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Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars by Terence Smart (recommended reading txt) 📖». Author Terence Smart

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look at who was behind the Weimar Revolution. Here are their names:

Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Paul Levi, Leo Jogiches. Ernst Toller, Erich Muhsam, Gustav Landauer, Eugen Levine and Karl Radek.

Can you guess what they all have in common? Yes you are correct they were all Jewish.

The revolutionary government in Munich was headed by a Jewish intellectual, Kurt Eisner, and after his assassination, two other Jewish leaders, Gustav Landauer and Eugen Levine, assumed positions of major influence in the Weimar Republic. Rosa Luxemburg, who was also assassinated, was a leader of the revolutionary Spartacus- League, which was one of the predecessors of the German Communist party.

At the Treaty of Versailles, a crippled Germany was carved up by the Global Elite, with no opposition from the new Weimar leaders. After redrawing the boundaries, approximately seven million Germans were living under foreign occupation in neighboring countries.

Who were the key representatives letting this happen to Germany?

Paul Hirsch (Prime Minister of Prussia)

Otto Landsberg (Versailles Delegate)

And they were also both Jewish.

The term “Weimar” comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal government was first assembled. In this unnatural, disjointed Germany, a new constitution was imposed on the people.

Who wrote this new constitution? None other than Hugo Preuss. A Jew. Hugo Preuss was a German lawyer and liberal politician. He was the author of the draft version of the constitution that was passed by the Weimar National Assembly. Hugo Preuss was born in Berlin on 28 October 1860 as the only child of Levin Preuss (1820 or 1821-62), a Jewish owner of a lithographic business, and his wife Minna (née Israel, 1826–99).

For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, and (Jewish) non-German influences.

Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister), Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister), Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief), Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats).

Again all the above were Jews.

Jews held major political posts, primarily in the leadership of the democratic and socialist parties. The most prominent Jewish Political figure was Walther Rathenau, who served first as minister for economic affairs and then as foreign minister.

For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace.

Who were the earliest leaders?

Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann.

Leopold Sonnemann was born to Jewish parents in Hochberg, Bavaria, in 1831

Lassalle was born Ferdinand Johann Gottlieb Lassal on 11 April 1825 in Breslau, Silesia (now Wrocław, Poland). His father Heyman Lassal was a Jewish silk merchant

Again they were all Jews.

The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering. The people weren’t organized. The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions. There were food shortages & poverty. Accompanying Weimar’s broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society.

Everything was tolerated. Berlin became the sin capital of the world, flooded with drugs, sex, and all forms of degeneracy.

No account of the Jewish Question in Germany can be complete without some mention of the tidal wave of sexual immorality that was to engulf the country during the period of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) following World War One.

At the center of this sexual “revolution” was Magnus Hirschfeld. He created the “Institute of Sexual Research,” located in Berlin. Hirschfeld was a pioneer in all kinds of sexual fetishes. At his “Institute of Sexual Research,” Hirschfeld was conducting the first transgender surgeries, research, etc. Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee and this group carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".

Sound familiar? Again Hirschfeld was Jewish. Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family.

It’s all happened before, in Weimar Germany. The “German” Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes.

Some of the main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar:

Paul Davidson, Joseph “Joe May” Mandel, Jules Greenbaum, Max Reinhardt, Josef Von Sternberg, Fritz Kohn, Otto Wallburg and Peter “Lorre” Lowenstein.

Not surprising but all the above men were Jewish.

Dr Karl Wiehe, in his Germany and the Jewish Question, he states:

“Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity. The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life however was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world. It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals. The Jewish sexologists Ivan Bloch and Magnus Hirschfeld became the representatives of “sex research” camouflaged as science—a bogus science that was merely an excuse for pornography and propaganda designed to destroy the institute of marriage and the sanctity of the family”.

Douglas Reed was Chief Central European correspondent before WWII for the London Times and in his book titled Disgrace Abounding (1939), he notes:

“In the Berlin (of the pre-Hitler years) most of the theatres were Jewish-owned or Jewish-leased, most of the leading film and stage actors were Jews, the plays performed were often by German, Austrian or Hungarian Jews and were staged by Jewish film producers, applauded by Jewish dramatic critics in Jewish newspapers. The Jews are not cleverer than the Gentiles, if by clever you mean good at their jobs. They ruthlessly exploit the common feeling of Jews, first to get a foothold in a particular trade or calling, then to squeeze the non-Jews out of it. It is not true that Jews are better journalists than Gentiles. They held all the posts on those Berlin papers because the proprietors and editors were Jewish.”

The German Media, much like today, collaborated with the political & social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture.

Who ran the major newspapers & publishers in Weimar? Not Germans.

Theodor Wolff, Bernhard Georg and Rudolf Mosse were some of the main newspaper publishers and they were Jewish.

Theodor Wolff (2 August 1868 – 23 September 1943) was a German writer who was influential as a journalist, critic and newspaper editor. He was born and died in Berlin. Between 1906 and 1933 he was the chief editor of the politically liberal newspaper Berliner Tageblatt. Wolff grew up in a prosperous Jewish family. The newspaper Berliner Tageblatt was established long before 1933. It was this paper which for many years was looked upon abroad as representative of German public opinion.

The editor of this paper was the Jew Theodor Wolff, who also took a prominent part in politics. Apart from him the important positions on the editorial staff were filled by seventeen other Jews. In five important capitals outside the Reich the Berliner Tageblatt was represented by Jews.

Georg Bernhard (1875-1944), born in Berlin, was a prominent financial columnist, newspaper editor, and director of the prestigious Ullstein publishing house. From 1913, he was editor-in-chief of the Vossische Zeitung of Berlin. He wrote mostly about economic and financial news and issues. He was elected to the German parliament as a member of the German Democratic Party and was also active in Jewish community groups.

Rudolph Mosse was born in Gratz, Grand Duchy of Posen, as the son of Dr. Markus Mosse, a noted Jewish physician. His printing establishment, founded in 1872, was one of the largest of its kind.

“German Jews accounted for less than 2% of the population in 1933 (505,000 out of 67,000,000). But they owned or controlled more than 50% of the media and 70% of the judges within the judicial system. Jewish banksters and speculators totally controlled German banking and industry and caused catastrophic bank collapses between 1870 and 1920. Jews were over- represented in the movie, theater, art and literary industries, who introduced the German populace to moral and cultural decadence. Homo sexuality, sodomy, sadomasochism and other perversions were foisted upon Germans as being “natural and acceptable.” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

...Sound at all familiar? The above passage pretty much describes America of today.

Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed & the global Great Depression followed. The degenerate society was wholly unprepared. Unemployment, starvation, disease, currency collapse. Stacks of German money were often worthless.

Hugh Wilson, the American Ambassador in Berlin until 1938, the year before the war broke out, found anti-Semitism in Germany “understandable.” This was because before the advent of the Nazis “the stage, the press, medicine and law were crowded with Jews. Among the few with money to splurge, a high proportion were Jews. The leaders of the Bolshevist movement in Russia, a movement desperately feared in Germany, were Jews. One could feel the spreading resentment and hatred.” — Hugh Wilson, American diplomat, quoted in Leonard Mosley, Lindbergh, Hodder, 1976.

But if you study the West today, you’ll notice the uncanny similarities….

Weimar was the first oppressive, degenerate democracy. You’re never told about it because you are living in Weimar version 2 today especially in America which is totally controlled by Jews and the American Jews and Israel lead America into war after war in the Middle East to cement Jewish power in the region at the expense of millions of Muslim lives.

“During the German Weimar Republic era, from 1919 to 1933, Germans suffered from massive unemployment (33%) and suicide was a plague (270,000 suicides during the Weimar government). Hyper-inflation and actual starvation occurred, while many Jewish Germans lived in relative comfort. Outside Jewish money bought German property and businesses for a pittance. German Jews in business, and politics exploited the German masses for cheap labor, easily manipulated voting blocks, and indiscriminate consumers” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

“The prominence of Jews in the revolution and early Weimar Republic is indisputable, and this was a very serious contributing cause for increased anti-Semitism in post-war years. It is clear then that the stereotype of Jews as socialists and communists led many Germans to distrust the Jewish minority as a whole and to brand Jews as enemies of the German nation.” - Sarah Gordon, Hitler, Germans and the ‘Jewish Question’, Princeton University Press (1984), p 23.

Perhaps this explains why when one man & his movement rose from obscurity, promising a return of power to the German people, a return of tradition, morality, hope, he received radical hate from the establishment, but fanatical love from the German people. Of course that man was Adolf Hitler.

So Hitler was not anti-Jewish for no reason. There was very legitimate reasons why he disliked these people and wanted their removal from Germany.

“The process in question had been practically completed in Germany before the advent of National Socialism to power. An alien race, without roots in German soil and without even the most remote affiliation with the German people, had taken possession of Germany. The poison of an alien spirit, of an alien manner of thinking, had been instilled, cunningly and systematically, into the German mind. Hence the whole German organism necessarily conveyed a totally misleading impression to an observer from outside. National Socialism was therefore faced by the urgent necessity of solving a problem which vitally affected the very existence of the German nation. Impartial foreign observers had long since recognized the inevitability of a radical solution of the Jewish question in Germany. Already in December, 1910, the Times, in a review of Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s book “The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,” remarked that nearly everything in Germany had come under Jewish control- not only business life, but the Press, the theatre, the film, etc., in short, everything susceptible of influencing German spiritual life, and that it would be inconceivable that the Germans could tolerate such a slate of affairs in the long run. A clash must sooner or later inevitably occur, in the view of the Times. Since a solution of the Jewish problem by means of the assimilation of the Jewish race, of its absorption in German national life, had proved wholly impossible, there remained to the National Socialists but the single alternative of solving the Jewish question by the elimination of that unassimilable race from Germany” - Dr Karl Wiehe, from his book ‘Germany and the Jewish Question’.

Every single sphere of major influence in Germany had now fallen under Jewish control. National Socialism was therefore faced by the urgent necessity of solving a problem which vitally affected the very existence of the German nation.

In September 1933, Adolf Hitler removed every single Jew from positions of influence in the mass media: from the fields of literature, art, music, journalism, the cinema, and popular entertainment in general. The influence that the Jews had exerted on the German psyche was to be regarded henceforth, rightly or wrongly, as destructive and had brought moral anarchy and sexual decadence to the German people.

Of course the Jews did not like this and they used their influence in America and Britain to declare war against Germany and then to try and force a ban on German goods being bought abroad. The poisoning of public opinion against Germany was then achieved through the Jewish control of the media

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