Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Theo is Gone by Aidan A. (best thriller novels of all time TXT) 📖

Book online «Theo is Gone by Aidan A. (best thriller novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Aidan A.

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a little concerned about last night. I heard screams and crying. I didn't want to come at such late hour yesterday.”


I notice that she is holding a basket of cookies which is distracting me. Soft chocolate chip cookies, my favorite.


“No worries, mother couldn’t sleep last night so she saw a movie. My apologies for the noise.” Give me the cookies lady.


“What movie?” Nosy much?

“Night of the Living Dead.” I put my hands behind my back.

“Such nonsense,” she giggles. Then i giggle too. The thought of death is crazy around here.


I guess she didn't hear anything of that night I was literally disappearing. What's up with that? I invite her so sit down since we are just standing by the door.

“Oh no darling, I must be going.”


We stare at each other and smile. I keep looking down at the cookies.


“Enjoy, good day,” she hands me the cookies and I walk her out.


Dad finally walks down the stairs ready in his suit, which is all he wears. He looks happy, my mom looks happy as she walks down the stairs putting on her pearls she got from dad for their anniversary.

Dad dropped us off at school. Mom heads over her class room without me with her bag and papers right in her hand ready.


“Juliana wiat. Here go to Gia’s today and get something to eat.”


Dad has money in his hand and I instantly take it through the car window. I wave and walk away. I wonder what he is going to do today on his first day off work. Drink? I bet.


I really hope Gia is here today, she still hasn’t responded to me. Am i clingy? Break is right after first and second period. I wait for Gia at our spot. Its a bench right next to a tree that gives perfect amount of shade. I feel the cookies in the ziplock bag shake as i uncontrollably  move my legs up and down. I hate anxiety. I count, four cookies for Gia and four for me. I keep looking around and she still doesn't show up.


The phone rings, should I leave a voicemail? Nah, no one leaves those anymore. I hope she doenst mind all the missed calls and messages. I give up, grab my backpack with the cookies in my left hand and go look for her. I can go for a walk. I hate being lonely . I should make new friends. But there is nothing wrong with being lonely... right?


I feel like a clingy girlfriend but I literally have no one else. I don't understand it's never bothered me. The only people  talk to are Melia, she always is nice and compliments me but she has her own friends , and Gia of course. Its fine , I could sit down and enjoy all the cookies. But do I want to?

“Ana!”I turn around. Thank god Gia I found you.

“Gabe.” See I remember.So does he. I should try to be friends with this guy,maybe I won’t be alone after all.


I see Gabe along with a guy with curly red hair and others sitting at a bench. I don't know any of them. They don't even bother to look at me.


“So you’re Juliana? Gia always talks about you.”


I put my cookies away on my backpack and just smile. I'm so awkward it kills me.


“Yea, I didn't know you knew Gia so well?”

Redhead runs his hand through his hair,”i have history class with her this year but I've known her since freshman year.


Wow she never mentioned anything about you. Any of you. I get so shy and noticed I put my hands behind my back. SInce when do I get so nervous.

Curly hair breaks the silence,”I’m Michael by the way-,” they scream out his name. He smiles and waves and leaves. Once he gets to his friends they start laughing.


I see Gia’s backpack on the ground. She’s her, i wonder where she is.


“Wait where’s Gia?” I ask Gabe hoping she appears.

“Oh, she went to the bathroom with Margo.” Margo?

Since when are they friends?

I rub my eyes,”Margo, you said?” Of course I heard him.

Gabe looks at me concerned,”Are you okay? Did you get enough     sleep at night?”


Nope, I was too busy on my phone stalking you on social media cause i couldn’t sleep. I didn’t know he had a pet dog named Einstein. He’s so cute. The dog, of course.


“That noticeable?” I complain. He laughs. Thanks for telling me I look shitty. I look back at Michael who is passing the football back and forth to some other guy.


“So when are you going to show me your drawings?” Gabe sees me   

looking at the ball.I literally don't know where my sketchbook is.

“As soon as i find it.”


I see Gia approach the group with Margo. She instantly sees me and walks to me. Gabe goes off to Margo like a literally fucking magnet, Im not kidding.


“Omg, four missed calls. Sorry my phone was dead, i charged it a   while ago and I forgot my phone here.”


I keep on looking at Gabe and how he hugs Margo, kisses Margo. Since when are they together?


“Juliana?” Gia can’t help but smirk at me.

My eyes drop down at my shoes,”Sorry, it’s fine I’m just tired.

For lunch you want to meet up here instead?”

She bit her lip,”I have a project to work on with MArgo. We are     going to work in class. Just come with us.”


Thats a no from me. I know it’s going to be awkward and uncomfortable.

“It’s fine go with Margo.”


The bell rings and I give Gia the cookies. I’ll eat the rest that are at home since Mrs.Phelps makes tons.Would my mom like company for lunch?


Lunch wasn’t so bad. I actually went to my mom’s class but she was closed. I didn’t want to go to the library because I didn’t want to bite my loud ass apple in a big quiet room. So I went to the football field and sat on the bleachers. I should try being more nice so I could more friends. And not have to sit alone. What would Margo do?


I decide not to go to Gia’s house. She didn't even know I was going. Instead I get myself a coffee and a scone from nearby. An orange scone for sure. I walk to the park, which has a hill that I like to walk to and sit down. The view of the city on top is totally worth it. I sit down and cry. I cry because no one can hear me or see me. I always thought made you weak. I don’t just cry, i sob. Like if the whole existence of mine is taken. It is taken.


I hear something dro. I feel someone sit down right next to me. I don't look to see who it is, I don't move at all. I feel them put an arm around me and place my head on their shoulder.


Gia lets me cry. I’ve lost hope.


Publication Date: 11-02-2018

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