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The Rich Mentality
Delivered at Hotel Brighton,
Washington, D. C.,
September 4, 1914.
Published by
Copyright, 1916, by
The Master Mind Publishing Co.
WORDS of Truth written or spoken from a consciousness of the absolute reality
of the substance in them, do more than satisfy the intellect or the senses. They are
God’s means of bringing to pass the very Good about which they are uttered.
Therefore, Reader, read slowly and ponder these words in your heart. They will
uncover the Rich Mentality, with which God has endowed you and open the
Way to your perpetual Prosperity.
The author, herself, is a living demonstration of the Truth that she declares, and
she knows that what has come to her is a free gift of God to all.
May this message be a fulfillment of the decree of the Author of all wealth “for it
is He that giveth thee power to get wealth”- respecting every word of Truth that
He has sent forth through his consecrated Messengers: “For as the rain cometh
down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but
watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to
the sower, and bread to eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth from out of
my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I
please, and prosper in the thing where to I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10, 11.
Thou shalt Remember the Lord, thy God,
for it is He that giveth thee Power to Get Wealth.
I WILL take up tonight the second subject of my course, The Rich Mentality. The
world is being educated, as never before, to recognize the truth, the whole truth,
about prosperity. The world is demanding more today of the noble and ideal, of
honesty in all financial dealings, than ever before. We are going through a very
critical time and those who know most about the truth in connection with
prosperity, success and kindred subjects will pass through this crisis with the
least proportion of unrest and sense of loss. The more materialistic, those of the
commercial world who must have money in order to feel rich, will suffer most
from panic, the disturbance and pressure.
But as we go through these critical times, we are purified and cleansed,
especially if we try to think correctly of that which appears to our disadvantage. I
would like to make a statement here at the very beginning and have you enter-
tain it tonight in the silence, and plant this statement, this idea, in your heart as
you would a seed, to grow. It is this: That the more difficult the situation is, the
higher you will rise if you think correctly about it. Let us make a familiar and
close communication with the heart of it, so that in the future when we may need
to be strong under great pressure or temptation we may through this correct
thinking about it be blessed and comforted.
This is an excellent rule and true of all our activities and especially of prosperity,
that as you think correctly about a thing, you are master of the situation and no
evil in it nor loss nor limitation can hold or bind you. But also you will have need
to philosophize about what is the correct, the right thinking, or what the highest
consciousness is about a subject. I believe that the only answer here must be to
think as God thinks about it. We cannot go beyond this and to think about an
experience as God thinks about it is victory.
Right thinking is health, joy, freedom, prosperity. Prosperity, as I said last night,
does not consist in the things you possess in the money you have in bank. In fact,
we might
say from a very free standpoint, that if you absolutely understand prosperity you
have no need of any bank account. Prosperity is a way, a mode, of thinking. So is
poverty. You are poor if you class yourself this way, and you are rich if you can
think rich thoughts, thoughts that are constructive, optimistic, unlimited these
instantly crown you successful. The mentality must first be rich towards God
rich in God-knowledge and consciousness. I cannot think of wealth and
prosperity and success as a lasting possession to those who are callous regarding
the spiritual life. Dr. Bucke, who studied cosmic consciousness for over thirty
years, states that in all his examinations of men and women he has never come
across a single case of cosmic consciousness where the individual was bent on
making money; whose whole conception of life was accumulation. This is a law.
You cannot love God and love money. You cannot both work for a great ideal
and work for selfish ends, for money or a living. It is a mistake to work for a
living. To work this way is to be a slave under dominion to the laws of slavery.
Never work for a living. How can you gain a life? Life is! You cannot pay
for it. You have no price to give in exchange
for life, for your breath and your being. You are not here to work by strenuous
effort to make life. You are here under the blessing of God to live a life of
wholesome, loving kindness, of success and good will towards each other and
the bringing out of your own nature, the divine self. God lives you every
moment. If you are conscious that God is your very life and being you will not
work to express it in the terms of mortal consciousness, in dollars and cents and
salary. You will no longer serve the old world conception of prosperity. What
you do you will do with your might in the service of Principle, like Brother
Lawrence he did not work for a living, he worked to express God by living in so
attractive a way as to draw other men to the Divine Life? The kitchen of that
monastery where he cooked was more magnetic than any other part of the whole
concern. He was rich towards God and man, not like an ox driven by the duties
demanded of him. He was a man serving a great Principle and he lived in
You are useful to God as you are emptied of self and keep from worrying,
fearing and fretting about today, tomorrow or yesterday. Your life is inspired
and inspiring all about you. Whoever comes in contact with an inspired soul
realizes the beauty of it The Rich Mentality is the inspiration of life. I will say
something about that presently, but for the moment I will affirm this, that the
rich mentality is so full of awakened consciousness, so absolutely certain of the
Truth, the Ideal and the Real, that it never fears poverty. It is not being hindered
by any effort to fight poverty, or lack, or want. It is all love, all peace, because it is
the love of recognized good.
Now the old life of poverty may be described as it is in Genesis, the curse, the old
Adamic curse on man, that he shall work by the sweat of his brow, and the race
has considered this law as springing from the great mind of God, the great
Mind of Wisdom. But we recognize that this is not the design of the Most-High;
it is an idea brought about through the mind of man, under the belief that he has
fallen into sin and must be punished and, after utterly paying the price, enter
into paradise. This is not the attitude as we find it in the quickened character. If
you are realizing inwardly that you are the Son of God you will take the stand of
Jesus Christ and throw off the yoke of the old curse d refuse to work by the sweat
of your brow. You know that the lesser laws are fulfilled in the great law that sets
man in tune with the Infinite. Because he loves God first, his Divinity, he is set
free from every law that limits.” It Is the only law that sets man really free to love
with all one’s mind and soul and strength, and to exercise this love toward
one’s fellow beings to love your neighbor as your God, or as your Divine Self.
Thus is man introduced to himself as he finds the Man who is really rich. He
begins to realize that he is not poor in spirit but rich in wisdom, God being his
mind, his intelligence, his thinking power, arid he is governed and guided and
controlled by the Rich Mentality. He does not groan and moan, and fear poverty.
Nor does he prepare for a future that will lack anything good so long as he
knows but one Provider, One Inexhaustible Presence. For that faith closely
allies heart with this Great Spirit, active and living within him. Therefore he goes
not prepare for old age with its sorrow and lack so unattractive. He intends to
become more attractive, for the older he grows the nearer he should be to the
Great Center, and the Great White Light of Being. The rich mentality fears
nothing, and he is free from the” burden and care lirTat the world groans under.
He is not under the law of wear
and tear and exhaustion because this rich subconsciousness of him causes him to
know that his good is inexhaustible! He is not serving a good “that is liable to
cease, but his good is so manifold and widely spread that it might be accused of
wastefulness. Think of all that the hills and mountains contain that has never
been revealed or opened up to this age ! The wonderful gems and jewels, gold
and silver, that await future ages, already stored underground, and this is but the
symbol of the greater storehouse of God.
The man of this vision exercises faith and he wants to exercise faith. In the rich
mentality he never thinks that he can be lazy and never work any more. He
knows that he can convert Divine energy and force every moment and so he
is active with great dynamic power. He uses faith every moment. It is his joy and
incentive, and life is thoroughly interesting to the one who practically enters into
an alignment with the rich mentality.
The rich mentality is supreme in this, that it believes absolutely in the good. You
cannot persuade it that evil is a reality; it does not ask down to meditate on evil ;
it has no moments of malice or jealousy or Hate; it has no time for
these, for its whole time is taken up on lines that are strong, powerful witnesses
of the good. And it pays the one who exercises his mind in this direction, and he
never consents to talk about evil as a reality. He knows that thinking about
good is the rule and the standard which is his unfailing resource. He entertains it
for his business life, for his social life; in his relations with men; with his own
family and children.
Every relationship must be maintained in the recognition of the good and the
good only. Thus he is educating himself, training himself as God desires him to
live and to

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