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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » The Dream Weavers Collection Part 1 by K.R. Gomlok (ebook pdf reader for pc txt) 📖

Book online «The Dream Weavers Collection Part 1 by K.R. Gomlok (ebook pdf reader for pc txt) 📖». Author K.R. Gomlok

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could make him so insensitive as to say such a thing?
?I?m sorry,? he apologized quietly after a moment of thought. ?I miss her too.?
?Not like I do, Zach.? Chimera told him sorrowfully, calming back into her mournful state, ?not like I do.?
Zach was caught in a strange moment of indecision on whether or not to try to comfort her again. Odds were he would only make it worse. He had never been very good at perceiving people?s feelings, or how to properly react to them. Over the years he had gradually accepted he was not the person to turn to for help.
His speculation was interrupted as the cell phone in his pocket gave off a violent vibration. Darn it! He bit back on the words, not wanting to further his previous uncaring words, I should have turned it off at the hotel? ?Excuse me then,? he said, wondering who had the audacity to call at a time like this. He exited the room into the hallway flipped open the phone with a quick and practiced motion, despite the fact that he rarely received calls. ?You?ve reached Zachery Ember,? He answered it icily, this had better be something of extreme importance, otherwise? ?What?re you after??
?Zach? You?re actually awake?? The speaker?s voice held genuine surprise as well as a light scotch accent. ?It?s me, Sam. Where are you??
?Valentine hospital, Dremoor. Why??
?I need to meet up with you as soon as possible,? Sam explained hastily, ?something?s come up that you should know about.?
?And what?s so imminently pressing about this matter?? Zach probed, still wracking his tired brain to remember who Sam was and why in the world he was calling. Sam, Sam? the name was of course familiar? Sammy? No? Samuel? Samuel! Yes! That was it, Samuel. With some relation to? ?And where?s Rue?? he asked, bringing up his cousin, Rusiu Ember. He smiled grimly at the small ray of victory in an otherwise bleak situation.
?She?s going after the other one right now.? Samuel said his voice giving away that he was trying to hide something. ?She should be at the rendezvous with you two if all goes well.?
?You know I don?t like surprises Sam,? Zach began impatiently, ?And I doubt that? us two?? he stopped a moment, wishing he could dispel the weariness that fogged his brain. ?Me and who else??
?She?s not with you?? Sam asked, an edge of worry coming into his usually light tone.
She? ?Wait?? Zach said, trying to buy time to think. ?You?re talking about Chimera, aren?t you??
?Is that her name?? Sam?s voice was genuinely curious. ?I guess we?ll know soon enough. I?ll meet you outside the hospital at dawn. And don?t worry; I?ll make all necessary arrangements. Watch after her, will you??
Before Zach could demand further information, Sam hung up. Maybe Rue had begun to rub off on him. Sam had always been a bit more levelheaded than his cousin but he had always figured it was only a matter of time until this happened.
Sighing in frustration, he headed back into the waiting room, hoping to fix things with Chimera. And boy do I have a lot of fixing to do, he thought to himself, grimacing at what he probably seemed like to her. If first impressions were that important then he was probably sunk.
?Chimera,? he began as he entered. His words froze in his mouth as perception set in, for the room was not as he had left it. Because when he had left, Chimera was still there.
Feeling sudden panic grip him, Zach scanned the room over with his eyes, hoping Chimera would pop up from behind the couch and laugh at his gullibility, hoping the bad dream would end and he would wake up late for art class with Melina, but more than anything hoping he would not let Melina down after he had promised to take care of Chimera Twilight.
After ten minutes of thorough search, Zach sat alone with three objects on his lap. One was a card with a phone number neatly printed with the words ?Fanciful dream? written in perfect cursive under it, the second was a page torn from a book titled ?The Dream Weavers?, and the last was a torn piece of notepaper with only three words hastily scrawled onto it: Save me, Zachery.

Chapter 5

The Noble Weavers have been gathering in strength. We are now quite organized and have set up many borders against Anuro and his kind. Now is my time to look into the factors involved in a Dreamer?s awakening. Zachery has been taking forever to awaken? And yet I feel hesitant to hurry it along. I feel it must come naturally or it won?t come correctly. Remmit Jenton, one of my Dream World friends, tells me he?ll get the hang of it when the time comes, but still? If only Zach could be here.
I?ll find a way to make this world peaceful before I try to bring him in, I promise?

Excerpt from ?The Dream Weavers?
By Melina Isador

?So how have you been?? Samuel asked; his usual tone of self-confident cheerfulness was replaced with a quiet, cautious voice.
?Not good,? Zach sighed, looking out the car window at the landscape flashing by. Even though he had been down this road before none of it was familiar, ?I still won?t say Melina?s gone.?
?It?ll end okay,? Sam assured him, his musical scotch accent soothing the wounds. ?Once we meet up with Rusiu I?ll explain everything. I promise.?
?Where is Rue anyway?? Zach inquired, absently asking the question before he thought about it. Sam had mentioned something about her earlier but he could not quite recall what it had been. ?We haven?t spoken much since the whole Flytwind incident. ?
?She?s been busy, I can tell you that much,? Samuel happily informed him, seeming grateful for the change of subject. ?But she was a little downcast when I left,?
He sighed and looked over at Zach, giving him a calculating look. ?Though?? he continued thoughtfully, ?perhaps you can cheer her up.?
?I doubt it,? Zach almost laughed at the prospect, ?Anything that can get Rue down is probably beyond me.?
?You?d be surprised,? Sam warned him, turning his eyes back to the task of driving, ?Rue can be difficult to understand but sometimes it?s simple things like a visit from her cousin that can clear things up.?
Zach gave Sam a dubious look he knew he would not see and shook his head, ?Since when is Rusiu excited to see me? I thought Allan was her favorite,? he thought out loud, forgetting Sam?s proximity and alertness for a moment.
Sam only smiled at the remark and kept his eyes on the road. ?You hold a special place in your cousin?s heart, Zachery. Don?t doubt that she counts you closer to her than you may think.?
Zachery bit back on an automatic reply and chose to carefully consider Sam?s perspective before getting himself into trouble. Samuel did spend a lot more time with Rue than he did but it had always seemed he was the background character. Of course, that had changed in the Flytwind incident years back. For a little while, it felt like they were on the same page. However, when the break ended, they had gone back to their former distance. And seeing as his current state of mind was half conscious he would rather not argue the point and make a fool of himself.
?Zach?? Sam asked giving him a sidelong glance, ?You were with Melina near the end, right? Did you notice anything??
?She was a lot calmer about death than I?d expected.? Zach said slowly, trying to think of the moment yet not awaken the pain. ?It seemed she was ready to die, even though it wasn?t her time yet. I can?t fathom what kind of assurance that took??
?I think I know where she got it from,? Sam commented, another slight smile coming to his face as he watched their course with a steady gaze.
Zach sighed; Sam always spoke in riddles around him. And yet? Zach froze in mid thought process, how would Sam know about Melina? ?You know,? he began slowly, double-checking his mind to make sure he had not asked the question already, ?there?s a question I?ve been dying to ask you.? He said, studying Sam?s focused gaze. What was he thinking about? ?How did you know Melina??
?How did the first U.S. militia know good sir George Washington?? Sam countered, raising his eyebrows in question? Or was it anticipation?
?He was their general.? Zach replied, not interested in the riddle game. Perhaps he would have to rephrase the question?
Sam?s Scottish green eyes sparkled with pleasure. ?Precisely.?

Chapter 3: Chimera

Chapter 4

On the subject of the Wings of freedom, it appears that the mark changes based on the actions of its holder. We Noble Weavers still have the mark in its original blue hue, but it seems the Dark Weavers? have changed their marks to black with a red lining? and not of their own accord. One of the Weavers, Reddivor he called himself, tried to conceal his tainted mark. It did him no good. In the Dream world, I suppose our true colors are shown.

Chapter 7

Our research concerning our abilities has reached its height; we have now become quite organized and are working on restraining the Dark Weavers. Yet, as more and more consciousnesses enter the dream world, it becomes more and more difficult to guard them all. If we do not gain more members, Anuro will surely find a way through our defenses.
Thus, I now wonder as head of the Noble Weavers whether or not a time will come in which I must lead my people to battle against this evil. I have yet to discover his motives and plots but there is more than enough evidence in what he tried to do to Peter, the greyshade. Miss Akatsuki seems rather impatient on this subject and would rather march to doom than wait an eternity for the perfect trap. She does seem reckless at times but with enough time you can see the true and courageous heart she holds. If anything happens to me, she will take over the Weavers until the others are in place.
It is with these thoughts that I now consider waging the greatest unseen war of our world. I?m unsure how far into the real world our abilities reach but I?m now quite certain Anuro is willing

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