Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Theo is Gone by Aidan A. (best thriller novels of all time TXT) 📖

Book online «Theo is Gone by Aidan A. (best thriller novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Aidan A.

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but I can’t just tell her hey um i think I’m dying. Fuck.

Again I arrive early to school and I scan my card Good Morning Juliana Mae, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can utilize to change the world, have a great day. I tell my mom i'll sit down at a bench and wait for my class to start. I don't actually want to wait with her in her class, her freshman class. Last year, the school tried their best as possible to not to make me end up in her english class. I never did, uhh just imagine.


“You draw?” I see Gabriel sketching out an amazing pair of eyes. He doesn't answer.


That's the reason I approached him. He doesn't respond like expected and plus he's fucking drawing and the drawing doesn't seem rainbows and all.


“Wanna take a look?”


He says making minor details. Yeah i say. He moves aside so i can sit at the bench and hands me his journal. Wow i can't help but say. Birds, faces, nature, eyes.


“I honestly did not see this coming from you, Gabriel.”


“Call me Gabe,” I nodd and hand him back his journal.


“Then call me Ana… I prefer that, Gia picked it out for me,literally” he smiles.

I straight out mention that art is a hobby of mine. Then we talk.I watch people walk by but don’t see her. I straight out tell him that I would have never guessed that he had this much talent.


“Show me your artwork, I bet you can't impress me,” he says and gets up and leaves since the bell rings. I don't get to say anything.


Well ok, Gabriel… oh shit wait it’s Gabe.


It’s  lunch. Gia didn't come to school today. And i'm hanging out in the locker room. I known gia for 8 years now and i remember her saying to me in the eighth grade Ana, i  thought you were gonna turn out as a completely different person.i look back and remember i never really listen  to her I was focused on making being friends with the rest of the people. I was observing how people acted and notice it was the same. I had to learn the way people lived and basically became an expert on how to live in Caifall. I really tried hard To fit in with others but it wasn't hard with Gia. THe more i grew closer to her the more she knew i was different but she never knew she was like me.


“I’m really sorry for saying this but I thought you were gonna be a bitch,” I look at her like i was gonna beat her up.


I wanted to mess with sweet Gia and had to see her reaction. I was still looking over the crowd during lunch trying not to laugh and Gia dying over here with her worried face.


”It’s completely fine Gi, I know you don't mean to hurt my feelings.” I sit down next to her on the ground right in front of our lockers.


“Yeah,” she said relieved,” … You are the best person I know.” she hugged me and I never wanted to let go. Me out of all the people she knows, this is unexpected.


She is way better  than all those over people i had classes with that still don't know my name after a year. She is so important and she was always there for me and now i need to be there for her. I saw a difference in her from yesterday, wonder what has got into her.


1:48 pm “Can you drop me off to Gia’s today mom?”


“Sorry can't today, I have a meeting and then I have errands to do hun,” she fixes her bun at her hanged small mirror.


“So then you have change for me to take a bus?”


You have your ride ready for you at the bus loop. I don't question or anything else because she seems busy. I head over to the bus loop where buses from special ed kids and cars can came in and out.  I don't see any recognizable cars anywhere so I sit down. Honk! Everyone notices this middle aged man with a big belly shouting and waving to get someone's attention. Oh wait thats my dad.


“Juliana! I'm here to pick you up. Get in the car Princess, we’ve got plans!”He has a big smile on. Princess?


“Go along princess they are waiting for you,”Gabes says laughing out loud.


I stand there stilling looking at my dad who won't shut up,”God, I don't want to go.” We both just look at him.


We stand there quiet,”I’m going over to Gia’s today,” i sigh.



“Yea… well better go before the king would want to introduce himself.”


“Juliana!Prin-” before he could say anything I scan my card and get into the car.


“Dad, amazing wonderful dad, I would love if you stop calling me …”

Princess? You got it!

We go to the nearest fast food drive through. My dad has not said a word.

Hey you coming to school tomorrow? I delete the message.

Can I come over tomorrow? I delete the message.

I sigh. “So, can I go to Gia’s house today for a while then just go out to eat or something just for today please?”

My dad turns on the radio.


“We actually going  for a little visit.”



For the first time in forever dad is quiet and not answering. What the heck? This guy is seriously crazy.


“Your job? What are we doing here?” we end up at Targeta right where the Mayor works, my dad works. I’ve only seen this place on tv and the announcements everyday at school. This is my actual first time here.


He doesn’t answer me, rolls down the window to show the guard his id. My dad turns to me so that means i have to show my card for some stupid reason. I don't think no one has ever been here. We drive further to the parking lots but they make us step out the car so they go park it. They take my backpack too. Targeta looks like the white house but a cheap version well from the outside and i hope Norris is not at work today but I highly doubt it.Now my dad is quiet and i don't understand why. We don't talk at each other at all but he keeps looking at me. I look up and see there is cameras everywhere, great. But there wasn't shit i was gonna do, though.


It’s been 45 minutes since my dad said, i'll be quick stay here. Way to spend the day with him. My phone is about to die so i can't text anyone or be at least scrolling on the internet. Im sitting here in the white waiting room. The day in the desk is making weird eye contact with me. I can't help but smile. The cold change is still in my pocket after washing it, as my hand goes in.Iin total i have 1.25


I head to the desk”Excuse me… linda,” i look down at the redhead's name tag,”where can i find a vending machine, if there’s any?” I always had this habit of having some kind of desert after eating. Thanks mom.

I walk slowly through the halls and notice all the photos, 'painting of Caifall’s history. I spot a description on the end with the title: Foreigners.

Since the beginning of Caifall, we have always wanted safety, happiness and success. In the last two decades, violence was upon us. Thanks to Norris, our mayor changed all that with the security of the identification cards to know where people are at all times and the Foreigners.Foreigners are the way we connect to people who have committed a wrong and with the help of the mayor’s technology we can identify them. We punish them by making them disappear this very town and deleting their existence. In caifall, we make a better world.


I’m a Foreigner. And they are fucking murderers. Theo was a foreigner and im gonna die and i can't do anything about it. But i didn't do anything wrong. I dont do bullshit like kill someone or steal or any crime.i can't do anything about this. Or can my dad can?


“May I help you young lady?” a tall brunette with glasses randomly appears.

I turn around,”Yes thank you, I’m Juliana Mae. Can you tell my dad that I need him please?”



I drag my dad home. I chickened out. I have no idea what to say. Maybe i'm better off dead. I have no idea what i could have done to deserve this.

Im laying in my bed. Its 3 in the morning and i can't sleep. Im not sure if Theo was a Foreigner. Or maybe he was. How am i going to figure this just glad i have the next week off for thanksgiving. I keep scratching my arms, my legs, everywhere where it hurts. I'm the one who hurt myself.


I hear a scream. I sit up and hear noises from downstairs. I place my feet on the ground.


Back to sleep Juliana.


My feet walk on the cold hard wood floor of my room and down the steps.

It's pitch black but the streams of the bright moon come from the window. I keep walking one step at a time. I see food  out on the dinner table as i enter the kitchen.from chicken to ice cream to hot pockets.

Another scream I hear. The black and white movie Night Of The Living Dead 1968 hits my face as I turn. The scene where Barbara calls for help and sees a dead body with a knife in her hand. It’s mom. She is sitting in the couch right in front of it.


“Okay mom, let’s go back to bed.” I help her up the stairs.once we reach the top i hear her crying.

I don't know what to do.I start to console her,”It’s okay.Shh,shh,shh.”

I walk her to the room, to her bed, I tuck her in.


Good night Elena.






I open the door.

“Good morning Ana,” Mrs.Phelps greets me while I rub my eyes.


It’s 6:30 in the morning and my parents are upstairs getting ready for work. Well Mom is, because my dad has the week off so he will be taking us to school. That great news, now my mom wont have the choice to enter early, thank god.I step aside so Mrs.Phelps can enter our home.


Good morning Edna. She scans her card.


“Can I help you Mrs.Phelps?” I close the door.

“I'm just

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