Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » The Dream Weavers Collection Part 1 by K.R. Gomlok (ebook pdf reader for pc txt) 📖

Book online «The Dream Weavers Collection Part 1 by K.R. Gomlok (ebook pdf reader for pc txt) 📖». Author K.R. Gomlok

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probably still dead.
?You? aren?t alive, are you?? She inquired, searching for the right words, hoping there was someway she could say this without awakening her own heart to the absence.
The Melina in front of her only smiled, ?Do I look dead to you?? She asked, tugging on her cheek with one hand to demonstrate the presence of skin on it.
Chimera shook her head and glared at the cobblestone floor. This was only getting more confusing?
? Here,? Melina said after a moment, taking her hand and leading her further into the broken castle. ?You?ll understand soon.?
It dawned on Chimera as they went further in that the castle was not so much ruined as it was unfinished, as if someone had decided it was not worth the effort half way through.
At long last, they stopped at a courtyard, blanketed with mist. Around the courtyard were statues, most of which she recognized. Her parents, her past friends, the boy who had broken her heart half a year ago, her teachers, Melina, and one she could not quite see at the far side of the courtyard.
?I?m still here, you see,? Melina said slowly, as if in reflection. ?Even if the real me is gone.?
?What do you mean?? Chimera asked, unsure if she really wanted to know.
?This courtyard contains some of the things in your heart,? Melina explained, spreading her arms to encompass the scene. ?Some things fade with time, some things stay, even though they hurt, some things live on here? and others have begun to take root.?
Chimera tried to make sense of the words, hating the fact that she was literally unconscious and in no state to reason. ?I still don?t understand.? She told Melina, frustration seeping into her voice, frustration at her failure, her weakness?
The mist suddenly was gone, as well as some of the statues. But two objects had become visible now, a tombstone and the last statue.
She stopped short, for here set in her heart was Zachery Ember.

* * *

Here lies Melina Isador, Master Weaver, dear mentor, loving friend, and inspiring leader. Her dream has been forever burned into our hearts. May she sleep well.

Chimera stared at the tombstone once more. Even though it was part of the ever-changing dream world she felt it would never fade. Here was the once clouded courtyard in which Melina had died.
Chimera had been in the complex for some time now, a castle made of white stone subject to here imagination it seemed. Though no matter how hard she tried, she could not escape. It was as if someone had blocked all the entrances? someone who knew exactly when and where she would look for them. It seemed every time she was almost out the corridors lengthened or led to a locked door.
Her last conscious memories of the swirling room and the shadowed figure flashed through her mind as she stood up and continued to gaze at the marble tombstone. ?Be your legacy?? She asked, knowing full well Melina couldn?t hear her now. Only her remnant lived on in her mind. ?I could live a thousand years and not achieve what you could have. I can?t do this, I?m not the one for the job.?
?Don?t be like that,? The mysterious girl said, entering the dream, ?Melina didn?t mean for this to happen. But of all the people among us, it is you who are fit to carry out her legacy.?
Chimera sighed and turned to the girl, she had not been very straight forward in their short acquaintance and it felt like high time they got some answers. ?Look,? She stated, frustrated, ?I don?t even know your name, I?m stuck inside a never-ending dream and my best friend just died. What right do you have to???
?I?ll give you three guesses,? The girl said, smiling. Her dark bangs falling slightly over her right eye as she bowed it, perhaps smiling in amusement. ?Ready??
?What?? Chimera blurted out, disbelieving of this girl?s insensitive and difficult to follow logic. ?Are you even listening to me??
?Not a valid guess so I won?t count it against you, next guess??
Chimera, bit down on her half forming protest and puzzled the situation out. So that was how it was going to be? How in the world was she supposed to know her name? She lowered her eyebrows into a glare, hoping it was not one of those gut-feeling things? Her intuition had not led her to any good in the past. ?Alison?? she asked, hoping the first thing that came to mind would work. It was, after all, a dream.
?Wrong,? the girl answered, leaning up against a stone pillar and stretching her arms. ?Next??
The girl gave her a confused look. ?Is that even a real name? You?ve got one guess left, don?t waste it.?
Chimera took a deep breath, what was the point of this anyways? If she got this one right, would it really matter? The girl seemed like she had been mentioned before, yet she still could not pin it down. Something was whispering her name but not loud enough to be understood. She seemed like? ?Rusiu.? Chimera said confidently, smiling back at the girl in triumph.
?Correct, ? the girl acknowledged, giving her a slight curtsey, ?Rusiu Akatsuki at your service. What would you wish of me??
?Some answers, first of all,? Chimera said pointedly, happy to be holding the reigns of the conversation again. ?We can sort the rest from there. Now then, how come you can come and go as you please and I can?t? Are you part of my imagination as well??
?Don?t you get it?? Rusiu asked, genuinely puzzled, ?They drugged you. You won?t be able to wake up for a while yet. And even if you did wake up there isn?t much to see. Anuro has you caged in an empty room without light. Jenton, one of our operatives, has been in your place before; he told me of his experience in that prison.?
?Question two,? Chimera continued quickly, making a note to herself to process the information later, ?Who is Anuro??
For a moment, Rusiu seemed to falter, the assured light in her cheerful eyes slipped. But it was only for a second. ?He likes his secrecy, I can tell you that much.? She answered, as if nothing had happened. ?I feel as if I?ve met him in person before but at the same time??
?Does that really matter in the dream world?? Chimera asked cynically, ?Why would you have to meet somebody for them to be in this dream??
?Did you read the book?? Rusiu replied, ?Melina recorded everything she knew about this world in that book and it is now in your hands. Its wisdom is invaluable.?
Chimera paused, taken back. What book? Oh! Yes, the book Melina had given her right before she died. She remembered glancing at it but??What is written in the book??
Rusiu gave Chimera a concerned look, ?Everything.?

Chapter 4: Reddivor

Reddivor opened his eyes as the car stopped. ?Are we here?? he asked Darren, or Gelligok as they called him.
His fellow operative simply nodded. They were outside of a place called the Dreamoor Hotel, looking for the second target. Kallous had already confirmed the first was at the hospital.
Reddivor got out and reached into the lobby with his subconscious, ?I sense the clerk inside? he?s drifting to sleep.? He said slowly. ?Help him along, I don?t want to be spotted.?
He did not bother to check whether or not Gelligok would comply, they all knew the price of compromising their objective. Anuro would not like that at all?
Walking in the front doors, Reddivor was pleased to see the clerk was already snoring quite loudly. Getting behind the counter, he crouched and started reviewing the check in list for the name Ember.
Before he got through the first page, he heard something moving in the lobby. Immediately, he thought he had been spotted by security. He froze and waited for the fatal moment, for the yell or gunshot that would sentence his doom.
But nothing happened. The person got up and headed towards the elevator.
Reddivor was about to continue his work when it struck him, why had he not been able to sense the other? It was as if their presence had been sheltered from his mind. That was not possible last he checked but then again the Dream World was full of surprises?
And it would be just his luck if the sheltered one turned out to be his target. The world in general did not seem to like him very much. It had begun with his near death experience as a child at the hands of the man he refused to call his stepfather and almost every step of the way things had fallen ill for him. He had been all alone in the world until Kallous had recruited him for Anuro?s cause. Of all the people in the world, she would accept him.
In all truth just about the last thing Reddivor wanted was sympathy but if there was some way for him to avenge his lost childhood and if Anuro would help he really could not care less what kind of pity they threw at him.
Come to think of it, there was not much that he cared for save for Kallous, his savior. Of all his cohorts he regarded her with the highest esteem. It did not matter to him if she was not in charge of his faction, if she willed it he would follow to the ends of the earth.
A sharp intake of breath from the passed out clerk brought him back to reality. He had a mission to do and going after the second target was not going to be an option right now. Sighing to himself, he vaulted over the counter and walked out the doors.
Upon a quick survey of the environment, he decided on an alley just across the street. There he would wait for the target, it being a choke point on the direct path to the hospital where the first target was. Settling behind some trashcans, he brushed his hair back and stared into the empty

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