Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Jerks, The Players, and The Girl.. by Sam Ale (good books to read for young adults TXT) 📖

Book online «The Jerks, The Players, and The Girl.. by Sam Ale (good books to read for young adults TXT) 📖». Author Sam Ale

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neck, licking gently at some spots, sucking at others. I squirm more as he gets closer to my breasts. I push him away and pull the blanket to cover my body. He looks at me surprised at first then his eyes soften in realization. “Babe, I’m sorry.. I didn’t know..” He crawls towards me, eyes begging for forgiveness. I nod and he pulls me into his arms, rocking me gently. I smile and bury my head in his chest. He strokes my hair and we stay like that till we fall asleep.

~~~ Shane ~~~
Wow.. I almost lost control there. I think as I fall asleep with Sam in my arms. She just smelled so nice and she was making these whimpering noises and.. Gosh. She is so fucking with my head. I need her so much and I know I can’t take her yet. What am I gonna do? I sigh and stroke her hair a few more times. She is already asleep so I look down at her angel-like face. She is perfect. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I sigh again then everything goes dark..
(Still Chapter 12:D I felt I should mix it up so Shane will be first then Sam<3 Enjoyy;D)

I wake to someone poking me repeatedly. “Sam!” I groan, catching her wrists and pinning them above her head. She glares at me and I look down at her. “Why are you poking me so early in the morning?” I ask still groggy. She gives me a look. “I have to pee! Let me go!” I slowly let her go and she jumps up, running into the bathroom. I watch her nice ass as she runs. Damn that girl has everything she needs. I lay down and stare at the ceiling smiling. She is my everything. I stretch and tilt my head to look at the bathroom door. She stands there in a long shirt and panties. She is mouth watering. She smirks, knowing the effect she has on me. I snicker. “Hun, if you keep taunting me then I won’t be able to say no. I’ll take you whether you want me or not.” She laughs and I do to, knowing I could never hurt her. “Get up,” She says, “Its time for school.” I groan but get up, and walk toward her, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her deeply. She responds instantly, her hands crawling into my hair. I smile and peck her lips one last time before I leave.

*** Sam ***
It was nice sleeping with him last night. He was so sweet about it to. I felt so safe and secure. Mmmm.. I wonder.. No! Can’t think like that this early! I climb into the shower and wash my long, golden brown hair and shave my legs really quick. Satisfied that I am clean and such. I climb out wrapping myself in a towel. ‘What to wear’ I think as I sort through my closet. I settle on some mid-thigh shorts, low cut dark blue tank top, leather jacket, and a my hair falling naturally. I pull on my black vans then head downstairs. The boys are still trying to get up, most of them cradling some coffee. I skip in just to annoy them. True to nature they groan. Chris says, “How are you so happy in the mornings, something is wrong with you!” Mike and Jason nod in agreement. “Well I don’t stay up till two am watching TV. I actually go to bed. Like a normal person.” I say with a smile. Zane tosses me a bowl and the cereal is already on the table. I pour myself some then begin eating. Shane stumbles in wearing, faded blue jeans with holes in the knees, a white muscle shirt, bright green vans, and his hair is rumbled and hanging in his eyes. I smile and stare into my cereal. He is so sexy. Zane comes up behind me and whispers, “He has got a lot going on huh?” then he winks at me before kissing my cheek and handing me my bag. Yeah, I have a backpack. I don’t see a point in prissy little purses. I mean seriously?! I have enough shit to carry without needing more! I walk out the door and climb into Shane’s car. Jason starts teasing me, “Awwwe does someone have a crush on Shaney? C’mon you can tell me” He says with a wink. I smile sweetly and say, “Nah, I have a different guy on my mind. But I love Shane’s car. Its so cool!” Jason seems to think that over then nods, “Okay Sammi bearr, Seeya at school!” He yells like a little kid. Something is wrong with Jason. I swear his parents dropped him on his head like 15 times. Then beat him with a baseball bat. I shake my head, chuckling softly. After all the guys have left and are out of sight, Shane practically attacks me. His mouth hungrily kisses mine. I gasp and kiss back, pulling him closer. “Gosh,” he murmurs between kisses, his hands traveling up and down my thighs, rubbing small circles over them. I whimper and moan softly. “You look so sexy today baby, I just want to eat you.” I smile against his lips and softly nip them. “Well, We have to go to school babe so please start driving. I don’t want to be late or make anyone suspicious” He nods reluctantly, tasting my lips one last time. I smile and stare at him as we drive. I giggle when he whines, “No fair! How come you get to stare at me but I’m not allowed to?” I laugh harder as he turns his head to look at me with a pout on his lips, “Cuz! Your driving! I don’t want to be in an accident” He sighs dramatically and speeds up a bit. I smile and let the wind blow my hair around. Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard comes on and I turn it up!
(I hateeee when people waste pages to type in the whole song. If you want to hear it. LOOK IT UP. STOP BEING LAZY! Thank you, Have a nice day<3 :D)
Shane and I sing along till the song ends. I smile and shout, “I love Yellowcard!” Shane laughs and nods in agreement. We pull up to school and I hop out and run to my best friend ever, Katie.

Chapter 13

~~~ Shane ~~~
I love listening to her sing. She has such a beautiful voice. I remember some nights were she would sing me to sleep. I shake my head thoroughly and pull into the parking lot. She hops out and runs over to Katie. They hug and I’m jealous. Why won’t she run up and hug me? Oh yeah. Cuz her brother would skin me alive. Sam turns and shoots me a smile and I melt. Gosh, fuck her brother (Not literally! Teehee that would be weird!!;)) I want that girl and I’m not gonna take no for an answer. I jump out of the car and head to my first class. The day drags on. The only good time is lunch. I at least get to admire her from afar. Then Jason nudges my arm. “Bro, who are you staring at?! Its driving me insane not knowing.” I can feel a blush burning my cheeks and Xavier laughs, “Ooh! Shane is blushing! Hmmm.. Do I hear crush? Yes I do!” I lower my head and mumble, ‘Shit’ under my breath. Okay I was being a little obvious. I admit it. But its hard not to stare at her. Her long hair, beautiful curves, nicely shaped tanned legs, soft, plush lips that are just so kissable. Damn I sound like a girl. I can feel my body tighten when I glance at her. Her shorts have ridden up a little bit, showing more of her tanned legs. Her tank top has slide down exposing more of her cleavage. I’m almost drooling and all I want right now is to take her in my arms and kiss her breathless. The guys are watching me and I know they are. Jason keeps teasing me and the guys laugh but I don’t really hear them. Finally the bell rings and I head to class. History. Blahhhh! I don’t want to learn today! I want to sit and dream about Sam. So that’s what I do. I lay my head in my hand and stare blankly at the board. Her soft brown-green eyes. Her long hair that flows behind her. I love how she’s kind of short.. “Mr. Harrison, Are you paying attention?” Mr. Holliman asks. I jump, looking up at him. I nod, “Yes sir, I’m paying attention.” He smirks, “Then answer my question.” I sigh and shake my head. “Okay.. You got me. I wasn’t paying attention.” Mr. Holliman chuckles. “Pay closer attention Mr. Harrison.” I nod and try to concentrate. Finally the bell rings and I head for my last class. I take my seat in reading and try to get my mind off Sam. Then I hear my phone vibrate. Its from Sam, immediately my heartbeats faster
Sam: Hey:] Lol Have fun in reading! Don’t ditch again or I’ll have to tell Matt;)
I chuckle and smile. She knows how to make everything better. I reply:
Me: Hahaha, Hi and I will. Don’t tell Matt or I’ll have to tell him to ;)
She replies back quick.
Sam: You wouldn’t ;)
Me: Teehee, You don’t know that! Bell rung;) Time for class;) I’ll drive you home okay?
Sam: Very girly laugh there bud;) and Yay!:]
I close my phone and try not to think about her winking at me. I shake my head and laugh at myself. I’m delusional. Reading goes by pretty quick. Soon I’m rushing down the halls looking for my angel. Then I see her, a smile blooms on my face.

*** Sam***
I see Shane’s blinding smile and cannot help but smile back. He rushes towards me and takes my hand, pulling me to his car. Once we are in the car he turns to me. “Sam, I need something. From you.” He says. I give him a curious look. He leans closer to me and whispers, “I need your kiss” then winks at me and takes my lips in a slow kiss. I smile against his lips, kissing him back. My arms slide around his neck and he makes a low growling noise that makes me shiver. He pulls me closer, his kiss getting more and more aggressive. I kiss him back, holding his head close, enjoying his lips on mine. Then he pulled back slightly, trailing his lips down my neck. He playfully nips at my skin, making me gasp. I pull back and he gives me a pained look. “Sam, please don’t make me stop now. I’ve waited all day to have you to myself.” He cups my cheek in his hand. I smile and lean into his palm. He leans in to kiss me again but I pull back. I shake my head but stroke his cheek softly. His eyes are hurt and sad. “Lets just get home. Then maybe you can kiss me some

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