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fraudulent PCR test says they tested positive so they go down as a Covid death on the statistics. What nonsense.

On Facebook, a video had four million views, in which Lena Kay tells how her father had died of Alzheimer's disease. When they received the death certificate, they were surprised to see that it mentioned covid-19. She wanted to have this wrong information corrected and contacted the family doctor. His answer was shocking:

'Orders from above by the National Health Service. Anyone who dies during this period should be registered as covid-19.'

A friend of her family died during the same period from heart disease. On his death certificate covid-19 was also mentioned. His family members were furious and called their family doctor, who gave exactly the same disturbing answer:

'Orders from above, we must put covid-19 on every death certificate.' The doctor acknowledged they're under a lot of pressure to do this.

All over the world thousands of people testify how false Covid registrations are made in hospitals and medical centers. Patients tell how they went to the hospital, for example, for a heart attack, a traffic accident, a painful fall, or a stroke. Without performing a test, medical staff promptly registered them as covid-19 patients. Someone on Facebook started sharing this kind of testimony and became a hotline for countless fake Covid registrations. Nursing staff confirms this deception. Here are some examples from the hundreds of testimonies:

‘The grandmother of an acquaintance of mine died. She was referred to as a covid death, although covid had nothing to do with it’. - Brian Parker

‘I personally know two people - one died of a pulmonary embolism and the other died of old age. On the death certificates was covid19. That baffled me, because it just wasn't true!’ - Leah-Marie Stephens

‘I fill in hundreds of death certificates. He's 100% right. The guidelines sent to us are to always mention covid-19 as the cause of death, even if it's presumed’. - Jessica Littleton

‘Kidney nurse here, I can vouch for this. I've seen it done. All deaths except fatal shootings or fatal car crashes are on the list of Covid19 deaths. - Jennifer Combs Allen

A girl’s father who was a retired police officer (picture below) died of health problems he had for many years but to her astonishment she saw shortly afterwards how the media claimed that her father died of covid-19.

'My papa never died of this virus! And the media and the lying ass government is fraud! He had health issues way before this even happened. They did NOT confirm with our family that he had this shit! And the media won't clout off his name. This is going too far!' – the girl stated.

A prominent newspaper in Belgium, De Tijd, discussed how the government announced that some three thousand elderly people had died of covid-19. Partly because of these figures, the entire country was placed in an extreme lockdown, with horrifying destruction as a result. However, further research showed that only 3% of the deceased had been tested.

This means that not 3,000 but only 90 elderly had covid-19.

Dr. Scott Jensen, who is also a Senator of the state of Minnesota, states in an interview with Fox News: 'Hospitals receive as much as $13,900 for every patient they register as covid-19. For every death resulting from covid-19, that amount is tripled: 30,900 USD! Testing is not necessary'

The result is absurdly incorrect covid-19 numbers, which are spread nationwide by the media.

'Hospitals get big money for every covid-19 registration. No testing required. The result is massive fraud with covid-numbers.' - Dr Scott Jensen, Senator Minnesota

If you want to see much more of this evidence, then see the link below.

Global Covid Fraud! Evidence that all the data is 100% false:

Dr. Annie Bukacek (above) is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job. In the video linked below at Globalresearch, Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID-19 deaths on death certificates.

“If a patient is positive for COVID-19 and dies from another cause such as pneumococcal sepsis, it may be considered accurate to say that person died with COVID-19 not from COVID-19. Yet the CDC guideline lists this case as one more COVID-19 death and they go to the next questionable death, they label that as COVID-19 and it goes on and on. You could see how these statistics have been made to look scary when it is so easy to add false numbers to the official database. Those false numbers are sanctioned by the CDC as of their memo yesterday, April 4th. …”

“The real number of COVID-19 deaths are not what most people are told and what they then think. How many people actually died from COVID-19 is anyone’s guess. …”

“They are substantially lower than what we are being told”

“Based on inaccurate, incomplete data, people are being terrorized by fear-mongers into relinquishing freedoms.” - Dr. Annie Bukacek

Do you also count as a corona death if you are infected with the virus but die of something else? Yes, say Rudi Anschober and Bernhard Benka, members of the Corona Task Force (Austria) in the Ministry of Health. “There is a clear rule at present: Died with the corona virus or died from the corona virus both count for the statistics. No difference is made as to what the patient actually died of. In other words, a 90-year-old man who dies with a fracture of the femoral neck and becomes infected with corona in the hours prior to his death is also counted as corona death. To name but one example”.

Dr Shiva explains in the video below how they are fiddling the Covid-19 figures and the ventilators that they are using for the Covid patients are actually killing them. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, 56, obtained a Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology. His thesis focused on modelling the whole cell by integrating molecular pathway models. He is running as a Republican for the Senate in Massachusetts.

“The WHO in conjunction with the CDC are the ones who decide the diagnostic codes for patients. When somebody comes into hospital for chest pain they are diagnosing them as a Covid-19 patient. You have the cooking of the books for two reason, hospital administrators receive money for a Covid-19 diagnoses plus they also get kickbacks for using the ventilators. There is a total collusion going on and it’s not about saving people lives. The critically ill patients they immediately put them on the ventilators which are actually killing patients because the ventilators can actually burst and further damage the lungs. In fact 80 or 90% of the people who go on the ventilators are dying and it is essentially a death sentence that they are putting people on. This is all about the police state and controlling people lives and vaccinating the general population. The social distancing and the lockdown is worsening the health of millions of people” Dr Shiva Ayyadurai - Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology

Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, pointed out that all people who pass away and test positive for COVID-19, regardless of the cause of death, means that the death will be marked as a COVID-19 death.

She stated that, “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live and then you were also found to have COVID, that would be counted as COVID death, despite if you died of a clear alternative cause it’s still listed as a COVID death. So, everyone who is listed as a COVID death that doesn’t mean that was the cause of the death, but they had COVID at the time of death”.

Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care raised multiple concerns they are seeing with COVID-19 and how we are handling it. In one part of their interview, Dr. Erickson states the following,

But ER doctors now, my friends that I talk to say, “you know it’s interesting, when I’m writing up my death report I’m being pressured to add COVID.” Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers and make it look a little bit worse than it is? I think so. – Erickson

Health institutions all over the world received protocols to count people that die with covid as a covid deaths, making it seem they died of covid. The result is a false and exaggerated death count number.

Since then, testimonies popped up everywhere of people that are angry because loved ones that passed away had covid-19 on their death certificate.

Dr. Exposes Inflated Covid Deaths

Dr. Scott Jensen is a physician & Minnesota state senator. In the video below he blows the whistle on the death count fraud.

Note the following pictures of people sharing their views on social media about family deaths which have been falsely assigned as death by Covid-19.



In the graph below we can see that deaths in New York state 2019 March to April from natural causes such as cancer, heart disease, accidents etc. was 12.5 thousand but in March to April 2020 those deaths by natural causes had declined to 4.5 thousand and that is because they have reassigned all of these natural deaths to Covid deaths as the graph illustrates. How can someone who has had a history of heart disease, die of a heart attack but then Covid-19 is put down as the major cause of their death?


COPD death counted as Covid-19

In the article below a woman’s father died of a result of long-standing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He had 3 Covid test and none of them where positive and he had no symptoms of Covid and yet his main cause of death was put down on the death certificate as Covid-19. The care home where he lived had no covid cases in 2020.

When the lady registered her Dad's death by telephone (as you have to these days), the registrar told her there had been very many other cases like hers where 'the deceased' had not tested positive for Covid, yet it was recorded as the cause of death.

The registrar agreed, it must distort the national figures — 'and yet the strangest thing is that every winter we record countless deaths from flu, and this winter there have been none. Not one!'

The lady asked, did the registrar wonder if deaths from flu were being misdiagnosed and lumped together with Covid deaths? The answer was 'Yes'.

Normally two doctors are needed to certify a death, one of whom knows the patient.

But early last spring, this changed; for Covid-19, the certification of death could be made by one doctor — and from March 2020, 'Covid deaths' included all cases where Covid-19 was put on the death certificate, even if the person had not tested positive. This came from instruction from the WHO whose main funder is Bill Gates who says we all need to be vaccinated before returning to normal and he has vast financial interests in the vaccine industry as we will see later.

You don't have to be a scientist to see that this doesn't add up at all and that is how they get the 100,000 covid deaths in the U.K. In reality nobody could have died of Covid at all. It is a deception and a lie.

This again below is part of the article:

“Politicians parroted the frankly ridiculous aim of 'zero Covid' and shut down the economy, while most British people agreed that lockdown was essential and (astonishingly to me, as a patriotic Brit) even wanted more restrictions. For what? Lies on death certificates? Never mind the grim toll of lives ruined, suicides, schools closed, rising inequality, depression, cancelled hospital treatments, cancer patients in a torture of waiting, poverty, economic devastation, loneliness, families kept apart, and so

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