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Germany exercised extraordinary caution not to provide the United States with justification under international law to declare war against Germany. That situation presented President Roosevelt with a problem. President Roosevelt decided if it were impossible for him to get into the war in Europe through the front door that he would railroad the United States into the war in Europe through the back door. Through the back door meant through Japan. President Roosevelt finally did railroad the United States into the war in Europe through the back door, through Japan”, - Benjamin Freedman, 1961.

If the so-called “western democracies” had really cared about peace and democracy, they would have supported Hitler and his entirely legitimate efforts to return economically ruined Danzig to Germany peacefully. Reunion with Germany was what Danzig also wanted. Except for an access highway to Danzig, no loss of any Polish territory was necessary.

Poland fired the first shots of World War 2, although propaganda by the mainstream media will say otherwise. Let’s take a closer look at the facts then. On August 28, 1939 German officials at the Head Customs-House at Gleiwitz stated that they were fired upon by Polish soldiers and they retreated when German soldiers showed up. The Polish soldiers repeated this attack on the next day the 29th. The Polish soldiers also attacked the German town of Beuthen. On August 31st the Polish soldiers then fired upon the German radio Station at Gleiwitz and took over it. The Poles then broadcast a message with a call for Poles to attack Germans. Germans soldiers quickly arrive and retake the radio station killing one of the Polish soldiers. In the official German documents about the border raids, there are mentioned fully 44 acts of Polish aggression over the six days and nights before the German invasion.

Adolf Hitler made a speech on September 1st 1939 did not mention, except indirectly, this so-important Gliewitz “false flag” that was supposedly ordered by him to justify his invasion order, but instead spoke at length about the ongoing provocations over the past four months by the Poles. He pointed out that since 1919-1920, 100,000 ethnic Germans who were Polish citizens had been forced to flee their homes in Poland. That is what false flag events are for, you play up to them and use them to justify something such as war but Hitler did not even mention Gleiwitz.

A quote from Polish leader Marshal Rydz-Smigly in the English Daily Mail August 6th 1939 “Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it, even if she wants to”

Poland refused to negotiate with Hitler over the Polish Corridor and Britain and France made sure they didn’t. There is no doubt that Poles mistreated the German minorities with atrocities such as the one at Bromberg and Poles instigated many violent incidents along the border with Germany. Hitler was left with no choice but to invade Poland on September 1, 1939.

On September the 3rd Neville Chamberlain announces that Britain has declared war on Germany. But why? Germany has not threatened Britain, has not declared war against Britain and Britain lacked the military strength to even attack Germany. France also declares war against Germany. I think it is plain to see who is starting the war here as Germany did not declare war on either Britain or France. The Soviets invaded East Poland on September 17th but Britain and France did not declare war with Russia.

Hitler quote from September 19th 1939

“I have neither toward England nor France any war claims, nor has the German nation since I assumed power. I tried gradually to establish confidence between Germany and especially its former war enemies”. You know of my offers to England. I had only in mind the great goal of attaining the sincere friendship of the British people. Since this now has been repulsed, and since England today thinks it must wage war against Germany”

Hitler Quote October 6th 1939

“Has Germany made any demands of England which might threaten the British Empire or endanger its existence? On the contrary, Germany has made no such demands on either France or England”.

“The Fuehrer would have obtained a peaceful solution of the German-Polish problem, had not Britain made unscrupulous use of Poland as a pawn in her schemes for war and by her criminal policy plunged Europe into war. This truth, historically established for all time, is further borne out by the fact that Britain replied to the final and generous peace offer made once again by the Fuehrer in his speech in the Reichstag on 6 October by an arrogant and insulting challenge to Germany”. Von Ribbentrop, Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs. Berlin, 3 December 1939.

From October 1939 until April 1940 it was known as the Phony war were no major skirmishes took place except in the Atlantic. If Hitler wanted to conquer all of Europe then why didn’t he make any other moves for these 7 months? It was simply because as far as Hitler was concerned he had accomplished what he set out to do and that was re-claim German territory stolen from it after World War 1.

But Britain and France would not let this peace last much longer.

"This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany." - Winston Churchill (Autumn 1939 broadcast).

"The war wasn't only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to." - Winston Churchill to Truman (USA March 1946).

Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Britain during the years immediately preceding WW2 was the father of the famous American Kennedy dynasty. James Forrestal the first US Secretary of Defence (1947-1949) quotes him as saying "Chamberlain (the British Prime Minister) stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war". (The Forrestal Diaries ed. Millis, Cassell 1952 p129).

From October 1939 until April 1940 it was known as the Phony war were no major skirmishes took place except in the Atlantic. But Britain or I should say warmonger Churchill wasted no time in trying to attack Germany. On September 3rd the RAF bombed German warships in the Helgoland Bigh which is near the Elbe River. Britain and France then set up a blockade so that no ships could enter or leave Germany which was similar to the starvation blockade that Britain placed around Germany in WW1. Clearly Britain wanted this war with Germany, it fired the first shots and setup a naval blockade to try and starve Germany. Germany had to try and fight back with its U-Boats.

Hitler did not want to take over the world. This idea is British and Jewish propaganda. Churchill and Roosevelt wanted war, and they forced it on Germany. Hitler did all he could to be friendly with Britain and France.

Winston Churchill wrote to Josef Stalin on January 24, 1944, to tell him that Britain was going to continue the fight to the complete destruction of Germany no matter what.

Churchill's letter read, in part:

“We never thought of peace, not even in that year when we were completely isolated and could have made peace without serious detriment to the British Empire, and extensively at your cost. Why should we think of it now when victory approaches for the three of us”?

Strangely enough, contrary to the mythology created by the media who had an opposing agenda, Hitler had no plans or desire for a larger war of conquest. Professor AJP Taylor showed this in his book The Origins of the Second World War, to the disappointment of the professional western political establishment. Taylor says, "The state of German armament in 1939 gives the decisive proof that Hitler was not contemplating general war, and probably not intending war at all and even in 1939 the German army was not equipped for a prolonged war; and in 1940 the German land forces were inferior to the French in everything except leadership".

Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Hitler wanted peace with Britain, as the German generals admitted (Basil Liddell Hart, The Other Side of the Hill 1948, Pan Books 1983) with regard to the so-called Halt Order at Dunkirk, where Hitler had the opportunity to capture the entire British Army, but chose not to.

After the war in Poland Hitler made a peace offer to Britain and France but this was rejected because they wanted war. There is no speech on record were Winston Churchill offers peace with Germany and in none of his speeches does he even mention the possibility of peace. All Churchill speeches are aimed at starting or continuing the war with Germany. In fact you could say Churchill was the main reason that World War 2 started and continued.

Hitler quotes from a speech given in the Reichstag September 17th

“Continuation of the present state of affairs in the West is unthinkable. Each day will soon demand increasing sacrifices. Mr Churchill and his companions may interpret these opinions of mine as weakness or cowardice if they like. I need not occupy myself with what they think; I make these statements simply because it goes without saying that I wish to spare my own people this suffering. May those peoples and their leaders who are of the same mind now make their reply and let those who consider war to be the better solution reject my outstretched hand. As Fuehrer of the German people and Chancellor of the Reich, I can thank God at this moment that he has so wonderfully blessed us in our hard struggle for what is our right, and beg Him that we and all other nations may find the right way, so that not only the German people but all Europe may once more be granted the blessing of peace”.

A quote from Warmonger Winston Churchill

“You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest”

“Adolf Hitler came to us with an offer so generous that you can only scratch your head now and ask, Well, what went wrong? I've seen it in the German, the Swedish, the Swiss and the American archives; but there are only vague traces of it in the British archives, because it has all been blanketed out. The peace offer was this: Hitler declared that he was prepared to pull his armies out of France, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Poland and Czechoslovakia -- out of all these territories except of course for the regions which had been German before and which he had fought the war over. Now that he had the territories like Alsace and Lorraine back, he was not going to let them go. Hitler told us, through emissaries. In Sweden, he informed Victor Mallet, the British ambassador; Hitler sent a lawyer called Ludwig Weissauer to him in August 1940. Every attempt that the Germans made to bring the details of their historic Peace Offer to the attention of the British people was killed by Winston Churchill, because, of course, he had only just come to power himself, on May 10, 1940: he could not afford to have peace now. If peace broke out in June or July 1940, he, Winston Churchill, would be finished. So he decided to fight on. He made those magnificent speeches in the House, and he had them broadcast by the BBC.” David Irving WW2 Historian.

It now becomes clear that Churchill wanted war and Hitler did not. But the Jewish media have distorted the truth and made people believe that Hitler wanted world domination, but the facts say otherwise.

However Stalin did want to conquer Europe and he invaded Finland in November 1939. Even though Stalin had a 1932 non-aggression pact with Finland. He thought it would be over in a few weeks but the Finnish army but up a heroic fight and it was not until 4 months later that Russia subdued them at a cost of the lives of about 1 million Soviet soldier’s. Stalin would also invade Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. The Soviet NKVD communists then went on to murder thousands of people from these countries and send many more thousands to the Soviet Gulag’s. In the summer of 1941 89,000 Finns were sent to the Russian Gulags and it is estimated that 90% of people sent to the Gulags die there.

If Britain and France declared war against Germany for trying to re-claim its territory in Poland then why didn’t they declare war against the Soviets when they invaded Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?

Britain and France had been steadily increasing their armed forces from the moment they declared war on Germany in 1939. Through the early months of 1940 Britain had been sending large numbers of soldiers to France. By May 1940 Britain had over 300,000 soldiers in France and 25,000 vehicles. The French army consisted of up to 1,000,000 men. This combined army had

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