyn jerked the phone away from her ear when she heard a high-pitched shriek. "Whoa, what was that??"

^Tammy. She's a little miffed Matt didn't come by to tutor her.^

Jocelyn's eyes narrowed. "He'll be right there."

Immediately upon hanging up the phone, Jocelyn stomped toward Matthew. His back was turned from her as he turned on the Playstation, eagerly grasping the first controller. "Did I tell you I set the record for this level? See if you can-"

He yelped as something soft yet solid slammed into his head. Rubbing the sore spot, he stared first at the pillow that had hit him, and then at Jocelyn.

"What was that for?" he complained.

Her arms were folded, and her eyes were devoid of sympathy. "You forgot all about Tammy!"

Matt winced, glancing at the clock. He then leapt from the floor, grabbing his keys and notebook. "Don't think this little distraction will save you from the wrath of Tony Hawk!" he warned as he opened the door.

Jocelyn smirked smugly. "I'm so

scared..." she taunted.

Chapter Seven

Rachel hung up the phone, and then turned toward Tamara. She barely managed to contain her laughter at the thunderous expression on Tammy's face. "Matt will be here any minute. Jocelyn's bringing him down now."

"Matt's... with Jocelyn?" Tamara concluded.

"Sounds like they were playing video games. He probably lost track of time."

Rachel was trying to appease her friend, yet as the anger slowly melted from her pale face, Rachel felt her worry grow.

Tammy looked inspired.

"Tammy, what..."

A calculating grin appeared.

With a groan, Rachel slapped her forehead. "Tammy, don't!" she begged.

"But wouldn't they be adorable together?"

Straining for patience, Rachel rubbed the now sore spot between her eyes. "Tam, you read way too deep into things. They fight like brother and sister!"

Tamara dismissed the comment with a wave. "Take it from someone who grew up with two brothers... Matt and Jocelyn do not

act like brother and sister. It's more like..."

Tamara bit her tongue as the door swung open, and Rachel tried to appear busy piling clean dishes in the cabinet.

A heartbeat later, Jocelyn emerged from the hallway. Both Rachel and Tamara gawked as the petite girl dragged Matthew into the apartment. Even after they came to a stop in the kitchenette, their hands remained linked. "Matt is really sorry he's such an airhead," she announced, her annoyance obvious.

Matt awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "I got distracted," he excused, "but don't worry, we still have plenty of time to study Calc."

When he didn't hear the high pitched yelling he was expecting, Matt dared to raise his eyes. He frowned at the open surprise in Rachel and Tamara's faces.

"What're you staring at?" he demanded, nonplussed.

Tamara tossed her hair over her shoulder, regaining her composure. "Just a certain freshman who owes me an 'A' on my next quiz."

Matt smirked. "In that case, I suggest you bribe your professor."

Chapter Eight

Saturday, February 12th

The Red Enforcer gnashed his teeth, his arms trembling as he struggled to push back the inexorable approach of his opponent's glowing blue saber. Only, the sheer strength of the other was simply too much for him.

"Come to the Dark Side..."

Red glared. "Never!" he hissed.

"It is your destiny


Red stepped back, his feet sinking into the sand as he finally forced his enemy's saber to glance off his. "I'll never

join with you!"

The other regarded him clinically. "But Luke... I am your father."

Before Keith could remember a suitable response, the heavy sand between them exploded in a burst of dust and orange energy. Both combatants were thrown to the ground.

"Craig, Keith, maybe it's time you got remotely

serious?" Jocelyn suggested, lowering her granite crossbow.

"Besides, you aren't even close

to right," Tamara added, "Vader, you were supposed to cut off Luke's hand before

revealing that you're his father."

Rachel shook her head. "Don't encourage them, Tam. They just might lose a few limbs."

Keith rose to his feet, shaking the dust from his red armor. "Pretty fancy shootin' there, Jocie."

Orange grinned beneath her mask. "Thanks!" she responded, displaying her Dia-staff's latest incarnation, "Turns out my aim is pretty good. With a little practice, I'll be a force to be reckoned with!"

"More practical than a tennis racket, anyway," Matt contributed with a smirk. He easily ignored Jocelyn's gimlet glare.

"Spectrum Force," a voice declared. All six heroes looked into the deep blue sky, where Spectra floated above their heads. "The object of this exercise is for each of you to maximize the effectiveness of the Dia-staffs," she reminded them. "Now they are far less

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