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Book online «Interwoven Destiny by M.P. Busch (book club suggestions TXT) 📖». Author M.P. Busch

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No living creature on the Earth could possibly comprehend the forces and laws of nature. There is always an 'imperfectness' that exists in everything that anything does. This natural unbalanced exists everywhere. It is natural, and it occurs in every instance. It is this single thing that binds all of us together. It is the reason we're here. To try and solve these random imperfectness', in an attempt to understand the fundamental laws of nature. These paths may lead to mischievous adventures, spark a feud between two people, or even a war.

It is the human experience. The experience of living.

Chapter One

The wind blew in it's face fiercely as it accelerated and gained speed, the freedom of flight was always such a marvelous experience. For such an experienced creature however, the freedom of flight and the faith in it's ability to control itself in the air, gave itself the bold bravado to perform tasks perhaps deemed annoying by humans.

But the bird's stomach ached, and the raven dove, as it skyrocketed towards the earth, the wind broke at it's sides, and the feeling of empowerment grew. Then the raven leveled as it's altitude fell steeply. It was now gliding peacefully through the marketplace of Ye, at the climax of the day. The sun had reached it's apex in the sky, and though the cold chilly winds from the north cooled the city, the sun bathed the marketplace in a glow and warmth.

The raven spotted a stall, and claimed its target: a loaf of bread. With overwhelming confidence the raven let out a shriek and flew straight for the bread.

A person at the stall perusing the goods spotted the raven. And in a display human agility and strength. The man's right arm shot out.

Wen Chou was also at the stall, and in the instant that the incident occurred, his head turned towards the sudden shriek of pain and surprise that the raven let out. The loaf of bread dropped to the table.

The man had caught the raven in his hand.

The stall holder clapped for the impossible feat just accomplished. The man behind the stall was an average working man, who looked like he worked hard for all of the food he presented on the table. "Incredible!" He exclaimed, he had never seen anything like it.

"Aye, very impressive my friend." Wen Chou studied the man who had caught the raven, there was something very strange about him.

Not a piece of skin was showing. The man wore all black clothing which shielded him from the outside world. Without a word this man of mystery let the raven fly. Simply the shrouded man nodded in thanks for the appraisal.

Before Wen Chou could question the man about - anything, a tall woman wearing what seemed to be a battle garb walked by the stall, tapped the shrouded man on the shoulder, and kept moving on. There was a strange trait about this woman as well, her hair was purple. A newly developed dye no doubt. And strapped to her back was a long sword.

The shrouded man clasped his hands and bowed, he promptly left the stall.

Despite never meeting the two figures, Wen Chou felt strangely connected to the two - perhaps he had read something about them. Yes that was it.

The stall holder smiled at his only customer left - Wen Chou. "It is amazing what a person is capable of is it not friend?"

Wen Chou looked back the man, quite an average man, but then again, Wen Chou looked quite stunningly average as well. The general had chosen to dress in a farmer's rags for shopping in the marketplace. As to not draw attention to himself.

"To catch the raven in its act of scavenging, I doubt it has ever been done before." Wen Chou responded, glad to make small talk with the people he swore to protect. The two talked for a while, Wen Chou bought a few things, mostly food - the highlight of the stall holder's day. Wen Chou introduced himself as a farmer under a false name. Though the general was not too sure why, it seemed right. That this new found friendship with this overly normal man might be ruined if Wen Chou actually confessed his real identity. For some reason, the invisibility that being a normal person in society comforted Wen Chou.

No guards.

No banners.

Just a man shopping, and talking with another man. Soon the two became friends. They talked for over two hours, and then the stall holder admitted that he had to close down his stall and help his wife prepare a meal for his family. Before he went back into his house - for his stall was settled right in front of it - Wen Chou asked for his name, the man smiled and responded that he is called Bei Shu Rong.

"Do you hunt Bei Shu Rong? You must get all of this meat from somewhere." Wen Chou asked.

'You guess correctly Xhou Fan," The false name Wen Chou introduced himself as, "Why is it that you ask?"

"It just so happens that I too hunt, along with the farming that I do," Wen Chou made it all up as he went, it is normal for generals in the army to hunt, and Wen Chou wanted his new friend to accompany him hunting, "Care to join me outside Ye for a hunt? You may keep all of the meat."

"I would much appreciate the kind gesture Xhou Fan, how is tomorrow afternoon?" Bei Shu Rong finished tearing down his stall, and a voice inside his house beckoned for him.

Wen Chou answered, whilst preparing to leave, "Tomorrow then, I shall meet you here, be prepared." They nodded to each other and parted.

Wen Chou was now off to the palace. Despite blatantly lieng to Bei Shu Rong, he felt that their new found friendship would last.

If only for the reason that for today - he was not Wen Chou.

Chapter Two




All of these emotions erupted in Wen Chou's dreams. He awoke in a cold sweat, his breathing was elevated, and his heart thumped inside his chest. Wen Chou could not recollect his dream, but the feelings did not subside. It was a very strange feeling, a feeling of terror. The general could not explain it, and for a few minutes simply sat upright in his palace room. The feeling of dread lingered for a few moments, then as fast as it came it lifted.

Sun's rays illuminated the room in a dim gloom. It was early morning, and the single translucent window did not stop the chill from entering the room.

With only a single cloth covering his nakedness, Wen Chou's body soon relaxed, and was forced to put on something to comfort him and give him warmth. But it was not his regular court attire, battle garbs, or armor. It was the farmers' rags he had bought two days ago with the intent of performing hard labor in order to train his body and increase his endurance.

Instead it was his disguise.

Instead; the general had used the clothes to go shopping incognito the day before. Where he accidentally made friends with a stall holder named Bei Shu Rong. Perhaps it was a mistake, Wen Chou thought. What had he done? Wen Chou thought in a haze, mornings always clouded his mind. Made an appointment to go hunting? Yes that was it. In truth he was quite excited to get away from all of the court proceedings and expectations that the life of a general demanded.

Without another thought, Wen Chou dressed in his rags and exited the palace whilst avoiding the patrols of Yuan Shao's guard. It was best not to be questioned, or even seen dressed as a commoner in the palace.

Making his way through the palace kitchen and exiting the back door of the palace, Wen Chou located his hidden chest under a clump of hay. From a bag off his sash he produced a small key that fit the tumblers perfectly on the lock. He turned his hand, hearing for the clicks that signaled the unlocking.

In a quick successive manner: Click. Click. Click.

Like a child who just found a toy, Wen Chou eagerly opened the chest, inside lay a brand new yew bow. Simply beautiful. A quiver of arrows beside it. Wen Chou grabbed the bow, stood, admired it, and slung it on his back. The quiver he attached to his sash. Fit and ready, Wen Chou walked the length of the palace grounds and left through the main gate.

The guard gave Wen Chou a quick, queer look before falling to one knee, "Lord Wen Chou....?" The statement felt incomplete and sounded like a question. So Wen Chou stopped and offered something:

"Going hunting." Wen Chou said with a smile, he was elated, now that he thought about it. How bowed to the guard, and started to leave when another voice entered the fray, with soft but questioning words.

"Hunting...? Master Wen Chou, if you don't mind me asking, would you like an escort to accompany you?" Xiang Ye Chu, the palace eunuch, had just exited to main hall and was walking down the palace steps. He was dressed elegant robes of a deep velvet red.

Even though the recent events with the 'Ten Attendants' and the disastrous affects afterwards, Eunuchs were still among the most trusted palace servants.

Eunuchs always made Wen Chou uneasy, but Xiang Ye Chu was friendly, "That is certainly not required, I can take care for myself."

Xian Ye Chu gave Wen Chou a thoughtful look, he was musing over something, "Hmm, alright, when shall we expect you back my lord?"

"Late in the evening I suspect, if everything goes well."

The Eunuch smiled light-heartedly, "Fantastic! I'll tell the cooks they are preparing venison tonight." Rather theatrically he hopped down the rest of the steps, "You will be bringing back the game won't you Master Wen Chou...?" Xiang Ye Chu eyed him suspiciously. Wen Chou tensed up, what was there to be suspicious about? Had the Eunuch spied on him? Damn this man, Wen Chou thought, he had eyes everywhere.

"Actually no," Wen Chou said, hiding his nerves as much as possible, "I'm giving the venison to the less-fortunate." The nervousness lifted, a suitable story, Wen Chou thought. The general was always seen after all as the defender of the weak.

Xiang Ye Chu clapped his hands and expressed in an exuberant manner: "Oh, DEFTLY done Master Wen Chou, playing the 'Protector of the Weak' again?" He laughed, the Eunuch always poked his noses into things where he just did not belong. "The less-fortunate get all the cuts these days don't they?" He raised a hand to his mouth, covering a laugh.

The two guards at the gate gave each other a quizzical look, the Eunuch was quite annoying.

Wen Chou, he was not sure how, but Xiang Ye Chu had found out his plans. It was unfortunate, but that wouldn't stop the general from taking his hunting trip anyway. Still, why? The question tugged at Wen Chou's curiosity and insight to this Eunuch. "What do you want from me Eunuch?"

Xiang Ye Chu pointed his index finger accusingly, "I

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