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adds up to your daily total: the more small bits of activity you do, the more calories you’ll have burnt by the end of the day. It all counts!

120. Stay committed to your goals.

Losing weight isn’t always easy, there are usually lots of factors: from your relationship, to food addictions, to emotional triggers – the list goes on. But it is possible, because people do it all the time and they keep the weight off, and it is possible for you to do too. You need to realize that you will have moments of weakness, but just because you mess up 1 meal doesn’t mean the whole day is ruined – the sooner you can get back on the wagon the closer you’ll be heading to your goals and the better you’ll feel. Stay committed because you’re worth the commitment and show the world what you can do.

121. Take small steps.

Diving head first into a super-strict diet is much harder to do than taking small steps into a new way of eating. According to wellness expert Kathy Freson, if instead of focusing on cutting out prohibited foods, you begin to crowd them out with healthy alternatives, then little by little you’ll have no room left for the bad stuff. So set a plan to add one healthy piece to your diet every single day: swap some candies for fruits, add a couple of veggies, drink water before your meals, try some ground flax seed etc. By the time you’ve been going for a month, you’ll already be well on your way to a healthier and leaner body!

122. Journal your foods.

Journaling is a great way to make hidden habits and triggers obvious. When you track the food you eat (and physical activity), it will help you to identify the habits and emotional triggers you have to eating. Journaling is one of the most powerful tools to aid in weight loss according to the National Weight Control Registry.

123. Focus on eating when you’re eating.

The day and age of multitasking in which we are in is not a friend to weight loss. It turns out that if you eat while multi-tasking, you’re apt to eat more, partly because the distraction makes it harder for you to recognize feelings of fullness. Psychologically, you’re also less likely to count it as an actual meal, so it’s easy for it to slip by unnoticed. The solution is to drop the multi-tasking when you’re eating, set some time aside for your meal, sit down and focus on eating your food and little else.

124. Drink red wine.

There are already many studies which have found that a small glass of red wine (about 125ml) a day is beneficial for health, and now there is increasing evidence that the resveratrol (a powerful antioxidant) found in wine could help to release fat. Another study showed that women who were light drinkers had less weight gain and less risk of obesity than those who drank no alcohol, in addition a study using animal models found that the resveratrol also helped increase exercise endurance. If you’d rather not drink, peanuts, blueberries, cranberries and pomegranate are good non-alcoholic sources of resveratrol.

125. Watch the salad dressing.

Most salad dressings are surprisingly high in calories, for example: 2 tablespoons of French dressing can easily be as much as 150 calories. We love getting enough good healthy fats, but it has to be done in moderation if you want to drop those pounds. Opt for some low-calorie, healthy alternatives instead: try a squeeze of lemon juice, balsamic vinegar or even some salsa (a powerhouse of nutrition).

126. Weigh yourself weekly.

While some studies have shown that daily weigh-ins promote maintenance of healthy weight, it’s not necessarily true when you’re trying to lose weight. Losing weight takes time and your weight fluctuates from day-to-day (as well as monthly), so rather than doing daily weigh-ins, opt for weekly weigh-ins – as long as you’ve been making healthy choices and upping your activity level, you should see good results and you’ll be motivated by your success. Also remember, the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning.

127. Don’t exercise on an empty stomach.

Common sense would seem to say that exercising on an empty stomach would burn more fat, but the research actually shows that the calories burned actually come from muscle rather than fat. Remember, not only do you want the muscle because it looks good, but it also increases your at-rest fat-burning metabolism. In addition, by not being properly fuelled you can’t exercise as intensely, so grab a simple carb snack 15 – 30 minutes before you hit the gym (carbs give your body energy and simple carbs digest easily).

128. Get active at home.

We’re spending more and more time sedentary at home; watching television, on the internet, etc. See if you can get active – try watching T.V. standing up, do short bursts of exercise during commercial breaks, ditch the remote, try using a standing desk while you’re on the Internet.

129. Get enough sleep.

Great news for all us sleep-lovers, recent studies show that getting enough shut-eye is good for your health and your weight loss goals. The gist of it goes like this: most of us are sleep-deprived, getting less than the optimal 7 – 9 hours of sleep; in the study the group that got 8.5 hours sleep lost more weight than the 5 hour sleepers. There is also evidence that adequate sleep can turn off obesity-related genes. So if you’re not already getting enough sleep, do it for the health benefits and to help you reach your ideal weight.

130. Skip processed foods.

Most processed foods are filled-to-the-brim with sugars and hydrogenated fats, while providing a fraction of the nutritional value you’d get from the healthy non-processed food. What’s more, the sugar-free, fat-free, carb-free meals are usually packed full of chemicals you don’t want in your body. Ditch the processed foods and make your health and weight-loss a priority.

131. Don’t save calories up to splurge on junk.

Junk food will not leave you satisfied later in the day – plain and simple. If you ‘save calories’ to splurge on junk food, then later on you’re still going to be hungry because junk food lacks the nutrients that healthy food has in abundance. Treat yourself occasionally, but stick to high-quality, healthy foods which will satisfy you in the long-term and move you closer to your ideal healthy weight.

Use these tips!

Okay, we hear you: this may not seem like a real tip, but it is
 Just a few of these tips sprinkled in to your daily life could make a huge difference to your weight loss goals, so try them out and find out how well they work for you


Home Remedies For Easy Instant Natural Weight Loss


Whether you are a youngster, teenager, parent or an employee, you are concerned about your weight. It is due to the kinds of food we are exposed to. Controlling this urge to eat that tasty chocolate ice cream is hard! Oily food and desserts seem to be the best delicious food available. Regretting eating an extra pastry or chicken piece is of no use. Try to control this urge before you pop something into your mouth.Don’t worry and stress out about your weight, every second person has the same problem. However you can try to use a few home remedies FOR WEIGHT LOSS, that will help you cut down the extra flab.


Being overweight can affect one’s self esteem, it is also harmful to one’s health. The extra fat in your body can make you prone to diseases easily. High blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack are few examples from the list of diseases. Obesity or being overweight is caused due to boredom, depression, anger, lack of exercise, lack of rest, incorrect lifestyle, improper diet and HYPOTHYROIDISM. Try these natural remedies to lose weight.


Before you go on you should have a simple understanding of the process your body goes through when dropping the pounds. Fat (along with protein and carbohydrates) is stored energy, plain and simple. Calories are the unit that is used to measure the potential energy in said fats, carbs, and proteins. Your body will convert fat to usable energy through a series of chemical processes, and any excess energy (calories) that you don’t need will be stored away. To lose weight, you must expend more energy (or calories) than you take in. When you are using more than you taking in, your body draws on stored fat to convert it to energy, which makes the fat cells shrink. It doesn’t disappear; it simply changes form, like water to steam. While this is the basic process, you also have to take into account genetic and environmental factors. How well the above process takes place does vary from person to person.

1. Cinnamon Tea



Blood sugar has a direct impact on your weight as it affects how hungry and how energetic you are (if you have energy you’re much more likely to exercise!) If your blood sugar is balanced you are less likely to have a disproportionally large appetite, and your body will be more apt to use fat (energy) rather than storing it. While debate about its effectiveness drags on, more and more preliminary studies are coming out showing that cinnamon can help manage blood sugar levels, so why not whip up a spicy cinnamon tea?

You will need

-1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon -1 cinnamon stick -8 ounces of fresh water


Place the cinnamon in a mug and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes before straining. Drinking 1-2 times a day.



2. Green Tea & Ginger



Green tea has long been debated as a weight loss aid, and more research is needed to confirm or deny how well it works. While some studies have turned up nothing, others have identified three main components in green tea that could help manage weight-caffeine, catechins, and theanine. Caffeine is just an overall boost to your system, and speeds up a number of bodily processes, including metabolism related to weight (technically speaking, metabolism refers to any and all biological processes in a living organism needed to sustain life.)

Catechins are considered anti-oxidant flavonoids, and are superior in green tea rather than black tea due to a difference in processing (black tea is fermented.) While the mechanism is yet to be determined, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that catechins can help lower the absorption of lipids (fats) via the intestinal track. Theanine is an amino acid in green tea that can encourage the release of dopamine, the chemical that makes you “happy” and relaxed. If you tend to eat due to stress, this may be useful. It also counters the caffeine so

you don’t get all jittery. The ginger added to green tea will help improve digestion and add a little flavor-no sugar or milk in this tea!


You will need

-1/2 inch of fresh ginger root, peeled and finely chopped OR œ teaspoon ground ginger -1 teaspoon of green tea -8 ounces of fresh water -Raw, organic honey (optional)


Place green tea and ginger in a strainer or sieve and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steeping green tea for too long can leave it with a bitter taste, so don’t exceed 3-4 minutes. You can stir in a little raw honey if you really need to sweeten it, but avoid milk or sugar at all costs. Drink 1-2 cups daily on an empty stomach.



3. Rose Petal Water



The benefits of rose petal water are backed more by anecdotal evidence than anything, but that’s no reason to shrug off this mild yet refreshing drink. Rose petals act as a very gentle diuretic. Diuretics encourage your kidneys to put more sodium (salt) into your urine. This excess salt in turn draws water from your blood, decreasing the amount of water in your circulatory system. This is not “permanent” weight loss-just water weight-but the action

encourages you to drink more

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