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The Project Gutenberg eBook, The story of the Greeks, by H. A. Guerber

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Title: The Story of the Greeks

Author: H. A. Guerber

Release Date: December 5, 2007 [eBook #23495]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1



E-text prepared by Juliet Sutherland, Dave Macfarlane,
and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team








Theseus and the Minotaur. Theseus and the Minotaur.



This elementary history of Greece is intended for supplementary reading or as a first history text-book for young pupils. It is therefore made up principally of stories about persons; for, while history proper is largely beyond the comprehension of children, they are able at an early age to understand and enjoy anecdotes of people, especially of those in the childhood of civilization. At the same time, these stories will give a clear idea of the most important events that have taken place in the ancient world, and, it is hoped, will arouse a desire to read further. They also aim to enforce the lessons of perseverance, courage, patriotism, and virtue that are taught by the noble lives described.

A knowledge of ancient history, however superficial, is of very great value; and the classic legends are almost equally worth knowing, because of the prominent part they play in the world's literature. These tales make a deep impression on the minds of children, and the history thus learned almost in play will cling to the memory far more tenaciously than any lessons subsequently conned.

Many children leave school unacquainted with any history except that of the United States; which, dealing with less simple and primitive times than that of Greece, is apt to be so unattractive that the child never afterwards reads any historical works. It has been my intention to write a book which will give children pleasure to read, and will thus counteract the impression that history is uninteresting.

A few suggestions to teachers may not be considered superfluous. In the first place, I have found historical anecdotes an excellent aid in teaching English. Pupils find it far from irksome to relate the stories in their own words, and to reproduce them in compositions. Secondly, whenever a city or country is mentioned, every pupil should point out its location on the map. By such means only can any one properly understand an historical narrative; and in the present case there is the added reason that the practice will go far towards increasing the child's interest in geography. Lastly, the teacher should take great care that the proper names are correctly pronounced. The most common errors are provided against in the text; for, on the first occurrence of such a word, it is divided into syllables, with the accent marked. It remains for the teacher to enforce the ordinary rules as to the proper sounds of vowels and consonants.

H. A. G.

PAGE Map. between 10 and 11 I. Early Inhabitants of Greece. 11 II. The Deluge of Ogyges 13 III. The Founding of Many Important Cities 15 IV. Story of Deucalion 19 V. Story of Dædalus and Icarus 21 VI. The Adventures of Jason 24 VII. Theseus visits the Labyrinth 26 VIII. The Terrible Prophecy 29 IX. The Sphinx's Riddle 30 X. Blindness and Death of Œdipus 34 XI. The Brothers' Quarrel 37 XII. The Taking of Thebes 39 XIII. The Childhood of Paris  41 XIV. The Muster of the Troops 44 XV. The Sacrifice of Iphigenia 46 XVI. The Wrath of Achilles 48 XVII. Death of Hector and Achilles 50 XVIII. The Burning of Troy 52 XIX. Heroic Death of Codrus 55 XX. The Blind Poet 57 XXI. The Rise of Sparta 61 XXII. The Spartan Training 62 XXIII. The Brave Spartan Boy 64 XXIV. Public Tables in Sparta 67 XXV. Laws of Lycurgus 69 XXVI. The Messenian War 71 XXVII. The Music of Tyrtæus 73 XXVIII. Aristomenes' Escape 76 XXIX. The Olympic Games 77 XXX. Milo of Croton 81 XXXI. The Jealous Athlete 83 XXXII. The Girls' Games 84 XXXIII. The Bloody Laws of Draco 86 XXXIV. The Laws of Solon 89 XXXV. The First Plays 92 XXXVI. The Tyrant Pisistratus 95 XXXVII. The Tyrant's Insult 97 XXXVIII. Death of the Conspirators 99 XXXIX. Hippias driven out of Athens 100 XL. The Great King 104 XLI. Hippias visits Darius 105 XLII. Destruction of the Persian Host 108 XLIII. The Advance of the Second Host 110 XLIV. The Battle of Marathon 113 XLV. Miltiades' Disgrace 115 XLVI. Aristides the Just 117 XLVII. Two Noble Spartan Youths 119 XLVIII. The Great Army 121 XLIX. Preparations for Defense 124 L. Leonidas at Thermopylæ 127 LI. Death of Leonidas 128 LII. The Burning of Athens 131 LIII. The Battles of Salamis and Platæa 133 LIV. The Rebuilding of Athens 136 LV. Death of Pausanias 138 LVI. Cimon improves Athens 141 LVII. The Earthquake 143 LVIII. The Age of Pericles 146 LIX. The Teachings of Anaxagoras 151 LX. Beginning of the Peloponnesian War 152 LXI. Death of Pericles 155 LXII. The Philosopher Socrates 157 LXIII. Socrates' Favorite Pupil 159 LXIV. Youth of Alcibiades 163 LXV. Greek Colonies in Italy 165 LXVI. Alcibiades in Disgrace 167 LXVII. Death of Alcibiades 169 LXVIII. The Overthrow of the Thirty Tyrants 171 LXIX. Accusation of Socrates 173 LXX. Death of Socrates 175 LXXI. The Defeat of Cyrus 180 LXXII. The Retreat of the Ten Thousand 182 LXXIII. Agesilaus in Asia 185 LXXIV. A Strange Interview 186 LXXV. The Peace of Antalcidas 189 LXXVI. The Theban Friends 190 LXXVII. Thebes Free once more 192 LXXVIII. The Battle of Leuctra 195 LXXIX. Death of Pelopidas 197 LXXX. The Battle of Mantinea 199 LXXXI. The Tyrant of Syracuse 201 LXXXII. Story of Damon and Pythias 204 LXXXIII. The Sword of Damocles 208 LXXXIV. Dion and Dionysius 210 LXXXV. Civil War in Syracuse 212 LXXXVI. Death of Dion 214 LXXXVII. Philip of Macedon 217 LXXXVIII. Philip begins his Conquests 219 LXXXIX. The Orator Demosthenes 221 XC. Philip masters Greece 224 XCI. Birth of Alexander 227 XCII. The Steed Bucephalus 229 XCIII. Alexander as King 232 XCIV. Alexander and Diogenes 234 XCV. Alexander's Brilliant Beginning 236 XCVI. The Gordian Knot 238 XCVII. Alexander's Royal Captives 241 XCVIII. Alexander at Jerusalem 242 XCIX. The African Desert 244 C. Death of Darius 247 CI. Defeat of Porus 249 CII. The Return to Babylon 251 CIII. Death of Alexander the Great 252 CIV. The Division of the Realm 255 CV. Death of Demosthenes 257 CVI. The Last of the Athenians 260 CVII. The Colossus of Rhodes 262 CVIII. The Battle of Ipsus 265 CIX. Demetrius and the Athenians 266 CX. The Achæan League 268 CXI. Division in Sparta 270 CXII. Death of Agis 274 CXIII. The War of the Two Leagues 276 CXIV. The Last of the Greeks 278 CXV. Greece a Roman Province 280 INDEX 283

Map of Ancient Greece
Map showing Greek Colonies and Conquests


Although Greece (or Hel´las) is only half as large as the State of New York, it holds a very important place in the history of the world. It is situated in the southern part of Europe, cut off from the rest of the continent by a chain of high mountains which form a great wall on the north. It is surrounded on nearly all sides by the blue waters of the Med-it-er-ra´ne-an Sea, which stretch so far inland that it is said no part of the country is forty miles from the sea, or ten miles from the hills. Thus shut in by sea and mountains, it forms a little territory by itself, and it was the home of a noted people.

The history of Greece goes back to the time when people did not know how to write, and kept no record of what was happening around them. For a long while the stories told by parents to their children were the only information which could be had about the country and its former inhabitants; and these stories, slightly changed by every new teller, grew more and more extraordinary as time passed. At last they were so changed that no one could tell where the truth ended and fancy began.

The beginning of Greek history is therefore like a fairy tale; and while much of it cannot, of course, be true, it is the only information we have about the early Greeks. It is these strange fireside stories, which used to amuse Greek children so many years ago, that you are first going to hear.

About two thousand years before the birth of Christ, in the days when Isaac wanted to go down into Egypt, Greece was inhabited by a savage race of men called the Pe-las´gi-ans. They lived in the forests, or in caves hollowed out of the mountain side, and hunted wild beasts with great clubs and stone-tipped arrows and spears. They

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