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Book online «The Underground Railroad by William Still (best fiction books of all time txt) 📖». Author William Still

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valign="top" colspan="1" rowspan="1">723-734. Davis, Clarissa, 60. Davis, Wm., 66. Dorsey, Maria, 79. Dutton, Marshall, 99. Dobson, Henrietta, 102. Dorsey, Luther, 139. Dotson, Isaac, 208. "David," 216. Dorsey, Geo., 219. Davis, Dan'l, alias David Smith, 223. Duncans, Benj., alias Geo. Scott, 223. Delaney, Jas. Henry, atias Stuart Stanley, 223. Dutton, Chas., alias Wm. Rohinson, 286. Derrickson, Peter, 309. Dunagan, Sarah A., 313. Davis, Isaac D., 313. Dorsey, Anna, 319. Dickinson, Benj., 325. Ducket, Benj., 382. Davis, Sam, 386. Davis, "Old Jane," 394. Dauphus, Etna Elizabeth, 440. Derrix, Townsend, 442. Diggs, Dave, 465. Dade, John, and Henry, 469. Davis, Enoch, 514. Dickson, Thos. Edward, 514. Douglass, Thos., 524. Dunmore, Henry, 526. Dungy, John Wm., 541. Douglass, Frederick, 597-598. Elliott, Thomas, 73. Epps, Mary, (alias Emma Brown,) 74. Ennells, Noah, 97. Emerson, Robt., 98. Eden, Bichard, 150. Ennis, Mary, alias Licia Hemmin, with two children, Lydia and Louisa Caroline, 207. Eglin, Harriet, 214. Eglin, Charlotte, 214. Edwards, David, 311. Ellis, Joe, 408. Ennis, Ephraim, 485. Edwards, Alfred, 511. Edwards, David, 526. Ennets, Stephen, and wife Maria, with three children, Harriet, Amanda and babe, 530. Forman, Isaac, 64. Ford, Sheridan, 67. Fletcher, Benj. R. 79. Foster, Emily, alias Ann Wood, 124. Frisley, Alfred Jas., 138. F., Capt and Mayor of Norfolk, 165. Freeman, Thos., 168. Foster, Jas., 168. Fleeing Girl of 15 years, in male attire, 177. Fisher, Robt., 206. Foreman, Ellen, alias Eliz. Young, 223. Freeland, Geo., 223. Foreman. Jas. H., 260. Frances, Eliz., alias Ellen Saunders, 275. Fowler, Arthur, alias Benj. Johnson, 305. Francis, Lewis, alias Lewis Johnson, 334. Fall, Sam'l, 334. Fisher, Jonathan, 338. Freeman, Wm. Thos., alias Ezekiel Chambers, 339. Fidget, Isaac, 339. Fugitive Slave Bill of 1850, 343. Farmer, Wm. 374. Fineer, Abe, 386. Fuller, Cornelius, and wife Harriet, 500. Foster, Turner, 506. Field, Henry, 509. Foreman, Isaac, 559. Furness, Wm. H., D.D., 659-665. Gilliam, Wm. H., 54. Garrett, Thomas, 74. Griffin, Wm., 97. Grigby, Barnaby, alias John Boyer*, 124. Grant, Joseph, 132. Goulden, Alfred, 135. Galloway, Abram, 150. Gardner, Nathaniel, 168. Gault, Phillis, 168. "Green," 208. Garrett, Lucy, alias Julia Wood, 223. Gilbert, Chas., 235. Green, Sam'l, alias Wesley Kennard, 246. Green, Richard, 259. Green, Geo., 259. Green, Lear, 281. Govan, Wm., 288. Gibson, John Wesley, 301. Giles, Lewis, 308. Good, Beverly, 311. Griffin, Jas., alias Thos. Brown, 314. Green, Dan'l, alias Geo. Taylor, 319. Graves, Caroline, 334. Graham, Geo., and wife Jane, 337. Gooseberry, Thos. Jervis, 339. Gibson, Adam, 343. Gorsuch, Edward, 350. Gorham, Henry, 379. Green, Zebulon, 383. Graham, Montgomery, 399. Green, Christopher, and wife Ann Maria, and son Nathan, 409. Grimes, Harry, 422. Grantham, Nancy, 459. Gardner, Priscilla, 472. Gross, Sam, 474. Gross, Peter, 474. Gray, John Boize, 481. Gassway, Caroline, 491. Gross, Albert, 603. Grinage*, John, 503. Gross, Chas. Henry, 504. Graff, Evan, 519. Goines, Luke, 520. Gray, Henry, 559. Gray, Mary, 559. Goodwin, Abigail, 617-622. Garrett, Thos., 623-642. Gibbons, Dan'l, 642-648. Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, 665-680. Harris, Wesley, alias Robert Jackson, 48. Hall, Romulus, 51. Harris, Abram, 51. Hughes, Daniel, 73. Hill, Jos., and wife Alice, and son Henry, 99. "Hannah," 104. Hitchens, C., 105. Hubert, Alfred, 105. Henry, Thos., 108. Hollis, Henry Chas., 139. Hilton, Elijah, 161. Hogg, Wm., alias, John Smith, 164. Haines, Francis, 168. Hill, John Henry, 189. Hill, Hezekiah, 200.
Hill, Jas., 202. Harris, Nathan, 206. Haley, Harriet, alias Ann Richardson, 223. Handy, Jas. Edward, alias Dennis Cannon, 223. Hall, John, alias John Simpson, 223. Hall, John, 250. Harris, Joseph, 260. Hodges, Henry, 260. Handy, Joshua, alias Hamilton Hamby, 286. Hudson, Ephraim, alias John Spry, 286. Hilliard, Frances, 287. Harding, Louisa, alias Rebecca Hall, 287. Houston, Maria Jane, 287. Hoopes, Miles, 288. Hinson, Jas., alias David Caldwell, 288. Hill, Simon, 288. Holladay, Chas., 288. Howard, Henry, 305. Hacket, Lloyd, alias Perry Watkins, 310. Hall, Jos., Jr., 313. Heines, Peter, 316.
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