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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara by Ashok Aatreya (beach books .TXT) 📖

Book online «All the beautiful daughters of Mara by Ashok Aatreya (beach books .TXT) 📖». Author Ashok Aatreya

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and he was unable to know what to do with that… suddenly Anand was scared since his mind was boggling and he was mentally perturbed. Some sort of wrong idea was also floating in his mind and he felt some insecurity in him… the diamond might bring chaos in his life… he already heard about the malefic affect of this stone which if does not suit some one, can even cause accidents and that can be fatal also.
He was feeling as some spirit was over ruling his head… that spirit travelled all over the house… from roof to his bedroom and dancing in the dim-light on the stairs with a candle in her hand…
Anand felt as if that spirit was chasing Bhairvi also and tried to grab her by neck… Is she going to kill herself, a very faint idea encroached in mind… the night was coming close and he was worried… he will definitely hand over the gift back to Shaheen and will tell her the truth… Shaheen and Bhairvi, Bhairvi and Shaheen… B and…. S… S. and B… and the diamond Necklace was hanging in the sky… the pearls multiplying Kundan piercing his head… Anand was really in trouble… rather he himself had invited the trouble… he could very well stop Shaheen for all this… who was stopping to him for not stopping Shaheen to create problem for him now… she was under the observation of intelligence too… and he was unnecessarily behaving like a irresponsible person.
Bhairvi had waited for only few days to conclude chapter of her life with his husband and unfortunately that fateful– night she committed suicide.
Anand again and again remembered those words of Bhairvi which were written in her old diary which she often used - “I’ll never forget the night he given me the first kiss of my life. It’s like an incredible gift which I will remember for whole of my life I know that night will not come in my life again…! Unfortunately she ended her life by proving him wrong… even those thirty year old family ties and faith.
Bhairvi’s false notions about his affairs with Shaheen started after thirty years of his happy married life and certain wrong information went deep into her unconscious mind. She buried their three decades good family life and left him alone in this world…
After the death of his wife Bhairvi, he would walk along to long distances for the solution but the solution was not there, sometimes he had to wake up suddenly during his half sleeps and thought about his past life, present obligations and uncertain future.
Anand remembered that happy evening when he had reached his home with his wife Bhairvi, after all the fanfare of the oath taking ceremony following a press conference. He was tired but happy. His wife Bhairvi was happy and excited because that particular day was special in her life as she herself felt the centre of attraction of the whole country. It was also interesting for her that so many formal and informal questions were also asked by journalists and media persons in the lobby where she was sitting separately and waiting for his husband to come.
Most of the question were related to her happy married life and the press very closely wanted to know how Mr. Anand Mohan Sharma came in her contact and how did they fell in love with each other .She answered all the questions in very light mood because she knew that whatever she will utter before the press will be sugar coated in tomorrow news paper.
And after that hectic schedule when Anand and Bhairvi both were about to enter in their bed room and wanted to relax, there was the telephone call from the P.S. office.
‘Sir, some old man is waiting for you in the guest house and he is known to you from your college days… he is some Mr. Soni’.
Tell him to wait, I will come and meet him after ten minutes.
Anand met his old friend Mr. Soni and got the news that Mrs. Sonal was admitted in the mental hospital in Jaipur and she was now a serious patient of Schizophrenia under the treatment of Mr. Vyas and her son wants to meet him, because ‘they are badly in need of some help.
Anand went to bed with his wife Bhairvi but his sleep was away from his eyes. As a matter of fact Anand was finding difficulty in adapting to the new change in life.He was under constant distrust of his own self. and the sweet but cruel past memories and experiences of his adolescent days, his involvement with Sonal and Shaheen and Divine often blocked his sleeps due to bad dreams... on the other side of the bed Bhairvi was a simple, natural and happy person having full confidence in him and was certain about his seemingly clean life... It was because Anand told her everything about his past relationship with Shaheen to the extent that Shaheen was his first love and she had a child from him, who was then in Pakistan, and there were no chance of his coming back to Anand's life again... one big fact which Anand could not - tell Bhairvi and that too was rather more deep rooted in his personality, was the hidden- outside marriage relationship with Sonal, in his earlier days... Anand thought about that relation... his adolescent adventures that started and ended in their life as a come and go affair... Since for a pretty long time the fire between him and sonal-cooled and he decided not to look back in the interest of his future married life. What was not thought of by him was the fact that such affair took little time to come to surface even if these were deeply rooted...
Perhaps Anand did not realise that whatever mistake one makes in his life, is registered in the sub-conscious layers of mind and can be harmful to an individual at any stage of his or her life... That state of mind cost more! ... It often becomes a point of no return! And that is a real painful journey in one's life when hidden past experiences overlap present life and blocks the future passage... It becomes altogether a complex situation.
The relationship developed between Anand and Bhairvi, passed through many phases of intact love and minimum meltdowns. It had a strong foundation of the emotional homework done by Bhairvi and she was particularly obsessed to support it with most minute details, for future commitments regarding their marriage.
On the other side Anand was little bit fishy but intelligent enough while keeping and continuing parallel pre-marital and post-marital relations beyond his spouse. He was always careful not to indulge emotionally with any of his love meets in his extra marital relations.
With Sonal and Saheen in particular it was matter of history and he enjoyed all the fantasies attached to these relations, but for Divine it was rather a irregular come and go relation which never developed deep roots. From his side it was a flirting and from Divine side, it was just a good past time. More over from the very beginning she made it very clear that she believed in give a take relations and had a graphical picture in her mind about with whom or whom not to keep in touch and for how long time ?
Anand very well remembered their first telephonic conversation after coming from Bhopal to his working place Ajmer, after setting duties of marriage with Bhairvi Divine made it clear to Anand that she believed in keeping rational relations and did not want to involve herself in any sentimental outbursts. She never riddled with any sort of anxiety may be big or small. She believed in the principle of not taking anything in heart as she often told him that the people’s memory is very short... but perhaps the memory of the triangle of Anand, Bhairvi and Divine lived long in everybody’s mind even after Bhairvi committed suicide.
In the beginning with Bhairvi it was truly a marriage, not just a wedding. They both enjoyed each other's company and nuptial-knots were also strong..... Till, the second time entry of Saheen shocked her foundation and beliefs and by mere sceptical feeling she took her life for which Anand always repented..
Just one day before that fateful night Anand had shared a real deep love with her wife Bhairvi. That was the day of their marriage. He gifted her special chocolates and celebrated it with champagne .He knew that these things have their romantic association...and stimulate the love centres of a woman.He uttered in filmy style-‘ Ek chand asman main hai ek mere pass hai’
And after this magic he persuaded her to put off her clothes. Both of them became nude and in nudity enjoyed bath...cooked the meals ...listened to the music..They had their lunch and dinner and slept in the bed of rose petals which Anand arranged specially for that day.their sex drive that day was endless... Anand was a sort of man who believed in making love all the night to his spouse although during sexual intercourse he talked of such a pornographical language, which was never liked by Bhairvi. It was just to show his intensity of feeling and true involvement with his partner. It was also to feel that the sex drive between both of then was strong and higher.
... Anand wanted to discover new bhairvi that night …he was very impulsive that night and kissed even the private part and also wanted that Bhairvi should reciprocate in the same way…fortunately she was also aroused…but he wished to be more intimate by proposing for an oral sex
‘Don’t do like that it is dirty…I can’t do that.No Anand no…She was feeling nervous with this idea…
‘Have you not seen in Khajaraho’s temple-sculptures all that…even the gods and goddesses and all the Gandherva’s did it …and with his exciting feeling he did what he wanted…Bhairvi’s pupil’s of eye’s dilated…perhaps she became supportive for a moment……and tried to enjoy fellatio, the oral stimulation…since with same deep feeling he enjoyed the act of cunnilingus .Anand tickled Bhairvi’s clitoris and labia minora with his tongue. They were in head to tale position.
‘You are really great Bhairvi…I love you , Anand told her in cool darkness…Bhaivi shaded her eye’s ,squinting them against her glare she went to the chair opposite the dressing table but then all of a sudden willingly escaped in the bath-room.,soaking in the marble tub, she thought again and again about few minute back sexual act…her blouse and petticoat open, nothing underneath…she was down on her knees sucking his ‘privacy’ ,which she now felt quite repulsive…Her firm young breasts partially concealed by the shower water…then suddenly some feeling of annoyance swept over the face …she thought she should not forget that Anand had deceived her by keeping regular contact with his old beloved Shaheen…she heard knock on the door…she jumped to conclude that Anand ‘s manners are becoming atrocious…yet she fought her impulse to lose her temper…she was little bit psychic and was in mental shake…Was Anand used her as a domestic pet..?why she had not grabbed Shaheen by her hair and threw out of her husband’s arms… she questioned herself…!she was not a casual play for him …not at all…still she was unable to feel why she allowed him to entertain his absurdities…all that happened in the name of sex was disgraceful to her…!!
… … …
On the other hand with all that happening Anand never thought in his dream even that his sweetheart Bhairvi would deceive him by committing suicide. On the contrary both of them liked their nude day
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