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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Jerks, The Players, and The Girl.. by Sam Ale (good books to read for young adults TXT) 📖

Book online «The Jerks, The Players, and The Girl.. by Sam Ale (good books to read for young adults TXT) 📖». Author Sam Ale

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my head. I plop into Zane’s lap and he groans, “Why?! Why me?! Ughh.. Your so fat..” I gasp and look at him in shock, getting up and sitting in my next favorite guy’s lap. Xavier smiled and welcomed me into his lap and I smiled back at him. “Thank Zane!” says Xavier, pulling me close to him. I wave at my brother who looks ready to kill someone. I’m not sure if its Zane or Xavier.

~~~ Shane ~~~
I couldn’t believe how crazy she was. Tempting Chris like that. He could have seriously hurt her. I shake my head, trying to not go in there and beat Chris up more. I pace a little faster, my hands still trembling. He deserved to be hurt. I could only imagine the thoughts he was thinking right now. About her. I turn and tilts her chin up. My girl. Wait?! My girl?! Ugh.. She is.. She just doesn’t know it yet. But she will soon. Soon she’ll know who her guy is. And its not some sleazy, good-for-nothing guy. No. Its gonna be me. I’ll be the one to take her to bed and hold her tight. I ask her softly, “Sam.. What were you thinking?” My eyes are piercing hers and I know she won’t lie to me. She tries to make her voice seem confident but I can tell she was a little frightened, “I.. was just playing with him. I never meant for him to take me seriously.” I sigh, of course she didn’t seriously want him. I lower my head so I can look into her eyes, “He’s a player Sam, you know that. He’ll take you to his bed against your will if he has to. He’s to stubborn to realize you don’t want him. Unless..” Then an idea crosses my mind.. What if she did want him? What if he was what she wanted? Oh god, please no.

(Author’s Note: Hai guys:D Hope your enjoying the book, just wanna clear something up. I dunno if I said something about a girl he loved or not.. I have like two different documents so I’m kinda confused.. I don’t have the time to read all over them so I’m just gonna put this in now and if I put something about this in earlier tell me Oh and sorry that this story is kinda long xD I really get into the whole cheating thing that’s about to happenJ Please and Thank you!:D Okay back to story<3)

Don’t let the girl I love, love another man again. I used to love this girl. She was beautiful and sexy and a senior. Wasn’t really smart and I hadn’t cared. I never care that she was a senior either. I didn’t wonder why she chose me either. She was fun to roll around in the sheets with and being a sophomore, I didn’t care about much else. I used to take her out on a date then come home and have my way with her. Oh.. How I used to love her so. I couldn’t even think of another girl, she dominated my thoughts so completely. Matt, Sam, and the rest of the guys hated her. Said she was cheating on me. Turns out she was but I’ll tell it from the beginning. It was the night of the big game. Football game I mean. Matt and I were there early. He planned on giving me a pep talk and tossing the football around a little. We were in the locker room when we heard moans from the showers. Matt and I walked toward them, the sounds getting louder and louder. I yank back the curtain and there she was. My beautiful, wonderful, sexy girlfriend. Pinned against the wall with one of the Seniors doing her. She smirked at me and laughed when I stampered, “W-why Meagan? H-how could you? Y-you s-said you l-loved me?” Tears blurred my eyes but I held them back. Her smirk grew and laughter got louder, it haunted me. “Oh? You honestly thought I loved you? Stupid foolish boy. I never loved you. I loved that long pole in your pants.” She said that with a wink. Then she ran her hand over the guys chest. “But I can’t be with just one guy. I like variety. Sorry that you thought there was something between us. Now please, if you excuse me. I have some business to get back to.” I gave a sharp nod, my eyes hard. I quickly turned around and left, tears not escaping my eyes till I reached the car. Matt had called Sam and she was waiting at the car for me. She saw the tears in my eyes and opened her arms. For weeks she had been avoiding me. It hurt me but I had Meagan so I hadn’t care so much. Now that she was in front of me, arms open. I realized how much I had missed her. How I needed her. I hugged her and spent the rest of the night in her room, eating popcorn, talking, and watching movies. She was so understanding. She even told me about the few boyfriends she’d had behind Matt’s back. I never told Matt. I mean, the girl wasn’t allowed to hang out with any boy except the guys. I felt kinda sorry for her. Then we fell asleep in bed together, limbs tangled. I always thought back to that night fondly. The part with Sam, not Meagan. I hear Sam’s voice saying, “No! Oh Lord, no. I can’t- couldn’t- ever be with Chris. We aren’t.. won’t ever be.. compatible..” I sighed with relief and my body relaxes. She doesn’t like him. Thank god. I don’t know what I would have done if she did. No I do know what I would have done. I would have pounded his face in till Sam realized she loved me instead. Yeah, that seems like a good plan. I smile as an I idea comes to my head, Matt mentioned a party earlier for graduation. “Okay well, with that taken care of. Matt was wondering if you wanted to throw a party in celebration of graduating?” I say with a smile. She nods rapidly and looks so funny and my smile gets wider when she says, “Yes, Yes, Yes! I totally want to throw a party” She laughs and I turn to get some food. I can feel her eyes on me. I kinda feel self conscious. When I turn around she’s back in the TV room. I hear Zane complain about her being fat. Then her gasp, I turn to look. Now she’s in Xavier’s lap. ‘Ohh no’ I thought. Matt’s gonna flip. I watch Xavier thank Zane and put his hand on her leg. I start to see red. She waves at Matt and I see him getting more pissed by the second.

Chapter 10

*** Sam ***
Matt growls when Xavier’s hand slides a little higher. “ my have your hands on.” I laugh and keep watching TV, having hearing this conversation a thousand times. I run my hands through Xavier’s hair, slightly bored. I hear footsteps behind me and Zane’s baby blonde hair comes to my line of vision. I start to play with it and Zane groans as he sits down. “Matt you owe me!” I glare down at Zane. “Good sir, I will have you know I am not fat, I am curvy.” Then I got up and did a little belly dance which had all the guys drooling except Zane and Matt. “Yeah, yeah. We get it. Your sexy as hell. Now sit your “curvy” ass back down.” I smile at Zane and he grins back. I sit in his lap and start eating my chips. I hold one out to Zane and he eats it out of my hands. The guys groan. “Why do you trust Sam with Zane? He could be straight and telling us he’s gay.” says Mike. I laugh. “Zane is gay. Trust me.” The guys look at me skeptically. I look back. “You seriously don’t believe me?” They nod. I sigh and look at Zane. He shrugs. “How are we gonna prove it buddy?” I look at the ceiling a clear sign that I’m thinking. He chuckles then whispers something in my ear. I gasp and nod. I get up and straddle his lap. Moving my body in a hypnotic rhythm, I start to pull off my shirt, slowly sliding it over my belly, showing the golden tanned skin. Zane watches with amused eyes. The guys sit there with opened mouths, all of them sporting a situation. All except Zane and Matt. Of course. Matt was laughing, watching the guys try to hide themselves. I quickly put on my shirt and Zane pulls me back down. I smile at look at the guys with a smug expression. “So.. Believe me now?” They all nod rapidly. Shane then walks in holding the best sundae ever. He glances around, a confused expression on his face. “What did I miss?” He sits next to me and Zane and I take a lick of his ice cream. He chuckles and lets me have another lick. “Oh the usual. I showed the guys that Zane was gay by giving him a lap dance.” Shane faked a sad expression. “I missed The Samantha Matthew’s Strip Show.. Awwe damn.. Guess I’ll have to see the 10 o’clock show. I laugh and nod, sliding into his lap. He wrapped an arm around me sort of protective. No.. That has to be my imagination. Right? He was thoughtful enough to bring an extra spoon for me. I smile up at him as he takes a bite of the sundae. “Did you plan on sharing with me or was the second spoon for Matt?” He chuckle and pecks my cheek softly. All the guys attention was on the football game on TV so we weren’t gonna get caught. “It was for you. You know you’re my ice cream buddy.” I smile and pick up some whipped cream and touch his nose, leaving a white dot on the end. He went all cross eyed staring at it and then stuck out his tongue trying to get it. I burst into a fit of giggles watching him try to get it. I then lean up and kiss his nose, licking up the whipped cream. He looks at me sadly, “I wanted that piece of whipped cream.” I laugh and before I was thinking about what I was doing I leaned down and kissed him softly. I didn’t mean to! I mean..its just..He was there and..He looked so cute..and I just wanted to kiss him. Shane gasps softly then cups my cheek, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. I tangle my fingers in his black hair, tugging gently. He tentatively touches my lips with his tongue. I slowly open my mouth, sliding my tongue over to tease his. He growls and plunders my mouth, spearing my mouth with his tongue. Then I pull back and his eyes show confusion, hurt, and hunger. Something else lingers in the background but

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