Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » A Joke By Any Other Name by L. D. Manning (great novels to read .txt) 📖

Book online «A Joke By Any Other Name by L. D. Manning (great novels to read .txt) 📖». Author L. D. Manning

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tried to get the door open.

Finally able to get through the door I slammed it shut behind me. Giving myself a moment, to reassure myself that I was safe, I look through the small window of the door. It was only then that I realized that the Joker hadn't been trying to get to the door. No he was going through my paperwork.

What the hell is going on, why did the door open. Even if the storm cut the power, it shouldn't have opened the cells. I bagged away from the door. But was stopped by a big body behind me. I jumped with fear as a hand pulled me back into a utility closet. Even as I fought, he still was able to cover my mouth.

"Shh, their going to hear you." Gillian said next to my ear. His breath was heavy against my cheek as we waited.

Then it came, the sound of footsteps and movement. A deep New York accented voice, spoke. "Open the door." Instantly the sound of drills filled the hall just beyond the closet door. Until the sound of what could only be the big metal door to the Joker hitting the ground. "Hello boys how's it going."

"All according to plan boss, and with the snowstorm, we'll be ahead of schedule for when the bat finally arrives." A high pitch of laughter screeched out then. The sound itself seem to pierce my ears and chill my very soul. "Then there's only one thing left to do." The door swung open hitting me in the face. I let out a cry as we fell back. Standing there with that damn smile was the Joker. "There is no where you can hide from me child. . .I'll always find you."  




Chapter Four





They had all the doctors lined up on their knees, in the presentation room. All of us crying and begging for our lives as they laughed and even beat some of us up. The joker sat back talking to his men about making Arkham asylum a death trap for batman.

“This is crazy, this is fucking crazy." A woman three people down from me chanted. I could see her frantic face out of only one of my eyes. The hit from the door, had closed my other eye shut.  "You can't do this to us. We fucking help people" The Joker's stood up and walked over to her. He lend over as if to hear her better. Only to pull out a knife and stabbed her in the throat. Her eyes glossed over, becoming dull and lifeless like that of a doll.

I was going to throw up, I could feel it. Because the room was spinning, because it was becoming harder and harder to hold my head up. I watched as he pulled the blade from her neck and pushed her back. His face shifting to me with a big menacing smile.

It was then I realised that I was the only one still in the same place. Everyone else had moved back or had tried to escape, I was the only one still looking on, in the same position. . . on my knees. I noticed that the Joker was moving to me now, the smile on his face seem to be one of rage as he kneeled down in front of me. "I don't like a mouthy woman."

I couldn't . . . I couldn't breathe. My own fear held me hostage. It betrayed me. Bat man. . .  we just had to hold out until batman got here.

Right. . ?

I throw up all over him and myself.




Chapter Five





I was dragged by my hair up to Gillian's office. Not stopping until he reached Gillians private bathroom. "Wait out here." He said slamming the bathroom door in his henchmen face. Letting my hair go, I watched as the Joker took off his shirt. Wetting one end of it, then coming over to clean mine own shirt.

"You don't have to do that." The words flow out before I could think to stop my self. He gave a light laugh, one so normal I had to check and see if it was truly the Joker. "Its fine." He said lightly knocking away my fingers. When he was finally done, he proceeded to clean his own shirt. Before hanging it up to dry. His body was so pale, and so skinny, yet he held the power and command of so many...How.

Taking my upper arm, he walked us back in to Gillian office. The Joker sat me in the guest seat and sat himself in front of me in Gillian's chair. "Leave us, me and my phycologist have some issues we need to work out." Laughing as he spun around in the chair, I watched as the Joker started to play with the computer.

When the password was wrong the second time, he looked up at me. "What's the password?" That angry smile was back again. "I don't-" a sharp back hand, knocked me out of my seat. The hit rattling both my brain and body. Causing me to go in to the safest position. . .the fetal position, a position that would cover any vital organs while still protecting my face and head. "I'm telling you the truth." I said my voice unable to hide my Brooklyn accent. As I laid still and unmoving on the ground, I listened as the joker moved closer and closer. His footsteps only stopping when he finally reached me.

Knowing there would be a second hit. Because there was always a second hit, I tightened up. I flinched when I felt a light hand touch my shoulders. He lightly sat me up, and moved my hands from my face. I didn't fight him, knowing that doing so made men like him angry. And the last thing I wanted to do was make him angry. "That accent, why do you hide it." His hands took hold of mine, his long skinny fingers gripped mine in an iron hold. As his eyes became wide and intensely focused on me. Unable to stop my discomfort I tried to move my hands out of his. Only to have his grip grow tighter, though not painfully tight.

It was clear he didn't want me to pull away again. "No one would take me seriously with my accent, so I changed it." His thumb slowly rubbed across my fingers as if he were counting each one over and over again. Waiting for the next hit, a hit that didn't come. "Don't let anyone make you feel, like you have to hide, the real you." I had been expecting something cruel and mean, not. . . . sweet. Standing up, the Joker walked to the door. "I guess I'll just have to find someone who does know." he said, as if he were giving me a chance to come clean. I stayed silent, my eyes only leaving his when the door finally shut behind him.




Chapter Six





Without thinking I forced myself forward and to the computer. Putting in the password I looked for my file. "Damn it damn it dammit." Why was Gillian so unorganized. When I finally found my file the door flew open.


Gillian ran at me, bat in hand. His first swing missed me, but knocked the computer down. I retreated back, knocking the chair into the bookcase. Books and awards fell around me. Covering my head I tried to make more distance between me and Gillian, as he advanced towards me.

"Gillian . . . Gillian what are you doing." He swung again, this time hitting my hand. Making me tripping over the missed place chair. As I tried to move away with only one hand, I tried to plead with Gillian. "Please please don't do this."

"I'm so sorry." Before he could pull back the bat far enough.


A pale hand grabbed the back of his head and slammed it against the bookshelf. He didn't stop, not even when he had to hold Gillian up, the Joker just kept going. "Please, please stop, please stop." I hadn't realized that I was crawling away, until I reached the corner. Pulling my hands and knees close, I held my head.

"Get him out of here, disobedient fuck." He kicked Gillian's body right before his men picked him up. "And her boss?" one of his men said as the Joker grabbed the leather chair and pulled it back into place. As another one of the Joker's henchmen pulled Gillian's computer off the floor. Running his hands over the computer screen as he sat. The joker turned back on the computer screen. I sat frozen, my eyes glued on the screen as it popped up the last file accessed. My file. I didn't want to look at him, even as he slowly turned to me. Even as I felt his eyes burning into the side of my face, I didn't want to look at him. I was too afraid of what he would do. When he didn't come after me, I found myself breathing again. That is until I realized he was reading my file.

"Hahaha. . .'It is my belief that Ms. Harleen Quinzel suffer from borderline personality disorder. It is clear the physical and mental abuse from her parents plays a big part in her obsession, with Dr. Harris. Her issue with loneliness, dependency and irrational fear of abandonment, Feeds her need to be loved, as will as her anger when confronted about her unhealthy behaved. That was also Documented my Dr. Harris himself.' No wonder you don't think I'm crazy, your nuttier than a fruit bat." I could no

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