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Read books online » Fiction » The Spectrum Force Volume Four by Heather Ray (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖

Book online «The Spectrum Force Volume Four by Heather Ray (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Ten

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Jocelyn returned to the High Rise. Her ponytail was still damp from her afternoon at the gym's pool, where she'd burned some time, calories, and energy. Now, she was totally spent, and the vague ache in her muscles sang accomplishment.

No way I'm

getting that freshman fifteen!

She determined, walking through the lobby, Unless I spent Valentine's Day shoveling everything Ben and Jerry makes...

She walked down a hallway lined with hundreds of small metal mailboxes, a strange unease knotting her stomach. About a week ago, she'd learned about the Valentine's Day Giveaway, and something about the concept appealed to her. She'd never had someone special with whom to share the holiday... and it didn't start to bother her until suddenly February 14th began to mean something to her friends at high school. Then, the chill of loneliness first struck, and it continued to do so each year afterward.

The contest was a chance to find a spark... but it was even more likely to leave a burn. Of course, plenty of doubts flooded her mind when she read the questionnaire. What if she was matched with someone much older? Or someone that bored her to tears? Or someone that... expected something from her...?

Two weeks ago, she would've let her worries impede her. She would've shaken her head at the effusive volunteer, and kept walking. She never would've taken such a chance... it wasn't her style.

Yet, the orange stone on her finger gave her fresh perspective. When compared to the grotesque horror of the Phlegnin worm that burrowed through the subways of Langstrum Alps, an older guy was hardly intimidating. Considering the petrifying fear of being swallowed by the thick blanket of Shadows on Edenia, a boring date was not the end of the world. And after facing an endless army of Shadows, resigned to fight until she drew her last breath, even the most hormonal of college boys could hardly phase her.

So with confidence she'd never before experienced, Jocelyn completed the questionnaire.

Of course, that didn't mean she wasn't embarrassed by it all. The absolute last

thing she wanted was for her friends to realize her loneliness. Considering how anxious Tamara was to find Rachel a boyfriend, even the slightest hint of her feelings would turn the Yellow Enforcer's matchmaking eye in her


Besides, I'm not desperate

! I'm just... adventurous


Though when she stood before her mailbox, her hand hovering at the latch, she wondered where her adventurous spirit had gone.

Taking a breath to steel herself, Jocelyn pulled open the mailbox.

She was expecting to be disappointed. She had already made a tentative date with the couch, a pint of Cherry Garcia, and the video "Blazing Saddles" to lift her spirits. So when she reached into the small crevice, and brushed her fingers against ribbon and soft petals, she stopped breathing.

Biting her lip, Jocelyn pulled her hand from the mailbox, holding a single red rose, with a sheet of paper tied to its stem in fine red ribbon.

Chapter Eleven

"I told

you! I so told you!! And you didn't even want to consider

the possibilities!"

Rachel tapped her foot, impatiently waiting for Tamara to get her triumph out of her system.

"It's incredible that they won! Of all the hundreds of applicants, they won

! It's like... fate or something!"

She then turned around, fixing a curious eye on Rachel. "Unless, an insider helped them out."

"Me?" Rachel concluded, "You think I

might've had a hand in this? The forms were all anonymous when we read them, and Gwen picked the winner herself. I didn't even know

Jocelyn decided to participate!"

"Yeah, I didn't either," Tamara confessed, tapping her cheek pensively, "I wonder why she didn't clue us in?"

"So, you didn't have anything to do with this?"

Tamara turned to Rachel, her eyebrow raised. "Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know... maybe forge Jocelyn's application?"

Tamara opened her mouth, preparing a sharp reply, when suddenly the fight died right out of her. Slowly, a grin formed on her face. "Hmm... that didn't even occur to me! Not a bad idea, Ray!"

Rachel rolled her eyes bemusedly. "You are a devious woman, Tamara Fox!"

The sound of keys jingling at the front door drew both women's attention. They stared openly, wide smiles on their faces, as Jocelyn stepped into the apartment.

The high color on the freshman's cheeks only deepened. "I guess I don't need to tell you what happened," she realized, setting her gym bag on the sofa.

"I can't understand why you kept a lid on it," Tamara confessed, "I mean, you must've known Rachel was on the committee, right?"

Jocelyn shrugged. "I figured she'd only find out if I was selected, and the chances were slim that'd happen, so why make a big deal out of it?"

She slowly withdrew the rose and invitation from the outer pocket of her bag. "Now...I guess it's time to make a big deal out of it." She took a long, steadying breath as she unrolled the pale pink parchment. "An evening of fine cuisine and dancing, courtesy of the school, and accompanied by a young man that matches my personality and interests. I'm supposed to meet him at the Fine Arts school entrance at six o'clock on Monday. The limo will pick us up from there." She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I don't know how I got myself into this..."

Jocelyn jumped as Tamara threw her arm around the smaller girl's shoulders. "Relax, Jocie... we'll make sure you're there with bells on!"

Rachel grinned at Jocelyn's grimace. "Figuratively speaking, of course."

Tamara's excitement bubbled as she took the invitation and read it over. "This is going to be fantastic! I have to go to the Plaza for some shopping... Keith told me to wear something 'winter warm' for Valentine's. God only knows what he's planning..."

She made her way to the refrigerator, and pinned the invitation with a magnet. "So let's make a day out of it! I'll help you find the perfect outfit for tomorrow night... Ray, you can come with us, right?"

"Sure, I'll tag along."

"Great! We'll shop around for clothes, then collect the makeup essentials, grab a bite... it'll be so much fun!"

Jocelyn hurried to the refrigerator, snatching the invitation and stuffing it into her pocket. "Maybe we can keep a lid on this? I mean, there's no reason to announce this to the world, right?"

Rachel and Tamara traded amused looks. Jocelyn noticed, and frowned. "Okay, I admit it, this is

a little embarrassing. I'm fine with you two knowing, and I'm grateful for your help, really... but the guys do not

need to find out. They've got the collective maturity of a five-year-old. All I need is for Craig or Keith to start teasing me... and Matt? He'll never

let me live this down!"

Tamara's smirk softened at the concern on her friend's face. "My lips are sealed."

Rachel's startled glance met Jocelyn's, and both girls fell into helpless laughter. Tamara impaled both her friends with her sharpest glare, though they paid no heed. "I am

capable of keeping a secret!" she grumbled petulantly.

Chapter Twelve

"No way..."

For an absurd moment, Matthew actually considered closing his mailbox door and opening it again. But his eyes were not deceiving him... a red rose with delicate twine sat just above his phone bill.

An awed grin forming, he pulled out the delicate blossom and unfurled the note.

"Hey Matt!"

He barely contained a startled yelp when he recognized the voice. Urgently, he stuffed the flower back into the mailbox.

"Uh... hey, Tammy."

Something in Tamara's laughing brown eyes caused a faint blush to erupt on Matthew's fair skin. Did she already know he'd won the Giveaway...?

"Listen, the girls and I are going to the mall for some emergency shopping," she reported, waving to Rachel and Jocelyn by the elevator. "We need to reschedule that Calculus study session. Maybe tomorrow after practice?"

He nodded dutifully. "Sure. Tomorrow's good."

Her lips spread into a saccharine smile. "Isn't there something you want to tell


"Like what?" he wondered, all innocence.

"Like 'thanks for making me fill out the questionnaire!' Jeez, Matt, I saw you with the rose!"

Matthew winced visibly, looking around to make sure no one overheard. "Tam, keep your voice down!"

"What's the big deal, anyway? Rachel already told me you won."

He then took a cautious look over Tamara's shoulder. Over the distance, he caught Jocelyn's anxious grin. What was on her mind, he wondered...

"Joce doesn't know yet, right?"

Tamara blinked. "No. Not yet, anyway."

"So, why don't you let me tell her? When I'm ready, I mean."

She shook her head, laughing at some inside joke Matthew couldn't fathom. "It's up to you, Matt," she decided, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Matt waved as she walked away, and threw another wave to Rachel and Jocelyn as the trio left the building. Then, once the coast was clear, he drew open the mailbox once again, and retrieved his prize.

He stared at the soft rose petals, suddenly perplexed.

Why don't I want Joce to know about this? I mean, what's the big deal? She'll be happy for me, just like the others will.

Only, for some reason, it just wasn't that simple.

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