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Panipat, captured Delhi, and founded the Mogul Empire.


    1527. The German troops in Italy, under the Constable of Bourbon, took and pillaged Rome.


    1529. Suleiman besieged Vienna,


    1530. Pizarro invaded Peru. Charles V crowned, by the Pope. Henry VIII began his quarrel with the Papacy.


    1532. The Anabaptists seized Munster.


    1535. Fall of the Anabaptist rule in Munster.


    1539. The Company of Jesus founded.


    1543. Copernicus died.


    1545. The Council of Trent (to 1563) assembled to put the church in order.


    1546. Martin Luther died.


    1547. Ivan IV (the Terrible) took the title of Tsar of Russia. Francis I died.


    1549. First Jesuit missions arrived in South America.


    1552. Treaty of Passau. Temporary pacification of Germany.


    1556. Charles V abdicated. Akbar Great Mogul (to 1005). Ignatius of Loyola died.


    1558. Death of Charles V.


    1563. End of the Council of Trent and the reform of the Catholic Church.


    1564. Galileo born.


    1566. Suleiman the Magnificent died.


    1567. Revolt of the Netherlands.


    1568. Execution of Counts Egmont and Horn.


    1571. Kepler born.


    1573. Siege of Alkmaar.


    1578. Harvey born.


    1583. Sir Walter Raleigh's expedition to Virginia.


    1601. Tycho Brahe died.


    1603. James I King of England and Scotland. Dr. Gilbert died.


    1605. Jehangir Great Mogul.


    1606. Virginia Company founded.


    1609. Holland independent.


    1618. Thirty Years' War began.


    1620. Mayflower expedition founded New Plymouth. First negro slaves landed at Jamestown (Va.).


    1625. Charles I of England.


    1626. Sir Francis Bacon (Lord Verulam) died.


    1628. Shah Jehan Great Mogul. The English Petition of Right.


    1629. Charles I of England began his eleven years of rule without a parliament.


    1630. Kepler died.


    1632. Leeuwenhoek born. Gustavus Adolphus killed at the Battle of Lutzen.


    1634. Wallenstein murdered.


    1638. Japan closed to Europeans (until 1865).


    1640. Charles I of England summoned the Long Parliament.


    1641. Massacre of the English in Ireland.


    1642. Galileo died. Newton born.


    1643. Louis XIV began his reign of seventy-two years.


    1644. The Manchus ended the Ming dynasty.


    1645. Swine pens in the inner town of Leipzig pulled down.


    1648. Treaty of Westphalia. Thereby Holland and Switzerland were recognized as free republics and Prussia became important. The treaty gave a complete victory neither to the Imperial Crown nor to the Princes. War of the Fronde; it ended in the complete victory of the French crown.


    1649. Execution of Charles I of England.


    1658. Aurungzeb Great Mogul. Cromwell died.


    1660. Charles II of England.


    1674. New Amsterdam finally became British by treaty and was renamed New York.


    1683. The last Turkish attack on Vienna defeated by John III of Poland.


    1688. The British Revolution. Flight of James II. William and Mary began to reign.


    1689. Peter the Great of Russia. (To 1725.)


    1690. Battle of the Boyne in Ireland.


    1694. Voltaire born.


    1701. Frederick I first King of Prussia.


    1704. John Locke, the father of modern democratic theory, died.


    1707. Death of Aurungzeb. The empire of the Great Mogul disintegrated.


    1713. Frederick the Great of Prussia born.


    1714. George I of Britain.


    1715. Louis XV of France.


    1727. Newton died. George II of Britain.


    1732. Oglethorpe founded Georgia.


    1736. Nadir Shah raided India. (The beginning of twenty years of raiding and disorder in India.)


    1740. Maria-Theresa began to reign. (Being a woman, she could not be empress. Her husband, Francis I, was emperor until� his death in 1765, when her son, Joseph II, succeeded him.) Accession of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia.


    1741. The Empress Elizabeth of Russia began to reign.


    1755-63. Britain and France struggled for America and India. France in alliance with Austria and Russia against Prussia and Britain (1756-63); the Seven Years' War.


    1757. Battle of Plassey.


    1759. The British general, Wolfe, took Quebec.


    1760. George III of Britain.


    1762. The Empress Elizabeth of Russia died. Murder of the Tsar Paul, and accession of Catherine the Great of Russia (to 1796).


    1763. Peace of Paris; Canada ceded to Britain. British dominant in India.


    1764. Battle of Buxar.


    1769. Napoleon Bonaparte born.


    1774. Louis XVI began his reign. Suicide of Clive. The American revolutionary drama began.


    1775. Battle of Lexington.


    1776. Declaration of Independence by the United States of America.


    1778. J. J. Rousseau, the creator of modern democratic sentiment, died.


    1780. End of the reign of Maria-Theresa. The Emperor Joseph. (1765 to 1790) succeeded her in the hereditary Habsburg dominions.


    1783. Treaty of Peace between Britain and the new United States of America. Quaco set free in Massachusetts.


    1787. The Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia set, up the Federal Government of the United States. France discovered to be bankrupt. The Assembly of the Notables.


    1788. First Federal Congress of the United States at New York.


    1789. The French States-General assembled. Storming of the Bastille.


    1791. The Jacobin Revolution. Flight to Varennes.


    1792. France declared war on Austria. Prussia declared war on France. Battle of Valmy. France became a republic.


    1793. Louis XVI beheaded.


    1794. Execution of Robespierre and end of the Jacobin republic. Rule of the Convention.


    1795. The Directory. Bonaparte suppressed a revolt and went to Italy as commander-in-chief.


    1797. By the Peace of Campo Formio, Bonaparte destroyed the Republic of Venice.


    1798. Bonaparte went to Egypt. Battle of the Nile.


    1799. Bonaparte returned. He became First Consul with enormous powers.


    1800. Legislative union of Ireland and England enacted January 1st, 1801. Napoleon's campaign against Austria. Battles of Marengo (in Italy) and Hohenlinden (Moreau's victory).


    1801. Preliminaries of peace between France, England, and Austria signed.


    1803. Bonaparte occupied Switzerland, and so precipitated war.


    1804. Bonaparte became Emperor. Francis II took the title of Emperor of Austria in 1805, and in 1806 he dropped the title of Holy Roman Emperor. So the Holy Roman Empire came to an end.


    1805. Battle of Trafalgar. Battles of Ulm and Austerlitz.


    1806. Prussia overthrown at Jena.


    1807. Battles of Eylau and Friedland and Treaty of Tilsit.


    1808. Napoleon made his brother Joseph King of Spain.


    1810. Spanish America became republican.


    1811. Alexander withdrew from the Continental System.


    1812. Napoleon's retreat from Moscow.


    1814. Abdication of Napoleon. Louis XVIII.


    1815. The Waterloo campaign. The Treaty of Vienna.


    1819. The First Factory Act passed through the efforts of Robert Owen.


    1821. The Greek revolt.


    1824. Charles X of France.


    1825. Nicholas I of Russia. First railway, Stockton to Darlington.


    1827. Battle of Navarino.


    1829. Greece independent.


    1830. A year of disturbance. Louis Philippe ousted Charles X. Belgium broke away from Holland. Leopold of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha became king of this new country, Belgium. Russian Poland revolted ineffectually.


    1832. The First Reform Bill in Britain restored the democratic character of the British Parliament.


    1835. The word socialism first used.


    1837. Queen Victoria.


    1840. Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha.


    1848. Another year of disturbance. Republics in France and Rome. The Pan-slavic conference at Prague. All Germany united in a parliament at Frankfort. German unity destroyed by the King of Prussia.


    1851. The Great Exhibition Of London.


    1852. Napoleon III Emperor of the French.


    1854. Perry (second expedition) landed in Japan. Nicholas I occupied the Danubian provinces of Turkey.


    1854-56. Crimean War.


    1856. Alexander II of Russia.


    1857. The Indian Mutiny.


    1859. Robert Owen died.


    1859. Franco-Austrian war. Battles of Magenta and Solferino.


    1861. Victor Emmanuel First King of Italy. Abraham Lincoln became President, U.S.A. The American Civil War began.


    1863. British bombarded a Japanese town.


    1864. Maximilian became Emperor of Mexico.


    1865. Surrender of Appomattox Court House. Japan opened to the world.


    1866. Prussia and Italy attacked Austria (and the south German states in alliance with her). Battle of Sadowa.


    1867. The Emperor Maximilian shot.


    1870. Napoleon III declared war against Prussia.


    1871. Paris surrendered (January). The King of Prussia became William I, German Emperor. The Hohenzollern Peace of Frankfort.


    1875. The Bulgarian atrocities.


    1877. Russo-Turkish War. Treaty of San Stefano, Queen Victoria became Empress of India.


    1878. The Treaty of Berlin. The Armed Peace of forty-six years began in western Europe.


    1881. The Battle of Majuba Hill. The Transvaal free.


    1883. Britain occupied Egypt.


    1886. Gladstone's first Irish Home Rule Bill.


    1888. Frederick II (March), William II (June), German Emperors.


    1890. Bismarck dismissed. Heligoland ceded to Germany by Lord Salisbury.


    1894-5. Japanese war with China.


    1895. Unionist (Imperialist) government in Britain.


    1896. Battle of Adowa.


    1898. The Fashoda quarrel between France and Britain. Germany acquired Kiau-Chau.


    1899. The war in South Africa began (Boer war).


    1900. The Boxer risings in China. Siege of the Legations at Peking.


    1904. The British invaded Tibet.


    1904-5. Russo-Japanese war.


    1906. The Unionist (Imperialist) party in Great Britain defeated by the Liberals upon the question of tariffs.


    1907. The Confederation of South Africa established.


    1908. Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


    1909. M. Bleriot flew in an aeroplane from France to England.


    1911. Italy made war on Turkey and seized Tripoli.


    1912. China became a republic.


    1913. The Balkan league, made war on Turkey. Bloodshed at Londonderry in Ireland caused by "Unionist" gun running.


    1914. The Great War in Europe began (for which see special time chart, pp. 1052-53).


    1917. The two Russian revolutions. Establishment of the Bolshevik regime in Russia.


    1919-20. The Clemenceau Peace of Versailles.


    1920. First meeting of the League of Nations, from which Germany, Austria, Russia, and Turkey were excluded, and at which the United States was not represented.


And here our List of Events breaks off with a note of interrogation.




Fn-2.1 Here in this history of life we are doing our best to give only known and established facts in the broadest way, and to reduce to a minimum the speculative element that must necessarily enter into our account. The reader who is curious upon this question of lifes beginning will find a very good summary of current suggestions done by Professor L. L. Woodruff in President Lulls excellent compilation _The Evolution of the Earth_ (Yale University Press). Professor H. F. Osborns _Origin and Evolution of Life_ is also a very vigorous and suggestive book upon this subject, but it demands a fair knowledge of physics and chemistry. Two very stimulating essays for _the student_ are A. H. Churchs _Botanical Memoirs. No. 183,_ Ox. Univ. Press.


Fn-4.1 Phanerogams


Fn-4.2 Phanerogams


Fn-5.1 Dr. Marie Stopes, _Monograph on the Constitution of Coal._


Fn-6.1 They secrete a nutritive fluid on which the young feeds from glands scattered over the skin. But the glands are not gathered together into mammae with nipples for suckling. The stuff oozes out, the mother lies on her back, and the young browse upon her moist skin.


Fn-7.1 Some writers suppose that a Wood and Shell Age preceded the earliest Stone Age. South Sea Islanders, Negroes, and Bushmen still make. use of wood and the sharp-edged shells of land and water molluscs as implements.


Fn-8.1 Three phases of human history before the knowledge and use of metals are often distinguished. First there is the so-called Eolithic Age (dawn of stone implements), then the Palolitihic Age (old stone implements), and finally an age in which the implements are skillfully made and frequently well finished and polished

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