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Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» All the beautiful daughters of Mara by Ashok Aatreya (beach books .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«All the beautiful daughters of Mara by Ashok Aatreya (beach books .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Ashok Aatreya

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any sort in the name of a diamond ever presented to her in her lifeā€“time ā€¦and as such there were lot of confusing ideas floating in her mind...over- lapping each other.
It was also a strange behavior of Sonal as reported by her husband that some haunting memories were troubling his wife since longā€¦and those exaggerated whenever she visited the basement her uncleā€™s house which was little away from their own houseā€¦although it was a part of their propertyā€¦ But was not very much in useā€¦Anand remembered to have met her in the basement many time and they spent good time thereā€¦
Such was the state of Sonalā€™s mindā€¦and as the condition was serious Mr. Vyas keenly observed her minutest change in behaviour. Anand discussed some much hidden aspects of his relations with Sonal with Dr Vyas Which helped him in detecting the root cause of her illness and Dr Vyass assured after this important meeting that Sonal will very soon recover from her serious illness
Dr. Vyas was with him for considerably long time and it was a very private visit for which special care was taken that Anandā€™s coming over to Dr. Vyas Hospital is not made public.

After visiting Dr Vyasā€™s Psychiatrics Hospital Anand realized that the old saying about ā€˜Gold, women and thorn appleā€™ was not wrong. The lust for women is thousand and one time bigger than the greed of gold and intoxication of Thorn Appleā€¦He knew that by merely contemplating the senses a person develops attachment and that ultimately ends in lustā€¦The attachment for all these three things have a common factor that proved that nobody in the world remained away from them, and Anand was no exception, hence he also enjoyed all these three ā€œvicesā€ in his professional position as they are considered the status symbol in todayā€™s societyā€¦ Anand also agreed with another saying: women in once life play always an important roleā€¦ For success and failure of man, women have a big shareā€¦
It was even in king Vikramaditya times 32 virtues of women were considered necessary for any King who wanted to sit on the judgment seat. These 32 virtues were symbolised as 32 characters of the throne and when the successor of king Vikram of Ujjain wanted to sit on the throneā€¦he was stopped by these 32 ladies. King Vikramaditya started the Hindu calendar to fix time for the convenience of his people.
There is one interesting tale of King Vikrmaditya, showing how he delivered his Judegmentsā€¦ ā€˜Dharamatta was an ugly looking, but an intelligent upercaste man who performed rituals for conducting marriagesā€¦ he was unmarried but remained frustrated since no girl wanted to marry him.. Once, he was about to complete the rituals of the prospecting couple, he was fascinated to see the beauty of the girl.. and wickedly planned to fulfill his sexual desire through her.. He told the husband not to carry his wife home the same night of marriage because that may cause death to him. Since the girl in question was having some malefic planets in her astrological chart, Dharmadatta advised the husband to leave his ā€œwouldā€ be wife with him for the whole night for necessary corrective measures.
Husband of the bride agreed immediately so as his parents because, no one wanted to carry death with themā€¦ And for one night nothing will happen. Rather, Dharmadutta will pure her by rituals. The husband convinced the girl also to stay with Dharmadutta for one night only.
Unfortunately the newly wedded bride was exploited by him who managed to rape her for whole of the night in the name of rituals and enjoyed the first night of his clientā€™s bride and fulfilled his lust.
The bride reached home next morning in a normal way. She did not tell anything to her husband what happened to her the previous night ā€¦but when she became pregnant everything came in lime light and Dharmadutta was also exposed.
The unfortunate married woman was thrown out of house because of her misdeeds but when the matter reached in the court of king Vikramaditya he delivered his judgement in these wordsā€¦ The bride can not be considered utility; she did whatever she was told to doā€¦ Dharmadutta was also not penalized because ā€œSexual urge was ā€“ very naturalā€¦ although his conduct was wrong ā€¦. But the penalty was imposed on the husband and his father and mothers, who believed in the false story of Dharmadatta about the malefic effects of celestial planetsā€¦ This way such judgments showed the right direction to ā€“ this world by kings 32 virtuesā€¦ one after the other, through interesting talesā€¦.
Anand thought ā€¦why the tale of Dharmadatta came in his mind? Has this story any relevance to his life ?or itā€™s merely a reflectin of some after thoughts abstracted in his mind ?...Yes there is a direct link of this story to his lifeā€¦he had very cleary played a role of Dharmadatta, who exploited the life of the beautiful and charming lady Sonalā€¦that way itā€™s crystal clear application on his life styleā€¦might be because of the malefic planets influencing both of themā€¦as in the case of the would be wife of the client of the priestā€¦Taking the benefits of the planets, Anand had also exploited the wife of the Physical Training Instrutor and seduced her. Sonal did not tell all this to his husband rather she was herslf enjoyed the thrill of this indulgenceā€¦but was ultimately surrendered before the psychiatrist Dr Vyas and her relations with her love or lust were exposed (only to doctor by Anand transparently) for her clinical welfare.After knowing the root cause of her illness Dr Vyas could treat her in very short time.
His own horoscope had certain features which can predict lot of happenings and expose his positive and negative character of lifeā€¦His ascendant sign being Venus in ā€˜Piscesā€™ in itā€™s exalted position, thereby the lord of seventh, third tenth and fourth house and their planets directly influence his birth chart and predict his intense relations with opposite sex or his spouse, his position in society etc, That way the placement of Mercury in third house and Jupitor in afflicted virgo sign and mars in ninth opposite third house very well speak about him.

In the story of his previous lives, Anand noticed a common factor. Rather central theme of all his previous and present birth. His life's inner-core was an unfulfilling desire for love and unending lust for sex.He followed women without making them feel insecured and then only took them for a ride.Throughout his life he liked voluptuous women. He was flamboyant and temperamental and many time expressed an unconventional image of Casanova. He lived a life of a different materialistic man and was never interested in any sort of abstract meditation like Gautam for he was a part of this world and never tried to escape from the sensuos pleasures rather he persued themā€¦so there was no feeling of sticking to his homeā€¦he lived and loved this world with ten-fold intensity and he was not waiting for any state of spiritual attainment so he always felt himself surrounded by the beautiful women of his world.Daughters of Mara.
Anand experienced the temporal realities of ā€˜so called loveā€™ in his life.He also liked stories of love birds and lust masters, who bluffed the world by inventing wicked designs to win the full package of sensuous pleasures, an endless game of life.
He pursued very sincerely his underground world directly and due to intelligent handling different women entered in is life. It was a natural exploration. He simply enjoyed all levels of infatuations, seeing and believing, and indulging with his partners. Known and unknown women always played an important part in his.He remembered famous writer Hemingwayā€™s life who (as one of his wives told him once- You need a new wife for each new book) enjoyed the company of all good and bad type of women. Anand also enriched his beautiful and ugly treasure-trove of lifeā€™s most interesting and exhilarating Audio-Video-psycho-somatic game called sex.A permanent biological clock controlled blooming of flowers of blue eyed wild iris grass in himā€¦
Anand to his totally contrast life style, knowingly or unknowingly, once submitted his existence. to one godess Lalita, He wanted to become her bow of sugarcane with five arrows in her handsā€¦ he wanted to destroy his pride, sin, anger, greed, doubt and all the differences and barriers of this worldā€¦ He wanted to destroy known and unknown, he wanted to overcome and transcend-virtue and viceā€¦ he wanted complete- transparency in lifeā€¦ He surrendered himself to goddess to know his and her own selfā€¦ He wanted brilliancy, manifestation, and sweetness, depth, fixity, energy, grace and generosityā€¦ He was certain; one day goddess will bless him all these qualities which she possessedā€¦but his search remained an endless desertā€¦and his life became shifting sand dunes. In reality he could not yet come out of his Tam-Raj and Sat three fold conflicting existence and never in Unionā€¦perhaps he was in grip of all the beautiful daughters ofā€¦.M..A..R..A.. which was naturally his limitationā€¦ he had to still waitā€¦.waitā€¦ and waitā€¦. The time was not yet matureā€¦ Anand reached in his thoughts in the ancient caves of Ajanta. Different caves had variety of visiters-of different castes or creed or colours or region or religion.Urban -suburban.
Village folks,college students ,old and young, arts groups, religious people,international tourists .Every one was busy in his own way of seeing and believingā€¦ some ladies were in groupsā€¦some beautiful and more beautifulā€¦some charming, some more charming. different female figures,different faces but the figures of caves were exclusively attractive.In the very first cave the lord of lust and material possessions, fear and greed with semi-nude gorgeous ladies carrying madan- kalas in different lustfull posture were trying to attract Buddha ,threatening him in every possible mannerā€¦Anand also tried to touch earth just by copying Buddha by seating himself opposite in the cave itself and wanted to test his own rootsā€¦ but he timely realized, he was not Gautam in vajrasan (amative seat) and moved by the presence of the beaters, who with their combine evil force seduced himā€¦ Anand thought about those beautyā€™sā€¦ In his mind, flickered the images if Bhairvi, Shaheen, Sonal, Divine and others too, here and there in the line of his lust.
Shaheen, his first innocent and pure loveā€¦perhaps from heavenā€¦she came like an angel in his lifeā€¦or from some ancient time! ā€¦ she might have met him in his earlier life in the same Ajanta cave waiting for his eyes to adjust tothe darknessand light in some mixed excursion group of boys and girls of some schoolā€¦ while passing through the coloured minerals crushed over the Mara painting , both of them suddenly fell in first sight loveā€¦she became the image repertoire of one Apsara of the paintingā€¦afflicting with some compulsion to speak to him-ā€˜I L..O..V...E..Youā€¦. the same three words she repeated of her Lady Elgin school days, when she had returned his blank piece of paperā€¦ and to his surprise she wrote in that paper too ā€¦I
The second darling of his life Sonal (floated in parallel boat with him) had to live in exile Due to him only as she was forced to live away from him and remained in insomnia for an uncertain periodā€¦That was her worst time .She flayed herself for her lack of tacts as she couldā€™nt save her love and became a mass of irritable substanceā€¦skinless without Anandā€¦.But her rebellion did not accept the realities in the changed circumstances.Sonal remained in the intense mood of hallucinationatory psychosis of her desire of Anand...once again amorous desire of her lost loveā€¦.to the extent that she wanted his last embrace before deathā€¦Anandā€™s this love Sonal,
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