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Book online «Easy Weight Loss Secrets Guide by Harry Kainth (best novels ever .TXT) 📖». Author Harry Kainth

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retain water and gain weight (bloating)

Sodium holds up to 50 times its weight in water.

When you limit the amount of sodium you eat your body will begin to expel some that unwanted water weight.

Thirst is a good indicator that your sodium intake is two high. As your sodium levels get high your body ask for more water to dilute the sodium by making you thirsty.

This is why many bars offer salty snacks such as pretzels and peanuts for free, after customers get thirsty they will order drinks to quench their thirst

To limit your sodium intake stay away from foods like canned soups, fast foods, and cured meats.

23. Get more active

Adding a little physical activity to your daily routine will help you start losing weight quicker than you can imagine.

Don't Worry, getting more active doesn't mean you have to sign up at a gym and take tae-bo or start participating in marathons regularly!

There are many ways that you can gradually become more active to lose weight.

For example:

• When you go to a store - Instead of trying to get the best parking spot take the worst one all the way at the back of the parking lot so you have to walk more.

• Throw away your TV remote & get up to change the channels.

• Go to shopping malls. But before you shop walk around the entire mall one or two times.

• Stop using the elevator. Take the stairs or at least take the stairs half way up.

• After you come back from a day of shopping. Carry all the items you just bought into your house one by one. The more items you buy the more walking back and forth you have to do.



Challenge yourself by adding 5 minutes of extra physical activity to your daily routine everyday JUST GET ACTIVE!


Those are just a few examples of ways that you can gradually start adding physical activity to your daily routine. It may not seem like much in the beginning but… All the extra calories you burn by doing these little activities adds up to you losing more weight.


24. Use music to lose weight fast


Use your favorite music to keep you motivated and energized longer during your weight loss workouts to reach your weight loss goals faster.

A recent study shows that overweight people who did their weight loss workouts to music lost an average of 16 pounds - twice as much as the people who didn't workout with music.

25. Make Yourself heavier to lose weight faster


The more you weigh the more calories you'll burn while exercising(Go here to see why) so… You can make yourself heavier by wearing a Weight Vest or backpack to burn more calories while walking or running and…

You only need to add an extra 10-to-40 pounds to your weight vest or backpack to lose weight faster.

26. Eat and run walk


Take a 5-10 minute walk after each meal. It doesn't have to be a walk, but any activity will do. The reason you should do this is because it increases the amount of calories you burn during digestion.

27. Don't sit down for more than 4 hours


According to researchers at Missouri University - sitting down or being virtually inactive for longer than 4 hours slows down your metabolism making it easier for

you to store fat so to prevent this from happening try standing up for at least 10 minutes within every 4 hours.

28. Keep Records


Researchers at the University of Arkansas found out during a 13 week study that people who kept detailed records of what they ate lost 3.5 pounds more than those who didn't because it helped them accurately estimate their protion sizes so they could eat just enough to make them lose more weight.

29. Watch less TV & Play less Video Games


You can burn more fat each day just by cutting your TV & video game time in half says research from the University of Vermont but it's common sense…

Less TV means you have to fill your time by doing something more active that gets you up off your lazy ass.

30. Don't let plastic make you fat


Plastics contain synthetic chemicals (called BPA & phthalates) that act like estrogen in your body and estrogen is basically a fat-gaining hormone you'd want to limit when trying to lose weight so to prevent these estrogen-like chemicals from getting into your body…

Avoid drinking out of plastic containers & Styrofoam cups and…

Avoid heating plastic containers in microwaves & ovens which can leach the estrogen like chemicals into your foods and…

Avoid plastic wrapped meats and…

Avoid canned foods which contain traces of BPA.

31. Brush your teeth after every meal and snack This will be a signal to your mouth — and your mind — that it's time to stop eating. Brushing will also give your mouth a nice fresh taste that you'll be disinclined to ruin with a random chip. At work, keep a toothbrush with a cover and toothpaste in your desk drawer.



32. Fidget!

Research has shown that spontaneous physical activity (SPA) like fidgiting, doing the dishes, getting up to change the T.V. channel etc. can add up to burn an impressive 350 calories a day. Remember, like so many things in life: it all counts! All the small pieces add up to a big result, so don’t discount even small, consistent actions – keep them up and they’ll soon add up.

33. Mind over lettuce.

It sounds crazy, but it’s true, studies show that if you think that you’re eating a ‘light’ meal then you won’t feel as full. And it’s not just psychological, your perception of the meal can actually cause you to create more of the hormone ghrelin, which can prevent you feeling full. So instead of focusing on the lettuce in your salad, focus on the more calorific parts: the cheese, avocado, the nuts. It also helps to choose foods which are healthy, but seem like a treat, e.g.: a delicious broth or lemon-garlic shrimp & vegetables.

34. Get your partner on board.

It can be tough to lose weight when your partner is gorging on cakes and deserts, so get them on board. Let him (or her) know that you need his support, if you go to a lot of restaurants or are always getting takeaway, do a little research and get some of the healthy options, maybe skip (or split) desert, spend an hour working out together. If you involve your partner (and are firm about your own weight loss goals) then you’ll make it much easier on yourself.

35. Don’t eat in front of T.V.

First, studies have repeatedly shown that there is a correlation between obesity and time spent watching T.V. – that’s why we have the phrase: “couch potato and not couch celery. Further, studies have shown that people who eat while watching T.V. consume as much as 280 calories more than those who don’t. In fact, for every 2 hours T.V. you watch, your chance of obesity goes up by 23%. Not only that, but if you’re watching T.V. you’re not exercising or sleeping. So, sit down at the table to eat your meals, get active during commercial breaks with mini-workouts and TRADE 1 hour of T.V. for 1 hour of exercise – if you do this every day you will get closer and closer to your weight loss goals.

36. Exercise.

Duh, right? We all know that exercise burns calories, but did you also know that it burns calories while you sleep. So, it’s even better than we thought! The recommendation from a Harvard study (2010) was to do 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day FOR

WEIGHT LOSS; the study found that 30 minutes a day conferred many of the health benefits, but did little FOR WEIGHT LOSS.

37. 3 healthy meals, 2 healthy snacks.

Most people only need to have 3 meals and 2 snacks to get their daily caloric requirements. Knowing this you can plan ahead, ration your caloric intake per meal and per snack and then stick to it – make them healthy and you’ll be heading closer and closer to your weight loss goals.

38. Increase your fiber.

Getting enough fiber is critical for weight loss, in fact it’s probably one of the most important tools you can use to help you reach your ideal healthy weight. The reason: it makes you feel full – the fiber absorbs water and expands in your stomach, which in turn promotes the production of leptin, the hormone which makes you feel full. Find some sources of fiber you enjoy and eat them every day, try brocolli, flax seeds and apples!

39. Get your go-to snacks ready.

Find your favourite quick and healthy snacks and then have them in bowls around the house and in your refrigerator at eye level, so that if you get the urge to snack you can reach for one of those healthy guys and move closer to your weight loss goals.

40. Train intense.

Studies have found that training with high-intensity for a brief amount of time burns more calories than training with moderate or low-intensity for a long period of time. In other words, spending an hour walking on the treadmill is not the best way to lose weight – 15 minutes high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is far better than 1 hour slow cardio. One of our favourite ways to do HIIT is with a jumping rope, Harvard Medical School has determined that a 125lb person will burn 300 calories in 30 minutes – more if you use the HIIT protocol. Remember, you have to build up slowly to higher intensity training so as always, consult your doctor before making changes to your diet or physical activity.

41. Don’t skip meals.

If you do, your body starts to crave high-calorie foods rather than healthy alternatives.

42. Know what you really want.

Many people talk about losing weight, but what they really want is to be more confident, or feel sexier, or be fitter, or get more romantic interest. Whatever you reasons are, take some time to really clarify in your mind what it is you want and begin to build your resolve around that, so that when temptation creeps up you can squash it with the strength of what’s really important to you in the long-term. Another way of thinking about it is: you’re not losing weight, but rather, gaining something much more important.

43. Change your plate color.

It sounds strange, but if you choose a plate which has a contrasting color to your food, then you should eat less. A Cornell University study found that contrasting plate color would

result in a serving size that was 20% less than those who had plate colors which blended in with the meal color. While you’re at it, next time you have a desert try it on a blue plate – many people find that it works as a natural appetite suppressant. Weird, but that’s science for ya!

44. Combine exercise and diet.

Exercise alone just won’t cut it, in fact of the two – a healthy diet is probably the most important part (although you need both if you want to be truly healthy). As the saying goes: you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. So eat healthy and find exercise you enjoy and you’ll be well on your way to reaching your ideal healthy weight.

45. Ignore the impulse buys.

Shopping malls are designed to part you from your money and nowhere is this more evident than when you’re waiting for your turn to pay: display counters packed to the brim with candy bars, soda and all manner of weight-loss saboteurs. MARKETERS know that this is a moment of weakness for people, in fact, research has shown that impulse purchases accounted for an excess of 14,000 consumed calories per woman, per year! So not only do these impulse buys contribute to overspending, but they can also make you fat! The good news is that once you know the trick it’s much easier to resist. Just think: “they’re trying to blow my

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