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Read books online » Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara by Ashok Aatreya (beach books .TXT) 📖

Book online «All the beautiful daughters of Mara by Ashok Aatreya (beach books .TXT) 📖». Author Ashok Aatreya

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clear and there was no chance of any confusion in it. Anand knew this that Ahasas was senior intelligence officer of Pakistan Army and was regularly visiting Indian territories in different capacities… his connections were also known to him but this time the visit of these two Pak officers was with dangerous motives… as he knew these two officers had to join hands with a terrorist group coming to share some information with them and creating terror at the time of flag ceremony of independence day 15th August next day at Red-Fort, New Delhi.
As per his secret information one terrorist group was already nabbed in one five star hotel of the capital and through that source only the information about these two connecting Pak officers was sent but before arriving here he did not know that one of the officers would be Ahasas… !
Anand’s aide, after necessary briefing and exchanging formal secret codes, had been sent to knock flat no. 703 and the following action and strategy was to be decided by him now… he was prepared for anything… but would try his level best to arrest ‘them’ first. Unfortunately the scenario changed very fast and the game was going out of the normal possibilities. His aide sent him the messages that the other officer had already left the place and the same whitish skin curly haired long officer was about to come out of the hide out of number 703 within few minutes and he would accompany him in the lift to see that he doesn't’ disappear.
His aide was in simple civil dress and looking like a poet wearing simple khadi, kurta & payjama but in his jhola (bag) he was hiding a pistol to meet any consequences. As per the strategy the aide would turn to left side of the Pak agent and keep a short distance from his back side and after the agent takes to some. 10 to 15 steps he would warn him to stop and tell him - ‘hands-up’.Anand had to come forward from the right end of coconut-trees and handle the situation. Everything went right in the initial few seconds but it ended in a point blank encounter killing Ahasas. The instinct killer was nobody else but his own father.... Anand… this fateful day was perhaps destined and the next unknown journey had to take its own time.His own son’s dead body was in lap. Two drops of warm tears wetted his heart. He never thought this way he had to fulfil the wish of his beloved Shaheen-‘taking Ahsah in his arm for a moment.’

This was another occasion when Anand was returning to Jaipur from Delhi by Jet-Airlines with Divine .By that time Divine was developing a Health and Child care project of sex-workers at -Sindry.She had completed the building of her centre and after survey, ten children including a twin of adolescent girls were given admission in the residential school of ill fame- houses.
Since the local and national press supported the project, one interesting story of the beautiful twins also published in the national dailies and after reading this story, Anand became curious about the project, he immediately contacted Divine telephonically and congratulated her for her dedicated work and wanted to visit the project area..Divine also felt happy to talk to Anand and told him that since she was leaving for Jaipur by the morning flight if he intended, she would reserve a seat for him for the same flight Anand thought for a moment and then immediately gave her consent .They both reached Jaipur by the morning Jet-Air lines flight and reached-Sindry by road directly .The journey took another hour from Sanganer Airport.
But to their surprise when both drove towards the Residential hostel building one ex-M.L.A who was known to Anand stopped them on the road side, he requested Anand to come out of car for some personal urgent matter .Anand knew him since his old days of Editorship of the news paper .The M.L.A had bad reputation and lost three elections after winning the first one…He was also a broker of sex- workers…….
What Anand heard from that ex-M.LA was a very sensitive matter and Anand immediately called Divine for further briefing about the happening in her hostel in the last night…Both of them took M.L.A with them and reached Dudu Police Station for knowing about the details of the incident before filing the F.I.R.
The S.H.O of Dudu Police station after knowing that Anand is from a very higher position in the A.T.S, he briefed him that the ex- M.L.A who accompanied him was himself involved in the abduction of the twins from the hostel and he advised Anand to keep a safe distance from that notorious- history- seater.
The situation was grave, serious and alarming since both the adolescent twin girls, who were living in the hostel, were kidnapped from the hostel and taken to some un-known place by brokers and relatives of the girls, for formal ‘Nath-tudwaee’ ceremony last night .He was told that the girls had their consent for this and they left the hostel with their maternal uncle who came along with the broker and after bribing the watchman and beating the duty supervisor the agents took away the twin from the hostel.
The S.H.O of Dudu came to Anand and told him that the incident of ‘Nath-tudwai’was celebrated yesterday night in the presence of one American lady Journalist Kath , who was working as a researcher of AIDS and in particular came to Dudu for this twins’ coverage and was interested in the modus-operand of Child-Prostitution in India…As to his information a film was also taken by her of the real ceremony of ‘Nath-tudwai’and how the training was being imparted to these child-sex workers with the help of the senior members of their own families.
The matter was really serious and Anand advised Divine to take any step very cautiously and with patience as there seemed to be an involvement of criminals of strong political background .Since Anand had to attend to some urgent work, he left Divine at some renowned advocate’s home in Jaipur and left for Delhi .
In an hour’s air journey Anand was busy thinking about the life of the established institution of sex-workers and the age old roots of this flash-trade which almost became the part of the modern society.
The story of the twins of Sindry was also very exciting. As he was briefed the facts, The ex-M.L.A himself was the chief of the celebration of ‘Nath-tudwai’(breaking of chastity-bone). In that fateful last night actually it was he who acted as the major agent of this event .He even invited a foreign lady-Journalist to witness the old- age tradition of this particular community of sex- workers and for this event management he got a very handsome amount also. The local Police net-work of some village near Chaksu was also helping this game as money was thrown by both the hands to these corrupt officers through that Ex-M.L.A.

The sex-racket of-Sindry took a house in rent of some established broker and conducted the whole celebration in the previous night. After dinner they all pilled in the rented house where the twin girls were brought for their first experience of sex with a so- called renowned Ex M.L.A. Except the lady Journalist who was their special guest that night every one had the privilege of enjoying neat wine with Tandoorichicken. The journalist was busy in her camera and lenses adjustments and she was given a separate hiding place from where her camera could focus all possible angles of the prospective sexual acts .and a training tradition of these sex- workers. In the gathering there were ladies, close relatives of the twins who had their special contribution and share in the game.

After the green- signal, the twin arrived by a big foreign car and after parking elderly ladies of the house took them in their arms and gave them kisses on their fore-heads. The girl in turn bowed and took their blessings by touching their feet. There was some box in the hand of one elderly lady.That box fell in the ground and lot of bundles of notes (money) just came out which the ladies immediately collected with the help of an old man who was the father of the twin.

Both the adolescent girls , sisters were going to enter a new world of their ‘heaven’ and the provider of the sweet nectar to them was none else but the old M.L.A of their area who had the traditional birth right to break the chastity-bone of the girls since their grand-fathers had been doing that.
He was also a regular visitor of their homes in spite of being married and having two wives that old feudal lord, Thakur had lost his land, and other properties in the routine game of wine and women in legal battles attached to his properties which passed to power brokers and since after him he had no issue, he was living a life of vagabonds.

From the time of birth he had the eye on the new born kids who were very beautiful and told their mother that he would take his last breath after playing his last innings with her twins, since he had that right to ‘Nata-tudwai’ of this prostitute’s home. On his this remark, Lichhimee, the mother of the twin, laughed and told him-‘Thakar Saab ,by that time your sons will take over your role and you will be old enough ,even not look this side ,as a prostitute I know ,you people only love us till we remain young and sporting in giving you whatever you demand ,your house wives can not fulfil your demands of fantasies in love making ,then she also told him that his grand father was also a man of adventure and paid any amount for fresh flash…when she was a kid of eight years, he took her to Bombay by car ,stayed in some grand hotel and fucked her day and night till she became ill.’
With these memories in mind, Thakur kept his promise which he gave to the mother of twin girls…For that day he waited for another ten years after their birth.

The twin ‘Pinkies’, almost in the bridal dress, followed the directions and when they entered the house, for the purpose they were brought ,they met another senior old lady in the doorway…She by swinging her hands and arms in the air, blessed them and gave each, rupees hundred note in their small palms took them with her to the lavish room which was decorated in Bollywood filmy actress and actors posters, for their first nights with Thakur Saab .Then from the inner curtain room one young lady in her twenties appeared in the main room .She was wearing Ghagara and Loogari and Dupatta with choondri motifs, totally local dress. She had attractive big speaking eyes decorated by fine lines of black Kaajal. On her forehead golden Borala of bigger size was hanging. She was the mistress of the rented house and had connections in the big cities. .was in demand as a sex-worker .She made a welcome to twins in the room. .The innocent faces of twin girls over-played in make-up but their virginity made their slim bodies graceful and sexy .As their mother did not want them to get their first experience of sex in the back of any truck on the national highway, and they had the tradition of ‘Nath- tudwai,’ she made a special arrangement for her daughters .Thakur Saab very-well understood, how to deal with the girls tenderly so that their first sexual-sport becomes a pleasure for them…As a matter of fact Thakur Saab was also waiting eagerly for the moment. Since long he had
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