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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Love and War by Britta Irene (paper ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Love and War by Britta Irene (paper ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Britta Irene

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him closer by running my hands through his hair. He responded immediately by putting his around my waist. But I wanted even closer. That was impossible though, when we were as close as we could get.
I felt his tongue rub my bottom lip, asking for mine to respond. I did. I got even warmer, on the inside and outside. I tugged on his hair slightly, and he let out a groan. Not one of pain, but of pleasure. We broke apart when we heard someone clear their throat. I shoved him off of me, and he landed on the other side of the kitchen.
“James. Dude. I-I.” The guy stuttered. He glanced at me, and visually shuddered. “Are you like, gay? Because you know, that I’m homophobic. A-and.”
“Shut up Anthony!” James screeched.
“Are you? Because seeing you in a full make out session with-“he looked at me and shuddered again, “the new kid.” He finished.
I took that as my time to intervene. “No. He isn’t gay.” I looked to James, looking to see if I could trust Anthony with my secret. He gave me a reassuring nod. I pulled off my wig, and talked in my normal voice. “Hi. My name is Kyla. I’m a girl.”
Anthony looked at me, and then relief flooded his features. “So, a chick, eh? What brings you here?” he said, suddenly losing all his fear and circling me like a shark. I could tell this guy got what he wanted from girls. He had dark brown hair and grey eyes, he was tan, tall, and muscular, but not to where he was bulging with muscles.
“I played truth or dare with my friends, and viola. Here I am at an all boys school, and my brother at an all girls.” I said. He raised his eyebrows slightly. Then moved in closer to me. Too close for comfort.
“Back off. Mine.” James growled. He grabbed my hand, and snatched me to his side. I pushed him away.
“No. I belong to me. No one else’s. I’m not a dog.” He winced at the dog part. “If anyone has ownership over me, I would say my brother.” I said. Most kids would say parents, but mine. Well, they were a different story. Kyle, on the other hand, was there for me no matter what.
James looked a little hurt. Well, he needs to get used to it. I only belong to me. Second in command is Kyle.
“Well, I am going to get a shower.” I said, and waltzed to the bathroom and locked the door.
Chapter Four.

Okay. I am freaking out. For obvious reasons,
1) I kissed James! Or he kissed me. Either way, we kissed. And it wasn’t like any regular kiss. I got all warm inside, and I turned into jello. Yeah, I have had boyfriends in the past, some of them really good kissers, but nothing like this.
2) Not one, but two people knew my secret. One of them being my roommate, well lets face it, he was bound to find out sooner or later. I mean I’m practically living with the guy. But Anthony finding out? That was just a careless mistake. Or was it? He was the one who came barging into our dorm room, so I guess he could be at blame here. In the comfort of your own home, right?
Both situations weren’t exactly pleasant. Yeah, I got all warm (more like I was on fire) when I kissed James, but I had told him clearly. I am not a dog. You can’t own me. As for the Anthony thing, I hope that boy knows how to keep secrets, if he knows what is best for him.
My mind was still on full drive when I got out of the shower. I heard more than two people out in the living room, meaning it wasn’t just James and Anthony. I put on my wig and corset, and put on sweat pants and an overly sized t-shirt.
When I stepped out of the room, my eyes zeroed in on my dinner, sitting untouched on the table. I went over and picked it up, then flopped on the couch beside Anthony.
“Hey. I’m Kyle. You are?” I said to him, hoping that he got my hint to play along.
“James, where is the chick?” I heard a voice ask, that wasn’t Anthony’s. Oh shit.
“Dammit James! You fucking told! I thought we had an agreement that you wouldn’t tell!” I got up, and was standing in front of him, screeching in his face. I was pissed.
“Relax Kyla! I didn’t tell! Go talk to Mr. Homophobic over there!” he said indicating Anthony. I spun around on my heel, in front of Anthony within seconds. Whenever I get pissed enough, I can be super fast.
“What the hell! You son of a bitch! I thought you would understand not to tell!” I was in his face too, but I wasn’t just screeching. I was turning red, I was so mad.
“Look, babe, I-“I cut him off before he could say anything else.
“Do. Not. Call. Me. Babe.” I said, in a low voice.
“Okay, okay. Kyla, they were going to find out anyway. We are here all the time. And come on, if you were a guy and recently discovered that your best friend was living with a chick in an all boy’s school, wouldn’t you want to tell everyone that he was getting some?” he said, with a waggle of his eyebrow.
“First of all, you sick bastard, James is NOT ‘getting some’. He never will. Secondly, no. I would not want to tell everyone. In fact, I would respect the girl’s wished, and keep my mouth shut.” I said. All the sudden, he was standing up, in front of me with his hands balled up in fists.
“Watch your mouth. You don’t know me, so you don’t have any right to call me names. If anyone here is a son of a bitch, it would be you, oh wait, that’s right. You’re a girl. Now that we have that settled, go make me a sandwich, maid.” He said. I heard a “don’t tell her to do that. Trust me.” Come out of James. But I didn’t register it. Because me fist was busy making contact with Anthony’s nose.
“What the hell! Did you just punch me!” he yelled, clutching his nose with both hands. Blood was running down into his mouth. Good. He deserved it.
“No. I gave you a sandwich, like you told me to. It is my new kind of sandwich. A knuckle sandwich. Only special people get it, like sick assholes like you. Do you like it? I can get you another.” I told him, in a sweet tone. Everyone around us started laughing.
“Dude. I like her! My name is Andrew.” A guy said to me with gorgeous green eyes and brown hair that flopped in his face.
“Kyla. Nice to meet ya. I’m going to call you Andy, because, well I like Andy better.” I told him.
“Cool. I just got a nickname. I think I am the first one.” He said, triumphantly.
“Sorry, Andy. The first one to get a nickname was son of a bitch over there.” I said referring to Anthony. That caused more laughs, and a glare from son (that’s what I will say, son of a bitch is too long) who was now in the kitchen, cleaning his blood up.
All the guys introduced themselves to me. There was Jason; he had brown eyes that were so dark they were almost black. He had black hair. Christian, who preferred to be called Chris, had gold eyes (no joke. They were gold) and red hair [otherwise, known as a ginger. (Author’s note: No offense to those out there that have red hair. I like red hair. Thinking about dyeing mine red)]. Jeremey, who was mixed with gorgeous blue eyes (from his mom, he informed me) and dark brown dreads. And my personal favorite (because he had an Australian accent) was Blade. He had eyes that changed color. No joke. One minute, they were green, the next green-blue, then blue. They went back and forth between those colors. He had platinum blonde hair. Yummy. They were all tall, tan, and muscular, like Son (Anthony).
Chris was the one who had yelled ‘where is the chick’ when I first came out of the bathroom. I walked over to the door, locked it, and took off my wig and corset. I did not want anyone else knowing that I am a girl. Already seven people knew, and I did not want anymore. They all whistled when I took my corset off. I just rolled my eyes and flopped down between Blade and Andy and ate my dinner. It was delicious. But the best part was my fortune cookie. It said, and I quote,
“Very soon, you will find that yourself and the world is not who you thought it was.” Weird right?
I went over to read James’. His said, and again, I quote,
“The one you love is right in front of you.” I busted out laughing.
“The one you love is... FRIED RICE!” I yelled, laughing even harder. He just gave me a weird look, and continued to eat ‘his love.’ Ha-ha! This is too good!
“Wait! Don’t eat her! I want to see what your children will look like!” I laughed even harder. He just stuffed it in his mouth and gave me another funny look. I flopped back down in between Andy and Blade and said to them, feigning horror, “He ate his only love.” Blade rolled his eyes, but he was smiling, and Andy gave me a weird look, but I could tell he wanted to laugh.
“It didn’t say ‘my only love’, it said ‘the one you love’.” He told me.
“You are right.” I told him, nodding my head in agreement. “Because, there is more fried rice at the restaurant. You still have a chance!” I couldn’t help it. I laughed even harder. Tears were coming out of my eyes. Everyone else was laughing with me.
“You guys are strange if you think that that was funny.” James told them, as he picked me up and set me on his lap, changing the channel to baseball.
“Hey now. I was sitting here first! You can’t just pick me up and put me on your lap!” I told him. I tried to jump up, but he had his arms wrapped around my waist. Jerk.
I grabbed the remote from him and changed the channel to Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is like, my favorite Asperger’s Syndrome person in the world. He cracks me up.
Everybody groaned, but I could tell that they really didn’t mind. Halfway through the show, I fell asleep in James’ lap. He picked me up and carried me into the room. Before he left, he gave me a kiss on the forehead, but I decided that it was just my half-way-in-dreamland mind playing tricks on me. I settled into a deeper sleep.

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