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Take Oyl of Flower-de-Lys, Powder of Brimstone, and dry'd Elicampane-Roots, of each a like quantity, and Bay-Salt powdered; mix these Powders with the Oyl, and warm it, anoint, scratch, and make it bleed, it will do well.

Tetter. Take Black Ink, Juice of Mint and Vinegar, of each alike, mix them altogether with Powder of Brimstone to a Salve, and anoint it.

Worms. Give your Hound Brimstone and new Milk, it will kill them.

Gauling. May Butter, yellow Wax and unflackt Lime, made to a Salve, and Anoint therewith, is a present Remedy.

Mange. Take two Handfuls of Wild-Cresses, of Elicampane, of the Leaves and Roots of Roerb and Sorrel, the like quantity, and two Pound of the Roots of Frodels, Boyl them all well in Lye and Vinegar, strain it, and put therein two Pound of Grey Soap, an

ere mounted sculls and oars, footballs and baseballs. The long and proud record of the university was there to be read. All her famous athletes were pictured there, and every one who had fought for his college. Ken realized that here for the first time he was in the atmosphere of college spirit for which the university was famed. What would he not have given for a permanent place in that gallery! But it was too late. He had humiliated the captain of the baseball team. Ken sought out the picture of the last season's varsity. What a stocky lot of young chaps, all consciously proud of the big letter on their shirts! Dale, the captain and pitcher, was in the centre of the group. Ken knew his record, and it was a splendid one. Ken took another look at Dale, another at the famous trainer, Murray, and the professional coach, Arthurs--men under whom it had been his dream to play--and then he left the room, broken-hearted.

When the Christmas recess was over he went back to his lectures resigned to the thought t

, distributing silver-pieces blindly among the greedy, outstretched hands.

"There's none left now. The coal's all burnt up! Let me alone, pesterers."

Pretending to be annoyed by this popularity which really flattered him, he opened a passage for himself by a push with his strong arms and escaped by the stairway, running up the steps with the agility of an athlete, while the servants, no longer restrained by his presence, swept and pushed the crowd toward the street.

Gallardo passed the room occupied by Garabato and saw his servant through the half-opened door bending over valises and boxes getting his costume ready for the bull-fight.

Finding himself alone in his room the pleasant excitement caused by the avalanche of his admirers instantly vanished. The unhappy moments of these bull-fighting days had come, the trepidation of the last hours before going to the plaza. Miura bulls and the public of Madrid! The danger which, when he faced it, seemed to intoxicate him and increase his

CK AND RAILS. Also there are certain minorobjects--tin ships, Easter eggs, and the like--of which I shall makeincidental mention, that like the kiwi and the duck-billed platypusrefuse to be classified.

These we arrange and rearrange in various ways upon our floor, making aworld of them. In doing so we have found out all sorts of pleasantfacts, and also many undesirable possibilities; and very probably ourexperience will help a reader here and there to the former and save himfrom the latter. For instance, our planks and boards, and what one cando with them, have been a great discovery. Lots of boys and girls seemto be quite without planks and boards at all, and there is no regulartrade in them. The toyshops, we found, did not keep anything of the kindwe wanted, and our boards, which we had to get made by a carpenter, arethe basis of half the games we play. The planks and boards we have areof various sizes. We began with three of two yards by one; they weremade with cross pieces like small door

staff, Telling me neither to smile nor to laugh. Buff says 'Baff,' to all his men, And I say 'Baff' to you again. And he neither laughs nor smiles, In spite of all your cunning wiles, But carries his face with a very good grace, And passes his staff to the very next place."

If he can repeat all this without laughing, he delivers up his staff to some one else, and takes his seat; but if he laughs, or even smiles, he pays a forfeit before giving it up.

* * * * *


In the olden times this game was known by the name of "Hood-man Blind," as in those days the child that was chosen to be "blind man" had a hood placed over his head, which was fastened at the back of the neck.

In the present day the game is called "Blind Man's Buff," and very popular it is among young folk.


Before beginning to play, the middle of the room should be cleared, the chairs placed against the wall, and all toys and footstools put out of the way. The child having

--Partners and each other--Fitting in their different games--The man to oblige--The policy of the long-handicap man--How he drove and missed in the good old days--On laying your partner a stymie--A preliminary consideration of the round--Handicapping in foursomes--A too delicate reckoning of strokes given and received--A good foursome and the excitement thereof--A caddie killed and a hole lost--A compliment to a golfer.



As to its being a ladies' game--A sport of freedom--The lady on the links--The American lady golfer--English ladies are improving--Where they fail, and why--Good pupils--The same game as the man's--No short swings for ladies--Clubs of too light weight--Their disadvantages--A common fault with the sex--Bad backward swings--The lady who will find out for herself--Foundations of a bad style--The way to success.

shoulders. Its fellow on the other side of the legs is prepared in exactly the same manner; and the second trestle is a duplicate of the first, with the exception that the directions of the struts are reversed relatively to the C piece, to preserve the symmetry--which, however, is not an important point.

[Illustration: FIG. 5.--End elevation of joiner's bench.]

Back and Front.--The only operation to be performed on the front piece B and the back G is the notching of them both on the inside faces at the centre to take the ends of the bearer F, which performs the important function of preventing any bending of the top planks. Lay the boards together, top edges and ends level, and mark them at the same time. The square is then used on the faces to give the limits for the notches, which should be 1/4 inch deep and chiselled out carefully.

Draw cross lines with your square 3 inches from each end of both pieces, on the inside, to show where the legs are to be. Bore holes in the boards for the

Music Rush

A march is played on the piano and the children march from their seatsin single file around the room. As soon as the music stops, all rush toget into their seats. The last one in, must remain in his seat duringthe second trial. If there is no piano in the room, drumming on the topof a desk will do as well.

Change Seat Relay

The teacher claps her hands. This is the signal for all to shift oneseat back. The one in the rear seat runs forward and sits in the frontseat. The first aisle to become properly seated wins one point. Againthe hands are clapped and the pupils shift one seat back, and the onethen at the rear runs forward and takes the front seat and so the gamecontinues until all have run forward from the back seat to the front.The aisle scoring the largest number of points wins.

Charlie over the Water

This is an old game and is always popular. The children form a ring,joining hands. One is selected to be "It" and takes his place in thecenter. Those in the ring then

r a detachment shall beconsidered to be isolated when there is less than half its number of itsown side within a move of it. Now, in actual civilised warfare smalldetached bodies do not sell their lives dearly; a considerably largerforce is able to make them prisoners without difficulty. Accordingly wedecided that if a blue force, for example, has one or more men isolated,and a red force of at least double the strength of this isolateddetachment moves up to contact with it, the blue men will be consideredto be prisoners.

That seemed fair; but so desperate is the courage and devotion of leadsoldiers, that it came to this, that any small force that got or seemedlikely to get isolated and caught by a superior force instead of waitingto be taken prisoners, dashed at its possible captors and slew themman for man. It was manifestly unreasonable to permit this. And inconsidering how best to prevent such inhuman heroisms, we were remindedof another frequent incident in our battles that also erred tow

to play their very best to win against us. He also admitted that there was open betting going on, with heavy odds on Harmony."

Jack sighed.

"That all agrees with what came to me in a side way," he explained. "In other words, the way things stand, there will be a big lot of money change hands in case Harmony does win. And those sporting men who came up from the city wouldn't think it out of the way to pay a good fat bribe if they could make sure that some player on the Chester team would throw the game, in case it began to look bad for Harmony!"

Toby almost fell off his seat on hearing Jack say that.

"My stars! and do you suspect Fred of entering into such a base conspiracy as that would be, Jack?" he demanded, hoarsely; while Steve held his very breath as he waited for the other to reply.

"Remember, not one word of this to a living soul," cautioned Jack; "give me your solemn promise, both of you, before I say anything more."

Both boys held up a right hand pro

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