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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Loving Bella by Elizabeth Bonet (books suggested by bill gates .TXT) 📖

Book online «Loving Bella by Elizabeth Bonet (books suggested by bill gates .TXT) 📖». Author Elizabeth Bonet

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asked me that from the floor?!” Katherine’s own look turned harsh. “Well fine. I see how it is.” She plopped onto the floor again and glared up at Anthony. “Can I hold your ball?” Anthony answered by stooping down and picking the ball up. He threw it at Katherine and began to walk away.
Bella was infuriated. “Katherine give me the ball.” Katherine handed it to her, now suddenly feeling sorry for she knew she had gone too far. “I’m sorry Bella. Here.” She handed her the ball and saw in an instant what Bella was thinking. Bella leveled in on her target and threw the ball at full speed past Anthony’s blonde head. He spun around and saw Bella’s face turn arrogant.
He scoffed at her, laughing harshly as he stalked toward her. He picked up the ball on the way over then when once standing in front of Bella he leaned forward to look her straight in the eyes. He tossed the ball so it would land in her lap and neared his face closer still. Her anger at him was obvious. The heat from her glare practically singed a hole in him.
He noticed her eyes had turned into a fiery red color and thought her to look evil yet seductive in a way. “You missed.” He whispered just close enough for her to feel the warmth of his breath on her cheek. “That was the point. It was a warning. Didn’t you get the memo?” He smiled into her upturned face. “Yup, now you get this one.” Not caring if anyone saw Anthony grabbed Bella’s chin and pulled it forward so her lips met his own. The noise in the gym seemed to hush at this moment but he didn’t care. Anthony felt her stiffen in his hold and he pulled her tighter. Katherine gawked at the scene in disbelief.
She knew Anthony liked her but she didn’t know he liked Bella that much. Bella slid her eyes shut. Relishing the kiss for just a few moments before she knew he would let her go. As if he could read her thoughts Anthony let go of her before standing in an attention position and was gone. Bella looked over to see Katherine staring at her and her face heated. “Say nothing.” She ordered before she stood up and ran to the girls locker-room to sequester herself in a bathroom stall and have a good, long cry.


As soon as Bella had reached her home she felt a specific aching in her heart. She stared at the long driveway which led to her house before her and felt the air around her dampen. The once sunny day was now overcast as she reluctantly made her way down the path. The ride home was a quiet one. No one on the bus dared to even look at her, in such a bad mood was she.
Suddenly a flash of Mason’s handsome face flew before her and Bella closed her eyes in pain. “I’m sorry my love.” She spoke out to the trees above her. A loud thunder suddenly rumbled from the sky and Bella knew she had been forgetting her Heavenly Father.
“I’m sorry Lord. I know ever since that day with Mason, I’ve neglected you. Please Father help me through this mess. First with Mason and now that! You can’t be serious?” Bella’s conscience pricked at the back of her mind almost as if He were talking to her. “Well in a way I guess you are talking cause that’s what you gave us the Holy Spirit for right? To guide us and abide in us while you’re up there.” She smiled to the sky above her and hummed a little tune to herself along with the birds above her.
“Bella listen to me.” She looked upward in conformation. “ I love you. More than Anthony could or Mason or any person could. Why don’t you trust me?” The voice faded on these last words and Bella knew she was in trouble. “I’m sorry God. Forgive me for being so insolent. It kind of sucks not being with you When I’m alone who would comfort me if I didn’t have you? How do they do it? I mean living without you. I know my life was empty before.”
“I was filled with restlessness. It was terrible! And then you came along. Right around the time Mason left for the first time. I guess you were preparing me in a way for this.” She lifted a palm in the air as if pointing to the issues. “Alright, thank you Father for everything. I will speak to Mrs. Joy about it and see what she recommends. Lord be with Mason and Anthony. Help them to know you and know you better. And yes Lord please be with me.”
A sudden peace had filled her being and Bella knew God had headed her words. The sun peaked out for the briefest of moments before hiding back behind the gray clouds. Reminding Bella how life was. When your life was all full of sunshine, some time or another would come a storm. And even amidst that storm you could find a glimmer of hope. Knowing that the sun would shine once again.
Bella with this newfound knowledge and joy walked up the stairs and pulled out her keys. The dog upon hearing her open the door was overcome with whines and wagging of his tail that Bella laughed to herself. “Come here Hunter.” She opened the door to their chocolate lab’s cage and hugged him. After letting him out she ran up the stairs to take a quiet, and peaceful nap despite the thunderstorm outside her two-story log home.


Chapter six

It was pure hell. “What ever possessed me to want to do this?” Mason thought to himself as he lay against an earthen dugout with gun by his side. He took a quick swig of water from his canteen and watched the havoc that surrounded him. This was only the practice of what he must soon face but he knew that when he did face it, Heaven forbid, it would be a lot worse.
Mini dirt bombs were laid in places where only the “enemy” knew. The trenches stunk of sweat, urine, and the decomposing of meat. The meat of course was beef to emulate the smells of the dead after being shot. Guns shot in the air above Mason and paint flew above hand. Of course this was just practice so they used paint-ball guns. Men ventured out into the open field to risk a shot to get closer to their enemy.
And Lord knew death was more welcome to these young men than to be alive at the moment. Men were told to lie as if dead if they had been shot adding more to the effect. Mason grimly looked about his person at the “dead” men and wounded knowing their country probably wasn’t worth ten times as much as these men’s lives.
Mason glanced to his right to see Bradley trying to take a nap in the warfare. Another part of which they had grown accustomed to get used to. In this process different groups of men were brought out with all the food and water needed. The only toiletry given them was toilet paper. Even this the men were glad for. That and the shovels, of which they made latrines for their own particular use.
They were to live there for maybe three months at a time without any means of comfort. Such as would be over seas. Technically over border lines. They were encamped at Germany for some time and soon afterward sent to either Afghanistan or Iraq. But it would be overseas to those whom he loved back in the United States, in Florida. Where Bella would be pining for him.
The memory of her kiss haunted his mind causing a surge of heat to course through him. Feeling very lonely and miserable Mason cursed under his breath. He started when a piece of shrapnel came flying past his head. Mason was reminded of his present position and returned his attention to the scene enveloping around him. He would have to entertain thoughts of Isabella when he was less engaged.


Depression. It was not a thing that Bella took well to. “Lately she’s been so sorrowful and pale. Her eyes have such a listless look about them and when somebody speaks to her, her eyes are like cold hard chocolate. But not in a good way. Not like their usual glow. It’s hard to see her like this, and I am going to get to the bottom of this.”
Natine observed as she watched her daughter across the dinner table. Bella was thinning out. Not that she minded in any way, but it worried Natine. She hated to see her daughter like this. She wouldn’t even finish one serving when she used to get two! Bella’s hair, already thick, practically swallowed her whole face.
Making her now sunken eyes look huge. No, it would not do! “Bella?” The small girl looked up from her plate of food at her mother. Hardly blinking in acknowledgment. “Bella honey, are you not hungry?” Bella’s lips puckered as she looked down at her food and up at Natine again. “No.” Her voice barely audible.
Natine’s look was anything but astounded. “Would you like to tell me why?” Bella shook her “No”. Natine about flapped her arms at this news as she fluttered though the door into the kitchen with her plate in hand. Mark walked in the room quietly behind her so as she would not hear a sound. He watched her carefully. Taking in every salt and pepper hair that swept down her back.
A small tear slid down her cheek as she shuddered. Natine’s hands were gripping the countertop with such a force that her knuckles were white. “Natine, darlin’ what’s wrong?” She nearly collapsed at hearing his voice but caught herself just as Mark reached out a hand to stop her. She stretched out a hand to put him off as he walked toward her, arms outstretched and he stopped. “No Mark. I just need a moment to compose myself.”
Mark stretched out a long finger to touch his wife’s arm. She shrunk back at his touch and sank to the floor. Placing both hands on her face she cried. “My daughter is depressed. She’s depressed Mark! And not to mention, she’ll go and confide in the Pastor’s wife but she won’t even tell me what’s wrong! Her own Mother, Mark!”
Mark looked at his pitiful wife on the floor weeping. He felt a strong sense of chagrin and pain for his wife as he mulled over her words. It
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