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    272. Zenobia carried captive to Rome. End of the brief glories of Palmyra.


    275. Probus succeeded Aurelian.


    276. Goths in Pontus. The Emperor Probus forced back Franks and Alemanni.


    277. Mani crucified in Persia.


    284. Diocletian became emperor.


    303. Diocletian persecuted the Christians.


    311. Galerius abandoned the persecution of the Christians.


    312. Constantine the Great became emperor.


    313. Constantine presided over a Christian Council at Arles.


    321. Fresh Gothic raids driven back.


    323. Constantine presided over the Council of Nicaea.


    337. Vandals driven by Goths obtained leave to settle in Pannonia.


    337. Constantine baptized on his death-bed.


    354. St. Augustine born.


    361-3. Julian the Apostate attempted to substitute Mithraism for Christianity.


    379. Theodosius the Great (a Spaniard) emperor.


    390. The statute of Serapis at Alexandria broken up.


    392. Theodosius the Great emperor of east and west.


    395. Theodosius the Great died. Honorius and Arcadius redivided the empire with Stilicho and Alaric as their masters and�protectors.


    410. The Visigoths under Alaric captured Rome.


    425. Vandals settling in south of Spain. Huns in Pannonia, Goths in Dalmatia. Visigoths and Suevi in Portugal and North Spain. English invading Britain.


    429. Vandals under Genseric invaded Africa.


    439. Vandals took Carthage.


    448. Priscus visited Attila.


    451. Attila raided Gaul and was defeated by Franks, Alemanni, and Romans at Troyes.


    453. Death of Attila.


    455. Vandals sacked Rome.


    470. Ephthalites raid into India.


    476. Odoacer, king of a medley of Teutonic tribes, informed Constantinople that there was no emperor in the West. End of the Western Empire.


    480. St. Benedict born.


    481. Clovis in France. The Merovingians.


    483. Nestorian church broke away from the Orthodox Christian church.


    493. Theodoric, the Ostrogoth, conquered Italy and became King of Italy, but was nominally subject to Constantinople.�(Gothic kings in Italy. Goths settled on special confiscated lands as a garrison.)


    527. Justinian emperor.


    528. Mihiragula, the (Ephthalite) Attila of India, overthrown.


    529. Justinian closed the schools at Athens, which had flourished nearly a thousand years. Belisarius (Justinian's general) took Naples.


    531. Chosroes I began to reign.


    643. Great plague in Constantinople.


    544. St. Benedict died.


    553. Goths expelled from Italy by Justinian. Cassiodorus founded his monastery.


    565. Justinian died. The Lombards conquered most of North Italy (leaving Ravenna and Rome Byzantine). The Turks broke up the Ephthalites in Western Turkestan.


    570. Muhammad born.


    579. Chosroes I died. (The Lombards dominant in Italy.)


    590. Plague raged in Rome. (Gregory the Great-Gregory I-and the vision of St. Angelo.) Chosroes II began to reign.


    610. Heraclius began to reign.


    619. Chosroes II held Egypt, Jerusalem, Damascus, and had armies on Hellespont. Tang dynasty began in China.


    622. The Hegira.


    623. Battle of Badr.


    627. Great Persian defeat at Nineveh by Heraclius. The Meccan Allies besieged Medina. Tai Tsung became Emperor of China.


    628. Kavadh II murdered and succeeded his father, Chosroes II.


    Muhammad wrote letters to all the rulers of the earth.


    629. Yuan Chwang started for India. Muhammad entered Mecca.


    632. Muhammad died. Abu Bekr Caliph.


    634. Battle of the Yarmuk. Moslems took Syria. Omar second Caliph.


    635. Tai Tsung received Nestorian missionaries.


    637. Battle of Kadessia.


    638. Jerusalem surrendered to Omar.


    642. Heraclius died.


    643. Othman third Caliph.


    645. Yuan Chwang returned to Singan.


    655. Defeat of the Byzantine fleet by the Moslems.


    656. Othman murdered at Medina


    661. Ali murdered.


    662. Moawiya Caliph. (First of the Omayyad, caliphs.)


    668. The Caliph Moawiya attacked Constantinople by sea. Theodore of Tarsus became Archbishop of Canterbury.


    675. Last of the sea attacks by Moawiya on Constantinople.


    687. Pepin of Hersthal, mayor of the palace, reunited Austrasia and Neustria.


    711. Moslem army invaded Spain from Africa.


    714. Charles Martel, mayor of the palace.


    715. The domains of the Caliph Walid I extended from the Pyrenees to China.


    717-18. Suleiman, son and successor of Walid, failed to take Constantinople. The Omayyad line passed its climax.


    732. Charles Martel defeated the Moslems near Poitiers.


    735. Death of the Venerable Bede.


    743. Walid II Caliph-the unbelieving Caliph.


    749. Overthrow of the Omayyads. Abdul Abbas, the first Abbasid Caliph. Spain remained Omayyad. Beginning of the break-up of the Arab Empire.


    751. Pepin crowned King of the French.


    755. Martyrdom of St. Boniface.


    768. Pepin died.


    771. Charlemagne sole king.


    774. Charlemagne conquered Lombardy.


    776. Charlemagne in Dalmatia.


    786. Haroun-al-Raschid Abbasid Caliph in Bagdad (to 809).


    795. Leo III became Pope (to 816).


    800. Leo crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the West.


    802. Egbert, formerly an English refugee at the court of Charlemagne, established himself as King of Wessex.


    810. Krum of Bulgaria defeated and killed the Emperor Nicephorus.


    814. Charlemagne died, Louis the Pious succeeds him.


    828. Egbert became first King of England.


    843. Louis the Pious died, and the Carlovingian Empire went to pieces. Until 962 there was no regular succession of Holy Roman Emperors, though the title appeared intermittently.


    850. About this time Rurik (a Northman) became ruler of Novgorod and Kieff.


    852. Boris first Christian King of Bulgaria (to 884).


    865. The fleet of the Russians (Northmen) threatened Constantinople.


    886. The Treaty of Alfred of England and Guthrum the Dane, establishing the Danes in the Danelaw.


    904. Russian (Northmen) fleet off Constantinople.


    912. Rolf the Ganger established himself in Normandy.


    919. Henry the Fowler elected King of Germany.


    928. Marozia imprisoned Pope John X.


    931. John XI Pope (to 936).


    936. Otto I became King of Germany in succession to his father, Henry the Fowler.


    941. Russian fleet again threatened Constantinople.


    955. John XII Pope.


    960. Northern Sung Dynasty began in China.


    962. Otto I, King of Germany, crowned Emperor (first Saxon Emperor) by John XII.


    963. Otto deposed John XII.


    969. Separate Fatimite Caliphate set up in Egypt.


    973. Otto II.


    983. Otto III.


    987. Hugh Capet became King of France. End of the Carlovingian line of French kings.


    1016. Canute became King of England, Denmark, and Norway.


    1037. Avicenna of Bokhara, the Prince of Physicians, died.


    1043. Russian fleet threatened Constantinople.


    1066. Conquest of England by William, Duke of Normandy.


    1071. Revival of Islam under the Seljuk Turks. Battle of Melasgird.


    1073. Hildebrand became Pope (Gregory VII) to 1085.


    1082. Robert Guiscard captured Durazzo.


    1084. Robert Guiscard sacked Rome.


    1087-99. Urban II Pope.


    1094. Pestilence.


    1095. Urban II at Clermont summoned the First Crusade.


    1096. Massacre of the People's Crusade.


    1099. Godfrey of Bouillon captured Jerusalem. Paschal II Pope (to 1118).


    1138. Kin Empire flourished. The Sung capital shifted from Nanking to Hang Chau.


    1147. The Second Crusade. Foundation of the Christian Kingdom of Portugal.


    1169. Saladin Sultan of Egypt.


    1176. Frederick Barbarossa acknowledged supremacy of the Pope (Alexander III) at Venice.


    1187. Saladin captured Jerusalem.


    1189. The Third Crusade.


    1198. Averroes, of Cordoba, the Arab philosopher, died. Innocent III Pope (to 1216). Frederick 11 (aged four), King of Sicily, became his ward.


    1202. The Fourth Crusade attacked the Eastern Empire.


    1204. Capture of Constantinople by the Latins.


    1206. Kutub founded Moslem state at Delhi.


    1212. The Children's Crusade.


    1214. Jengis Khan took Poking.


    1215. Magna Carta signed.


    1216. Honorius III Pope.


    1218. Jengis Khan invaded Kharismia.


    1221. Failure and return of the Fifth Crusade. St. Dominic died (the Dominicans).


    1226. St. Francis of Assisi died. (The Franciscans.)


    1227. Jengis Khan died, Khan from the Caspian to the Pacific, and was succeeded by Ogdai Khan. Gregory IX Pope.


    1228. Frederick II embarked upon the Sixth Crusade, and acquired Jerusalem.


    1234. Mongols completed conquest of the Kin Empire with the help of the Sung Empire.


    1239. Frederick II excommunicated for the second time.


    1240. Mongols destroyed Kieff. Russia tributary to the Mongols.


    1241. Mongol victory at Liegnitz in Silesia.


    1244. The Egyptian Sultan recaptured Jerusalem. This led to the Seventh Crusade.


    1245. Frederick II re-excommunicated. The men of Schwyz burnt the castle of New Habsburg.


    1250. St. Louis of France ransomed. Frederick II, the, last Hohenstaufen Emperor, died. German interregnum until 1273.


    1251 Mangu Khan became Great Khan. Kublai Khan governor of China.


    1258. Hulagu Khan took and destroyed Bagdad.


    1260. Kublai Khan became Great Khan. Ketboga defeated in Palestine.


    1261. The Greeks recaptured Constantinople from the Latins.


    1269. Kublai Khan sent a message of inquiry to the Pope by the older Polos.


    1271. Marco Polo started upon his travels.


    1273. Rudolf of Habsburg elected Emperor. The Swiss formed their Everlasting League.


    1280. Kublai Khan founded the Yuan Dynasty in China.


    1292. Death of Kublai Khan.


    1293. Roger Bacon, the prophet of experimental science, died.


    1294. Boniface VIII Pope (to 1303).


    1295. Marco Polo returned to Venice.


    1303. Death of Pope Boniface VIII after the outrage of Anagni by Guillaume de Nogaret.


    1305. Clement V Pope. The papal court set up at Avignon.


    1308. Duna Scotus died.


    1318. Four Franciscans burnt for heresy at Marseilles.


    1347. Occam died.


    1348. The Great Plague, the Black Death.


    1358. The Jacquerie in France.


    1360. In China the Mongol (Yuan) Dynasty fell, and was succeeded by the Ming Dynasty (to 1644).


    1367. Timurlane assumed the title of Great Khan.


    1377. Pope Gregory XI returned to Rome. The Great Schism. Urban VI in Rome, Clement VII at Avignon.


    1381. Peasant revolt in England. Wat Tyler murdered in the presence of King Richard II.


    1384. Wycliffe died.


    1398. Huss preached Wycliffism at Prague.


    1405. Death of Timurlane.


    1414-18. The Council of Constance. Huss burnt (1415).


    1417. The Great Schism ended, Martin V Pope.


    1420. The Hussites revolted. Martin V preached a crusade against them,


    1431. The Catholic Crusaders dissolved before the Hussites at Domazlice. The Council of Basle met.


    1436. The Hussites came to terms with the church.


    1439. Council of Basle created a fresh schism in the church.


    1445. Discovery of Cape Verde by the Portuguese.


    1446. First printed books (Coster in Haarlem).


    1449. End of the Council of Basle.


    1453. Ottoman Turks under Muhammad II took Constantinople.


    1480. Ivan III, Grand-duke of Moscow, threw off the Mongol allegiance.


    1481. Death of the Sultan Muhammad II while preparing for the conquest of Italy. Bayazid II Turkish Sultan (to 1512).


    1486. Diaz rounded the Cape of Good Hope.


    1492. Columbus crossed the Atlantic to America. Rodrigo Borgia, Alexander VI, Pope (to 1503).


    1493. Maximilian I became Emperor.


    1498. Vasco da Gama sailed round the Cape to India.


    1499. Switzerland became an independent republic.


    1500. Charles V born.


    1509. Henry VIII King of England.


    1512. Selim Sultan (to 1520). He bought the title of Caliph. Fall of Soderini (and Machiavelli) in Florence.


    1513. Leo X Pope.


    1515. Francis I King of France.


    1517. Selim annexed Egypt. Luther propounded his theses at Wittenberg.


    1519. Leonardo da Vinci died. Magellan's expedition started to sail round the world. Cortez entered Mexico city.


    1520. Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan (to 1566), who ruled from Bagdad to Hungary. Charles V Emperor.


    1521. Luther at the Diet of Worms. Loyola wounded at Pampeluna.


    1525. Baber won the battle of

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