Read books online ยป Games ยป junior high of the samurai's by blackrock hearts (inspirational books to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซjunior high of the samurai's by blackrock hearts (inspirational books to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author blackrock hearts

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Welcome to junior high.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"! I woke up at midnight, my hair is knotted crazy, well I guess it's not that bad to start with waking up from a nightmare. Hi my name is Mero, I am 17 years old and I am starting junior high I really don't know anything about my school and I doubt I will be the best in there plus I dont know if I will have to pack up . I have one sister named Faltre, she is into alot of comedy and action, I have parents who are in love and romance and they are always out to get a romantic get away everytime they get which would mean they are not here today and they are probably up right now eating and in the tub together like regular parents. Anyway I did not feel like getting up so I decided to just turn over but it was pretty hard to sleep through the night before I got scared out my wits from having a bad dream that I was about to die from these guys who were cute but were trying to kill me because of I was never exposed to a mans body and let me tell  you I dont think I will be ever doing so because I think it is gross even though its better to have men and women then to have the same gender. You know how thoses girls in the anime get so scared they think everything is going to come after them, well that is how I feel right now. I looked at my clock to see that it was twelve in the night or in the new day and though I knew that I did not want to get up I had to just to check the time. I said to myself, "looks like its going to be an early start today becuase I am not going back to sleep to have a nightmare over todays new day of school or wake up again scared and late as ever for my first day of school, the last thing I would need is to be suspended from school and be a girl without going to collage". I got out of my bed to check on Faltre that would be coming to school with me today. Turns out she was already up!, "hey sis are you going to get out of bed before we be late for our new day of junior high"? I knew that if we get exspelled from school this round we would never make it to college and get married to a handsome guy who is probably going to treat me nice, plus if I did get exspelled then I would never get back into school becuase of my parents left on a nine year vacation which was the longest day out of all historical world that anybody left any child in the house alone and one is quick timpered. Faltre is only sixteen and she was skipped becuase she had a mind like no other in her class! but anyway she said " okay give me a sec and i'll get up to get washed, but you have to make breakfast and it has to be done by the time I get out the tub, deal mero chan"? I responded "sure okay but make it snappy so I can get ready to leave by the time all the food is done, also I want to get washed in hot water, not cold water okay faltre chan"? "okay mero, its a deal, but start making breakfast now so when I walk out the door of the bathroom I can relax and just ease in with the food".As I walked down my stairs I was thinking about how my parents were having a good time in a holtel or at san frisco. So I decided to go and snoop on my parents to make sure they were safe. My brain kept saying there was no point to turn on the news,  but my fingers said asnd did other wise and I turnned on the news. I was fustrated but then I heard my sister get out the bed and that made my hand go on the botton finnally I was strong enough to turn on the news! I was happy to see my parents talking on the tv but guess what I seen on the tv? I seen this big idiot set the holtel that my parents were staying at on fire and only my parents got out! I was about to burst out into tears to find so many people killed in just one fire. I knew if I kept this news a secret faltre would kill me and chew me out about how important it was so I screamed up stairs to get faltre's attention, " faltre! there was a fire at the hotel that mom and dad were staying at"! She was like one of those anime runners that race you across the whole universe, she went bananas while running down the steps and said " are you that stupid to tell me something like that, you know I have heart pressure and if I see or hear something that scares me that I will act like a sloth from rio from the amazon, plus you already know I am worryed about my parents, their the only people I know that love me like they do", I was exspecting to get chewed out but then she started to calm down and to change the subject. "did they survive"? I noded my head to requir of yes but still she looked teriblly scared she ran back and forth from the front door to the back door and back again, I thought top myself " wow I never knew she had this much energy in her" she ran up the steps and get washed I made breakfast as quick as I could to make the deal a real deal, and besides you can't break a promise when you give one out or you will be known for what you have put out. " Well looks like I kept the promise" then my sister walked out the tub and closed the door so that all the heat would turn the cold water into hot. I ran as quickly as I could to get into the tub so that  the bathroom would not cool down. I came out, got dressed and of course ate breakfast to get energized then I brushed my teeth and headed straight to school with faltre. when we walked to school they were not open so we decided to go to family dollar to get a snack. as I walked inside the store I seen this robber with a gun in his hand pointing at everybody saying to get down, my sister faltre just slide straight behind him and went all the way to the back where all the pottatoe chips were at. I felt sad in my heart felt sad and quick to say that he had to mess with me first but when I seen those umbrellas I was like its time for war but hey I was expecting somthing like this to happen becuase not once did a day go good directly, as I rushed to the end of the store to grab the umbrella he spotted me and shot his gun at me BANG! BANG! BANG!, I was scared out my wits at the same time unexpectly I slipped on some water that was dripping out the juice cooler, after I slipped my sister finnally looks up I mean if she looked up to see me dead she would kill her self and thats the last thing I need. She walked out that asile and helped me up we both grabbed those umbrellas and said, " okay we get your drill, you want money so you will try to kill anybody who trys to stop you, are we right"! for some odd reson he blushed and still trying to keep his coolness which did not work, " no I was just testing y'all to see if you would get scared or not thats all, but still in what life time would a guy like me try to kill some cute chic like yall, im mean you and you are to cute to kill", I really could tell that he was trying to keep the memorie of him kill my great-great aunt, aunt reporesty manvety, she was a very beutiful woman and she would do stuff so sudenly that you would not know if you were coming nor going," well if you would not kill as you say, a beutiful girl like us then why did you kill our great-great aunt, did you  miss the point we are trying to make to you,cuase if you dont then let us tell you, WE DON'T TRUST YOU!". By the way we did that in the loudest voice anyhow I still could not forgive him I mean he just lied to us and then he proves us right by trying to turn back into what he just was which is just simple minded and rediculus, " hey mero don't you think we are talkiong a little bit to much lets do some acttion before we be late for school" " good idea faltre thats probaly why we never got no where" I laft just a little out loud to get him distracted then we charged, one good thing about both of us charging at the same time is that we both don't run at the same speed so we both wont crashinto each other. My sister went first and I went second to see that I was stronger then her and that she was quicker then me man we tore him up, I made a list of places we hit and beated up. first was his foot, then it was his butt, then it was his arm, then it was his part where he goes to the bathroom at which I would say if it was not an childrens book but hey its worth the time, or as my grandmother would say when the peach turns rotten and your hungry you will eat the peace insted of die, and to be exact that is really true to me cuase if I was hungry I would eat anything somthing I would not pass up anything I would not eat on an regular base ima eat it if im hungry and thats that. Anyway I walked to the end of the isle and grabbed a back of chips and a soda and left out cuase the owner letted me go withit as he said saved the day which I dont believe, as I was walking to school with faltre I seen this girl getting bullyed like I dont know what by these I dont know collage people I guess, but I knew these guys were not playing fare so I went over to set things straight. " Hey you over there bullying that young ladie who probbaly did nothing to yall pucks im sure of", man I tottaly started toget mad when they went back to doing what they were doing and ignored me, I grabbed my bag of chip's and threw it at them oh they came running after me so quickly that I thought they were going to pull a gun out at me but hey IU was not fased I was going to face the matter that I put myself in, but hey I threw a sharp bag of chips at thier face I mean I would come at em just like they were coming at me like

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Free ebook ยซjunior high of the samurai's by blackrock hearts (inspirational books to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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