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(cellular immunity) to sleep. You need both for fully developed immunity." - Dr Robert Rowen, MD

The Body’s own Defence System

“The very act of being vaccinated can alter the immune system so that the individual becomes more susceptible to other infectious diseases. In addition, vaccinations can cause repeated, chronic inflammation – triggering allergies and autoimmune problems” “Vaccinations can be particularly dangerous in infancy, because the process disrupts the “anti-inflammatory phenotype” that is essential to proper development of the immune system. Being vaccinated “derails” this system, forcing an unnatural and untimely immune response” Suzanne Humphries, MD, vaccine safety expert.

The organisations of the globalist elite coldly target the immune system to destabilise the human body from the earliest possible age and this is a motivation behind the ideas of compulsory vaccination.

Vaccines do not "help" the immune system; they suppress it! They suppress the body's ability to mount a proper defence. If you believe that vaccines work, then you must ask, "Does it make sense to suppress the mild, temporary symptoms of measles or mumps, but greatly increase the chances of my child getting diabetes, autism, epilepsy and/or leukaemia?" If vaccines "work," that is the trade-off you are making. But you are risking the serious side-effects, plus depriving the child of a vital developmental process. Children benefit from experiencing the normal childhood diseases. It is how the immune system matures and becomes stronger. Allowing a child to get chicken pox when young will confer lifetime immunity and prevent shingles later in life; a more serious condition. Additionally, children who experience chicken pox or influenza have a significantly reduced incidence of brain cancer later in life. A reduced cancer rate (ovarian, skin, brain) has also been found in adults who have experienced measles, mumps and rubella early in life. Lastly, vaccinating girls prevents them, in the future, from passing on natural immunity to their children via breast milk

To think that babies and toddlers, with their immune defences still forming, are now given some 25 vaccines, including combinations, before the age of six.

The toxic cocktails called vaccines disrupt the brain genetic decoding system, which also is the case by administered pharmaceutical drugs with cause so-called side effect. These are not side effects at all they are purposely created effects.

Though a commonly held belief, vaccines are not lifesaving medical tools as many people have been falsely led to believe. In fact, evidence compiled over many decades suggests that the exact opposite is true — that not only are vaccines not responsible for eradicating communicable illnesses like polio, but that in many cases they have actually caused them.

According to the World Health Statistics of 1973 infectious diseases where in decline long before vaccines were introduced in the 1940’s. Diseases disappeared as the result of sanitation, improved public water supplies and personal hygiene and increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. From 1850 to 1940, diseases had declined 90% and then vaccines came out which claims it eradicated all diseases. In addition, diseases for which there was never a vaccine also declined dramatically and these include tuberculosis, typhoid fever and scarlet fever.

Your doctor will not warn you of the true risks of vaccination because they don't want to scare you away from vaccinating. By reading the pages below you will have the information you need to make a decision on whether to vaccinate, or to join the growing number of no-longer-vaccinating families who are reporting stunning good health in their unvaccinated children, in comparison to their vaccinated siblings.

Watch the video below by Dr. Leonard Coldwell who explains the truth about the HPV vaccine and vaccines in general. It is quite astonishing! It is called ‘HPV Vaccine Used as Population Control?’

Doctors Deaths

In 2014 a bunch of doctors began turning up dead around the USA under mysterious circumstances. Some twelve doctors died within three months and many were found under suspicious circumstances (such as randomly out in the woods or suffering sudden heart attacks even though they were young and in otherwise great health).  Although research by Erin Elizabeth from HealthNutNews suggests nearly 50 doctors have now died or gone missing under mysterious circumstances. Three of the doctors who died were DR. Bruce Hedendal, Dr Teresa Sievers and Dr Ron Schwartz. DR. Hedendal’s family even did interviews (one on TV) discussing the fact that his death somehow did not add up. Theresa Sievers, MD was found murdered in her home although nothing was stolen. Here is a link below which describes the deaths of at least 30 of these doctors.

Authorities quickly ruled some of the deaths suicides seemingly without even really investigating the circumstances surrounding the death. Some of the Doctors had links to each other through their research. These doctors who had mysteriously died all seem to have one thing in common: they were studying the effects of GcMAF and/or Nagalase in regards to cancer patients or links in children with autism.

One of the more high-profile murders was that of Dr. James Bradstreet, whose body was discovered floating in a North Carolina river (June 2014), a single gunshot wound to his chest. While authorities at first thought his death was a result of suicide, it has since been confirmed that Dr. Bradstreet was murdered and that the wound was not self-inflicted.

Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his scepticism of vaccinations was himself the parent of both a child and stepchild who suffered from autism. Twice Bradstreet testified about the supposed link between vaccines and autism before the U.S. House of Representatives. Dr. Bradstreet had treated over 1000 patients with GcMAF, with an 85 percent response rate.

A search warrant was issued to raid Dr. Bradstreet’s office and seize everything related to GcMAF – just days before his death.

Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor). When the GC protein combines with vitamin D in the body it has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer.

People may ask what is GcMAF? GcMAF is an essential human protein our bodies make that removes a number of diseases including cancer. Every human being produces GcMAF as every human also produces cancer cells every day but your GcMAF destroys the cancer cells every day.

So it is obviously beneficial for our bodies to have this GcMAF, if we want to stay healthy.

Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses. Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can grow unchecked. So basically Nagalase can cause you to have cancer or other viral infections or diseases such as Autism.

What Dr. Bradstreet and the other dead or missing holistic doctors may have begun to suspect was that nagalase has been intentionally added to vaccines. This would be one reason for the vaccine/autism correlation, and it also explains the broader array of health risks associated with vaccinations.

Why would this nagalase be intentionally added to vaccines? Could it be population control?

The last thing that the pharmaceutical companies want is for people to stay healthy. The pharmaceutical companies rake in over 100 billion per year from the cancer industry alone in the United States. They are not interested in finding a cure and they will remove anyone who comes close to finding a cure which is probably what happened to the twelve doctors who died mysteriously and that’s why people like Dr. Rife are ran out of business.

For many, these facts are enough to fuel suspicion that pharmaceutical companies are adding nagalase to their products and that there is more to these doctors’ deaths and disappearances than mere coincidence.

I have often wondered is there a link between vaccinations and cancer. This information about nagalase being added to vaccines which weakens the immune system could be crucial. Over the past 50 years cancer deaths have increased enormously but what has also increased enormously is the amount of vaccines children are given before the age of 7. Now in the USA children can get as many as 50 vaccinations before the age of 7.

For more information on these doctors deaths see the video below:


“Medical schools don’t educate doctors about the contents, dangers, effectiveness or necessity of vaccines – while the general public continues to be misinformed, frightened and “tricked” into getting vaccinated” Suzanne Humphries, MD, vaccine safety expert.

"The vaccine industry is itself a FRAUD. I spent my whole career studying vaccines. Everyone who is vaccinated is vaccine injured—whether it shows up right away or later in life." —Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., PhD, Fellow of the World Health Organization, former senior scientist at Health Canada

“The further I looked into it, the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases, you will realise that this is not so.” —Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FAPM, pediatrician for over 30 years

Are vaccines safe? If you think vaccines are safe and necessary that is because you have never read a book which show the true statistics about vaccines and how vaccines cause so many deaths and diseases. You have probably only heard one side of the vaccination story and believed it and that is because of the well planned propaganda campaign of the Pharmaceutical industry which spends million on advertising which make you and governments believe in their safety and effectiveness. If vaccines are so safe why do thousands of doctors say otherwise and many will be quoted in this book. The question that needs to be asked is do the vaccines themselves cause the number of people who catch the disease to increase when the actual opposite should be the case otherwise they would be no point in the vaccine in the first place. Also do vaccines cause other illnesses and sometimes death? Well the answer is yes as you will soon see.

“If vaccines cause a long list of diseases, how is it possible that they can prevent disease? By virtue of their antigen-antibody theory, vaccines cannot prevent disease. They never have and never will. Nor can there be a “safe’ vaccine. It is only through clever advertising, marketing, and bribery that the drug companies have convinced the public that vaccines prevent diseases and save lives. In 2017, the drug companies spent $200 million bribing politicians, $6.4 billion on advertising, and $10 billion indirectly bribing doctors. Since 1796, doctors and scientists have called vaccines useless, worthless, poisonous, and dangerous; a fraud, racket, and scam. And for good reasons” - DR. Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND from the book ‘Horrors of Vaccination’ by Trung Nguyen.

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