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2em">BILIOUSNESS, LIVER.—With vomiting of bile and mucus use Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) one every three hours, also from stimulants and over feeding.

Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form) when associated with piles. One tablet night and morning.

Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form). Two tablets four times a day, when associated with white costive stools and depression of spirits.

BILIOUS DIARRHEA.—Give Podophyllum 3X dil. one drop every three hours.

BILIOUS ATTACKS.—In children brought on by teething, cold or anger give one drop of Chamomilla 1X dil. every three hours.

Chelidonium 3X dil. Is good for chronic liver disease, when there is a thick yellow coating on the tongue, pains, aching under right shoulder blade, also constipation. Give two drops four times a day of 3X dil.

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). Liver troubles of drinkers. Use two tablets every three hours.

JAUNDICE.—Aconite 2X dil. Beginning from taking cold. Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). Constipation prominent. Chamomilla IX dil. From fright, anger, teething.

DISEASE OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS.—Coryza, cold in the head.

Aconite 2X dil. Prepare as usual. Use first twenty-four hours.

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet every hour for burning watery discharge from the nose; nose stopped up, discharge makes nose sore.

Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets everyone to three hours, for thick mucous discharge.

CATARRH, CHRONIC.—Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form). Use tablets; take about four times a day.

Kali Bich 3X trit. (tablet form) thick crusts from ulcers in the nostrils, one tablet four times a day.

LARYNGITIS, (Inflammation of the Larynx).-Aconite 2X dil. In first twenty-four hours; give one to two drops every hour.

Belladonna 2X dil. (second day) after aconite; give same way.

Kali Bich 3X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets everyone to three hours when hoarseness is present.

CHRONIC LARYNGITIS.—Belladonna 3X dil.

Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form).

Phosphorus 3X dil.


CROUP.—Aconite 2X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water, and give two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes in alteration with Spongia 3X trit. (tablet form) one at a dose. If there is no fever the Spongia can be used alone. Cough is hard, rasping, barking, sawing.

Hepar sulph, 3X trit. (tablet form), This can be used in place of Spongia in light haired children. Cough may be a little looser than the spongia cough.

BRONCHITIS, ACUTE AND CHRONIC.—Aconite 2X dil. Ten drops, etc. One to two teaspoonfuls everyone to three hours in first stage for the fever, etc.

Belladonna 2X or 3X dil., etc., same. Chilly, dry throat and dry cough, soreness, and rawness beneath the breast bone, pain in the head.

Phosphorus 3X dil. etc, Constant cough, pressing feeling under breast bone, a little mucus expectorated.

Tartar Emetic 3X trit. (tablet form), One tablet every four hours. Better for old people and chronic cases, when the cough is loose and much rattling from mucus. Also good in children for capillary bronchitis.

INFLUENZA.—Gelsemium 1X dil. generally at the beginning twenty-four hours one drop every hour.

Belladonna 3X dil. for sore throat.

Phosphorus 3X dil. for bronchitis.

Bryonia 2X for the lungs.

WHOOPING-COUGH. (Pertussis).—Belladonna 2X or 3X dil. Ten drops in a glass half full of water and two teaspoonfuls given every one to three hours for sudden tight, violent cough, with sore throat, headache and nose bleed.

Cuprum Met. 3X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets every hour, for the violent forms causing convulsions.

Hyoscyamus 1X dil. Ten drops in a half glass of water; a dessertspoonful after each paroxysm until they get better. This is indicated when the paroxysms are frequent but not so violent, and when they are worse at night; no fever, mucus of a thick greenish color; and when the cough produces a sparkle or spots before the eyes.

PNEUMONIA, Inflammation of the Lungs.—Aconite 2X dil., etc. every hour for first twenty-four hours.

Bryonia 2X dil., etc. Given same way, when the patient lies quietly, hurts to move, stitching pain in chest when coughing and attended by a pain in the head. Goes well after Aconite. Aconite and Bryonia are frequently alternated every hour.

Phosphorus, 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet everyone to three hours.
Tight cough, with little mucus.


PLEURISY, Inflammation of the Pleura.—Aconite 2X dil., etc., one to two teaspoonfuls every hour, for the chill and fever, dry hot skin, full bounding pulse, shortness of breath. First stage.

Byronia 2X dil. One to two teaspoonfuls every hour. Head aches as if it would split open, sharp stitching pain in the affected side. Constipation.

PLEURODYNIA, (Intercostal Neuralgia).—Belladonna 3X dil. Bryonia 2X dil.

ENDOCARDITIS.—Inflammation of inner lining of the heart.

Aconite 2X dil.

Spigelia 3X dil.

Cactus 3X dil.

ANGINA PECTORIS.—Cactus 2X dilution.

Spigelia 3X dil.

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form).

PALPITATION.—Aconite 2X dil. One drop. Arising from excitement.

Chamomilla 1X dil. and Nux Vomica 3X dil. (tablet form) caused from anger.

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) for palpitation from indigestion.

Pulsatilla 3X dil. (light haired people).

PULSE INTERMITTENT.—Give digitalis, spigelia 2X dil. Gelsemium 2X dil.

VEINS VARICOSE.—Hamamelis locally is good.

Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form) for varicose ulcers.

SPLEEN, ENLARGEMENT.—Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) two tablets three times a day.

China 3X di!. Two drops four times a day.

Bryonia 2X dil. One drop four times a day. Worse on motion and on touch.

KIDNEY (NEPHRITIS). (Inflammation of the Kidneys).—Aconite 2X dil. Ten drops in a glass half full of water and two teaspoonfuls everyone to two hours, when there is much fever.

Belladonna 3X dil. can follow.

BRIGHT'S DISEASE.—Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet four times a day.

DIABETES MELLITUS.—Phosphoric acid 3X dil. Two drops four times a day.

Uranium nitrate 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet three times a day.


CYSTITIS (Inflammation of the Bladder).—Acute and chronic. Aconite 2X dil. One drop everyone to two hours first twenty-four hours.

Cantharis 3X dil. For painful urination, and small amount; one to two drops every two hours.

RENAL CALCULI.—Sand in the urine. Lycopodium 30X trit. (tablet form). One tablet three times a day, for red sand.

Sarsaparilla 2X dil. Two drops three times a day for white sand.

Berberis Vulgaris (tincture). One drop four times a day for thick urine, pain in the back running down to the bladder.

HEMATURIA.—(Blood in the urine). Aconite 2X dil., etc., beginning, when there is fever.

Cantharis 3X dil. Ten drops every two hours. Urine pains in passing little at a time.

Terebinth 3X dil. When the urine has a good deal of blood in it.

RHEUMATISM.—Acute inflammatory. Aconite 2X dil. At first, and when new joints are attacked.

Belladonna 2X or 3X dil. When the parts throb and beat, and are swollen a bright red.

Bryonia 2x dil. Pains are cutting, lancinating. Worse on least motion and touch; better by rest.

Rhus tax 6X dil. Parts sore and stiff, but better, for a time, when moved a little. Opposite to Bryonia.

GOUT.—Aconite 2X dil. At first for the fever.

Colchicum 3X dil. every two hours.

For chronic and muscular Rheumatism; above remedies are good but given four times a day.

ERYSIPELAS.—Belladonna 3X dil. Bright red color, pain in head and eyes; full throbbing, bounding pulse.

Rhus tax 6X dil. When swelling is dark and in the form of vesicles.

Apis Mel 2X trit. (tablet form) for puffy swollen kind. Urine is generally light yellow color and lessened. Give a tablet generally every hour.

ACNE.—Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form). When caused by menstruation in dark haired women.

Pulsatilla 3X dil. For blondes, and when caused by rich foods.

HIVES.—Apis Mel. 2X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets every two hours.

ITCH.—Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form). One tablet four times daily and sulphur ointment.


ECZEMA.—Graphites 6X trit. (tablet form).

Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form).

Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form).

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form).

PEMPHIGUS.—Cantharis 3X dil. Dose every two hours.

PSORIASIS.—Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). Rhus tox 6X tablet.

IMPETIGO.—Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). Rhus tox 6X, Graphites 6X.

BOILS.—Belladonna 2X dil. Hepar sulph 3X tablets.

CARBUNCLE.—Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form).

SCURVY.—Carbo Veg. 3X trit. (tablet form). Mercurius 3X tablet.

SCARLET FEVER.—Belladonna 3X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every two hours for usual kind.

Apis Mel. 2X trit. (tablet form). One to two every three hours when the kidneys secrete less and there is some dropsy.

MEASLES.—Aconite 2X dil. in the beginning.

Belladonna 3X dil. for sore throat, dry spasmodic cough, headache delirium.

Bryonia 2X dil. When lungs are sore and hurts much to cough.

CHICKEN POX.—Aconite 2X dil. for fever stage. Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Tablet every three hours.

SMALL POX.—Aconite 2X dil. for fever. Tartar Emetic 3X trit. (tablet form). 2 Tablets every two hours after fever is low.

FEVER, INTERMITTENT, AGUE, ETC.—Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form).

Natrum Mur. 30X trit. (tablet form) especially after Quinine has failed.


Belladonna 3X dil.

Mercurius 3X tablet.

INFLAMMATORY CONTINUED FEVER.—Aconite 2X dil. for the fever.

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). One every two to three hours for the stomach.


TYPHOID FEVER.—Gelsemium 1X dil. Ten drops in a half glass, etc., 2 teaspoonfuls every hour, generally good in beginning stage.

Arsenicum 3X. trit. (tablet form). One to two everyone to three hours, later when there is sunken countenance and eyes; dry, cracked, tongue, burning thirst, restless, burning and involuntary diarrhea.

Rhus tox 3X dil. Delirium, nose bleed, sordes on teeth, brown dry tongue, wants to change position often, muttering, drowsy sleep, picking at things.

YELLOW FEVER.—Tincture Camphor drop doses every hour followed by
Belladonna and Arsenicum.

CONGESTION OF BRAIN.—Aconite 2X dil. Prepare, and give one to two teaspoonfuls everyone to two hours.

Belladonna 3X dil. Prepare and give one to two teaspoonfuls everyone to two hours. When head bounds and throbs much.

Bryonia 2X dil. Aggravated by motion; more fullness in the forehead; bilious temperament.

BRAIN, INFLAMMATION OF.—Aconite 2X dil. at beginning.

Belladonna 3X dil. This follows well after Aconite.

Chamomilla 2X. Good in teething children.

CORD, INFLAMMATION OF (Myelitis).—Aconite 2X dil. At beginning.

Belladonna 3X dil. and Bryonia 2X dil. following.

SPOTTED FEVER (Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis).—Aconite 2X dil.

Belladonna 3X dil.

Bryonia 2X dil.

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form).


OPLEXY.—Belladonna 3X dil. When arteries beat violently at first.

WATER ON THE BRAIN (Acute Hydrocephalus).—Helleborus nig. 3X dil.

HEADACHE (Cephalalgia).—Belladonna 3X dil. One to two drops every half hour until better. Pounding throbbing headache, eyes red, and pain.

Bryonia, 2X dil. same way. Stomach trouble, headache, worse on motion, in forehead, full forehead, bilious feeling.

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). One to two every one-half to two hours. Begins in morning after eating, nausea, especially when from too much coffee, liquor, etc.

Gelsemium 2X dil. For nervous headache.


SICK HEADACHE.—Bryonia 2X dil. Vomiting (bilious) worse from motion.

Pulsatilla 3X dil. Blondes with menstrual troubles.

Iris vers. 2X dil. Ten drops in water. Bilious sick headache, frequent nausea and vomiting.

Sanguinaria 2X dil. Ten drops, etc. Dose every fifteen minutes to an hour. Stomach sick headache. Nausea and vomiting of stomach material, sick waves from stomach to head.

Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form) for brunettes; bilious jaundiced appearance.

Spigelia 2X dil. Neuralgic headache, one sided, in one eye, heart palpitates.

CONVULSIONS, IN CHILDREN.—Belladonna 3X dil. Ten drops in a half glass of water, one teaspoonful every half hour to one hour. Flushed face with wandering look, half open, staring eyes.

Chamomilla 2X dil. Spasms during teething, screaming, tossing, restless sleep, irritable cross children.

Cina 1X dil. Two drops every half hour. When caused by worms.

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). When caused by indigestion from a hearty meal; constipated bowels.

ST. VITUS' DANCE (Chorea).—Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) emaciated, tired girls, weak.

Belladonna 3X dil.

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