the death came back from the dead by dino girl, rocks (popular novels TXT) ๐

Book online ยซthe death came back from the dead by dino girl, rocks (popular novels TXT) ๐ยป. Author dino girl, rocks
one day the people in a mansion didant know that it was hontid then thay rilasd that something
strang was going on
''mum what was that sound''
said the littal girl
a deep voies said
''ha ha ha im comeing to get you in 10 9 8''
''that is it oh no mum help help''
''whats the matter darling''
''i heard a voies in the basmant''
''oh dont worry something folan''
chapter 2-the death has disdroid the erthbut she was wrong the death was under the basmant but the death left a dark black trail ackros
the basmant flor.
''muuuummmyyyy mmmuummyyy''
in a terafaing voies well i can explan like this da da da .
the mum was dead becos the DETH .
''mumY mumy plese im scerd plese lisan''
''oh dont worry im the deth haha i oh no argh aaaaa dont do that''
''do what''
said the littal girl
''plese plese im begin you plese ill do something horrabal''
''dont othor wizs ill''
said the littal girl
''othor wizs what''
chapter 3- the death uses he's new magic powersthe zombie came and atack the mum and she was daed
the girl was cring for a long time but sudanli something
ublevable was hapnig a ghost came and the girl looked and
she said
''mum is that u how did you die''
''oh darling i daed in a zombie atack''
''oh mum how did it feel''
''i dont know well it feelt like your hart was stoping''
''mum plese come back i miss you
the deth said he is ganna use hes powers on me you have to help''
chapter 4- the mum came back to life.''mum were dad he hesant came back sins 3 day's now
mum what's happning ''
''im a live''
oh mum i missed you so much
Publication Date: 11-03-2013
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