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valign="top" colspan="1" rowspan="1">Sheldon, James, 414. Stewart, Harriet, and daughter Mary Eliza, 418. Scott, Jim, 431. Scott, Sam, 431. Scott, Bill, 431. Smith, John, 439. Smith, Julius, 454. Smith, Mary, 454. Smith, James, 454. Smith, Henry Edward, 454. Skinner, Thos. Edward, 455. Shaw, Elijah, 458. Smith, Sam, 474. Shaw, Nace, 480. Smith, Dan'l McNorton, 480. Smith, Sam'l, 499. Smallwood, Henry, 504. Smith, John Wesley, 508. Stewart, Susan, 508. Smith, Josephine, 508. Smith, John, 516. Smallwood, John, 516. Smith, Stafford, 520. Stanton, Phillip, 524. Snively, David, 526. Sipple, Thos., 528. Sipple, Mary Ann, 528. Seymour, Wm., 559. Saunders, Sarah, 559. Scott, Winfield, and three children, 559. Shipley, Thos., 698-710. Thompson, John, 105-106. Turner, Jackson, 117. Turner, Isaac, 117. Turner, Edmondson, 117. Taylor, Wm. N., 134. Taylor, Stephen, 139. Trusty, Henry Perry, 143. Thompson, Chas., 146. Tatum, Allen, 168. Tonnel, Rosanna, alias Maria Hyde, 207. Tubman, Harriet, 247. The Protection of Slave Property in Va., 277. Tubman, Harriet, ("Moses") 296. Thompson, Charles, 316. Thompson, Charity, 316. Taylor, Owen, 320. Taylor, Otho. 320. Taylor, Mary Ann, 320. Taylor, Benj., 320. Taylor, Edward, with a brother and his wife and two children, 320. Taylor, Caroline, 325. Taylor, Nancy, 325. Taylor, Mary, 325. Tubman, Harriet, 383. Thompson, Wm. Henry, 386. Todd, Israel, 392. Tilison, Abram, 410. Triplet, Wm., 410. Turner, Samuel, 429. Thornton, Lawrence, 430. Thompson, Jas. Henry, 439. Taylor, Roberta, 450. Thompson, Robert, 451. Thornton, Alfred S., 452. Taylor, Jacob, 455. Tucker, Henry, 462. Taylor, Benj., 478. Taylor, James, 503. Townsend, Henry, 516. Tudle, Henry and wife, 525. Thomas, Miss Mary B. 583. Thomas, Joseph, 509. Tubman, Harriet, 530. Taylor, Harriet, 559. Tappan, Lewis, 680-688. Upsher, Geo., 422. Viney, Joseph and family, 101. Vaughn, Michael, 168. White, Mrs. L.E., 56. Wilson, Hiram, (Ag't U.G.R.R.,) 80. Williamson, Passmore, 87. "William," 104. Whitney, Israel, 105. Williams, Samuel, alias John Williams, 123. Wanzer, Frank, alias Robt. Scott, 124. Waters, Jacob, 135. Williams, Ed., alias Henry Johnson, 136. Washington, Wm. Henry, 138. Washington, Geo., 143. White, Emanuel T., 154. Woolfley, Levina, 164. Wilson, Willis, 168. Wilson, Ned, 168. Wilson, Sarah C., 168. Weems, Maria, alias Joe Wright, 185. Weems, Arrow, (letter,) 187. Waples, Hansel, 207. White, Wm. B., 211. Wiggins, Dan'l, 223. Wines, Moses, 223. Wooden, Wm., alias Wm. Nelson, 223. White, Miles, 223. Weaver, Mary, (Irish Girl's Devotion to Freedom,) 251. Washington, Henry, alias Anthony Hardy, 259. Whiting, Ralph, 260. Williams, Isaac, 284. Williams, Geo., 288. Walker, Geo., alias Austin Valentine, 311. Washington, Henry, 334. Washington, Eliza, 334. Wilson, Wm., 379. Watson, Jas. Henry, 383. Williams, Wm., and his wife, 383. Winston, Jos., 389. Wright, John, and wife Eliz. Ann, 397. Wood, John, 401. Wright, Leeds, 410. Wise, Harry, 411. Wooders, Abram, 412. Williams, Elizabeth, 429. Wells, Jack, 431. Washington. Geo. Nelson, 440. Williamson, Wm., 441. Wilkinson, Horatio, 445. Wood, Mose, 465. Weems, John, 471. Williams, Hansom, 480. White, Isaac, 481. Williams, Richard, 491. Wheeler, Henry, 491. Wood, Edward, 500. Wilkins, Jas. Andy, and wife Lucinda, and son Chas., 504. Wilson, Lewis, 511. Waters, John, 511. Williams, Wesley, 516. White, Geo., 526. White, Albert, 526. White, Tucker, 555. Williams, Henry, 559. Williams, Euphemia, 566. Wright, Wm., 691-695. Whipper, Wm., 735-740. Young, Murray, 473. Yonng, Gusta, 480. Young, Anna Elizabeth, (with babe in arms,) 507.

       *       *       *       *       *

At the closing meeting of the PENNSYLVANIA ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, held in Philadelphia, May 5, 1870, the following was unanimously passed:

Whereas, The position of WILLIAM STILL in the Vigilance Committee connected with the "UNDERGROUND RAILROAD," as its Corresponding Secretary, and Chairman of its Active Sub-Committee, gave him peculiar facilities for collecting interesting facts pertaining to this branch of the anti-slavery service; therefore,

Resolved, That the PENNSYLVANIA ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY requests him to compile and publish his personal reminiscences and experiences relating to the "UNDERGROUND RAILROAD."

       *       *       *       *       *

HON. JOHN W. FORNEY, in a letter to the Washington Sunday Chronicle, said:

"Slavery and its mysterious inner life has never yet been described. When it is, Reality will surpass Fiction. Uncle Tom's Cabin will be rebuilt and newly garnitured. A book, detailing the operations of the 'UNDERGROUND RAILROAD,' is soon to be published in Philadelphia, by WM. STILL, Esq., an intelligent colored gentleman, which, composed entirely of facts, will supply material for indefinite dramas and romances. It will disclose a record of unparalleled courage and suffering for the right."  *  *  *  *  *

And again, in a letter to the same paper, Mr. Forney says:

  *  *  *  *  "A coincidence even more romantic is soon to be revealed in the pages of the remarkable book of Wm. Still, of Philadelphia, entitled 'THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD,' referred to in my last. Mr. Still kept a careful memorandum of the sufferings and trials of his race during the existence

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