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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » A Joke By Any Other Name by L. D. Manning (great novels to read .txt) 📖

Book online «A Joke By Any Other Name by L. D. Manning (great novels to read .txt) 📖». Author L. D. Manning

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longer hear him. The sound of my own thoughts rocking me to resit. I had to get back control of the situations. I had to stop him from talking. . . "I wonder". The Joker said cutting in to my thoughts. "What was Documented in Dr.-". Before he could finish, my body without thought of consequence or danger. Propelled itself at the disk. Unsure if I was aiming for the Joker or the computer. Not that it mattered be for I could even touch the desk. One of the Joker's men had me, his thick arm wrapped around my throat, as he took me off my feet.

This was no warning, this man was crushing my throat . He was trying to kill me. And I could do nothing, nothing but claw at the thick hairy arm that held me. Even as I jircked my body around, not ready to die, but knowing I could do nothing to stop it. My eyes shot around the room, hoping someone would stop this man, anyone. But I could see it in their face, they were going to let me die. It wouldn't bother them, it wouldn't even be a second thought later on in their life. Slowly getting light headed and running out of hope. I looked over at my last hope, the man who had saved me from Gillain.

The Joker was no longer facing the computer, but was looking right at me, his face blank as he watched his hichmen choke me to death. Even as I reached my hand out to him. I felt like a fool a dispred fool. . . That is until I saw him roll his eye, and point at his nail, then his eyes. Repeating the motion two more times before he placed a pin at the end of the table where I was being choked.

What. . .the room grow darker. . .why. . .and darker. I lifted my hand one last time, even as he tried to shake off my fingers from his face, I found his eyes and scratched and clawed. Even going as far as trying to dig my fingers into his eye sockets. Anything to get him to let me go. And to his credit, he didn't let go leaving me to drop my arms. I was watching him now, watching the Joker as he watched me die. Eyeball . . .eye. . . ball. . . .ball... With one last stong grunt I swung my hand back and hit him in the balls. Hitting mother nature release switch. As his hands came down to grab his dick.

A rush of air hit my lungs, I found myself unable to stand. Barely able to grab onto the desk, as I slid to the floor, knocking papers and pens down as well.

The Joker's henchmen, had only given me a moment before he was reaching for me again. My hand clinch the pen as he pulled me up, by my throat. I waited till I was close enough. Then I stabbed him in the ear. I watched as his face and body twitched before pulling out the pen and bringing it back down on his neck. He pushed me away. Though weaker, I still found myself falling back on the desk, right before I lunge myself at him again. Stabbing him over and over again in the neck. Not stopping until I realized I was in a room fun of his coworkers.




Chapter Seven





Turning sloppily to them, I stumbled back hitting the wall, now the only thing holding me up. I watched as they surrounded me, each person's eyes as cold and discarding as their bosses. I could not win this. . . It was just no way. So I did the only thing I could do. I looked over at the Joker and mad myself useful to him.

"With Gillian incapacitated, you're going to need someone who knows all the passwords and knows where the keys to the basement doors. Food and employees shift list. I know it all and if I don't, I know how to get the information." I watched as his jaw ticked and his eye sharped. "Butch take Joie and leave us to are." His hand raised, as if to tell me to speak. "Na-nagosheation." I said to the outburst of laughter. He clearly thought my words where funny. So when he repeated them back to Butch with air quotes, I wasn't surprised.

Though I was surprise about the drill, nails and larger pieces of wood, he asked for as well. Making me once again wonder why this skinny pale man seem to have an iran hold on some one like Butch or the dead body that must be Joie. They were both big scary guys, with names belonging to that of any mafia leader or enforcer. So why where they here, working with him. Without question or a moment, any rational person would give themselves before assisting in a crime. Butch nodded his head and proceeded to pick up the dead body next to me.

I bagged away slowly only stopping where the bookshelf and the wall met. I had thought that one of them would have tried something. In retaliation for there fellow henchmen, but that had stock to their bosses orders. Taking the body out of the room, even shutting the door behind them.

Still not feeling safe I shifted the pin in my right hand and waited for him to speak. "Well you handled that slower than I thought you would." He got to his feet then shrugged. "But then again it can't be help. . . you're a blond after all." He said it as if it were the next step to being simple.

"Fuck you." I said close to spitting in his disrespectful face. His steps grow quick as he advanced towards me. Fear took hold of me as my hand shot out to stab him with the pin. Only to have him grab me by my wreak. The hold was hard and unmoving as he looked at me with what I could only call a mockingly sad smile.

When his hand reached out and touched my neck I sucked in a breath. Moving back from him even though I was up against the wall. "You really had me worried there." He said this time his face falling in the category of normal human. His hand over my neck, seam to be more gentle than I expected.

"I didn't think you would catch on." I blinked then looked at him, and not just a part of his face or his smile, no I really looked at him, right in the eyes. My thoughts calling back him pointing to his nails and eyeball. "Why. . . why did you do that?"

"I didn't want you to die."

"Then why not stop him?" I snapped back not letting my fear stop me from calling him on his bullshit. He looked in to my eyes, so unblinking and so true, that I found myself truly believing his next words. "If anyone thought that a monster like me ever cared for someone. . .well let's just say he wouldn't have been so nice."

Again he perplexed me. Every time I thought I fingered him out or that I understood how his mind worked, he would throw me through a loop. Bringing me right back to not knowing a damn thing about this man. "Now how to punish you?"

"What?" I said trying to move away from him. But his grip grow tighter, as he pushed his body against me, trapping me. "Will you did lie to me darling . . . and I fucking hate liars." He said taking my hand and smashing it against the wall, until I let go of the pin. Letting out a screech of pain I used my free hand to push him away from me.

"Now now let's not panic." He took my other hand then, each grip was tight enough to hurt. "I wouldn't want to bite your nose off." Unable to stop myself from crying, I turned my head away from him, fearing that he would do it even if I obeyed. Leaning his head to the right as if he didn't understand my fear. The Joker pulled dragged with him and pushed me up against the wall right between the door Butch and his gang had left from and the large filing cabinet Gillian like to keep in his office. Filled with files he thought to important to trust his computer with.

"Where is the key?" After only a moment of hesitation. I walked over to Gillians disk pulled out the top draw then reached just above the draw place meant for the hidden key he keep there. Walking back over. I handed the key to the joker and then moved away. When the draw popped open I watched as he turned to me. Clearly happy I had proven my earlier words.

Letting out a breath, of thanks for passing his test. I relaxed a little, as I watched him pull out the paper from the bottom shelf. Looking around for anything I could use to bash his head in. I silently wondered who's file he was looking for.

My eyes locked on the computer keyboard. My hand itching to grab it and bash his head in.

I took a small step back.

He didn't seem to notice.

A few more. . .

He pulled out the second shelf from the bottom as well. His hands stopping when he found the paper he was looking for.

When I finally moved back far enough to touch the edge of the keyboard. I found myself stopping. My thoughts going to what he had said to me earlier. 'If anyone thought that a monster like me ever cared for someone. . .well let's just say he wouldn't have been so nice.'
He had feeling for me. . .

My hands slipped away from the keyboard.

Maybe. . . he was savable. Maybe with more time he could be rehabilitated... Even.

Butch walked into the room then, his big hands caring a drill and wood. I frowned once again wondering what it was for. The Joker stood up quickly his eyes no longer on the paper but on me. "Get in." I frowned, as my hand lifted to my chest. A slow and ominous sense of melancholy field me, as i asked the one question I feared most. "What?"

"Punishment sweet girl. A price must be paid for lying, don't you think." Though the last part was asked I could tell it was not a question. "No, please. . ." I ran for the door, only to have a body tackle me to the ground. His heavy thin form easily holding me down. "Come now we don't want to keep your punishment waiting." Taking my arm the Joker pulled me up and close to him. His piercing green eyes seeming to drill in to my own.

As if my fear were something he could devour, the Joker licked his lips. I could feel my stomach turn and pull with fear. The strong pull of the Joker made it almost impossible to get away from him. Only follow, as he guided me to the big gap in

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