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Book online «The Global Elites Population Cull by Terence Smart (reading eggs books .txt) 📖». Author Terence Smart

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swine flu worldwide. More than 18,000 deaths have been confirmed. In comparison: every year, up to one billion people get infected with seasonal flu, with up to 500,000 deaths. These numbers come from the World Health Organization (If you believe them), but they never make headline news for some reason. On the CDC's main flu page they state that about 36,000 people die from the flu in the US each year.

"In 2004, there were just 1,100 actual flu deaths," Dr Mercola reports on his website.

"The statistics the CDC gives are skewed partly because they classify those dying from pneumonia as dying from the flu, which is inaccurate," he says.

According to the Danish Daily Information newspaper, the WHO and pharmaceutical companies are in league with each other. Or, to put it simply, the chief health care organization in the world has teamed up with the drug makers to create a phantom monster and to rake in cash by selling a remedy for it. Danish journalists conducted their own research, which resulted in accusations that the WHO, and scientists who appear to be independent are, in fact, on pharmaceutical companies' payroll

Aleksander Saversky, the chair of the Patient's Rights Protection League, says it is clear that the WHO dramatized the situation around the H1N1 virus. In an interview to RT News, Saversky speculated that it is due to the WHO's close ties with the world's major pharmaceutical companies.

Also a joint investigation by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) uncovered some serious conflicts of interest between the World Health Organization (WHO), who proposed such heavy swine flu vaccinations, and the pharmaceutical companies which created them. The joint-investigation’s report explains that the WHO profited immensely from the scare tactics they utilized to promote the use of a swine flu vaccine. The WHO advisory panel was full with individuals highly connected to the pharmaceutical companies with vested interests in both antiviral and influenza vaccines.

It is reported that the makers of the swine flu vaccine Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Aventis made sales of $3 billion between them from the sales from the swine flu vaccine. The Big Pharma Company Roche made $1.9 billion in a nine month period in 2009 from the sale of the swine flu drug Tamiflu. Since the "highest pandemic alert" warning was issued by the WHO, the only estimation that has turned out to be true is that the pharmaceutical companies are experiencing a massive amount of tax dollars pouring into their coffers. According to Dr Joseph Mercola "wealthier countries like the U.S. and the U.K. will pay just under $10 per dose, while developing countries would pay less," he said. "If these facts hold true, Big Pharma stands to gain up to $49 billion a year on the swine flu vaccine alone."

The CDC (USA) issued a statement saying that there were undoubtedly 10 MILLION people in the US infected with Swine Flu. But they provided no evidence and no test results to back this up. Just scare tactics. As in: “You must get vaccinated or you might die”. Many people believed this because Eighty million Americans were vaccinated, about 25 percent of the population. Even so it was reported by Reuters in September, 2009, that the United States had ordered 222 million doses of H1N1 vaccine from five drug makers. There is nothing free about the flu vaccination campaigns in the US. Americans will end up footing the bill in one way or another, along with the medical care for persons injured by the vaccine.

"As always with pandemic flus, taxpayers are footing the $1.5 billion check for the 250 million swine flu vaccines that the government has ordered so far and will be distributing free to doctors, pharmacies and schools," ABC News.

According to information from various sources The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has a patent in 2005 for the Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus (patent #8124101). The makers of the human variant of the swine flu virus waited until the patent was finally approved in January of 2009, before unleashing the virus into the world. The makers of the swine flu vaccine had begun the lengthy patenting process long before the swine flu supposedly existed, which means that the outbreak was no accident, and the virus is clearly not natural. Patents only apply to man-made items, and natural things cannot be patented. The virus conveniently went public only after its vaccine patent was approved, after patiently waiting 3 years for that to happen. The pandemic was declared just five months after the patent was approved, in June of 2009. The tremendous hysteria following the outbreak was promoted by the same groups who had invented this genetically engineered virus. This human-infecting variant of the virus was not first discovered in the wild. It was invented. Without genetic engineering, animal viruses seldom infect humans, because human DNA varies too greatly from animal DNA.

Research by Investigative Journalist Sharyl Attkisson led her to obtain lab test results from 50 states and the results showed that most of the supposed cases of swine flu were not swine flu at all. In fact, they weren’t any type of flu. Her report stated that vastly more swine flu specimens turned out to be negative in the U.S. than were positive. For example, out of 13,704 patients believed to have swine flu in California who had specimens sent for state testing to confirm, only 2% turned out to be swine flu.

Poland became the only country worldwide known to reject the swine flu vaccines over safety fears and distrust in the drug companies producing them. The decision by Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Health Minister Ewa Kopacz met with broad support. Even with 145 swine flu deaths in Poland to date, many Poles view the rejection of the vaccines as a laudable gesture of defiance against pharmaceutical companies.

"I had the impression that the information about swine flu was manipulated in order to create a panic," said Barbara Lazniewska, a 38-year-old architect who was among the many Poles to applaud the government's stance.

The prime minister described Poland as a country with the rare "courage" to refuse a vaccine that he believes has not undergone sufficient testing.

"We are making this decision only in the interest of the Polish patient and the taxpayer," Tusk insisted in December. "We will not take part because it's not honest and it's not safe for the patient."

Could Poland’s refusal of the swine flu vaccine in 2009 be the reason why a plane crashed killing Polish President Lech Kaczynski in 2010 and killed all 96 on board including Poland’s central bank governor, military chiefs and politicians.

So how many died in this ‘Pandemic’. According to population numbers for 2008 from, and statistics from the website, the total number of swine flu deaths, as of September 30, 2009, was only 2,386, for thirteen countries in the Southern Hemisphere, and three countries that are mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a total population of 628.3 million people who would have received no vaccine against the swine flu.

India's population of approximately 1.17 billion people amounts to about one-sixth of the world's population, according to the World Factbook. As of October 11, 2009, India's swine flu death toll was a mere 385, according to the Times of India.

The first swine death in the army, the largest military branch with 552,425 soldiers, did not occur until September 10, 2009, according to the Associated Press on October 1, 2009. It was reported to be the only death among the 1.4 million men and women in uniform at that time. Yet all military personnel are required to receive the new swine flu vaccine.

As of October 2, 2009, the World Health Organization was reporting only 4,108 swine flu deaths globally, five months into the pandemic, without any vaccines. To put these numbers in perspective, consider that in 2005, more than 43,000 people died in motor vehicle accidents in the US.

These factors provide strong circumstantial evidence that Swine Flu was an operation designed to frighten the global population, based on nothing. Nothing but anticipated pharmaceutical profits from the sale of vaccines and drugs.

“Vaccines are the backbone of the entire Pharmaceutical Industry. If they can make these children sick from a very early age, they become customers for life. The money isn’t really to be made in the vaccine industry. The money is made by Big Pharma with all of the drugs that are given to treat and address all of the illnesses that are subsequent to the side effects of vaccines.”—Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O. (osteopathic medical doctor)

“Doctors are punished by insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield if doctors don’t get a certain percentage of their patients to comply with the vaccination schedule. If 63% are non-compliant, they don’t receive any of their bonuses.” —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

Vaccine Ingredients

Most doctors or nurses don’t have a clue what’s inside the vaccines they are injecting into your children. Most parents definitely do not know the ingredients of vaccines that they let medical institution and schools inject into their children. Many people report adverse reactions to vaccines and these reactions will probably fit into many of the side effects of the many ingredients contained in vaccines. Let’s have a closer look.

Bovine cow serum: Extracted from cow skin. When injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions.

Sorbitol: Synthetic sweetener [that] aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues.

Gelatin: … from the collagen inside animals’ skin and bones. Injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and [mad cow disease].

Sodium chloride: Raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth.

Egg protein: … May contain growth hormones, antibiotics, and salmonella bacteria.

Thimerosal: A neurotoxic mercury which causes autism

Human albumin: The protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma; when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. … [And] can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts.

Formaldehyde: Highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health; can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer.

Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether/chemical; highly toxic to the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. The FDA warns “can cause shut down of the central nervous system.

Aluminum phosphate: Greatly increases toxicity of mercury.

MSG (monosodium glutamate): When injected becomes a neurotoxin, causing CNS disorders and brain damage.

“The combined effect of injecting all of these substances at once has not been studied. It's all one great big experiment. This is the study and your child is the subject." - Marcella Piper-Terry, MS

Formaldehyde is an ingredient in many vaccines and is an embalming fluid for corpses. Formaldehyde is toxic and is known to cause cancer. Other known side effects from exposure to formaldehyde include: anaemia, depression, diarrhoea, dizziness, ear aches, eczema, gastritis, headaches, hyperactivity, impaired (short) attention span, inability to recall words and names, asthma and jaundice.

Thimerosal is a compound made up of approximately 50% mercury.  Mercury is the second most poisonous element known to man. Thimerosal is used as a preservative in vaccines to help prevent bacteria growth in multi-use vaccines. It is also used in the creation process of a vaccine.

Aluminium is put into vaccines as an adjuvant to help them “work better” or to “enhance” them. So what is the concern about injecting aluminium into the blood stream?

The FDA maximum requirements for aluminium received in is 25 mcg per day. So how much aluminium is in the vaccines that are routinely given to children? At birth, most children are given the hepatitis B vaccination. The amount of aluminium in the Hepatitis B vaccine alone is almost 14 times the amount of aluminium that is FDA-approved. And many children get several vaccinations a visit several times a year.

According to the FDA and the AAP (American Academy of Paediatrics), what happens if a child receives more than the maximum required dose of aluminium? Aluminium builds up in the bones and brain and can be toxic. Aluminium can cause neurological harm, Aluminium overdose can be fatal in patients with weak kidneys.

If you inject amino acids or human protein (Human albumin) into the body instead of first digesting the proteins to make amino acids naturally it can cause a whole

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