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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Love and War by Britta Irene (paper ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Love and War by Britta Irene (paper ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Britta Irene

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a fairy. Well, I am sick of it.” He spit out. Obviously, something happened. “Who calls somebody in because they were a second late to class? He is an idiot! I just wish he would resign already!” I flopped down beside me on the couch. “And that reminds me, you have some explaining to do, missy.”
“I do not. I-“I stopped when I saw his face, and I realized my mistake. He called me missy, and I treated it like nothing. Crap. He raised his eyebrow at me.
“So, if you obviously aren’t a guy, what are you doing here?” he asked curiously. Well, there is no going back now.
“It’s a dare.” I said without deepening my voice. His eyebrows rose slightly, but other than that he looked unfazed. “My twin brother is at an all girl’s school. For at least a month. Whoever calls home or the other first, gives the other $150.” He looked considerate for a minute. I thought he had dazed off, so I turned back to the TV. I felt his hand on mine, and I turned to look at him. I almost jumped because he was so close.
“Do you know how long it has been since a girl has lived in the same room with me? It has been a very long time.” Okay. That creped me out. A lot.
“Um, I thought you said that you have had 10 girlfriends in the past month.” Wow. I can’t believe that I actually remembered that.
“That may be so, but I could only see them on Saturdays. With you, I can see you every day.” He said huskily. This was getting awkward and fast.
“Look, I am only here for a month, or longer, depending on my brother. But let me tell you this. I just want to get it over with. Yeah, I will get a few friends, but other than that no. I want to live like a guy, but not have a girlfriend. Comprende?”
He looked a little sad. I sighed, got up, and went to make a sandwich. I was really hungry. No matter where you go to school, the food will suck to a certain extent.
“Make me one while you are in there, woman.” James called after me. I don’t think so! I am going to teach him that he can’t order me around. I got a piece of bread, and drowned it in mayo and mustard. Then I added pudding, gravy, cheezits, and bologna to it. Then I made my sandwich.
When I got back out to the living room, I handed him his sandwich. He took a big bite, just to spit it back out. I was turning purple I was laughing so hard. He threw the sandwich at me, and I ducked. It splattered all over the wall. Just in time for the Headmaster to walk into the room.
“Mr. Abernathy, you never came back down to my office, like I told you to. Instead, you made me come all the way up here, to drag you back down. Then, I walk in and I see that you have thrown a sandwich at Mr. Grant. This is quite a predicament.” He looked like he was a tomato.
“Dr. Brake, you see it is my fault,” I spoke up. James looked like he was going to have an aneurism. “You see, he asked me to make him a sandwich, since I was making one for myself. I made him one with the nastiest things I could find. Then I taunted him, and when I tried to catch it with the trashcan I missed. I can clean that up, right away.” I scurried over to the sink and got a rag and started cleaning the splattered mustard off the walls.
“Very well then. Mr. Abernathy, come with me please.”
“Can’t we just get this over with here? We both know what is going to happen. We will ride in the elevator, in an awkward silence, me wishing I could strangle you and you the same to me. Then we will walk through the halls in more awkward silence. We will make it to the office, and Diane will sneer at me. You will close your office door, and look at me like I am a failure to the world. Then you will tell me that I have to clean the café for a week. I will leave your office, pissed off, and just have to walk all the way back here. Just tell me know, for God’s sake, that I will have to clean the café. And don’t go on your rant about language, because I don’t give a fuck what you think.” James said. He looked completely serious too.
“A week of cleaning the café. No ifs ands or buts. Good day, Mr. Abernathy, and Mr. Grant.” Dr. Brake said with w sigh, and then he was gone.
“That went well.” I was still scrubbing mustard off the wall. James got up and went into the kitchen. He came back with some Kaboom.
“Here. This will help.” He sprayed it onto the wall, and helped me scrub. I never have been this close to him. He smelled really good. Like some expensive cologne. But he didn’t wear too much of it. Jest enough to notice.
In no time, we had the wall cleaned up. He seemed to have calmed down after the whol Dr. Brake episode. We sat down on the couch to watch some tv.
“I think I am going to call for Chinese, do you want any?” he asked me.
“Heck ya! Fried rice and Sweet and Sour Pork!” I practically yelled. Chinese food is my life. It is what Kyle and I always got on our birthdays, and any chance we got to get it, we took that chance.
“Okay, okay. I’ll call then we can go pick it up.” He got up and pulled out his cell phone, walking back to the bedroom. I put on my shoes and jacket. By the time I was done, James was ready to go.
“You ready.. uh.. Kyle?” it was kind of funny watching him stumble over my name.
“Call me Kyla. Kyle is my twin. And yeah, I’m ready.” I said, giggling. He raised his eyebrows for me, and we walked out of the room.
When we got to his car, he opened the door for me.
“Look, James. To everybody else, I am a guy. Don’t treat me like a girl unless you want to look gay. Plus, its kinda awkward for me. I have never had my door opened for me before.”
“A girl? Like you? People should be opening up their door for you always.”
“That’s the problem. You don’t know what I am like I could be a psycho killer, and you just opened the door for me. You have never seen me without my wig, or corset, so you don’t know who I really am.”
He just rolled his eyes and ushered me into the car. He started the car, and a Black Veil Brides cd was playing. He automatically went to change it, but I stopped him.
“Don’t change it! This is my future husband we are listening to!” I told him, being as serious as I could. I really didn’t believe that Andy Biersack and I would get married, but a girl can dream, right?
He just rolled his eyes at me, saying,” I thought you were supposed to be a guy.”
“Well it’s just you and me in here, and you know that I am not a guy. Now shut up, you are ruining his beautiful voice.” With that, I started belting the lyrics to Rebel Love Song. Again, he rolled his eyes at me.
When we got to the Chinese place, I thought I heard him mutter something about I was the one who ruined Andy’s voice. I just pretended like I didn’t hear him. I know I can’t sing, so he doesn’t have to point it out to me like Captain Obvious.
We had to wait five minutes before we got our food. But it was worth it. I love Chinese, but the best part of the meal is the fortune cookie. Wed rove back in silence, listening to the radio because the cd ended. Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold came on, I just smiled like the idiot I am. The song always reminds me of my goof of a twin. When he really wants to, he can make your life a nightmare. I think this is his theme song.
“And I know you hear their voices! (Calling from above) And I know they may seem real (These signals of love) But our life’s made up of choices (some without appeal) They took for granted your soul, and it’s ours now to steal, As your Nightmare comes to lifeee!” I was singing along, on pitch if I may add, when the car shutoff, along with the music. “Hey!” I shouted in protest. In response, I heard a chuckle.
“We are here. And to tell you the truth, I thought my ears were going to explode. You need some singing classes.” He said, all too seriously.
“Hey, now. I was singing on key with that one.” I said with a glare. Again, all I got in response was an eye roll. What’s up with this guy and his eye rolls? One day, I hope his eyes get stuck like that. That would be funny.
We were about to walk into our room when we were stopped by someone calling my name, or my brother’s. My fake name.
“Hey Kyle! We were going into town, want to come?” I turned around to see Ryan walking over to us.
“Umm. No thanks. We just got dinner. But thanks.” I told him.
“Oh. Okay then. Our plans are still on for tomorrow, right?” he asked me.
“Planning on it.” I said. The elevator opened, and he gave me a wave, and then was gone. He was so cute when he waved!
“What’s tomorrow?” James asked me, trying to sound casual. But I could see that his shoulders were tensed up, his back facing me.
“We are going to the lake.” I told him, my tone matching his. He suddenly whipped around and had me pinned against the wall. I didn’t think anybody could move that fast.
“I don’t want you going to the lake with them. Or anywhere for that matter.” He practically growled in my face. What the heck? Since when has he been the one to tell me what to do?! I wanted to scream that in his face.
But instead, I asked “Why not?” in a very small and scared voice. Dammit. Not how I wanted to sound like at all.
“Because. I don’t trust them.” He said. Wait. Weren’t his eyes a crystal blue a second ago? Now, then were green, tinged with black. This was scary.
“Y-your eyes.” I managed to gasp out. He looked at me, confused, and then recognition showed on his face. He relaxed, and his eyes went to the blue ones I was used to. Creepy.
“Look, I am sorry. I just don’t like them very much.” He said ‘them’ with such distaste that I thought they were like demons or something.
“Well, I happen to like them a lot. And Ryan helped me when you ditched me in the hall earlier. So clearly, you wouldn’t like him. He is nice when you are a complete ass.” I told him. He backed up to look at me, and then his lips were on mine. What the hell?
I didn’t want to admit it, but I suddenly felt very warm. Like I hadn’t realized that I was freezing. I was turning into jello under his lips, and that scared me. But I didn’t push him away. I did the exact opposite. I brought
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