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of the police. At the same time the laws regarding the private ownership of weapons were relaxed. Criminality soon dropped to very low levels, while drug offenses were unknown.

By giving social misfits and criminals jobs, Adolph Hitler was able to reduce the crime rate in Germany. In his 1976 book The Twelve-Year Reich, author R. Grunberger stated that there were significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement and petty larceny during the Hitler years.

Many foreigners were impressed by the improved outlook and health of Germans, including Sir Arnold Wilson, a British M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler came to power.

“Infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that in Great Britain,” wrote Wilson. Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth. Even the poorest persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them.”

I don’t think these are the policies of a madmen intent on world domination, do you?

Winston Churchill, who would later become Hitler’s enemy when German
economic power began to again challenge that of Great Britain, had this to say in 1935 — (before he became the spokesperson for the Jewish Focus group):
“In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he [Hitler] has succeeded in restoring
Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War
 the vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished
 whatever else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.”

“One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country
were defeated I should hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.” — Winston Churchill, 1935.

Look at the above words by Churchill towards Hitler, were did it all go wrong. It all changed when Churchill was personally financed by a Jewish Focus group who paid him huge sums of money. This Focus group was led by Jewish industrialist Sir Bernard Waley Cohen. For his payments he had to do everything he could to wage war against Germany and this would include advising Poland not to agree any concessions with Hitler with regards to Danzig or the Polish Corridor.

David Lloyd George (Prime Minister of Great Britain 1916-22) had this to say on visiting Hitler and Germany in 1936.

“Whatever one may think of Hitler’s methods - and they are certainly not those of a parliamentary country, there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvellous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook. One man has accomplished this miracle. He is a born leader of men. A magnetic and dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, as resolute will and a dauntless heart. I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men”.

Far from being the ruthless and cruel dictatorship that we have also been falsely led to believe, the political system of the National Socialists could best be described as “government of the people, by the people and for the people” (the very thing that America allegedly stands for, but does not) with a leader at the helm who represented the German people’s interests and their welfare, and who could not be bought and paid for, and did NOT represent “globalist” interests.

Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped the bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!

In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:

“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers”.

Such history of money does not appear in public or school textbooks today.

In 1938, American Jew Bernard Baruch said, “We are going to lick that fellow Hitler. He isn’t going to get away with it”.

Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, as quoted in: Sidney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War. “Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance (Jewish Bankers) its opportunity to profit.”

In the book entitled ‘The New Babylon, Those Who Reign Supreme by Michael Collins Piper’ he states

“Adolf Hitler himself was, in fact, the first major figure of modern times targeted for destruction precisely because of the policies that he sought to institute economic and social policies that were designed to diminish the role of international Jewish finance in controlling and directing the course of Germany’s—and Europe’s—future”, “The reason Hitler was targeted for destruction was that Hitler was asserting German national sovereignty in the face of the Jewish plutocracy and what is referred to today as the New World Order”.

President Harry Truman on July 21, 1947 said “The Jews have no sense of proportion, nor do they have any judgment on world affairs. The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as [postwar] displaced Persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power—physical, financial or political—neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog”.

Even the Chinese know this. The book Currency Wars, written by Song Hongbing, claims that behind world-changing events like the battle of Waterloo, WW2, President Kennedy's assassination, and the deep recession in Asia during the 1990s stood an intricate conspiracy aimed at increasing Jews' wealth and influence. In fact he claims that almost every defining historical moment has been instigated by Jewish bankers, and mainly the Rothschild family, which Song says dominates the global banking system, including the US Federal Reserve System.

Below is a another piece written by John Kaminski (johnkaminski.org) who is an American writer, author and it clearly sustains the notion that the Rothschild and Jewish bankers will destroy any country that tries to run its own central bank and resists the Jewish control of their finances.

“The reason that you can't see what is going on in the world is because of the brainwashing of Jewish media, which are owned by the masterminds committing the crimes who have brazenly and cleverly inverted good with bad, and liberty with tyranny. And the ignorant public nods approvingly, like bobblehead dolls unable to perceive that this deception makes a few people rich and a lot of people dead. When you analyze the pattern of wars during the past two millennia, the modus operandi becomes clear: countries with their own national bank, working for the benefit of their own citizens, are swallowed up, bludgeoned into submission by the international financial behemoth that sinks its fangs into healthy nations that are suddenly declared evil by those with the power to poison millions of minds with a single surprising and false bulletin. Think Iraqi weapons of mass destruction or Germans gassing 6 million Jews, two deliberate lies that sealed the fate of millions of innocent people. This is the political pattern ascendant in the world today, as it has been dominant for at least the past 400 years, or since the Jews wormed their way back into Britain using their trademark techniques of bribery, blackmail and murder. When you realize that the serial obliterations of Libya, Syria, and Iraq — and earlier, that of Germany, Japan and Italy in World War II — were all because these countries had their own honest banking systems, and refused to be swallowed up by the criminal Rothschild central bank scam which robs countries of their hard earned money — you will begin to understand how you have been swindled throughout your lifetime by lying newspapers and fatheaded commentators in the pay of the criminal bankers themselves who have convinced you that you have been experiencing freedom when in reality you are locked in the prison of usury and giving away more than half the earnings of your labor to goons who create money out of nothing and then steal even more from everybody on the planet. Stephen Goodson's A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (2014) is a clear exposition of how Jewish bankers have swallowed up the world with their diabolical lending scheme. When you realize the evil and destructive nature of this scam that has fooled absolutely everyone, you will realize that the United States of America is not only on the wrong side of history, but principally responsible for the destruction of the human race. You will realize that all the wars America has fought have served to impose tyranny on luckless countries where freedom had previously existed, especially in Russia and in Germany. And all that disingenuous rhetoric about democracy and liberty has merely facilitated a tidal wave of lies engulfing everyone in the suffocating debt prison of fractional reserve lending. This becomes obvious when you realize that all the wars of both today and yesterday, for as far back as you care to calculate, have always been engineered by the most powerful central bank in the world against countries attempting to avoid its malignant control. Jews have always targeted all countries without a central bank for robbery and destruction, just as they are doing at this very moment”, - John Kaminski, American writer and journalist - johnkaminski.org

Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped the Jewish bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!

“What causes hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled with debt (owed to private banking cartels) the result is disaster. On the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need for income taxes. Naturally this terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else”, - Henry Makov PhD, Author - https://www.henrymakow.com

“Hitler took over the privilege of manufacturing money, and not only physical moneys, but also financial ones. He took over the machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the people. Can you possibly imagine what would have come if this had infected a number of other states?” - From the 1938 interrogation of C. G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolshevism and a Trotsky intimate. Rakovsky was tried in show trials in the USSR under Stalin.

“Hitler was now his own banker, but having departed from the fold of international swindlers and usurers he would, like NapolĂ©on Bonaparte, who in 1800 had established the Banque de France as a state bank, suffer the same fate; an unnecessary war followed by the ruination of his people and country. It was this event which triggered World War II – the realization by the Rothschild’s that universal replication of Germany’s usury-free state banking system would permanently destroy their evil financial empire. In order to provide the Poles with a free hand, which would enable them to antagonize and provoke the Germans, a deceitful and worthless offer to guarantee Poland’s sovereignty was given by Great Britain on 31 March 1939” – From Stephen Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

In reality Hitler had created the greatest economic recovery in history were people went from starvation, unemployment and committing suicide to one of optimism, pride, employment, owning cars and going on vacation’s on cruise ships. If you stand this economic achievement against Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s, who took charge of America in 1933 and 5 years later the unemployment rate in America was 18% then Hitler would win by a country mile. But then again Hitler was not constrained by a Jewish banking dynasty that ran the country as America was. See what happens when a country frees themselves of the Rothschild Illuminati banking control. Look at the difference between Germany (free from Jewish Banking control) in 1935 and America (in a Great Depression and under Jewish banking control). That’s why the Illuminati Zionists had

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