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live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)

"The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany" (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934).

Look at all the above comments by Jews towards Germany and her people. This was all said before anything bad had ever happened to the Jews in Germany. So the question is why did the Jewish Zionists hate Germany so much. It is simple as mentioned earlier Hitler and Germany removed the Jews influence from every area of German life. They were removed from trade, banking, stock market, media, trade unions, courts etc. The Jews then came up with the lie that Hitler wanted a blond Aryan race only, he didn’t he just wanted it free from Jewish influence which is what Russia did after 1881 but the Jews got revenge on the Czar and the Russian people with the Jewish led Bolshevik revolution as we seen earlier. The Jews biggest loss in Germany was in banking as we will soon discover.

This act of treachery leads to widespread dislike of Jews in Germany and foments tension between Jews and German Gentiles.

For this act, for this declaration of war by the Jewish Zionists on Germany and for the Jews’ well-known support for Communism and substantial involvement in the bloody Bolshevik Revolution, the Nazis declare Jews “enemies of the state” eventually interning them in concentration camps and labour camps during the Second World War.

Almost the same thing happened to Japanese-Americans in America after Pearl Harbour. Although, unlike the Jews, Japanese people never waged an economic war on America, they were interned in American concentration camps simply for their ethnicity. About 100,000 Japanese were interred by America. It is ok for America to do that but not Germany.

What does not get publicised much is that America also interred about 10,000 German Americans into various concentration camps around America between 1941 and 1948. These Germans were just normal workers who had been born in the USA. It is ok for America to do it but Germany doing it to the Jews was just too much to take and we have been pounded with it ever since in books, movies, documentaries etc.

Look at the Jews who influenced the American president to destroy Germany. Ben Cohen, Jewish, was a member of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Brain Trust. James Warburg, the Jewish financial adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt, was a son of Paul Warburg, the "father" of the Federal Reserve System. Herbert Feis was the Jewish Economic Advisor for International Affairs to the U.S. Department of State in the Roosevelt administration, while Bernard Baruch was the president's Jewish Economic Adviser under F.D.R., and Henry Morgenthau, Jr., another Jew, was the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury during the Roosevelt administration, as was his protégé in the U.S. Treasury Department, Harry Dexter White, the son of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants.

In fact Jew Henry Morgenthau came up with a plan to destroy Germany and it was called ‘The Morgenthau Plan’. The plan called for Germany to be partitioned into small independent states, with part of Germany to go to Russia and parts to other countries, including Poland.

Other groups of Jews wanted to exterminate the Germans by starvation. A notorious advocate of the method was Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury in the Roosevelt Administration. The following quotation is from the memoirs of Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State in the same administration.

“Morgenthau’s plan, I added, would wipe out everything in Germany except land, and the Germans would have to live on the land. This meant that only 60% of the German population could support themselves on the German land, and the other 40% would die.”

U.S. Senator William Langer of North Dakota said of the Morgenthau plan, and his remarks are entered in the Congressional Record, April 18, 1946: “Mr. Morgenthau now stands convicted before the conscience of the world as an instigator of systematic annihilation of the German speaking people. The record further proves beyond any question of doubt, that these fanatical and reactionary high priests of hate and vengeance will never be able to defend their conspiracy before the bar of human reason and human decency.”

When the Stalin and the Soviet regime were almost defeated he could count on the communist Roosevelt to help him. The Communist Jews controlled Roosevelt and what they did not want was for Hitler to crush Communism in its tracks in Russia. The American President through the Lend & Lease act provided the Soviets in WW2 with the following:

21,795 planes

12,056 tanks

460,873 vehicles

8,000 antiaircraft guns

5,000 antitank guns

132,000 machine-guns

472 million artillery shells

29 tankers

433 combat ships and gunboats

4,478,000 tons of food supplies

Britain supplied the Soviets with 5,800 planes, 4,292 tanks, and 12 minesweepers. Canada supplied 1,188 tanks and 842 armoured cars.

This help from America was no surprise because 8 of FDR’s closest advisors were the communist Jews Bernard Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Harry Hopkins, Harry Dexter, Henry Morgenthau, Samuel Untermeyer and Rabbi Stephen Wise as well as many more and these all had hate and hostility towards Germany. I will state again that it was the Jewish Zionist bankers who wanted to wipe Germany of the map. Without this assistance from America the Soviets would have been defeated and communism would have been eradicated. They would have been no Cold War and no communist takeover of Eastern Europe. Ten years later America and Britain would be fighting a Cold War against the Soviet Union and they will try to get West Germany onto their side.

At this time America and Germany were not at war with each other. Hitler had never made any threat towards America. Helping the Soviets like this was like a declaration of war against Germany.

Germanys new Financial System

When Hitler came to power Germany was bankrupt and massively in debt. But as stated earlier the unemployment went from 6 million when Hitler came to power to 300,000 two years later and this was not from armament spending as we in the western world have been led to believe.

“Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full employment public
works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas
colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began.” (Henry C.K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times (May 24, 2005).

The German Labour Front was created and Dr. Robert Ley was put in charge. Wages, working conditions and work contracts were all regulated and members of the Labour front grew to 20 million. Ley used the money confiscated from the trade unions to fund the ‘Strength through Joy’ program. This program provided two cruise liners which would take hundreds of thousands of German’s on cruises to such places as Spain and the Norwegian fjords. The Strength through Joy Program also subsidized the development of an affordable car, the Volkswagen Beetle. This mass production of the Beetle was built on the same procedures that Henry Ford used. In fact Henry Ford was an admirer of Hitler. 360,000 German people bought one of these cars in advance of its production. This was all done to bring middle-class leisure activities available to the masses.

Construction of the first segment of the Autobahn was carried out in 1929 between Cologne and Bonn before Hitler came to power. But it was Hitler who carried out the implementation of the Autobahn road system from 1933 onwards and by 1941 3600km had been constructed. This had created jobs for over 200,000 people. When Hitler took power unemployment was at 6 million and by 1936 it was down to about 350,000. This reduction in unemployment was not achieved by building up Hitler’s armed forces as most people have been led to believe. It was achieved through building works such as the railroads, Autobahns, car production and lowering the workforce wages so that businesses could hire them again as the wages had been hiked up by the trade unionists which caused the unemployment in the first place.

Hitler brought laws to Germany which were for the betterment of the German people or you could say ‘a government by the people for the people’.

Housing for the German people received top priority in the Third Reich. During 1933-1937 more than 1,458,179 new houses were built to the highest standards of the time. Each house could not be over two stories high and had to have a small garden for growing flowers or vegetables, as Hitler did not want people to lose contact with the land. The building of apartments was discouraged. Rental payments on housing were not allowed to exceed 1/8 of an average worker's income. Today a 1/3 of a person’s wage is expended on their rent.

Interest-free loans of up to 1’000 RM (Reichmark) were paid to newly married couples for the purchase of household goods. The loan was repayable at 1% per month, but for each child born, 25% of the loan was cancelled. Thus if a family had four children, the loan would have been considered paid in full. The same principle was applied in respect of home loans, which were issued for a period of ten years at a low rate of interest. The birth of each child also resulted in the cancellation of 25% of the loan up to the fourth child when the loan was cancelled. These interest free loans could also be offered by the western governments of today but they are not because they are under the control of the Rothschild Jewish bankers, the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the IMF etc.

German farmers also benefited. Between 1933 and 1936 more than 91,000 farmsteads were built in Germany. In 1935 the Farm Inheritance Law was introduced. It ensured that all farms bigger than 15 acres could only be transferred by family inheritance.

All trade unions were united into one organization called Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front). Workers' rights were protected by a Tribunal of Social Honour, which laid down conditions of employment. These regulations were superior to any comparable legislation in the world at that time -- and even to this day. As a result of the harmonious relationship between employer and employee, strike action vanished. The taxation of workers, particularly those with families, was sharply reduced.

The Organization Mutter and Kind (Mother and Child) provided for the welfare, health, safety and financial support of expectant mothers and mothers with children. Their needs were provided for at over 30,000 local centers, kindergartens, and nurseries. Kindergeld (child money) was paid to mothers of insufficient means.

Holiday camps were provided at subsidized rates, while sea trips on large cruise ships to foreign destinations were made possible through the Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy) program. These voyages were restricted to workers earning more than RM300 a month, with those earning RM200 or less receiving preference. The British Government would not allow these ships to dock in England for fear that their downtrodden workers would learn the truth about working conditions in Germany.

Most Christian denominations were tolerated in Hitler's Germany, and the two main churches, the Evangelical Lutheran and the Roman Catholic were subsidized by the state. On September 10, 1933 Hitler concluded a concordat with the Vatican.

Since churches concentrated on spiritual matters, rather than worldly affairs, worshippers returned in increasing numbers to their church. During the Third Reich 640 new churches were built. It was not uncommon for a pastor or priest to conclude his service with the words "Gott segne den Fuhrer" (God bless the Leader).

The protection of animal rights was a major concern of the National Socialists, who passed a law to that effect, namely the Reichstierschutzgesetz (Reich Animal Protection Law). The Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (Reich Law for the Protection of Nature) was promulgated on June 26, 1935. It was one of the most advanced laws of its time and included the Dauerwald (long-term) concept which is still used today for the restoration of forests.

Hermann Goring has stated:

“An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself…. I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia”.

Regarding crime, one of the first acts Hitler undertook was to disarm the police and remove their rubber truncheons. He did this so that the people would feel less threatened and be more sympathetic to the role

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