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Book online «Mother's Remedies by Thomas Jefferson Ritter (fantasy books to read txt) 📖». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter

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1/2 fluid dram
    Oil of Thyme 1 fluid dram
    Oil Terebenthene 2 fluid drams
    Franklin Oil (Black oil,
      lubricating oil) sufficient to make 2 fluid ounces

The above amount would cost about 25 cents.


    Eucalyptol 4 drops
    Terebene 8 drops
    Menthol 4 grains
    Cosmaline to make. 1 ounce

Mix. Good.

This ointment will cure any ordinary catarrhal trouble of the nasal cavities unless too far advanced.

The above amount would cost about 25 cents.


    Aloin 1/9 grain
    Podophyllin 1/9 grain
    Sodii Bicarbonatis 1 grain
    Quinine Sulphate 1 grain
    Acetanilid 2 grains

Mix. The above makes one capsule.

Would cost about 25 cents for 25 capsules.


    Fluid Extract Rhamnus Purshiana 1 ounce
    Syrup Rhubarb 1 ounce
    Simple Syrup 2 ounces

Dose: Teaspoonful four times a day. Is a sure cure for constipation and the very best cathartic and laxative.

The above amount would cost about 35 cents.


There have been so many inquiries of late concerning the above treatment that we deem it a duty to tell our readers, as nearly as possible, of what the alleged specific treatment consists. The following is the Brinkerhoff secret pile remedy or injection:

    Carbolic Acid 1 ounce
    Olive Oil 5 ounces
    Zinci Chloridi 8 grains


The above amount would cost about 40 cents. Inject into the largest piles, eight drops; into the medium sized piles from four to six drops; into small piles from two to three drops; into club-shaped piles near the anal orifice two drops. He directs hot sitz baths for cases where violent pains follow an injection. He recommends an interval of from two to four weeks between each injection.


    Hydrochlorate Ammonia 1 dram
    Syrup Pruni Virginani 1 ounce
    Syrup Squills 1 ounce
    Tincture Opii Camphor 1/2 ounce
    Syrup Tolu 1/2 ounce
    Syrup Rock Candy to make 4 ounces

Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful every three to four hours.

This cough remedy is simple, but very effective remedy for coughs, such as are generally experienced after catching a severe cold. Keep bowels open with good cathartic.

The above amount would cost about 45 cents.


    Laudanum 2 drams
    Oil Cloves 15 drops
    Oil Cassia 15 drops
    Compound Tincture Catechu 4 drams
    Alcohol to make 4 ounces

Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful every ten minutes to produce vomiting.

This prescription is said to be one hundred years old, and has cured thousands of dysentery and diarrhea, as well as other bowel troubles.

The above amount would cost about 35 cents.


    High Cranberry Bark 1/2 pound
    Partridge Berry Vine 1/2 pound
    Poplar Bark 1/4 pound
    Unicorn Root 1/4 pound
    Cassia 1/4 pound
    Beth Root 3 ounces
    Sugar 3 pounds
    Alcohol 1 pint
    Water, sufficient quantity.

Reduce the six first named ingredients to Number Forty powder, add boiling water enough to cover, let stand till cold, and then percolate with water until two and one-half gallons of liquid are obtained. To this add the sugar, bring to a boil, remove from the fire, strain, and when cold add the alcohol.

The above amount would cost about $2.70 or about 40 cents per pint.


    Powdered Alum 2 drams
    Honey Strained 1/2 ounce
    Syrup Simple 1 ounce
    Mucilage Acacia to make 2 ounces

Mix. Dose: Take one teaspoonful as required.

The above amount would cost about 30 cents.


    Chloroform 1 ounce
    Sassafras Oil 2 ounces
    Linseed Oil 8 ounces
    Cotton Seed Oil 1 pint

Mix. The above, nearly two pints, would cost about 60 cents.


    Tincture Opium 1 dram
    Olive Oil 1/2 ounce
    Glycerin 1/2 ounce

This is another prescription you should have made up and keep on hand, as children are very subject to earache, especially in the winter.

The above amount would cost about 15 cents.


    Potas. Iodid 12 drams
    Red Iodide of Mercury 2 grains
    Tincture of Poke Root 3 drams
    Compound Syrup of Stillingia 6 ounces
    Simple Syrup to make 1 pint

The above, about three 8-ounce bottles, would cost about $1.25.


    Acetate Lead 2 grains
    Sulphate Zinc 2 grains
    Glycerin 1 dram
    Pure Water 1 ounce

Mix. Good.

Drop a few drops in the eye, once or twice daily. For inflamed or granulated sore eyes there is no better remedy. The above would cost about 25 cents.


    Tincture Myrrh 1 ounce
    Tincture Capsici 1 ounce
    Sweet Spirits Nitre 1 ounce
    Sulph. Ether 1 ounce
    Chloroform 1/2 ounce
    Tincture Arnica 1 ounce
    Oil Spearmint 2 drams
    Oil of Wintergreen 2 drams
    Oil Lobelia 1 dram
    Aqua Ammonia 1/2 ounce
    Alcohol to make 1 quart

The above, about four 8-ounce bottles, would cost about $1.50.


    Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1 ounce
    Fluid Extract Wahoo 1 ounce
    Neutralizing Cordial 2 ounces

Mix. Dose: One-half teaspoonful three times a day (more or less).

This prescription is one of Dr. John Pitzer's of St. Louis, dean of the faculty of the Missouri Medical College. The above amount would cost about 50 cents.


I will tell you how I made it for the last twenty-three years. Take equal parts (by weight) of chloride of zinc, pulverized bloodroot, and wheat flour; mix well, add enough water to form a paste; spread the paste, just the size of the sore, on a rag and apply, put olive oil around the ulcer before applying, in order to protect the sound tissues. Leave the paste on as long as the patient can bear it. Then remove and if convenient apply a mild poultice or salve. In six or eight days the cancer will come out; if it leaves a smooth and healthy surface, all is well; if not, repeat the application until all diseased tissue is removed. This has never failed me, but remember that many so-called cancers are not cancers at all; then again, some are so malignant that this paste and all others will not cure, but all the cases I have had for twenty-three years were healed. One that I have on hand now, on the lower lip of a man thirty-four years old, is stubborn, but I hope it will finally yield. I will be pleased to furnish any further information in my power.—Jer. Hess, M. D., in Med. World.

    Arsenic 2 ounces
    Sulphur 2 ounces
    Zinc Sulphate 2 ounces
    Rochelle Salts 2 ounces

Of each equal parts; add yolk of one egg, till of the consistence of paste; bake with slow heat, until dry, and then pulverize. When desired for use mix again with egg, and apply as paste or on cloth.

The above amount would cost about 35 cents.


Dewee's Carminative 1 ounce

Dose: One week old, three to five drops; one month old, five to ten drops; three months old, ten to twenty drops. One ounce would cost about 15 cents.


Dr. J. L. Horr says in Boston Medical and Surgical Journal: "Having without solicitation on my part, become possessed of the knowledge of the 'secret remedies' employed by the late Doctor Lombard, the 'famous cancer doctor' of Maine, I feel it my privilege, as a member of a scientific profession that has only for its object the advancement of knowledge and the relief of suffering to make a simple statement of the remedies and methods which were employed in the so-called 'treatment of cancer.' The remedy employed, if the cancer was small, was the inspissated juice of leaves of the phytolacca decandra (garget) which was applied in the form of a plaster until sloughing took place. The after treatment was some dressing like simple cerate. If the tumor had attained considerable size, Dr. Lombard first used a paste composed of chloride of zinc and pulverized sanguinaria until an eschar was produced and then the same plaster as before was applied until the mass sloughed away. The knowledge of these remedies was given to me by Dr. Lombard himself, while I was attending him during his last

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